This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!

Wow, you are really brainwashed with your conspiracy buddies eh?

Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!

thats agent rightwinger for ya.rightwinger missed it that the government in the 70's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter involved,anytime you bring that fact up,he ignores it like i never posted it,and always comes back and just says oswald was the lone assassin.comedy gold.:cuckoo::lmao:

like you said,rightwinger seems to not be able to comprehend that you cant destroy and remove evidence at a crime scene,that thats illegal.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lmao: none of the Bush dupes seem to be able to comprehend that little

What you said made no logical sense.

Ah Numan you can cry credibility issues all you want but until you have proof that anything is wrong it is still your credibility that is in question. You don't like what a photo shows so it is fake is not credible.... Sorry........
Ah Numan you can cry credibility issues all you want but until you have proof that anything is wrong it is still your credibility that is in question.
If my credibility is in question by the likes of you, then it can only redound to my credit.

You don't like what a photo shows so it is fake is not credible.... Sorry........
Now you are just gibbering.
Ah Numan you can cry credibility issues all you want but until you have proof that anything is wrong it is still your credibility that is in question.
If my credibility is in question by the likes of you, then it can only redound to my credit.

You don't like what a photo shows so it is fake is not credible.... Sorry........
Now you are just gibbering.
funny, eots uses that same line when his ass is in a crack too.
I guess anything would be better then googolplex of zeros on the right of the decimal point your credibility is now..
I guess anything would be better then googolplex of zeros on the right of the decimal point your credibility is now..
Sez you.

Better the good opinion of one just man, than the fawning lies of thousands.

Well, we can jab and poke and tease one another until the cows come home, but I think the fundamental question boils down to a question of trust.

The believers in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory trust their government, and trust Authorities in general, much more than I do.

I don't trust governments, I especially do not trust the USA government or any of its minions and allies. It is an evil government and has lied about so many things.

I have one advantage over the brainwashed Believers here. They are forced to believe a story that is full of holes (whether they admit it or not) -- they are wedded to a Theory.

I don't have a theory (despite so many swindlers trying to shoehorn me into one). I just have questions, and scepticism about Official Explanations which do not seem to make sense, and which I have not seen clearly established beyond doubt (indeed, often very unclearly "established" with a lot of hocus-pocus and hand-waving.

I am willing to change my views, provided clear evidence is given. The "Believers" in the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory will never change their views, because it goes against their Government Worship and Authority Religion.

There are only a couple of points on which I am really intransigent. One is that the three World Trade Center towers could have fallen so fast without hanky-panky. The Official Story just violates the Law of Conservation of Momentum.

Another is that the hole in the Pentagon could have been caused by the airliner of the Official Theory.

Moreover, there are many, many weird coincidences that I think should make a reasonable person sceptical.

One is the Anthrax Scare that braindead American zombies are so determined to forget. It came along so conveniently for the fanning of hysteria and the hugger-mugger passage of the wicked so-called "Patriot" Act. And the government "explanation" of the Anthrax Attack is a classic of official obfuscation and denial.

How can one believe that the "stand-down" of the Air Force on 9/11 was just "a coincidence"?

Is it really credible that the passport of one of the "supposed hijackers" survived the inferno of the Towers and was immediately found "by chance" amidst the wreckage on the streets?

And the list of "coincidences" just goes on and on.

It is a funny thing about coincidences. If you clip a rose in your garden, and lightning immediately strikes your house -- then that is a coincidence. If, the next time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- that is a really weird coincidence. If, every time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- then it would be an act of wisdom to invest in a lightning rod.
It is a funny thing about coincidences. If you clip a rose in your garden, and lightning immediately strikes your house -- then that is a coincidence. If, the next time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- that is a really weird coincidence. If, every time you clip a rose, lightning strikes -- then it would be an act of wisdom to invest in a lightning rod.

And this has what to do with 9-11?

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