This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff’s appeal, threatens sanctions

April Gallop’s legal battle to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 is over. And now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit wants to turn the tables on the former U.S. Army specialist.

On Wednesday, the court dismissed Gallop’s appeal in a decision that came complete with sarcasm, conflict of interest, and obvious bias. The decision also came with a threat of sanctions on the basis that the case was frivolous and should never have been appealed in the first place

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff?s appeal, threatens sanctions | Truth and Shadows
Yes? And what are they? Who put them there? Were they photographed at the Pentagon, or somewhere else?

Why have so many things been hidden so that we cannot answer these questions in a way that puts doubt to rest?
You do understand that yes these were all taken at the pentagon....
No, my dear böhmischer Gefreiter, not having been brainwashed by the US army as you have, I do not understand that the pictures were all taken at the Pentagon! I demand that it be proven before I accept such a statement.

Unless, of course, you can provide us with some pictures of a bunch of guys in pickups driving onto Pentagon property and unloading it all....
OF COURSE, some of it could have been stashed in the building before 9/11.

But funny that you should mention it. I CAN show some pictures of federal agents moving evidence around at the Pentagon on 9-11 -- outrageous violations of proper forensic procedure.

Other government officials who looked more like FBI agents than rescue workers were also photographed moving evidence around immediately after the crash; but none have been subpoenaed to publicly testify as to whether they were bringing evidence to, or removing it from, a mass murder crime scene.




Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff’s appeal, threatens sanctions

April Gallop’s legal battle to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 is over. And now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit wants to turn the tables on the former U.S. Army specialist.

On Wednesday, the court dismissed Gallop’s appeal in a decision that came complete with sarcasm, conflict of interest, and obvious bias. The decision also came with a threat of sanctions on the basis that the case was frivolous and should never have been appealed in the first place

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff?s appeal, threatens sanctions | Truth and Shadows

And there you have it....She presented no proof.............Where were all the truthers coming to her aid with all this proof that they have, because they just know the Government did it? Where was terrel and 911shitforbrains and all their heroes? What proof did she have? Not a damned thing....

They have no proof. Which is why they haven't tried to take it into court....They don't have one shred of actual evidence, but they do have a lot of opinions..........
How similar, how very similar to those who are devoted to the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory" !!

However, you are quite wrong about people not trying to bring matters before a court. Many efforts have been made in that direction. But when you have corrupt judges....

Too bad they all say something different.....
That is a difference between sceptics and people like you. The devotees of the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory" with one voice speak in support of the mass of contradictions which they uncritically accept.
Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff’s appeal, threatens sanctions

April Gallop’s legal battle to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 is over. And now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit wants to turn the tables on the former U.S. Army specialist.

On Wednesday, the court dismissed Gallop’s appeal in a decision that came complete with sarcasm, conflict of interest, and obvious bias. The decision also came with a threat of sanctions on the basis that the case was frivolous and should never have been appealed in the first place

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff?s appeal, threatens sanctions | Truth and Shadows

They threw it out because she already collected a settlement from American Airlines, saying they were responsible.

They have no proof. Which is why they haven't tried to take it into court....They don't have one shred of actual evidence, but they do have a lot of opinions..........
How similar, how very similar to those who are devoted to the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory" !!

However, you are quite wrong about people not trying to bring matters before a court. Many efforts have been made in that direction. But when you have corrupt judges....

Too bad they all say something different.....
That is a difference between sceptics and people like you. The devotees of the "Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory" with one voice speak in support of the mass of contradictions which they uncritically accept.

Time and again this board has had CTs who claim their CTs would not have required many perps only to slowly grow it into a freakin' convention. You just added our judicial system to your conspiracy. I'm guessin' you also have the media, police, CIA, FBI, military, Mossad...
Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff’s appeal, threatens sanctions

April Gallop’s legal battle to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 is over. And now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit wants to turn the tables on the former U.S. Army specialist.

On Wednesday, the court dismissed Gallop’s appeal in a decision that came complete with sarcasm, conflict of interest, and obvious bias. The decision also came with a threat of sanctions on the basis that the case was frivolous and should never have been appealed in the first place

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 plaintiff?s appeal, threatens sanctions | Truth and Shadows

They threw it out because she already collected a settlement from American Airlines, saying they were responsible.


A "professional" victim, eh?
How do we know those are federal agents and that it was at the pentagon?

See how stupid you look?
There!! You see, Ollie, you are capable of rational scepticism -- even though it is too little, too late, and only directed at those who do not worship the jingoistic idols-with-feet-of-clay to which you have sacrificed the last full measure of devotion.

A sensible person is always sceptical -- though, in this case, one would need to consider that the Associated Press is lying about its photographs if one imagines they were not taken on 9/11.
Except that I know those pics were taken at the pentagon and they were probably told by someone in authority to collect the debris.
Oh!! Well !! If someone in authority tells you to break the law, that is entirely different, of course !!

I also know that there were no plane parts planted at the pentagon ahead of time.
I cannot express how much I admire your omniscience, Ollie !!

Ever been in the military? Every NCO at the Pentagon would have had a detail out there picking anything up off that grass.....No way anything could have been planted......
And thereby frustrating the most basic principles of forensic analysis?
If so, it would be an excellent example of the meiosis :

intelligence, human -- intelligence, animal -- intelligence, military

By the way, what better way to plant evidence than to have a gaggle of dazed soldiers wandering this way and that, picking up evidence and moving it around?
Time and again this board has had CTs who claim their CTs would not have required many perps only to slowly grow it into a freakin' convention.
Sensible people.

You just added our judicial system to your conspiracy....
Arthur Schopenhauer, in a justly famous essay on methods of fallacious argument, devoted section III of the illicit strategems to the insult to logic which you are employing here.

A judicial system may be corrupt without individual judges within the system being conscious members of a 9/11 Conspiracy. Corruption takes many forms. A judge may simply belong to a party, and share the prejudices and goals of a party. Corruption may arise simply because a judge is not zealous to handle a hot potato, or make waves, endanger future prospects for advancement or alienate his supporters or peers.

Blind American Justice has left judges innumerable paths whereby they may skew decisions and be in no danger of incurring blame.

So please do not commit the error of confusing corruption with conspiracy -- or, as Shakespeare remarked, such unskillful logic "must make the judicious grieve" -- though a whole theater of others applaud.
Time and again this board has had CTs who claim their CTs would not have required many perps only to slowly grow it into a freakin' convention.
Sensible people.

You just added our judicial system to your conspiracy....
Arthur Schopenhauer, in a justly famous essay on methods of fallacious argument, devoted section III of the illicit strategems to the insult to logic which you are employing here.

A judicial system may be corrupt without individual judges within the system being conscious members of a 9/11 Conspiracy. Corruption takes many forms. A judge may simply belong to a party, and share the prejudices and goals of a party. Corruption may arise simply because a judge is not zealous to handle a hot potato, or make waves, endanger future prospects for advancement or alienate his supporters or peers.

Blind American Justice has left judges innumerable paths whereby they may skew decisions and be in no danger of incurring blame.

So please do not commit the error of confusing corruption with conspiracy -- or, as Shakespeare remarked, such unskillful logic "must make the judicious grieve" -- though a whole theater of others applaud.
Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!
There!! You see, Ollie, you are capable of rational scepticism -- even though it is too little, too late, and only directed at those who do not worship the jingoistic idols-with-feet-of-clay to which you have sacrificed the last full measure of devotion.

A sensible person is always sceptical -- though, in this case, one would need to consider that the Associated Press is lying about its photographs if one imagines they were not taken on 9/11.
Except that I know those pics were taken at the pentagon and they were probably told by someone in authority to collect the debris.
Oh!! Well !! If someone in authority tells you to break the law, that is entirely different, of course !!

I also know that there were no plane parts planted at the pentagon ahead of time.
I cannot express how much I admire your omniscience, Ollie !!

Ever been in the military? Every NCO at the Pentagon would have had a detail out there picking anything up off that grass.....No way anything could have been planted......
And thereby frustrating the most basic principles of forensic analysis?
If so, it would be an excellent example of the meiosis :

intelligence, human -- intelligence, animal -- intelligence, military

By the way, what better way to plant evidence than to have a gaggle of dazed soldiers wandering this way and that, picking up evidence and moving it around?
really explain then how it was possible to "dress the set" in a matter of seconds
to resemble a crashed airliner that was exact in every aspect as flight 77 with real human remains that would fool expert investigators?
and get away clean?
it can't be done do I know? for the better part of the last three decades I've designed, built, transported and erected sets for film, theatre and concerts.
for a job like that it would take, at a minimum a crew of 100 set techs, 20 big rig drivers, 20 fx techs and 20 makeup fx techs, 15 electricians.
none of which could or would keep it secret for 12 plus years.
Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!
more blatant ignorance1 the rules of correct forensic investigation are secondary when it's a rescue. only after all the injured are transported away from the scene do those procedures apply..
you must enjoy talking out your ass.
Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!

thats agent rightwinger for ya.rightwinger missed it that the government in the 70's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter involved,anytime you bring that fact up,he ignores it like i never posted it,and always comes back and just says oswald was the lone assassin.comedy gold.:cuckoo::lmao:

like you said,rightwinger seems to not be able to comprehend that you cant destroy and remove evidence at a crime scene,that thats illegal.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lmao: none of the Bush dupes seem to be able to comprehend that little
Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!


thats the mindest of rightwinger and his logic as well as dawgshit and other OCTA'S.:lmao:
Looks like they are collecting evidence of a crashed airliner
So, in your view, disturbing and altering evidence is equivalent to "collecting evidence"?

Quite a novel view of correct forensic procedure.
Illegal, too.

But it's the USA, right? If it looks good on television, it's legal !!

thats agent rightwinger for ya.rightwinger missed it that the government in the 70's concluded the warren commission was wrong,that there was a second shooter involved,anytime you bring that fact up,he ignores it like i never posted it,and always comes back and just says oswald was the lone assassin.comedy gold.:cuckoo::lmao:

like you said,rightwinger seems to not be able to comprehend that you cant destroy and remove evidence at a crime scene,that thats illegal.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lmao: none of the Bush dupes seem to be able to comprehend that little
hey handjob try to keep your conspiracies straight....

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