This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."
About what was expected.... Pure stupidity.
Nor did you disappoint, Sarge.

Good luck on your de-conditioning therapy.
Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time. If you notice, they always lie when they cant refute facts.
I have noticed that about a number of posters here, and it has occurred to me that they could be CIA (or other alphabet agency) paid trolls.

Indeed, I have wondered it they might not be humans at all, but computer chatterbots -- Turing machine computers programmed to waste the time of those few Americans who still have an interest in truth.

I have been mulling over in my mind ways to counter these robots, if such be the case.

WOW, your fall is epic! I don't think I've EVER seen someone go from positive rep to sucking off goats so fast. You are quite the troll doood. Glad we have you for the low brow entertainment!
I'll just wait here patiently for any of the truther goons to make an intelligent statement. Someone wake me when they do....Wait. I'll be awake long before then.......Never mind...
Hey wilcard, thanks for the negative 23 points........Proves nothing more than you are still a sissy little bitch afraid to confront facts on the boards....

For those who do not know, wildcard has hi/her/it's PM's turned off so you cannot respond to them in private...

Which is fine, I enjoy making them cry on the public boards.......
Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries.".

So it turns out you're just another pompous, America-hatin', holier-than-thou asshole.
Thanks for making that crystal clear.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."
About what was expected.... Pure stupidity.
Nor did you disappoint, Sarge.

Good luck on your de-conditioning therapy.

:clap2::clap2: Gomer Ollie has been so programmd by his handlers that when they say Jump,he Jumps,if they say jump in the lake,he jumps in the lake.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

Oh and your giving him way too much respect he isnt worthy of calling him Sarge.This traiterous scumbag troll needs to be demoted to private.
About what was expected.... Pure stupidity.
Nor did you disappoint, Sarge.

Good luck on your de-conditioning therapy.

:clap2::clap2: Gomer Ollie has been so programmd by his handlers that when they say Jump,he Jumps,if they say jump in the lake,he jumps in the lake.:lmao::lmao::rofl:

Oh and your giving him way too much respect he isnt worthy of calling him Sarge.This traiterous scumbag troll needs to be demoted to private.


Now call me a shill or make a fart post, Loser.
I love how you constantly show your life is so pathetic you have an obsession with me rat In the ass.
I love how you constantly show your life is so pathetic you have an obsession with me rat In the ass.

translation of rat in the ass's last post-yeah 9/11 you are right,I have such a pathetic sad life and am obsessed with your fart jokes which is why I ALWAYS reply immediatly after your posts on this cause of my pathetic obession I have with you.
Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."

Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D
Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D
really? well nudouchebag there were plane parts found at all the 911 attack sites. 2. as to the vaporized plane it only vaporized AFTER it blasted a much wider hole in the pentagon. the hole your intentionally misrepresenting was made by a landing gear assembly :The Pentagon
At 9:37 am on 9/11, 51 minutes after the first plane hit the World Trade Center, the Pentagon was similarly attacked. Though dozens of witnesses saw a Boeing 757 hit the building, conspiracy advocates insist there is evidence that a missile or a different type of plane smashed into the Pentagon.

Big Plane, Small Holes

Claim: Two holes were visible in the Pentagon immediately after the attack: a 75-ft.-wide entry hole in the building's exterior wall, and a 16-ft.-wide hole in Ring C, the Pentagon's middle ring. Conspiracy theorists claim both holes are far too small to have been made by a Boeing 757. "How does a plane 125 ft. wide and 155 ft. long fit into a hole which is only 16 ft. across?" asks, a Web site "dedicated to discovering the bottom line truth to what really occurred on September 11, 2001."

The truth is of even less importance to French author Thierry Meyssan, whose baseless assertions are fodder for even mainstream European and Middle Eastern media. In his book The Big Lie, Meyssan concludes that the Pentagon was struck by a satellite-guided missile—part of an elaborate U.S. military coup. "This attack," he writes, "could only be committed by United States military personnel against other U.S. military personnel."

Hole Truth: Flight 77's landing gear punched a 12-ft. hole into the Pentagon's Ring C. (Photograph by Department of Defense)
FACT: When American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon's exterior wall, Ring E, it created a hole approximately 75 ft. wide, according to the ASCE Pentagon Building Performance Report. The exterior facade collapsed about 20 minutes after impact, but ASCE based its measurements of the original hole on the number of first-floor support columns that were destroyed or damaged. Computer simulations confirmed the findings.

Why wasn't the hole as wide as a 757's 124-ft.-10-in. wingspan? A crashing jet doesn't punch a cartoon-like outline of itself into a reinforced concrete building, says ASCE team member Mete Sozen, a professor of structural engineering at Purdue University. In this case, one wing hit the ground; the other was sheared off by the force of the impact with the Pentagon's load-bearing columns, explains Sozen, who specializes in the behavior of concrete buildings. What was left of the plane flowed into the structure in a state closer to a liquid than a solid mass. "If you expected the entire wing to cut into the building," Sozen tells PM, "it didn't happen."

The tidy hole in Ring C was 12 ft. wide—not 16 ft. ASCE concludes it was made by the jet's landing gear, not by the fuselage.

Intact Windows

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for someone who claims to be of a high intellect you sure swallow all the bullshit with ease.
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Who are "They"?

What plane parts? Parts of what kind of plane? How many?
The ones I have seen look pretty questionable.

I wish the defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory were better at answering the basic questions of a good reporter : Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?

The Five W's and the One H.

The Official Conspiracy Theory : The metal plane was vaporized by the heat but the human bodies were preserved so that they could be identified by their DNA.
The vaporized plane blasted a 16-foot hole in a reinforced wall much stronger than the fragile, light plane -- which sucked the vaporized plane and intact human bodies into the building, and then the vaporized ghost-plane blew a perfectly round hole through another wall much further into the the building.

Why would anyone have any questions about such a perfectly reasonable story? · · :D

they sure pay dawgshit a lot of money to keep coming back and embarrassing himself.:D

yeah that would work in a movie or stephen king novel if you were talking about a metal plane being vaporized by the heat yet the bodies were preserved so that they could be indentified by would work in a fctional tale like that but Dawgshit lives in a fiary tale land and ignores reality.that doesnt work in reality.:D nor does his tales work in reality that the evidence of the tower and the pentago were illegally destoryed and removed that day,that in the REAL world,you get arrested if you try to remove evidence at a crime scene.Dawgshit obviously is not aware of this though.:lmao:

He can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:D

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