This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D
spelling and original posting, not in handjob's skill set...
Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D



Holy shit!! 9/11 inside Rimjob is really Truthmatters in drag!
Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D

oh and samee with his lover troll agent rat in the ass who has an obvious obsession with me.
I watched some of the live television feed that day, before it was edited and prettied up. If you ever get a chance, find the footage of Rumsfeld imitating a hero. Some medics are rushing an injured man to an ambulance on a gurney, and there is Rumsfeld, crouching down and running after the gurney, pretending to push it and obviously not aiding the medics one iota. It's so totally phony-baloney!

It's interesting that they even had fake heroics in the script as photo-ops -- clever details which were ruined by Rumsfeld's lack of acting skills.
I still haven't found the video, but here is a still photo from it.


Here is a photo of Don Rumsfeld getting in the way of 6 rescuers (Six! Count 'em!) -- pretending to help them -- as they carry an injured man to an ambulance.

Some people willl do anything for a photo-op !!!
Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D

oh and samee with his lover troll agent rat in the ass who has an obvious obsession with me.
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
the classic twoofer dodge!
what's been hidden?
fuck me!
ass hats like you could be shown everything and if it didn't turn out the way fantasize it you'd still deny it's you aren't really interested in the facts.
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?

You do understand that yes these were all taken at the pentagon and hijackers put them there, Unless of course you can provide us with some pictures of a bunch of guys in pickups driving onto Pentagon property and unloading it all just as, or was it just after, a 757 slammed into the side of the building....

You guys are so funny..........The so called staged picture of Rumsfeld was taken there but not the debris....:cuckoo:
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
You do understand that yes these were all taken at the pentagon....
No, my dear böhmischer Gefreiter, not having been brainwashed by the US army as you have, I do not understand that the pictures were all taken at the Pentagon! I demand that it be proven before I accept such a statement.

Unless, of course, you can provide us with some pictures of a bunch of guys in pickups driving onto Pentagon property and unloading it all....
OF COURSE, some of it could have been stashed in the building before 9/11.

But funny that you should mention it. I CAN show some pictures of federal agents moving evidence around at the Pentagon on 9-11 -- outrageous violations of proper forensic procedure.

Other government officials who looked more like FBI agents than rescue workers were also photographed moving evidence around immediately after the crash; but none have been subpoenaed to publicly testify as to whether they were bringing evidence to, or removing it from, a mass murder crime scene.



Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
You do understand that yes these were all taken at the pentagon....
No, my dear böhmischer Gefreiter, not having been brainwashed by the US army as you have, I do not understand that the pictures were all taken at the Pentagon! I demand that it be proven before I accept such a statement.

Unless, of course, you can provide us with some pictures of a bunch of guys in pickups driving onto Pentagon property and unloading it all....
OF COURSE, some of it could have been stashed in the building before 9/11.

But funny that you should mention it. I CAN show some pictures of federal agents moving evidence around at the Pentagon on 9-11 -- outrageous violations of proper forensic procedure.

Other government officials who looked more like FBI agents than rescue workers were also photographed moving evidence around immediately after the crash; but none have been subpoenaed to publicly testify as to whether they were bringing evidence to, or removing it from, a mass murder crime scene.




And 11+ years after 9/11 not one of the millions of co-conspirators has come forward with hard info about planted evidence or planted explosives or orders to commit illegal or fraudulent acts. Not one. What are the chances of that?
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
You do understand that yes these were all taken at the pentagon....
No, my dear böhmischer Gefreiter, not having been brainwashed by the US army as you have, I do not understand that the pictures were all taken at the Pentagon! I demand that it be proven before I accept such a statement.

Unless, of course, you can provide us with some pictures of a bunch of guys in pickups driving onto Pentagon property and unloading it all....
OF COURSE, some of it could have been stashed in the building before 9/11.

But funny that you should mention it. I CAN show some pictures of federal agents moving evidence around at the Pentagon on 9-11 -- outrageous violations of proper forensic procedure.

Other government officials who looked more like FBI agents than rescue workers were also photographed moving evidence around immediately after the crash; but none have been subpoenaed to publicly testify as to whether they were bringing evidence to, or removing it from, a mass murder crime scene.




How do we know those are federal agents and that it was at the pentagon?

See how stupid you look?
Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

What plane? The one that flew into the Pentagon buddy.

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D

So if I go out and say 9/11 is a conspiracy, am I going to die to? Sure. :clap2:


Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?

The terrorist stuck them there. Give me proof otherwise.
And 11+ years after 9/11 not one of the millions of co-conspirators has come forward with hard info about planted evidence or planted explosives or orders to commit illegal or fraudulent acts. Not one. What are the chances of that?
That phony-baloney "argument" is constantly being trotted out by the defenders of the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory", and it is such bullshit!!

First of all, there need not have been "millions" of co-conspirators -- the number could have been rather small, and limited mostly to the tightly controlled and legally constrained totalitarian slaves of the alphabet-soup of American "security" agencies.

Great conspiracies can be, and historically have been, prevented from leaking, or have leaked only after a considerable delay.

There are many pressures and dangers that can be applied to people who have fallen into the grip of governments, or other Mafias, to keep their lips sealed. Moreover, it is standard procedure so to divide up the separate parts of conspiracies that those who carry them out do not realize what they are doing, or only realize it too late.

This is all so well-known by anyone who can think, that it is difficult for me to believe that you are so stupid as not to be aware of it. Which then leads to the question: what is your hidden agenda that you trot out an objection which is so deeply and obviously flawed?
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And 11+ years after 9/11 not one of the millions of co-conspirators has come forward with hard info about planted evidence or planted explosives or orders to commit illegal or fraudulent acts. Not one. What are the chances of that?
That phony-baloney "argument" is constantly being trotted out by the defenders of the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory", and it is such bullshit!!

First of all, there need not have been "millions" of co-conspirators -- the number could have been rather small, and limited mostly to the tightly controlled and legally constrained totalitarian slaves of the alphabet-soup of American "security" agencies.

Great conspiracies can be, and historically have been, prevented from leaking, or have leaked only after a considerable delay.

There are many pressures and dangers that can be applied to people who have fallen into the grip of governments, or other Mafias, to keep their lips sealed. Moreover, it is standard procedure to so divide up the separate parts of conspiracies that those who carry them out do not realize what they are doing, or only realize it too late.

This is all so well-known by anyone who can think, that it is difficult for me to believe that you are so stupid as not to be aware of it. Which then leads to the question: what is your hidden agenda that you trot out an objection which is so deeply and obviously flawed?

Any Proof? Seeing none but a load of bullshit.....
And 11+ years after 9/11 not one of the millions of co-conspirators has come forward with hard info about planted evidence or planted explosives or orders to commit illegal or fraudulent acts. Not one. What are the chances of that?
That phony-baloney "argument" is constantly being trotted out by the defenders of the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory", and it is such bullshit!!

First of all, there need not have been "millions" of co-conspirators -- the number could have been rather small, and limited mostly to the tightly controlled and legally constrained totalitarian slaves of the alphabet-soup of American "security" agencies.

Great conspiracies can be, and historically have been, prevented from leaking, or have leaked only after a considerable delay.

There are many pressures and dangers that can be applied to people who have fallen into the grip of governments, or other Mafias, to keep their lips sealed. Moreover, it is standard procedure to so divide up the separate parts of conspiracies that those who carry them out do not realize what they are doing, or only realize it too late.

This is all so well-known by anyone who can think, that it is difficult for me to believe that you are so stupid as not to be aware of it. Which then leads to the question: what is your hidden agenda that you trot out an objection which is so deeply and obviously flawed?

They have no proof. Which is why they haven't tried to take it into court....They don't have one shred of actual evidence, but they do have a lot of opinions..........Too bad they all say something different.....
How do we know those are federal agents and that it was at the pentagon?

See how stupid you look?
There!! You see, Ollie, you are capable of rational scepticism -- even though it is too little, too late, and only directed at those who do not worship the jingoistic idols-with-feet-of-clay to which you have sacrificed the last full measure of devotion.

A sensible person is always sceptical -- though, in this case, one would need to consider that the Associated Press is lying about its photographs if one imagines they were not taken on 9/11.
How do we know those are federal agents and that it was at the pentagon?

See how stupid you look?
There!! You see, Ollie, you are capable of rational scepticism -- even though it is too little, too late, and only directed at those who do not worship the jingoistic idols-with-feet-of-clay to which you have sacrificed the last full measure of devotion.

A sensible person is always sceptical -- though, in this case, one would need to consider that the Associated Press is lying about its photographs if one imagines they were not taken on 9/11.

Except that I know those pics were taken at the pentagon and they were probably told by someone in authority to collect the debris. I also know that there were no plane parts planted at the pentagon ahead of time. Ever been in the military? Every NCO at the Pentagon would have had a detail out there picking anything up off that grass.....No way anything could have been planted......

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