This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, is alleged to have punched through 6 blast-resistant concrete walls‹a total of nine feet of reinforced concrete‹before exiting through this hole.


Are you telling me you believe that each ring, from outside in, had a courtyard between them and that the outside walls of each ring had a "blast resistant" reinforced wall?!

Sorry cupcake, but you're sadly mistaken.

The first floor in that area was BENEATH a roof and those walls were INTERIOR walls, not reinforced concrete.

Try again. Let's see the proof of these concrete reinforced interior walls. I have photographs showing the first floor being interior and beneath a roof.
I'm still looking for pictures of that guy who was running around the Pentagon lawn throwing 757 debris

Not verified But probably is from the pentagon.
9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon, page 292

Did you interview the taxi driver Lloyde England? I did. You wrote:

No, only the witnesses you want to use say that the plane was nowhere near the light poles.

The A-3 Sky Warrior used the 'south of Citgo' flight path, during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike. That is when the five light poles were taken down by a combination of the A-3 Jet and the bow shockwave of the Hughes-Raytheon Hypersonic Missile. The light pole was sent north into the windshield of Lloyde's taxi cab like a javelin. The A-3 Jet was thrown off course by the bow shockwave of the missile for the airman to pull back on the joystick and fly the A-3 Jet over the E-ring roof and right over the White House, before making a wide sweeping turn to the north. The A-3 Jet then returned using the 'north-of-Citgo' flight path to strike the area of the Wedge One E-ring wall between column line 11 and 16 at exactly 9:36:27 AM, which corresponds to Lloyde's 'Big Boom.' Lloyde was assisted by a young man in a white van that was sitting in the northbound lane of Washington Blvd, as that side of Route 27 was standing still like a parking lot. The two men wrestled with the light pole for about 3 minutes doing everything not to scratch the hood. However, the first event that knocked down the poles (9:31) and the second event of the Big Boom (9:36) proves that the Pentagon was attacked multiple times having nothing to do with any Jetliner.

It is so obvious that the taxi driver must have been in on the whole thing because the pole didn't hit the hood of his cab..........

Damn that's weak................

That is nonsense. Lloyde was a 69-year old taxi driver at the time. He was simply looking the wrong direction during both attacks to really know what happened. The lettered agencies put shills on the internet to discredit Lloyde, because he is one of the witnesses that can prove a multiple Pentagon attack scenario.


Terral, dude!! You are the MAN! Your theories proved to me that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists were all crazy! You were pretty much number 1 on that list. But your blind attempts to match science to lies amused me the most, Way more than any other theorist.

You disappeared! Missed you dude! Your theories were always the best!!

I destroyed your missile theory, then you changed it to this one. Can't believe after 6 years you are still spewing this one, even though you admitted back then (after I shot holes through it, larger than Jupiter), that you would go and do some more research.

Then you disappeared! Did the kitchen get too hot?

Well I see you have your own website now ... Wow moved up in the world, congrats!

But, I see will have to do something about that A-3 Skywarrior theory of yours. tsk tsk Terral, very naughty of you!

Look what you have made me do! get caught up in 9/11 conspiracy theory argumenst again! I should never have googled aircraft debris at pentagon. When I saw that damned picture of the A-3, I knew it was you! I just can't resist a good old fashioned round of shooting fish in a barrel.

Anyway, looking forward to more debates. Just will have to come up to speed again on your stuff. It was always all over the show changing from day to day. Must read your latest revision. What revision is it at now? 38671?

Enjoy your day! looking forward to more discussions!
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Terral is busy organizing a rendezvous in the Ozarks with his survival group. May 17, the latest date in his series of (thus far failed) doomsday predictions loosely based on the Nemesis hypothesis, is quickly approaching.

Whether he realizes it or not, Terral is one of those guys you'd rather not have on your side. The phrase, "Yeah, but Terral03 believes X." has become as good a reason as any to doubt that X is true.
Yeah I see he has become quite involved in some really weird disaster predictions.

Gives me time to do a refresher on his work.

He is unique. I wonder how many people joined him on this?
He hasn't posted here for a while..... But there are plenty here to try to take his place. Not quite as far out there though....

Well, sometimes they are......
Yeah I see he has become quite involved in some really weird disaster predictions.

Gives me time to do a refresher on his work.

He is unique. I wonder how many people joined him on this?

There's really no telling. He has at least one YT account that has amassed well over 12 thousand subscribers and more than 3 million views for the vids associated with the account, and that's just since February of 2011. BUT, and you knew one was coming, it's pretty clear from the comments that quite a few people are watching Terral like they would a train wreck.

Still, I'm sure he does have a small following and has made at least a few bucks in his life by preying on the hopes and fears of the gullible.

BTW, in case you haven't heard, on top of his conspiracy beliefs, he more or less thinks he's God incarnate.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, is alleged to have punched through 6 blast-resistant concrete walls‹a total of nine feet of reinforced concrete‹before exiting through this hole.


Are you telling me you believe that each ring, from outside in, had a courtyard between them and that the outside walls of each ring had a "blast resistant" reinforced wall?!

Sorry cupcake, but you're sadly mistaken.

The first floor in that area was BENEATH a roof and those walls were INTERIOR walls, not reinforced concrete.

Try again. Let's see the proof of these concrete reinforced interior walls. I have photographs showing the first floor being interior and beneath a roof.

Where'd you go Wilcard??

No proof of this "6 reinforced walls" bullcrap your trying to pass off?
For those interested, a recent episode of 60 minutes featured the curator of the soon to open 9/11 memorial that will be below the fountains that are now in the footprints of the twin towers in New York. Sounds like it's going to be a very respectful job.
A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
by Michael Meyer, Mechanical Engineer
To the members of the Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven:

I would like to give you my input as to the events on September 11, and why it is a physically provable fact that some of the damage done to the Pentagon could not have occurred from a Boeing 757 impact, and therefore the 9/11 Commission report is not complete and arguably a cover-up. I will not speculate about what may have been covered up, I will only speak from my professional opinion. But I will explain why I do not believe the Pentagon was hit by a Boeing 757.

I am a Mechanical Engineer who spent many years in Aerospace, including structural design, and in the design, and use of shaped charge explosives (like those that would be used in missile warheads).

The structural design of a large aircraft like a 757 is based around managing the structural loads of a pressurized vessel, the cabin, to near-atmospheric conditions while at the lower pressure region of cruising altitudes, and to handle the structural and aerodynamic loads of the wings, control surfaces, and the fuel load. It is made as light as possible, and is certainly not made to handle impact loads of any kind.

If a 757 were to strike a reinforced concrete wall, the energy from the speed and weight of the aircraft will be transferred, in part into the wall, and to the structural failure of the aircraft. It is not too far of an analogy as if you had an empty aluminum can, traveling at high speed hitting a reinforced concrete wall. The aluminum can would crumple (the proper engineering term is buckle) and, depending on the structural integrity of the wall, crack, crumble or fail completely. The wall failure would not be a neat little hole, as the energy of the impact would be spread throughout the wall by the reinforcing steel.

This is difficult to model accurately, as any high speed, high energy, impact of a complex structure like an aircraft, into a discontinuous wall with windows etc. is difficult. What is known is that nearly all of the energy from this event would be dissipated in the initial impact, and subsequent buckling of the aircraft.

We are lead to believe that not only did the 757 penetrate the outer wall, but continued on to penetrate separate internal walls totaling 9 feet of reinforced concrete. The final breach of concrete was a nearly perfectly cut circular hole (see below) in a reinforced concrete wall, with no subsequent damage to the rest of the wall. (If we are to believe that somehow this aluminum aircraft did in fact reach this sixth final wall.)

American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, is alleged to have punched through 6 blast-resistant concrete walls‹a total of nine feet of reinforced concrete‹before exiting through this hole.

It is physically impossible for the wall to have failed in a neat clean cut circle, period. When I first saw this hole, a chill went down my spine because I knew it was not possible to have a reinforced concrete wall fail in this manner, it should have caved in, in some fashion.

How do you create a nice clean hole in a reinforced concrete wall? with an explosive shaped charge. An explosive shaped charge, or cutting charge is used in various military warhead devices. You design the geometry of the explosive charge so that you create a focused line of energy. You essentially focus nearly all of the explosive energy in what is referred to as a jet. You use this jet to cut and penetrate armor on a tank, or the walls of a bunker. The signature is clear and unmistakable. In a missile, the explosive charge is circular to allow the payload behind the initial shaped charge to enter whatever has been penetrated.

I do not know what happened on 9/11, I do not know how politics works in this country, I can not explain why the mainstream media does not report on the problems with the 9/11 Commission. But I am an engineer, and I know what happens in high speed impacts, and how shaped charges are used to "cut" through materials.

I have not addressed several other major gaps in the Pentagon/757 incident. The fact that this aircraft somehow ripped several light towers clean out of the ground without any damage to the aircraft (which I also feel is impossible), the fact that the two main engines were never recovered from the wreckage, and the fact that our government has direct video coverage of the flight path, and impact, from at least a gas station and hotel, which they have refused to release.

You can call me a "tin hat", crazy, conspiracy theory, etc, but I can say from my expertise that the damage at the Pentagon was not caused by a Boeing 757.

Michael Meyer

The portion of the building that had been struck had already been renovated. It was the only area of the Pentagon with a sprinkler system, and it had been reconstructed with a web of steel columns and bars to withstand bomb blasts. The steel reinforcement, bolted together to form a continuous structure through all of the Pentagon's five floors, kept that section of the building from collapsing for 30 minutes

The area struck also had blast-resistant windows--2 inches thick and 2,500 pounds each--that stayed intact during the crash and fire. It had fire doors that opened automatically and newly built exits that allowed people to get out.

The rest of the Pentagon would not have fared as well.

FACT: Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. "It was absolutely a plane, and I'll tell you why," says Kilsheimer, CEO of KCE Structural Engineers PC, Washington, D.C. "I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." Kilsheimer's eyewitness account is backed up by photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building. Kilsheimer adds: "I held parts of uniforms from crew members in my hands, including body parts. Okay?"

Read more: 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - Pentagon - Popular Mechanics


FACT: What you posted is a bullshit lie. Now pay attention SAYIT

I held in my hand the tail section of the plane,

The first statement which may stand out to many is how can any human hold a whole 757 tail section in their hands? Allen E. Kilsheimer claims he did or should I say lied about it.

Where are the photographs of this tail section? No photos exist.

But that is not the most puzzling excerpt from his statement. The most interesting piece from his statement lies in the fact Allyn says he found the black box. No photos of this exist either.

Try again.

i love how sayit.-aka dawgshit troll refers to the debunked book popular mechanics as his source which has been debunked by Griffins AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECHANICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY that none of these trolls here have ever been able to debunk:D:lmao:bullshit alert is right by sayit-aka dawgshit.He conveintley leaves out that even a reporter on the scene siad there was no evidence of an airliner hitting the pentagon and the spokespeople for that airliner have said it was not the debris of an airliner.Man their handlers pay them well for their ass beatings they get here.

Latest News

as always,agent Gamolon and sayit-aka dawgshit and the other trolls here,get their asses handed to them on a platter from these articles which of course they wont read in the fact that they are jaded posters.Sayit troll also ignores the fatc that thwe worlds best airliner piltos have said they NEVER could have made that miraculous turn.of course what EXPERTS say mean NOTHING to trolls like Gamolon,Sayit-dawgshit,candyass,disgraceful troll Gomer Oliie,and Liarabiility.

Pilots and Aviation Professionals
Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Many pilots and aviation professionals have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. This page of the website is a collection of their statements. The website does not represent any organization and it should be made clear that none of these individuals are affiliated with this website.

Listed below are statements by more than 250 pilots and aviation professionals that contradict or are critical of the 9/11 Commission Report. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.

These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their professional responsibility for air traffic safety demonstrate that criticism of the Commission Report is not inherently irresponsible or illogical, and that, in fact, it can be just the opposite.

only what our corrupt government agencies and the corporate controlled media say means anything to the trolls listed in my sig..comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao:
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I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
I wonder why you believe that.

Because the government tells you?
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
I wonder why you believe that.

Because the government tells you?.

Because the only peeps claiming otherwise seem to be flaming loons and the truth contradicts their lunacy.
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
I wonder why you believe that.

Because the government tells you?

Because there are witnesses that saw the bodies, Hundreds who helped clean up the area and picked up parts of bodies and parts of the plane. That plus there isn't a conspiracy theory out there that has provided an ounce of evidence to disprove it...
The opening post, I think, tries to account for too many details on the basis of insufficient evidence.

But I feel sure, beyond reasonable doubt, that much hanky-panky was occurring on September 11.

For one thing, if the government really had nothing to hide, they could set all doubts to rest simply by releasing the surveillance camera video tapes. They have obstinately refused to do so, and I have never read a sensible argument that "national security" is the reason.

I have often wondered if the larger plane that pretended to hit the Pentagon simply overflew the building at low altitude and then immediately landed at Reagan Airport, just beyond the Pentagon. Has anyone read any study of that possibility and how it was managed?

I watched some of the live television feed that day, before it was edited and prettied up. If you ever get a chance, find the footage of Rumsfeld imitating a hero. Some medics are rushing an injured man to an ambulance on a gurney, and there is Rumsfeld, crouching down and running after the gurney, pretending to push it and obviously not aiding the medics one iota. It's so totally phony-baloney!

It's interesting that they even had fake heroics in the script as photo-ops -- clever details which were ruined by Rumsfeld's lack of acting skills.
Quote: Originally Posted by SFC Ollie
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...

Quote: Originally Posted by numan
I wonder why you believe that.
Because the government tells you?

Quote: Originally Posted by SFC Ollie
Because there are witnesses that saw the bodies, Hundreds who helped clean up the area and picked up parts of bodies and parts of the plane. That plus there isn't a conspiracy theory out there that has provided an ounce of evidence to disprove it...

The opening post, I think, tries to account for too many details on the basis of insufficient evidence.
But I feel sure, beyond reasonable doubt, that much hanky-panky was occurring on September 11.

For one thing, if the government really had nothing to hide, they could set all doubts to rest simply by releasing the surveillance camera video tapes. They have obstinately refused to do so, and I have never read a sensible argument that "national security" is the reason.

I have often wondered if the larger plane that pretended to hit the Pentagon simply overflew the building at low altitude and then immediately landed at Reagan Airport, just beyond the Pentagon. Has anyone read any study of that possibility and how it was managed?

I watched some of the live television feed that day, before it was edited and prettied up. If you ever get a chance, find the footage of Rumsfeld imitating a hero. Some medics are rushing an injured man to an ambulance on a gurney, and there is Rumsfeld, crouching down and running after the gurney, pretending to push it and obviously not aiding the medics one iota. It's so totally phony-baloney!

It's interesting that they even had fake heroics in the script as photo-ops -- clever details which were ruined by Rumsfeld's lack of acting skills.

Regardless of what you use to justify your beliefs, it doesn't trump the fact that so many witnessed what happened and and so many more were directly involved in picking up the pieces. Do you have any evidence which supports your particular CT? Pictures of something other than AA 77 perhaps? Were you there? If so, what did you see?
Originally Posted by SFC Ollie
I wonder why shitforbrains link doesn't talk about the real wreckage at the pentagon and totally ignores that the DNA and body parts from passengers on the plane were found there...
Originally Posted by numan :
I wonder why you believe that.
Because the government tells you?
Originally Posted by SFC Ollie :
Because there are witnesses that saw the bodies, Hundreds who helped clean up the area and picked up parts of bodies and parts of the plane. That plus there isn't a conspiracy theory out there that has provided an ounce of evidence to disprove it...
Regardless of what you use to justify your beliefs, it doesn't trump the fact that so many witnessed what happened and and so many more were directly involved in picking up the pieces. Do you have any evidence which supports your particular CT? Pictures of something other than AA 77 perhaps? Were you there? If so, what did you see?
Your initial sentence does not bode well for a reasonable discussion of this matter.
I have no "beliefs" -- only questions and tentative hypotheses, and a few firm convictions which, however, I am quite happy to modify or abandon if reasonable objections to them are advanced.

But there is the rub: it is notorious that what seems reasonable to one person does not seem reasonable to another. This is commonly due to the fact that differing people have differing life experiences.

Sarge, for example, has been subjected to military brainwashing and patriotic indoctrination, presumably for years, and no doubt finds it incredible that the US government could undertake measures so very evil and complex -- probably as difficult for him to imagine as it would be for a child to imagine that Daddy could kill Mommy, and even kill a child. But an adult knows that such things happen every day. Likewise, I am well educated in history and many other subjects, and know that such evil by governments is common and well-documented all through the sorry history of mankind, and I certainly don't think the United States is some divine exception to such practices.

SAYIT uses a common equivocation among the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory: the word "evidence" meaning information used in a court of law which establishes a fact beyond reasonable doubt, and "evidence" as used by scientists for information which supports a hypothesis and is justification for further investigation of the hypothesis, but which does not necessarily prove the hypothesis in the legal sense.

In the case of 9/11, there is much "evidence" in the second meaning of the word, and very little in the way of "evidence" in the first sense of the word -- either FOR the Official Conspiracy Theory, or AGAINST other conspiracy theories.

Need it be said that this is due, in large part, to the obstinate refusal of the United States government and its agencies to release information which could settle the matter, one way or the other?

Since this posting is already too long, I will defer discussion of the other objections mentioned by the annoyingly capitalized "sayit", but I will mention that these objections, which seem so firm and ironclad to the supporters of the Official Conspiracy Theory are, in reality, as thin and weak as tissue paper.
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