This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Originally Posted by SFC Ollie
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
Originally Posted by numan :
I wonder why you believe that.
Because the government tells you?
Originally Posted by SFC Ollie :
Because there are witnesses that saw the bodies, Hundreds who helped clean up the area and picked up parts of bodies and parts of the plane. That plus there isn't a conspiracy theory out there that has provided an ounce of evidence to disprove it...
Regardless of what you use to justify your beliefs, it doesn't trump the fact that so many witnessed what happened and and so many more were directly involved in picking up the pieces. Do you have any evidence which supports your particular CT? Pictures of something other than AA 77 perhaps? Were you there? If so, what did you see?
Your initial sentence does not bode well for a reasonable discussion of this matter.
I have no "beliefs" -- only questions and tentative hypotheses, and a few firm convictions which, however, I am quite happy to modify or abandon if reasonable objections to them are advanced.

But there is the rub: it is notorious that what seems reasonable to one person does not seem reasonable to another. This is commonly due to the fact that differing people have differing life experiences.

Sarge, for example, has been subjected to military brainwashing and patriotic indoctrination, presumably for years, and no doubt finds it incredible that the US government could undertake measures so very evil and complex -- probably as difficult for him to imagine as it would be for a child to imagine that Daddy could kill Mommy, and even kill a child. But an adult knows that such things happen every day. Likewise, I am well educated in history and many other subjects, and know that such evil by governments is common and well-documented all through the sorry history of mankind, and I certainly don't think the United States is some divine exception to such practices.

SAYIT uses a common equivocation among the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory: the word "evidence" meaning information used in a court of law which establishes a fact beyond reasonable doubt, and "evidence" as used by scientists for information which supports a hypothesis and is justification for further investigation of the hypothesis, but which does not necessarily prove the hypothesis in the legal sense.

In the case of 9/11, there is much "evidence" in the second meaning of the word, and very little in the way of "evidence" in the first sense of the word -- either FOR the Official Conspiracy Theory, or AGAINST other conspiracy theories.

Need it be said that this is due, in large part, to the obstinate refusal of the United States government and its agencies to release information which could settle the matter, one way or the other?

Since this posting is already too long, I will defer discussion of the other objections mentioned by the annoyingly capitalized "sayit", but I will mention that these objections, which seem so firm and ironclad to the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory are, in reality, as thin and weak as tissue paper.

Okay...just tell us what you think happened on that day--not in total detail but reasonable detail.
Ah another Pauline, or is it Pauline?

You have no idea how I think or what i think about any subject which i have not directly addressed on this board or any other where you may have seen me post. Nor can you provide any proof that I am either brainwashed or indoctrinated.

Now that that is out of the way; why don't you tell us what you believe happened on 911 and what more evidence the government needs to release. We already understand that it wouldn't matter to you because you don't even believe that they found the DNA evidence at the pentagon....

So please, do take some time and provide us with your story............
Need it be said that this is due, in large part, to the obstinate refusal of the United States government and its agencies to release information which could settle the matter, one way or the other?

Settle what matter?

This "matter" only exists in the confines of the internet and some small, fringe groups. They can't get anyone to believe them because their evidence is based on quote mining and lies. That's why in 11 years they haven't even convinced 1% of the total professional engineering populace regarding their crap. There's no science or numbers behind any of these conspiracy beliefs.

Look at wihosa for example. Stating that aluminum melts at 1700 F? That the FLOORS of a building are engineered to support the load of the floors above? Nothing like parroting garbage when you don't know what the hell you're talking about. After setting him straight, he moves the goalposts and says he was talking about the columns only. No wonder he believes all the crap. He doesn't know any better.

In addition to the folks like wihosa, they have their deities like Richard Gage who, in past years, has paid himself over $80,000 a year and has traveled to other countries/states to try and "get the word out". Really? I'll get on that bandwagon. Nothing like vacationi...errr...working to spread the truth on everyone else's dollar. Gage STILL claims that the total collapse of WTC7 took about 7 seconds. That's an outright lie and provable.

What about William Rodriguez who has changed his story so many times since he first talked to the media regardng that day. Pure embellishment to make his story "more amazing". Now he's doing speaking engagements.

Then you have the Harrit group who published a paper on finding supposed nanothermite. They have now have authors of that paper making statements which contradict what the paper's conclusion is.

What a joke!

So no, there is no "matter" to settle.
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
I wonder why you believe that.

Because the government tells you?

you havent heard have you? agent Gomer Ollie is just that.a paid troll.Sarge as you say,needs to be demoted to
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Originally Posted by SFC Ollie
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
Originally Posted by numan :
I wonder why you believe that.
Because the government tells you?
Originally Posted by SFC Ollie :
Because there are witnesses that saw the bodies, Hundreds who helped clean up the area and picked up parts of bodies and parts of the plane. That plus there isn't a conspiracy theory out there that has provided an ounce of evidence to disprove it...
Regardless of what you use to justify your beliefs, it doesn't trump the fact that so many witnessed what happened and and so many more were directly involved in picking up the pieces. Do you have any evidence which supports your particular CT? Pictures of something other than AA 77 perhaps? Were you there? If so, what did you see?
Your initial sentence does not bode well for a reasonable discussion of this matter.
I have no "beliefs" -- only questions and tentative hypotheses, and a few firm convictions which, however, I am quite happy to modify or abandon if reasonable objections to them are advanced.

But there is the rub: it is notorious that what seems reasonable to one person does not seem reasonable to another. This is commonly due to the fact that differing people have differing life experiences.

Sarge, for example, has been subjected to military brainwashing and patriotic indoctrination, presumably for years, and no doubt finds it incredible that the US government could undertake measures so very evil and complex -- probably as difficult for him to imagine as it would be for a child to imagine that Daddy could kill Mommy, and even kill a child. But an adult knows that such things happen every day. Likewise, I am well educated in history and many other subjects, and know that such evil by governments is common and well-documented all through the sorry history of mankind, and I certainly don't think the United States is some divine exception to such practices.

SAYIT uses a common equivocation among the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory: the word "evidence" meaning information used in a court of law which establishes a fact beyond reasonable doubt, and "evidence" as used by scientists for information which supports a hypothesis and is justification for further investigation of the hypothesis, but which does not necessarily prove the hypothesis in the legal sense.

In the case of 9/11, there is much "evidence" in the second meaning of the word, and very little in the way of "evidence" in the first sense of the word -- either FOR the Official Conspiracy Theory, or AGAINST other conspiracy theories.

Need it be said that this is due, in large part, to the obstinate refusal of the United States government and its agencies to release information which could settle the matter, one way or the other?

Since this posting is already too long, I will defer discussion of the other objections mentioned by the annoyingly capitalized "sayit", but I will mention that these objections, which seem so firm and ironclad to the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory are, in reality, as thin and weak as tissue paper.

Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time.If you notice,they always lie when they cant refute've heard the old saying before,


Good advise to follow.
from 911shitforbrains who refuses to admit that we clean his clock everytime he says anything.

I wonder, just how long has it been now since 911SFB has made any type of halfway intelligent post?

I'm guessing 12 years now?
from 911shitforbrains who refuses to admit that we clean his clock everytime he says anything.

I wonder, just how long has it been now since 911SFB has made any type of halfway intelligent post?

I'm guessing 12 years now?

Considering his language "skills" and posting style I'd be very surprised to find he is much more than 12 years old.
from 911shitforbrains who refuses to admit that we clean his clock everytime he says anything.

I wonder, just how long has it been now since 911SFB has made any type of halfway intelligent post?

I'm guessing 12 years now?

Considering his language "skills" and posting style I'd be very surprised to find he is much more than 12 years old.

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner..........
Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time. If you notice, they always lie when they cant refute facts.
I have noticed that about a number of posters here, and it has occurred to me that they could be CIA (or other alphabet agency) paid trolls.

Indeed, I have wondered it they might not be humans at all, but computer chatterbots -- Turing machine computers programmed to waste the time of those few Americans who still have an interest in truth.

I have been mulling over in my mind ways to counter these robots, if such be the case.
Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time. If you notice, they always lie when they cant refute facts.
I have noticed that about a number of posters here, and it has occurred to me that they could be CIA (or other alphabet agency) paid trolls.

Indeed, I have wondered it they might not be humans at all, but computer chatterbots -- Turing machine computers programmed to waste the time of those few Americans who still have an interest in truth.

I have been mulling over in my mind ways to counter these robots, if such be the case.

OMG .... It is Poet! :eek:
Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time. If you notice, they always lie when they cant refute facts.
I have noticed that about a number of posters here, and it has occurred to me that they could be CIA (or other alphabet agency) paid trolls.

Indeed, I have wondered it they might not be humans at all, but computer chatterbots -- Turing machine computers programmed to waste the time of those few Americans who still have an interest in truth.

I have been mulling over in my mind ways to counter these robots, if such be the case.

I wouldnt go that far.after all agent disgraceful troll Gomer Pyle Ollie has put me on ignore before in the past so I dont think thats the case.the sad thing about Gomer Pyle Ollie is he has had a heart attack before and he just doesnt get it that he had it because of his negative karma he brought on himself for participating in this coverup for the money they pay him.He ignorantly thinks money can buy him happiness.

You would think after experiencing that,he wouldnt risk bringing it on himself again in the future, but some people never learn.:cuckoo:

Reminds me of pro athletes.They suffer all these severe painful injurys,and yet,they ignorantly go back for some more time after time no matter how many times they get hurt eagarly willing to go back and suffer some more pain and suffering and come back for some more suffering in the future.same with these both cases,they know they are going to suffer,but they come back for some more suffering in the future anyways.:cuckoo:

You would think with him that he would figure it out that he has just expereinced just a small tibit of whats really to come for him in the future.That that is just a sampling of what he is in for. That him and these other agent trolls are going to suffer miserably long, slow painful deaths just before they die as well.

they just dont get that though and wont heed the warnings even though they are aware that Clinton,Cheney and both Bush presidents have all experienced heart attacks themselves and are suffering all the time for their participation in this coverup and orchestrating these events. Bush sr particularly,is on his last legs,he has really been suffering miserably in his last days and is not expected to live much longer.He is suffering badly and I guarantee,he wishes he was dead right now so he wouldnt suffer like he is.

Clinton,Bush.Cheney and all the others in the Bush administration and these paid trolls on this message board,are too ignorant to understand they will suffer the same fate.I dont think thats the case about computer chatterbots here at THIS site,but yeah,thats probably the case at other some message boards though.I wouldnt put anything past the government.
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Best not to go any further with are arguing with trolls sent here by their handlers just to waste your time. If you notice, they always lie when they cant refute facts.
I have noticed that about a number of posters here, and it has occurred to me that they could be CIA (or other alphabet agency) paid trolls.

Indeed, I have wondered it they might not be humans at all, but computer chatterbots -- Turing machine computers programmed to waste the time of those few Americans who still have an interest in truth.

I have been mulling over in my mind ways to counter these robots, if such be the case.

I wouldnt go that far.

< ridiculous garbage removed >

[ame=]Billy Madison - Ultimate Insult (Academic Decathlon)[Forum Weapon][How To Troll][Ignorance Is Bliss] - YouTube[/ame]

Now call me a paid shill again, Rimjob. That's always the funneh.

And make a poop/fart post. NOW!!!
Well, Serjeant (it is significant that the rank ultimately derives from the Latin for "slave", servus, isn't it?) Ollie is rather obtuse, but I am sorry that he has had a heart attack. I would not wish that on anyone. In many ways, such people are more sinned against than sinning. The United States is the focus of the world's "progress" in brainwashing techniques: in volume, intensity and sophistication of the science of mental tampering. It requires considerable effort even for the well-educated and aware minority of the American population to employ apotropaic methods of averting its evil influence, and even then it would be a foolish person who would say that he is completely free of its baneful miasma.

Television and mass "entertainment" are sufficient, in most cases, to render their victims brain-dead -- I cannot imagine what it would be like if, in addition, one were subjected to the total mental control and servitude which modern military establishments impose on their hapless minions.
Well, Serjeant (it is significant that the rank ultimately derives from the Latin for "slave", servus, isn't it?) Ollie is rather obtuse, but I am sorry that he has had a heart attack. I would not wish that on anyone. In many ways, such people are more sinned against than sinning. The United States is the focus of the world's "progress" in brainwashing techniques: in volume, intensity and sophistication of the science of mental tampering. It requires considerable effort even for the well-educated and aware minority of the American population to employ apotropaic methods of averting its evil influence, and even then it would be a foolish person who would say that he is completely free of its baneful miasma.

Television and mass "entertainment" are sufficient, in most cases, to render their victims brain-dead -- I cannot imagine what it would be like if, in addition, one were subjected to the total mental control and servitude which modern military establishments impose on their hapless minions.

So what's the excuse for truthers and their conspiracy theories? Stupidity? Blind faith in anything that's anti-government just because it goes with their own beliefs?

Explain why anyone should believe someone like wihosa when he clearly bases his claims using incorrect knowledge or information to formulate them. Claiming that aluminum melts at 1700 degrees F. Claiming that the floor of a tower is designed to uphold all the load of everything above it. Those are just a few.

What about eots who cherry picks quotes just to support his crap?

What about Harrit and his group who have been asked to explain why certain authors of the Bentham paper are making statements that contradict what the findings of the paper are?

What about Gage who continues to say that WTC7 totally collapsed in less than 7 seconds?

What about Judy Wood who provides no math to support her energy claims. Or that she says cars were fried on a street some distance away when it's been PROVEN that the cars were moved from near the towers to their final resting place?

What's your take on them?
Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them. Then I suggest to numan that he/she/it tells us what they believe happened on 911...

Seems to me the subject has been avoided long enough.........

Oh, before i forget, (you know how feeble my mind must be from all that brainwashing) You haven't a fucking clue about me....

Carry on..........
Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."
Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."

Wow, are these fools ever whacked out. I can only suggest that first they go out on the street and find the nearest Veteran and thank them.
"Thank you, Noble Veteran, for doing your part in wasting America's resources and impoverishing its people by supporting the Military-Industrial Conspiracy and the War Profiteers in their pursuit of mindless, destructive wars which murder and torture millions of civilians in other lands and wreck their countries."

About what was expected.... Pure stupidity.

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