This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Hey guise! Let me ask you a question.

We've been told that the Twin Towers collapsed with a "pancake effect" right? One floor slams onto another then another until it reaches the ground.

Ok, so that depends on each successive floor perfectly pancaking onto the one below right?

You follow me?

If one floor shifted and went off to the side then eventually it would ALL slide off the side of the building and leave an X number of floors still standing right?

If the Pancake Theory is correct then how could THIS have happened?:


See the top falling over to one side? That shifts the center of gravity to the side and eventually that portion would fall of the side wouldn't it?

Unless of course, the floors below it were somehow being removed while it was falling. But of course that couldn't be!

Please explain.

In order for that portion to "fall of the side", something would have to push it sideways for over 1/2 the building width. Gravity was pulling it down. What force was being exerted which would push it sideways?
Hey guise! Let me ask you a question.

We've been told that the Twin Towers collapsed with a "pancake effect" right? One floor slams onto another then another until it reaches the ground.

Ok, so that depends on each successive floor perfectly pancaking onto the one below right?

You follow me?

If one floor shifted and went off to the side then eventually it would ALL slide off the side of the building and leave an X number of floors still standing right?

If the Pancake Theory is correct then how could THIS have happened?:


See the top falling over to one side? That shifts the center of gravity to the side and eventually that portion would fall of the side wouldn't it?

Unless of course, the floors below it were somehow being removed while it was falling. But of course that couldn't be!

Please explain.

As to your point about the floors having to "pancake perfectly", look at the small gussets that were used to hold the trusses in place.


Those would have failed no matter how the floor above fell on it, or even if the floor above hit them as rubble.
In order for that portion to "fall of the side", something would have to push it sideways for over 1/2 the building width. Gravity was pulling it down. What force was being exerted which would push it sideways?
Maybe I didn't explain it good enough.

The pancake theory we've all been told has all the floors slamming down onto the ones below.

Do you believe that an object has a center of gravity? A balance point? Everything does.

As long as the floors slammed down on each other perfectly with no shift at all, the center of gravity stayed in place and we can believe that pancake theory. Or at least it makes sense.

But that's not what happened.

You can see from the picture I posted that the top portion started falling to one side (for whatever reason). That means the center of gravity shifted to that side. So what SHOULD have happened is that the top portion would start taking out the floors below it until it's center of gravity moved it away from the center of the building. Then it would just fall off to one side and leave the remaining floors intact.

And they would stay intact because there would be no weight above it to crush them.

Sorta like a stack of books or boxes falling over, not all of them would tip because the weight (or force) would move off.

You see what I'm saying?
In order for that portion to "fall of the side", something would have to push it sideways for over 1/2 the building width. Gravity was pulling it down. What force was being exerted which would push it sideways?
Perhaps the building structure on that side wasn't collapsing as fast as the other, thus causing it to shift over?
In order for that portion to "fall of the side", something would have to push it sideways for over 1/2 the building width. Gravity was pulling it down. What force was being exerted which would push it sideways?
Maybe I didn't explain it good enough.

The pancake theory we've all been told has all the floors slamming down onto the ones below.

Do you believe that an object has a center of gravity? A balance point? Everything does.

As long as the floors slammed down on each other perfectly with no shift at all, the center of gravity stayed in place and we can believe that pancake theory. Or at least it makes sense.

But that's not what happened.

You can see from the picture I posted that the top portion started falling to one side (for whatever reason). That means the center of gravity shifted to that side. So what SHOULD have happened is that the top portion would start taking out the floors below it until it's center of gravity moved it away from the center of the building. Then it would just fall off to one side and leave the remaining floors intact.

And they would stay intact because there would be no weight above it to crush them.

Sorta like a stack of books or boxes falling over, not all of them would tip because the weight (or force) would move off.

You see what I'm saying?

And the center of gravity would have to move out past the perimeter columns before it could fall over the side. As long as it's inside the perimeter, it will keep falling down.

And with the building being at least 95% air, and open floor plans, there was nothing to resist the downward motion of the center of gravity.

Finally, the upper blocks fell apart as they collided with the lower structure, so there would be no one single center of gravity to determine the actions of the upper block.
you wont get these paid shills to admit that though otherwise their handlers will stop paying them.
Ok, forget the pancake theory for now. Let's just assume it did happen that way and all the floors pancaked to the ground.

I have another question then: Where did all the wreckage go to?

I mean, the Twin Towers were what, 110 stories tall right? So that means if they both collapsed onto their own footprints, there should have been 110 floors of concrete and steel (220 floors total) on the ground right?

This is a ground level shot just after the attacks. Shouldn't there be 110 floors of wreckage there? Where did it all go?:


You wanna' tell me that THIS, compacted into THAT?


Really? I'm expected to believe that?

And even if it WAS a controlled Demolition (and I'm not saying it was) there should still be what's left after it came down right? Shouldn't there be at least a few hundred feet of wreckage piled up?

Someone wanna' answer why there isn't much there? Does that REALLY seem right to you?
Ok, forget the pancake theory for now. Let's just assume it did happen that way and all the floors pancaked to the ground.

I have another question then: Where did all the wreckage go to?

I mean, the Twin Towers were what, 110 stories tall right? So that means if they both collapsed onto their own footprints, there should have been 110 floors of concrete and steel (220 floors total) on the ground right?

This is a ground level shot just after the attacks. Shouldn't there be 110 floors of wreckage there? Where did it all go?:


You wanna' tell me that THIS, compacted into THAT?


Really? I'm expected to believe that?

And even if it WAS a controlled Demolition (and I'm not saying it was) there should still be what's left after it came down right? Shouldn't there be at least a few hundred feet of wreckage piled up?

Someone wanna' answer why there isn't much there? Does that REALLY seem right to you?

First off, the buildings were around 95% air.

Second, there were 7 levels of parking under each tower, which also collapsed.
7 stories underground and piles of debris as high as 3 stories above ground and some sections as high as 6 stories above ground....
7 stories? You sure about that?

This pic shows workers standing on the bottom floor of one of the World Trade Centers. Looks like 2 maybe 3 stories at most. You know how I know that's the bottom floor? Those workers are standing on an 18th Century boat that was found under the wreckage.

7 stories underground and piles of debris as high as 3 stories above ground and some sections as high as 6 stories above ground....
7 stories? You sure about that?

This pic shows workers standing on the bottom floor of one of the World Trade Centers. Looks like 2 maybe 3 stories at most. You know how I know that's the bottom floor? Those workers are standing on an 18th Century boat that was found under the wreckage.


Gee, that's funny. It sure looked a hell of a lot deeper while they were building it.


I wonder where they found such a small crane? :dunno:
7 stories underground and piles of debris as high as 3 stories above ground and some sections as high as 6 stories above ground....
7 stories? You sure about that?

This pic shows workers standing on the bottom floor of one of the World Trade Centers. Looks like 2 maybe 3 stories at most. You know how I know that's the bottom floor? Those workers are standing on an 18th Century boat that was found under the wreckage.


I don't think that's the world trade center...Either that or it's before it was built...
Gee, that's funny. It sure looked a hell of a lot deeper while they were building it.


I wonder where they found such a small crane? :dunno:
Ok, it's that deep. Are you saying that all the wreckage from 110 stories was compacted into that space along with all the steel that's already there? You think that's even physically possible?

This Ambulance was parked 100 feet from one of the Towers, at ground level, so there should be wreckage piled high behind it right? In some places as high as 7 stories, like Ollie said.


Looks like about 1 story max, that about right? You saying 110 stories compacted itself pancake style into a space of about 11 stories?

7 stories underground and piles of debris as high as 3 stories above ground and some sections as high as 6 stories above ground....
7 stories? You sure about that?

This pic shows workers standing on the bottom floor of one of the World Trade Centers. Looks like 2 maybe 3 stories at most. You know how I know that's the bottom floor? Those workers are standing on an 18th Century boat that was found under the wreckage.


I don't think that's the world trade center...Either that or it's before it was built...

The ship was found just south of where the World Trade Center towers used to stand, about 20 feet below the surface, It was not touched by earlier construction. McDonald and her AKRF colleagues Elizabeth Meade and A. Michael Pappalardo have been monitoring the site for over a year.
Pieces of ship made in 1700s found at ground zero building site -

Just south of where the WTC towers used to stand would be across Liberty Street under where the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church used to be.
7 stories underground and piles of debris as high as 3 stories above ground and some sections as high as 6 stories above ground....
7 stories? You sure about that?

This pic shows workers standing on the bottom floor of one of the World Trade Centers. Looks like 2 maybe 3 stories at most. You know how I know that's the bottom floor? Those workers are standing on an 18th Century boat that was found under the wreckage.


I don't think that's the world trade center...Either that or it's before it was built...
I knew someone would say that.
Ground Zero diggers uncover hull of 18th century ship | World news | The Guardian
Ok, forget the pancake theory for now. Let's just assume it did happen that way and all the floors pancaked to the ground.

I have another question then: Where did all the wreckage go to?

I mean, the Twin Towers were what, 110 stories tall right? So that means if they both collapsed onto their own footprints, there should have been 110 floors of concrete and steel (220 floors total) on the ground right?

This is a ground level shot just after the attacks. Shouldn't there be 110 floors of wreckage there? Where did it all go?:


You wanna' tell me that THIS, compacted into THAT?


Really? I'm expected to believe that?

And even if it WAS a controlled Demolition (and I'm not saying it was) there should still be what's left after it came down right? Shouldn't there be at least a few hundred feet of wreckage piled up?

Someone wanna' answer why there isn't much there? Does that REALLY seem right to you?

Sure. The TTs really weren't 110 stories tall. It was an optical illusion created so the insurance companies could be bilked for billions. See how easy that was? :D
Gee, that's funny. It sure looked a hell of a lot deeper while they were building it.


I wonder where they found such a small crane? :dunno:
Ok, it's that deep. Are you saying that all the wreckage from 110 stories was compacted into that space along with all the steel that's already there? You think that's even physically possible?

This Ambulance was parked 100 feet from one of the Towers, at ground level, so there should be wreckage piled high behind it right? In some places as high as 7 stories, like Ollie said.


Looks like about 1 story max, that about right? You saying 110 stories compacted itself pancake style into a space of about 11 stories?


And now look at this photo, compare the size of the machine to the pile it's on, and tell me that's less than 4 stories high.


And Ollie was also talking about the 7 UNDERGROUND levels of the towers.
Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



This just might be the biggest load of horse shit I have ever read on this board.

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