This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?
Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?

I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D
Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?

I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D

Actually they make it easy....... And if you ask most of them i get paid to make them look silly.... Wished I knew when those checks were going to arrive.........
Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?

I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D

I applaud your stupidity you on how your able to be brainwashed by these paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Dawgshit, and Moron In the Hat.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gomer Ollie always ignores the fact that independent investigaters interviewed the spokesperson for that airliner shortly after that crash and was told by them that all that easily plantable evidence was just that,evidence planted.:lol:He didnt come out and say that in those words because he dodnt want to imply anuything obviously, but he did say right then that all that debris was not wreackage that comes from that particular airlliner.:lol:

You always ignore facts that prove you wrong all the time in our past discussions and as just proved on your thread you made so you will do just the same thing Gomer always does as well and ignore this little fact just like he always does of course so dont expect me to read your pitiful rambling in reply to this.

Oh and thanks for proving your ignorance in this case as well.Gomer didnt show any pics of the nose section,the tail section,the luggage,or the seats.All Gomer did was prove for us how the government lied about the events of 9/11 because when they asked why there were no pics of all that which I just mentioned,thats when THEY came up with the explanation that none of that was seen there because they allegedly vaorized.:lol::lol:

I love how you worship these paid trolls and let them brainwash you for being afraid to face facts,they love you for that.:clap2::clap2:
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Greetings to All:

The Pentagon was attacked on 9/11 by a rogue element inside the U.S. military using a plan that almost failed at the very beginning. The inside-job bad guys used a retrofitted and radio-controlled A-3 TNT-filled Jet to launch a missile attack (like this) at 9:31:39 AM (see FAA Timeline here) on Column Line (CL) 14 using this flight path, but the complicated maneuvers caused the radio operator to lose control and altitude at the critical moment, which caused the starboard wing to begin clipping the five downed light poles. The radio operator had a panic attack for fear that the painted up A-3 would crash into the Pentagon lawn, so he pulled back on the joystick to create what the CIT boys are calling the “Flyover Plane,” NOT at 9:38 AM, but at 9:31:39 AM when the Pentagon clocks stopped. The radio operator then began making a wide turn to the north that was witnessed by the C-130 pilot and many other people, until making the final attack strike on the Wedge One Wall between CL 9 and CL 15 at 9:36:27 AM just about 5 minutes later to create Terry Cohen's "Terrible Explosion" that took place 'after' the Original 9:31:39 AM attack.

Terry Cohen News Video

The problem for our inside-job bad guys is that the Pentagon Limestone-clad masonry wall required the ‘inside’ explosion from the missile strike, in coordination with the A-3 CL 9-15 massive explosion, to take down the E-Ring roof during the original 9:31:39 AM attack run. This attack location was chosen far in advance because of the CL 11 control-joint that would bring down the E-Ring roof very effectively. However, the A-3 Jet was forced over the E-Ring roof at 9:31:39 AM and also struck the second story concrete slab in the 9:36:27 AM attack, which means the E-Ring roof fell just one foot (look carefully at the control joint above the fire truck) to become wedged tightly against the northern side of CL-11. Our inside-job bad guys then had a terrible problem, because many explosive charges were needed to eventually bring the E-Ring Roof down at 10:15 AM about 45 minutes after the original missile attack.

Pentagon News 5 Video

This means the inside-job bad guys had to go around fabricating the many different “Official Timelines” (link) that are filled with contradictions (ACAAR = Page 200) in order to give their fake “Flight 77” Cover Story the resemblance of credibility. The inside-job bad guys have been working everyday running their counterintelligence disinformation campaigns to cover their tracks from that time to today.

Lloyd England’s taxi was struck by Pole #1 during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, which is the reason he saw a single smoke plume (Barbara Honegger's paper) from the original small CL 13-15 entry hole (picture). While he and his partner were wrestling around with the light pole, then the A-3 Jet created the “Big Boom*” that knocked him down and almost killed him for the second time in just 5 minutes. :0) Many people think the light pole evidence was staged, because they are BLIND to the 911Truth that we have been looking at ‘two attacks’ (LetsRoll thread) all along. The second ‘Big Boom’ happened 5 minutes later at 9:36:27 AM, while Lloyd and his helper were removing the pole from his windshield. The next series of explosions started at 9:42 AM, which is event #27 on my Pentagon Timeline here.

The reason you have so much confusion and contradiction between all these Pentagon witnesses is because ‘some’ of them saw the 9:31:39 AM A-3 Flyover and others saw the actual Jet hit the Pentagon at 9:36:27 AM like these two witnesses:

Michael Kelly News Video

Don Wright News Video

The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the A-3 disappear into the single smoke plume on the ‘South-of-Citgo’ Flight Path, while the 9:36:27 AM witnesses saw the same painted-up Jet crash into the Pentagon wall using the “North-of-Citgo” Fight Path shown here. The 9:31:39 AM witnesses saw the light poles flying around (witness link), but the 9:36:27 AM people saw no signs of any light poles being hit along the North-of-Citgo Flight Path. That is the reason some so-called Pentagon Investigators think the light pole evidence is all staged. :0) We have small bits of Jet debris (pic), because the A-3 was blown into a kazillion bits at impact. Nobody has ever found one piece of any real Boeing 757-200 Jetliner debris, because this damage and this damage was NOT created by any real 100-Ton Jetliner going any 530 miles per hour. :0) That is the reason no 'time-change' parts (story) have ever been produced by the inside-job FBI/Bushie Administration bad guys in the first place. The damage pattern (pic) is consistent with a ‘three attack’ scenario from the 9:31:39 AM missile strike, the 9:36:27 AM Jet attack ‘and’ the subsequent Controlled-Demolition Explosions that eventually brought the E-Ring roof down at 10:15 AM.

Nobody can show you a picture of a crashed 100-Ton Jetliner at the Pentagon (Expert Video), because nothing like that ever happened.



This just might be the biggest load of horse shit I have ever read on this board.

Typical post of a loyal Bush dupe in denial.when they cant refute the factsmthey come back with these pathetic one liners for their rebutalls.:lol: :clap2:
Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?

I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D

I applaud your stupidity you on how your able to be brainwashed by these paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Dawgshit, and Moron In the Hat.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Gomer Ollie always ignores the fact that independent investigaters interviewed the spokesperson for that airliner shortly after that crash and was told by them that all that easily plantable evidence was just that,evidence planted.:lol:He didnt come out and say that in those words because he dodnt want to imply anuything obviously, but he did say right then that all that debris was not wreackage that comes from that particular airlliner.:lol:

How convenient.
Your source claims the debris could have been planted. Did he provide any evidence of planting? No? What a surprise! I mean, Elvis may still be alive but... :D
I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D

I applaud your stupidity you on how your able to be brainwashed by these paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Dawgshit, and Moron In the Hat.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Gomer Ollie always ignores the fact that independent investigaters interviewed the spokesperson for that airliner shortly after that crash and was told by them that all that easily plantable evidence was just that,evidence planted.:lol:He didnt come out and say that in those words because he dodnt want to imply anuything obviously, but he did say right then that all that debris was not wreackage that comes from that particular airlliner.:lol:

How convenient.
Your source claims the debris could have been planted. Did he provide any evidence of planting? No? What a surprise! I mean, Elvis may still be alive but... :D

so says the frady cat troll who runs off with his tail between his legs when challenged to debunk this short five minute video.:lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2:

oh and nice dodge as always.:clap2::clap2:
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I applaud your stupidity you on how your able to be brainwashed by these paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Dawgshit, and Moron In the Hat.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Gomer Ollie always ignores the fact that independent investigaters interviewed the spokesperson for that airliner shortly after that crash and was told by them that all that easily plantable evidence was just that,evidence planted.:lol:He didnt come out and say that in those words because he dodnt want to imply anuything obviously, but he did say right then that all that debris was not wreackage that comes from that particular airlliner.:lol:

How convenient.
Your source claims the debris could have been planted. Did he provide any evidence of planting? No? What a surprise! I mean, Elvis may still be alive but... :D

so says the frady cat troll who runs off with his tail between his legs when challenged to debunk this short five minute video.:lol::lol::lol::clap2::clap2:

oh and nice dodge as always.:clap2::clap2:

The dodge, as always, is yours, Princess. Your source made reference to planted evidence yet provided no proof of same.
Evidently you have had no luck finding any proof either.
What a surprise!
This is typical of the shaky foundation under your conspiracy theory but you must ignore it to continue your quest for glory. Enjoy! :D
Translation Of SAYIT's latest post-yeah your right 9/11.I am a frady cat troll who only sees what he wants to see so anything that proves my ramblings wrong I ignore and dismiss cause i am a chickenshit coward in denial and afraid of the truth.
Translation Of SAYIT's latest post-yeah your right 9/11.I am a frady cat troll who only sees what he wants to see so anything that proves my ramblings wrong I ignore and dismiss cause i am a chickenshit coward in denial and afraid of the truth.

I'll take that screed to mean you still have no proof that evidence was planted at the Pentagon.
What a surprise! You're all talk and no substance, Princess. :D
Vaporized? Really?





How many do you want?

I applaud your patience in dealing with the deniers but we both know they have absolutely no interest in facts which contradict their seemingly genetically imprinted conclusions. :D

I applaud your stupidity you on how your able to be brainwashed by these paid trolls Gomer Ollie,Dawgshit, and Moron In the Hat.:lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Gomer Ollie always ignores the fact that independent investigaters interviewed the spokesperson for that airliner shortly after that crash and was told by them that all that easily plantable evidence was just that,evidence planted.:lol:He didnt come out and say that in those words because he dodnt want to imply anuything obviously, but he did say right then that all that debris was not wreackage that comes from that particular airlliner.:lol:

You always ignore facts that prove you wrong all the time in our past discussions and as just proved on your thread you made so you will do just the same thing Gomer always does as well and ignore this little fact just like he always does of course so dont expect me to read your pitiful rambling in reply to this.

Oh and thanks for proving your ignorance in this case as well.Gomer didnt show any pics of the nose section,the tail section,the luggage,or the seats.All Gomer did was prove for us how the government lied about the events of 9/11 because when they asked why there were no pics of all that which I just mentioned,thats when THEY came up with the explanation that none of that was seen there because they allegedly vaorized.:lol::lol:

I love how you worship these paid trolls and let them brainwash you for being afraid to face facts,they love you for that.:clap2::clap2:

You are as normal a lying *unt...Carry on......
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I've seen the photos of the wreckage, Ollie.

I've also studied the Yoon/Scott analysis of the engine components/landing gear.

Vaporized? Really?

There was a reason that was part of the narrative which emerged in the media as the day progressed on 9/11 and continued for several years thereafter. With a relatively small amount of crudely identifiable 757 parts to go on, one could either assume that much of the aircraft had been incinerated ...or that a handful of evidence had been planted early on (with more added later away from the crash site). As noted by Gerard Holmgren, all of the parts shown in the early releases are portable chunks.

Also, Pentagon Police Officer William Lagasse, reported that an engine was seen being taken away from the crash site (as opposed to being photographed and cataloged on location).

Apart from that, I noticed the pic of the cockpit voice recorder, but conspicuously absent from your little montage was the flight data recorder (which we now know was supposedly recovered and has since been used to prove that Flight 77 didn't come close to the flightpath that was officially reported and corroborated by a number of shady eyewitnesses.

As for the downed light poles:
[ame=]9/11 Pentagon Reality Check 6: eyewitness Officer WILLIAM LAGASSE - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Cab Driver Involved In 9/11 Pentagon Attack Admits "It Was Planned" VERY INTERESTING!! - YouTube[/ame]

But listen, since you're such a fan of staged (or otherwise phony) images, check this one out...


Isn't it amazing how the only credible witnesses are those who saw what the nuts think they want them to see? Problem with these two officers besides the interviews being 5 years after the fact is that if the plane did follow the path they claim it would have been a direct hit instead of at an angle which is pretty much proven by the damage that was done. from the light poles to the generator....... But then again, that was all planted evidence because the exact flight path was important to the coverup....

Loons I tell you....Loons.......

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