This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

The petition to have Piers Morgan deported from the United States has over 5 times as many signatures as Paid Shill Dickie Gage's petition has.

And that's in only 2 days. :eusa_shhh:

Tell us again how relevant the "Truth" Movement is. :rofl:

In the 45 minutes since I posted this, the Piers Morgan petition has gained over 600 signatures.

That's roughly 2 years of Dickie's Petition Of Dupes effort. :lmao:
what hit the Pentagon if it wasnt AA77

This called to mind an analogy I read somewhere:

[...] By way of analogy, imagine a murder prosecution where the defense has presented an overwhelmingly strong case - more than just reasonable doubt - solid proof that the accused cannot possibly have committed the crime. But then the prosecution plays it’s trump card. "But if your client did not commit the crime, then who did?" The defense answers that it has no idea. Everyone would agree that a guilty verdict on this basis, would be an outrageous lapse of logic. [...]

That we don't know what actually happened is of no consequence to our capacity to know that what the government told us is a load of shit.
what hit the Pentagon if it wasnt AA77
We know it was an Airliner because the video tapes from the surrounding areas clearly show an airliner hitting the pentagon.

Oh wait, the US Gov't confiscated all those videos and hasn't released them.

Well, we know the entire area was cordoned off, the crime scene was secured and an exhaustive criminal investigation was done.

Oh wait, no it wasn't.
The petition to have Piers Morgan deported from the United States has over 5 times as many signatures as Paid Shill Dickie Gage's petition has.

And that's in only 2 days. :eusa_shhh:

Tell us again how relevant the "Truth" Movement is. :rofl:

In the 45 minutes since I posted this, the Piers Morgan petition has gained over 600 signatures.

That's roughly 2 years of Dickie's Petition Of Dupes effort. :lmao:


Dickie's petition for a new investigation he doesn't really want has managed to get a total of 17,962 signatures in 6 fucking YEARS. (1,757 AE & 16,205 hangers-on)

The petition to kick Piers Morgan out of the country has gotten 18,046 signatures in less than 3 DAYS.

Tell us again how relevant the Truthers are.

what hit the Pentagon if it wasnt AA77
We know it was an Airliner because the video tapes from the surrounding areas clearly show an airliner hitting the pentagon.

Oh wait, the US Gov't confiscated all those videos and hasn't released them.

Well, we know the entire area was cordoned off, the crime scene was secured and an exhaustive criminal investigation was done.

Oh wait, no it wasn't.

Ahh...what we know.

Nobody who boarded AA77 was ever seen again.
The DNA from those who boarded AA77 was found at the Pentagon.
Light poles were knocked down in such a pattern that indicates a plane such as AA77 approached Pentagon airspace very low.
100 percent of all wreckage found belongs to a plane such as AA77.
AA77 was tracked into Pentagon airspace.
And yes exhaustive investigations proved all of the above. You are simply an idiot.
what hit the Pentagon if it wasnt AA77

This called to mind an analogy I read somewhere:

[...] By way of analogy, imagine a murder prosecution where the defense has presented an overwhelmingly strong case - more than just reasonable doubt - solid proof that the accused cannot possibly have committed the crime. But then the prosecution plays it’s trump card. "But if your client did not commit the crime, then who did?" The defense answers that it has no idea. Everyone would agree that a guilty verdict on this basis, would be an outrageous lapse of logic. [...]

That we don't know what actually happened is of no consequence to our capacity to know that what the government told us is a load of shit.

Well since you cant post an answer....we'll assume you have none. The 911 commission remains 100% accurate on the major points
What hit the Pentagon is up for debate for good reasons.
The 9-11 commission report is proven to be false, according to the writers.
How can DNA be salvaged from a crash that was said to melted most of the plane.
DNA can not survive such temps.
A meticulous search for DNA is in doubt since remains were dumped in a landfill.
DNA can be fabricated and planted.
Whether it was a 77 or another plane, or missile,
The broader question is how the entire event was allowed to happen in the first place.
And once again over 100 eyewitnesses are dismissed at the pentagon but 1 witness is all that is needed for WTC7....

So funny............

So funny....You dismiss the eyewitnesses at the WTC who said there were explosions and possibly secondary devices, and molten metal in the rubble piles. Who the fuck are you to complain about ignoring eyewitnesses.
I've listened to all your witnesses about secondary explosions, and have admitted that there had to have been numerous secondary explosions at the twin towers. As there would be in any office building fire. Explosion does not equal explosives.......
You fools cannot own the truth........

You dismiss over one hundred eyewitness at the pentagon yet hang your entire WTC7 theory on the statement of one witness of whom the person with him tells a different story.

None of you has ever handed me my ass. You simply are to stupid to admit it.

But do keep trying the entertainment level is great........

You should see if you could do this for a living.....

But then again, don't give up your day job.........


Go ahead, tell them everything you know about 9/11. It'll only take 10 seconds. :lmao:

You are one dumb son-of-a-bitch!

such hypocrisy from the paid troll.:lol: Notice this GREAT comeback to Jones excellent post?:lol: He has to lie and say we entertain him when in reality he is crying and pulling the hairs out of his head in frustration trying to remember the NEW lies his handlers sent him here to post.:lol:

He is the one thats entertaining.were not the ones CLAIMING that a video is debunked and then always EVERYTIME runs off when challenged to debunk them and never has ONCE in his entire time he has been here trolling, ever even attempted to do so.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

This lying troll knows he would be laughed out of a debating hall withing one minute if he debated like that there the same way he does here.:lol: the moderater would say-Gomer,Mr Jones has produced some evidence and facts in that video for you to debunk.why are you not saying anything? you just claimed you have debunked it but your not even trying to prove you have.sorry Gomer,your not saying anything,you lose your case.:lol::lol:

they would say that to him EVERYTIME and he knows

He is obviously trying to laugh off the hurt that he feels after Jones took him to school like he always does here.makes him feel better about himself trying to deal with defeat.:lol::D

comedy gold from Gomer as always.Jones makes a long lengthy well thought out excellent post of irrefutable facts and evidence and in Gomers warped little mind,he debunked him in a short 10 second post.What a fucking joke he is.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:
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And once again over 100 eyewitnesses are dismissed at the pentagon but 1 witness is all that is needed for WTC7....

So funny............

So funny....You dismiss the eyewitnesses at the WTC who said there were explosions and possibly secondary devices, and molten metal in the rubble piles. Who the fuck are you to complain about ignoring eyewitnesses.

as always,Gomer proves his hypocrisy.:lol: He also dismisses those highly qualified experts in the patriots question 9/11 link saying THEY are wrong and HE is right.:lol::lol: comedy gold from the troll.:lol:
What hit the Pentagon is up for debate for good reasons.
The 9-11 commission report is proven to be false, according to the writers.
You couldn't quote a major inaccuracy in the entire document last time I asked. You can't do it now either.

How can DNA be salvaged from a crash that was said to melted most of the plane.
DNA can not survive such temps.
Bodies survived the crash.

A meticulous search for DNA is in doubt since remains were dumped in a landfill.
Only by no-life losers like yourself.

DNA can be fabricated and planted.
This part is true however no evidence exists that such a fallacy ever existed except in the mind of twoofers which is usually empty.

Whether it was a 77 or another plane, or missile,
The broader question is how the entire event was allowed to happen in the first place

Missiles don't carry DNA. Missiles do not knock down light poles.

Class dismissed.
[...] Explosion does not equal explosives.......

Maybe not, but explosions (plural) in rapid succession immediately preceding the collapses do.

[ame=]FDNY describe the bombs planted in the World Trade Center - YouTube[/ame]

Daniel Rivera

It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was -- do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear "POP POP POP POP POP"? That's exactly what -- because I thought it was that. When I heard that frigging noise, that's when I saw the building coming down.[...]

Richard Banaciski

It seemed like on television when they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions. [...]

Thomas Turilli

[...]The door closed, they went up, and it just seemed a couple seconds and all of a sudden you just heard like it almost actually that day sounded like bombs going off, like boom, boom, boom, like seven or eight [...]

Ken Rogers

[...]I kept watching. Floor after floor after floor. One floor under another after another and when it hit about the fifth floor, I figured it was a bomb, because it looked like a synchronized deliberate kind of thing.[...]

Tom Fitzpatrick, Deputy Commissioner for Administration, assigned to the Commissioner' s office.

[...] I remember seeing, it looked like sparkling around one specific layer of the building. I assume now that that was either windows starting to collapse like tinsel or something. Then the building started to come down. My initial reaction was that this was exactly the way it looks when they show you those implosions on TV. [...]

In the Trost/Sheppard book, [ame=]Running Toward Danger: Stories Behind The Breaking News of 9/11[/ame], John Bussey, foreign editor for the Wall Street Journal described what he saw as follows:

[...]I heard this metallic roar, looked up and saw what I thought was just a peculiar site of individual floors, one after the other exploding outward. I thought to myself, “My God, they’re going to bring the building down.” And they, whoever they are, had set charges. [...]

There are more...
Well since you cant post an answer....we'll assume you have none. [...]

No need to assume; I'm not afraid to admit that I don't have all the answers.

But basing my opinion on the teeniest bit of video evidence...

[ame=]FBI footage: missile hits the pentagon - YouTube[/ame]

...I'd say, whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, looked absolutely nothing like a jumbo passenger jet.
Well since you cant post an answer....we'll assume you have none. [...]

No need to assume; I'm not afraid to admit that I don't have all the answers.

But basing my opinion on the teeniest bit of video evidence...

[ame=]FBI footage: missile hits the pentagon - YouTube[/ame]

...I'd say, whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, looked absolutely nothing like a jumbo passenger jet.

What did it look like?
Where did the wreckage, DNA of the passengers, and tracking of the aircraft come from if it wasn't AA77?
What did it look like?

Well, the video's so blurry, it's really hard to tell.

But going back to the famous set of five frames leaked in 2002, I'd say it was a smaller plane with a very distinctive paint scheme.


Sort of reminiscent of a slightly modified Lockheed Martin Jetstar C-140.


Modified, in that the top half of the rear fin had apparently been chopped off (or otherwise removed).

[...]Where did the wreckage, DNA of the passengers, and tracking of the aircraft come from if it wasn't AA77?

I'd rather not speculate about any of that.
...and by "smaller", I just meant smaller than a Boeing 757-200 ...which should have had a pretty distinctive paint scheme in its own rite.

Here's a look at a differently decorated incarnation of an Air Force 2 plane.

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