This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11


Well, we can jab and poke and tease one another until the cows come home, but I think the fundamental question boils down to a question of trust.

The believers in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory trust their government, and trust Authorities in general, much more than I do.

And there is your blind spot.
Rather than applying the same skepticism to all the 9/11 theories you do so only with the official one. If you treated the CT Movement's theories with the doubt you reserve for the gov't, you'd find yourself far more likely to believe the gov't findings are the most likely.
It is a funny thing about coincidences. If you clip a rose in your garden, and lightning immediately strikes your house -- then that is a coincidence. If, the next time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- that is a really weird coincidence. If, every time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- then it would be an act of wisdom to invest in a lightning rod.

And this has what to do with 9-11?
nothing he's just showcasing his ignorance concerning coincidence..

Well, we can jab and poke and tease one another until the cows come home, but I think the fundamental question boils down to a question of trust.

The believers in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory trust their government, and trust Authorities in general, much more than I do.

I don't trust governments, I especially do not trust the USA government or any of its minions and allies. It is an evil government and has lied about so many things.

I have one advantage over the brainwashed Believers here. They are forced to believe a story that is full of holes (whether they admit it or not) -- they are wedded to a Theory.

I don't have a theory (despite so many swindlers trying to shoehorn me into one). I just have questions, and scepticism about Official Explanations which do not seem to make sense, and which I have not seen clearly established beyond doubt (indeed, often very unclearly "established" with a lot of hocus-pocus and hand-waving.

I am willing to change my views, provided clear evidence is given. The "Believers" in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory will never change their views, because it goes against their Government Worship and Authority Religion.

There are only a couple of points on which I am really intransigent. One is that the three World Trade Center towers could have fallen so fast without hanky-panky. The Official Story just violates the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

Another is that the hole in the Pentagon could have been caused by the airliner of the Official Theory.

Moreover, there are many, many weird coincidences that I think should make a reasonable person sceptical.

One is the Anthrax Scare that braindead American zombies are so determined to forget. It came along so conveniently for the fanning of hysteria and the hugger-mugger passage of the wicked so-called "Patriot" Act. And the government "explanation" of the Anthrax Attack is a classic of official obfuscation and denial.

How can one believe that the "stand-down" of the Air Force on 9/11 was just "a coincidence"?

Is it really credible that the passport of one of the "supposed hijackers" survived the inferno of the Towers and was immediately found "by chance" amidst the wreckage on the streets?

And the list of "coincidences" just goes on and on.

It is a funny thing about coincidences. If you clip a rose in your garden, and lightning immediately strikes your house -- then that is a coincidence. If, the next time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- that is a really weird coincidence. If, every time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- then it would be an act of wisdom to invest in a lightning rod.
Definition of COINCIDENCE
: the act or condition of coinciding : correspondence
: the occurrence of events that happen at the same time by accident but seem to have some connection; also : any of these occurrences

operative words accident and seem.
Hey you know what? If the Gov't could order stand down at Bengazi then that means they could have ALSO ordered a stand down on 9/11.

Just sayin'.

Well, we can jab and poke and tease one another until the cows come home, but I think the fundamental question boils down to a question of trust.

The believers in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory trust their government, and trust Authorities in general, much more than I do.

I don't trust governments, I especially do not trust the USA government or any of its minions and allies. It is an evil government and has lied about so many things.

I have one advantage over the brainwashed Believers here. They are forced to believe a story that is full of holes (whether they admit it or not) -- they are wedded to a Theory.

I don't have a theory (despite so many swindlers trying to shoehorn me into one). I just have questions, and scepticism about Official Explanations which do not seem to make sense, and which I have not seen clearly established beyond doubt (indeed, often very unclearly "established" with a lot of hocus-pocus and hand-waving.

I am willing to change my views, provided clear evidence is given. The "Believers" in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory will never change their views, because it goes against their Government Worship and Authority Religion.

There are only a couple of points on which I am really intransigent. One is that the three World Trade Center towers could have fallen so fast without hanky-panky. The Official Story just violates the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

Another is that the hole in the Pentagon could have been caused by the airliner of the Official Theory.

Moreover, there are many, many weird coincidences that I think should make a reasonable person sceptical.

One is the Anthrax Scare that braindead American zombies are so determined to forget. It came along so conveniently for the fanning of hysteria and the hugger-mugger passage of the wicked so-called "Patriot" Act. And the government "explanation" of the Anthrax Attack is a classic of official obfuscation and denial.

How can one believe that the "stand-down" of the Air Force on 9/11 was just "a coincidence"?

Is it really credible that the passport of one of the "supposed hijackers" survived the inferno of the Towers and was immediately found "by chance" amidst the wreckage on the streets?

And the list of "coincidences" just goes on and on.

It is a funny thing about coincidences. If you clip a rose in your garden, and lightning immediately strikes your house -- then that is a coincidence. If, the next time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- that is a really weird coincidence. If, every time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- then it would be an act of wisdom to invest in a lightning rod.

8 farts in a row from the trolls since your last post.:9: 6 of them being from are making way too much sense for the wacko conspiracy theorists of the official version to
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Hey you know what? If the Gov't could order stand down at Bengazi then that means they could have ALSO ordered a stand down on 9/11.

Just sayin'.

Kinda like the american sheople can accept it that the CIA kills world leaders overseas all the time in coup te da's,but cant deal with reality they did the same thing on nov 22nd 1963 even though two CIA men came forweard in the HSCA investigation in the 70's and said-we did it,where do you want to go with this investigation? and since it pointed towards government involvement,the committe did not pursue that lead of course since the mob was their NEW patsy since edidenced had surfaced they could not ignore anymore that there was at least another shooter.
There's a difference between an overtly ordered stand down and an affective stand down.

The documented war-gaming drills, Northern Vigilance, Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, and the National Reconnaissance Office Drill, collectively amounted to an affective stand down of US air defenses on September 11, 2001.
There's a difference between an overtly ordered stand down and an affective stand down.

The documented war-gaming drills, Northern Vigilance, Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, and the National Reconnaissance Office Drill, collectively amounted to an affective stand down of US air defenses on September 11, 2001.

How very odd, I'd never heard of an emotional stand down before.........
There's a difference between an overtly ordered stand down and an affective stand down.

The documented war-gaming drills, Northern Vigilance, Global Guardian, Vigilant Guardian, Vigilant Warrior, and the National Reconnaissance Office Drill, collectively amounted to an affective stand down of US air defenses on September 11, 2001.

How very odd, I'd never heard of an emotional stand down before.........

af·fect 1 (-fkt)
tr.v. af·fect·ed, af·fect·ing, af·fects
1. To have an influence on or effect a change in: Inflation affects the buying power of the dollar.

The drills affected the overall response of US air defenses on 9/11, such that it was virtually non-existent. In other words: they affected a stand down by adversely effecting response capabilities. -- Get it?

As for the technical incorrectness of my use of "affective" to relay the sense intended, honestly, I couldn't care less about that. Believe it or not, Ollieboy, I'm not as big a slave to rules and regulations as it may sometimes seem.

By the way, the wife and I intentionally broke a capitalization rule in naming our daughter.
9/11 was an inside job. Video evidence shows there was no 757 inside the Pentagon. There are hundreds of contradictions in the Cover Story. But if they lied in a major, major about anything, why should any part of the story be believed. You idiots that quote what the government told you as fact should remember that the evidence proves a conspiracy, while vain repetition proves nothing. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden were framed. The War on Terror is a terrible fraud. A group of traitors with connections at the highest level perpetrated the crime. All the misery since that day can be attributed to a group that is still on the loose and most likely plotting the next big event.

30 minutes of Pentagon Damage videos: (Youtube)
9/11 was an inside job. Video evidence shows there was no 757 inside the Pentagon. There are hundreds of contradictions in the Cover Story. But if they lied in a major, major about anything, why should any part of the story be believed. You idiots that quote what the government told you as fact should remember that the evidence proves a conspiracy, while vain repetition proves nothing. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden were framed. The War on Terror is a terrible fraud. A group of traitors with connections at the highest level perpetrated the crime. All the misery since that day can be attributed to a group that is still on the loose and most likely plotting the next big event.

30 minutes of Pentagon Damage videos: (Youtube)

Forensic evidence shows that a 757 did indeed hit the white house, Unless you know of a way all that DNA could have been planted and all those pieces of a 757 magically appear.... And there is no video evidence that shows any such thing. There are over a hundred eyewitnesses though, and several hundred recovery personnel who helped pick up the pieces and the body parts.
9/11 was an inside job....There are hundreds of contradictions in the Cover Story. But if they lied in a major, major about anything, why should any part of the story be believed? You idiots that quote what the government told you as fact should remember that the evidence proves a conspiracy, while vain repetition proves nothing. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden were framed. The War on Terror is a terrible fraud. A group of traitors with connections at the highest level perpetrated the crime. All the misery since that day can be attributed to a group that is still on the loose and most likely plotting the next big event
[emphases added]

The extremely concentrated ownership of the media means that these highly-placed monsters can fool the sheeple for as long as they want -- or at least long enough to get what they want, like a war in the Middle East.

A rational person would not trust the government story without firm evidence -- strong claims require strong evidence. But the government hid or destroyed all the evidence as quickly as possible; for example, the surveillance videos which would have shown clearly what happened at the Pentagon.

The Kennedy Assassination proved to the National Security State that it could get away with High Crimes. Since then, they have pulled off the Vietnam War and 9/11. What will happen next? Will it be even worse than 9/11, since they know that their control of the media, the sheeple and the National Security State alllows them to get away with anything.

That is the scariest thing about these people not being caught and punished -- the treason will just go on and on, getting worse each time.
A war in the middle east? Is that what the Government wanted? Really?

Let's think about this, We can crash 4 planes into 4 buildings (that's what the plan was) and kill thousands of Americans and blame it on people in Afghanistan because we want to go to war with Iraq, (who is shooting at our planes already). And we'll use mostly Saudi Arabian citizens to hijack the planes because that will give the truther movement more to talk about. This will mean we'll have to find hundreds of people who will not blow our cover story.


We can simply blow up one of our own planes and blame it on Saddam...Boom! War started already..... And no one but 2 or 3 to keep quiet about the plane....
$part of the plane.jpg

$wheel hub.jpg

$close up of a 757 landing gear.jpg

more pictures and eye witness accounts
A war in the middle east? Is that what the Government wanted? Really?....
Afghanistan was the thin edge of the wedge. Once the US had dug in there, it made it easier to expand the war further into the Middle East.

It is an error to think of the Government as a monolithic whole. Not everybody, by any means, wanted the Middle East adventure.

Cui bono? Who profited? Other than, as usual, the war profiteers and the Military-Industrial Conspiracy making their usual killing bleeding the American people dry, it was the Bush-Cheney tyranny that was was in charge of the stunt.

They were the front-men for the Pashas of Petroleum.

Of course, the whole military gallivanting did not make sense, other than the usual short-term banditry, but, just like other Americans, Oil Men have their own delusions.

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