This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

I suppose it does.....

At any rate hundreds of Photographs from dozens of photographers and you doubt where they were all taken....Funny little man.......

And again we already were nearly at war with Iraq, we certainly didn't need much of an excuse to go full blown war again.......We certainly didn't have to back door our way in when we already had our foot in the front door........
And again we already were nearly at war with Iraq, we certainly didn't need much of an excuse to go full blown war again.....
Oh, sure, no excuse at all to go to the other side of the globe to attack a country which had never attacked us!!

After all, we were perfectly justified in trampling on International Law and imitating Hitler, who attacked Poland (a country which was right next door) with phony, lying excuses (just as Bush did with Iraq) -- starting World War II.

The USA, when it was still worth something, participated in the Nuremberg Trials, which punished with death the sorts of things which the USA has done in the Middle East.

Did you swear an oath, Ollie, to uphold the International War Crimes Laws, and did you basely violate that oath -- as so many American war makers did?
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Don't remember anything in my oath about international anything....

Got it hanging right here on my wall....let me see.....

Nope didn't think so.........
A war in the middle east? Is that what the Government wanted? Really?

Let's think about this, We can crash 4 planes into 4 buildings (that's what the plan was) and kill thousands of Americans and blame it on people in Afghanistan because we want to go to war with Iraq, (who is shooting at our planes already). And we'll use mostly Saudi Arabian citizens to hijack the planes because that will give the truther movement more to talk about. This will mean we'll have to find hundreds of people who will not blow our cover story.


We can simply blow up one of our own planes and blame it on Saddam...Boom! War started already..... And no one but 2 or 3 to keep quiet about the plane....
Was the 1st Twin Tower bombing called the "New Pearl Harbor"?

Was Oklahoma City called "The New Pearl Harbor"?

Was the USS Cole bombing called the "New Pearl Harbor"?

No because there weren't enough people killed to spark the appropriate outrage from the citizenry. But 9/11 was.

Also, the US Gov't standing down in Benghazi now moves all those "9/11 Conspiracy Theories" from the "Batshit Crazy" category to "Quite Possible".
You can argue all you want about the veracity of proclamations made by the government. I challenge the story-huggers to watch the videos I posted. They show firemen inspecting the Pentagon damage shortly after 9/11. There are 30 minutes and they show no sign of an airplane. Nada. You can take your DNA, plane pieces, light poles and other lies. They all melt when it is obvious that THERE IS NO PLANE INSIDE THE PENTAGON!!!

You huggers like to believe that your world is right-side up and the government would never lie. The world hhas been upside down since 9/11 with the US responsible for many innocent lives. Maybe you get a check in the mail for being so faithful to a criminal conspiracy.

Our country is under assault. Don't let USA stand for United Slaves of America. Most of us have children and grandchildren to consider. If there is a hell, the lowest part should be reserved for traitors, not against the USA, but against mankind.
You can argue all you want about the veracity of proclamations made by the government. I challenge the story-huggers to watch the videos I posted. They show firemen inspecting the Pentagon damage shortly after 9/11. There are 30 minutes and they show no sign of an airplane. Nada. You can take your DNA, plane pieces, light poles and other lies. They all melt when it is obvious that THERE IS NO PLANE INSIDE THE PENTAGON!!!

You huggers like to believe that your world is right-side up and the government would never lie. The world hhas been upside down since 9/11 with the US responsible for many innocent lives. Maybe you get a check in the mail for being so faithful to a criminal conspiracy.

Our country is under assault. Don't let USA stand for United Slaves of America. Most of us have children and grandchildren to consider. If there is a hell, the lowest part should be reserved for traitors, not against the USA, but against mankind.

I've probably watched more truther videos than you have. But when you can post a direct link please do so. I'll be glad to see if I've already seen them. And after i see which videos you are talking about i'll be glad to debunk them, probably again.............

So your videos that we can't see are more compelling evidence than the plane pieces and Dna and eyewitnesses.... Please go make some posts somewhere so we can see these marvelous videos....
Well, Sergeant Ollie, as a former [?] government employee and supporter of the Patriotism Scam, what do you make of these statements of Lieutenant Colonel Bob Bowman?

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory, and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security....

Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.

Bowman slammed the Patriot Act as having, "Done more to destroy the rights of Americans than all of our enemies combined."
you mean PRIVATE Ollie cause thats what he NEEDS to be demoted agent Gomer Ollie dismissis high ranking credible people in very distinguished posistions saying THEY are all wrong and HE is right.The guy should start a comedy club.:D:lol::lmao::lmao:
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all easily plantable evidence.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: You live in a fairytale land as well ignoring reality that just like at bld 7,evidence was illegally destroyed and removed at the scene of the crime with FBI workers illegally confiscating video cameras at a gas station a block away.You also are not aware of the fact that spokespeople for that airliner have said thats not the wreckage of a boeing 757.:lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
American Communist,Numan,take my advise.Dont reply to Gomer Ollie.He is an agent troll that has been sent here to troll these boards to simply waste your time with him.His handlers want you to reply to him and play his game while he trys to derail any 9/11 truth discussion.They got plants like him EVERYWHERE on message boards.even at just movie message boards amazingly.You have heard the old saying before-:trolls:
You can argue all you want about the veracity of proclamations made by the government. I challenge the story-huggers to watch the videos I posted. They show firemen inspecting the Pentagon damage shortly after 9/11. There are 30 minutes and they show no sign of an airplane. Nada. You can take your DNA, plane pieces, light poles and other lies. They all melt when it is obvious that THERE IS NO PLANE INSIDE THE PENTAGON!!!

You huggers like to believe that your world is right-side up and the government would never lie. The world hhas been upside down since 9/11 with the US responsible for many innocent lives. Maybe you get a check in the mail for being so faithful to a criminal conspiracy.

Our country is under assault. Don't let USA stand for United Slaves of America. Most of us have children and grandchildren to consider. If there is a hell, the lowest part should be reserved for traitors, not against the USA, but against mankind.

stands up and gives standing ovation.

You can argue all you want about the veracity of proclamations made by the government. I challenge the story-huggers to watch the videos I posted. They show firemen inspecting the Pentagon damage shortly after 9/11. There are 30 minutes and they show no sign of an airplane. Nada. You can take your DNA, plane pieces, light poles and other lies. They all melt when it is obvious that THERE IS NO PLANE INSIDE THE PENTAGON!!!

You huggers like to believe that your world is right-side up and the government would never lie. The world hhas been upside down since 9/11 with the US responsible for many innocent lives. Maybe you get a check in the mail for being so faithful to a criminal conspiracy.

Our country is under assault. Don't let USA stand for United Slaves of America. Most of us have children and grandchildren to consider. If there is a hell, the lowest part should be reserved for traitors, not against the USA, but against mankind.
Well, Sergeant Ollie, as a former [?] government employee and supporter of the Patriotism Scam, what do you make of these statements of Lieutenant Colonel Bob Bowman?

Former Head Of Star Wars Program Says Cheney Main 9/11 Suspect
Official version of events a conspiracy theory, says drills were cover for attacks

The former head of the Star Wars missile defense program under Presidents Ford and Carter has gone public to say that the official version of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory, and his main suspect for the architect of the attack is Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam. He is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, the President’s Medal of Veterans for Peace, the Society of Military Engineers Gold Medal (twice), six Air Medals, and dozens of other awards and honors. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech. He chaired 8 major international conferences, and is one of the country’s foremost experts on National Security....

Bowman said that privately his military fighter pilot peers and colleagues did not disagree with his sentiments about the real story behind 9/11.

Bowman slammed the Patriot Act as having, "Done more to destroy the rights of Americans than all of our enemies combined."
Political ambitions

In 2000, he campaigned nationwide for the nomination of the Reform Party of the United States of America for President of the United States.[11] In some Reform Party straw polls, he polled better than the ultimate winner of the nomination Pat Buchanan, though still 40 points behind the frontrunner John Hagelin.[12] In the California 2000 presidential primaries, he came in third among five Reform Party candidates, after Donald Trump and John B. Anderson, with 15% of the vote. Including "votes cast by Independents or voters of another party", he came in third among six Reform Party candidates with 14% of the vote, after Trump and George D. Weber.[13][14][15]

Bowman was also considered as one of the running mates for John Hagelin, who was running as the Natural Law Party candidate for President and also one of the frontrunners for the Reform Party nomination.[16] Though many believed Bowman would win the slot on Hagelin's ticket as the candidate for Vice President of the United States,[17] he ultimately lost it to Nat Goldhaber.

In 2004, Bowman attempted another run at the Presidency, but ultimately endorsed John Kerry.[18] In 2005, he toured the United States at the invitation of friends honoring him for his efforts towards peace, viewing it as a sort of "farewell tour" due to his battle with a form of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.[19]

In 2006, Bowman collected signatures to get on the ballot as a Democrat for the U.S. Representative seat for the Florida's 15th congressional district, currently held by Republican Dave Weldon. Democrat Timothy A. Shipe filed, but did not qualify.[20] Shipe was not known to the Brevard County, Florida Democratic party[21] whereas Bowman has been working with them.[22] In September 2006, Dr. Bowman won the Democratic Primary election, and became the official Democratic candidate running against the Republican incumbent in November 2006.

An article by Florida Today noted Bowman had about $6,000 campaign money compared to Weldon's $559,858.[23] By the end of September, the difference in campaign money had grown to Bowman's $21,944 versus Weldon's $673,321.[24] As of October 31, there had been no debate scheduled between the two.[25] Following the election, "With all 314 precincts reporting, the vote was: Weldon 125,596 Bowman 97,947"[26]

In October, 2008 Dr. Bowman endorsed the Congressional campaign of Dr. Kevin Barrett. Barrett got 2 percent of the vote in his Congressional district

all easily plantable evidence.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: You live in a fairytale land as well ignoring reality that just like at bld 7,evidence was illegally destroyed and removed at the scene of the crime with FBI workers illegally confiscating video cameras at a gas station a block away.You also are not aware of the fact that spokespeople for that airliner have said thats not the wreckage of a boeing 757.:lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
American Communist,Numan,take my advise.Dont reply to Gomer Ollie.He is an agent troll that has been sent here to troll these boards to simply waste your time with him.His handlers want you to reply to him and play his game while he trys to derail any 9/11 truth discussion.They got plants like him EVERYWHERE on message boards.even at just movie message boards amazingly.You have heard the old saying before-:trolls:


They got plants like him EVERYWHERE on message boards.
all easily plantable evidence.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: You live in a fairytale land as well ignoring reality that just like at bld 7, evidence was illegally destroyed and removed at the scene of the crime with FBI workers illegally confiscating video cameras at a gas station a block away.You also are not aware of the fact that spokespeople for that airliner have said that's not the wreckage of a boeing 757.:lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
They have heard of photoshopping, right?

And showing the same photograph of planted "evidence" over and over and over....?

What a dreamworld they live in !!


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