This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

You can always identify 9/11 scammers by the fact that they invariably show photos taken AFTER the Pentagon walls had collapsed, rather than the situation immediately after the penetrating missile hit the building:





Oh, by the way, more pristine lawn !!

And notice the reels of cable. The force of the supposed airliner explosion hasn't even knocked them over !!

agents Ollie and Gam sure get paid well by their handlers ,no way woud they keep coming back fro these constant ass beatings they get from you here on this thread for free.and of course they will deny reality of course that they havent been taken to school by you.Lying is ALL they know how to do. that picture there speaks a thousand words,pristine is right.No blazing scarring burn marks from the jets or anything like there should be from an airliner.thier handlers are going to have to think of something very clever to get around that fact for them to post next.:clap2::clap2::D:lol:
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Pristine lawn..................





Makes a difference when you get a little closer to the subject. Why don't we ask those people who picked up all that shit how Pristine the lawn was?

Of course these pictures couldn't have been taken at the pentagon or they were photoshoped in 3-2-1.........
You can always identify 9/11 scammers by the fact that they invariably show photos taken AFTER the Pentagon walls had collapsed, rather than the situation immediately after the penetrating missile hit the building:





Oh, by the way, more pristine lawn !!

And notice the reels of cable. The force of the supposed airliner explosion hasn't even knocked them over !!

Funny, what I see is evidence of a plane crash.
My friends, here we have a prime example of a fool. Because ONLY a fool would post these picture and believe that either: A, he's fooling anyone, or B, they actually show his point.

You can always identify 9/11 scammers by the fact that they invariably show photos taken AFTER the Pentagon walls had collapsed, rather than the situation immediately after the penetrating missile hit the building:




If you look at the one he posts to dispute the first two, you will notice that the picture is chosen because the section shown in the first two is obscured by smoke in the 3rd.


Oh, by the way, more pristine lawn !!

The poster doesn't notice the AFFF (Aqueous Film Forming Foam aka Fire-Retardant Foam) all over the so-called "pristine lawn".

And notice the reels of cable. The force of the supposed airliner explosion hasn't even knocked them over !!

But this comment is what's hilarious. The guy ACTUALLY says that the reels of cable aren't knocked over!!!:cuckoo:

Because we KNOW the military and how sloppy they are! Just setting things down hap-hazardly.
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You can always identify 9/11 scammers by the fact that they invariably show photos taken AFTER the Pentagon walls had collapsed, rather than the situation immediately after the penetrating missile hit the building:





Oh, by the way, more pristine lawn !!

And notice the reels of cable. The force of the supposed airliner explosion hasn't even knocked them over !!

agents Ollie and Gam sure get paid well by their handlers ,no way woud they keep coming back fro these constant ass beatings they get from you here on this thread for free.and of course they will deny reality of course that they havent been taken to school by you.Lying is ALL they know how to do. that picture there speaks a thousand words,pristine is right.No blazing scarring burn marks from the jets or anything like there should be from an airliner.thier handlers are going to have to think of something very clever to get around that fact for them to post next.:clap2::clap2::D:lol:

as evidenced from the replys,your making way too much sense for the trolls to comprehend here NUMAN.hee hee.
Yup, Ollie, you have to get real close to the walls of the building before you start seeing the fragments of cement, stone facing, window shards, wrecked vehicles and corrugated iron shed shattered by the penetrating missile which hit the Pentagon.

Funny, what I see is evidence of a plane crash.
Why are you telling me? I'm not your oculist.
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Yup, Ollie, you have to get real close to the walls of the building before you start seeing the fragments of cement, stone facing, window shards and corrugated iron shed shattered by the penetrating missile which hit the Pentagon.

Funny, what I see is evidence of a plane crash.
Why are you telling me? I'm not your oculist.

ask him to explain where the luggage,the bodies and the tail section are then if he sees the wreakage of an airliner that you see from a normal airliner then if he is so sure he sees it.:lmao::lmao: and aks him why the spokepeople for that airliner have said thats not a wreckage of a boeing 757. let him know saying they are wrong about that is like saying a mechanic is wrong about a car being low on gasoline and the lady of the household is an expert.:cuckoo: I would be he has me on ignore.

He got frustrated with me years ago when i cornered him with facts about 9/11 he could nopt refute.he got frustrated he could not counter them and called me names and ran off and has had me on ignore ever since.:D
Yet 911shitforbrains will not present his proof that any airliner said there was no wreckage of a 757. Especially when it is clear by the evidence that that is the only thing that could have hit the pentagon....

But then he wouldn't know that because , Shhhhh I'm on ignore........

And i forgot all the pictures of those pieces and parts of a 757 were ether not taken at the Pentagon or were planted....Because nuwman has said so............
Yet 911shitforbrains will not present his proof that any airliner said there was no wreckage of a 757. Especially when it is clear by the evidence that that is the only thing that could have hit the pentagon....

But then he wouldn't know that because , Shhhhh I'm on ignore........

And i forgot all the pictures of those pieces and parts of a 757 were ether not taken at the Pentagon or were planted....Because nuwman has said so............
numan says lot of strange things ,that's what reality challenged people do.
And i forgot all the pictures of those pieces and parts of a 757 were ether not taken at the Pentagon or were planted....Because nuwman has said so............
Oh, you just lie.

I've never said any such thing. I have insisted that I will not accept or believe claims by untrustworthy government, lying media, official spokesmen on the make, talking heads or especially those Mafia goons in the Nazoid American "security" apparatus -- not just on their say-so or demands to "trust them", but only backed by solid proof from multiple worthy sources.

A government is not to be trusted that already is damned for its actions in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iran-Contra, Panama, Nicaragua, Chile, Gulf of Tonkin lies, Kennedy Assassination, Iran, Guatemala, Hiroshima and Nagasaki lies, Pearl Harbor tricks, occupying countries like Nazis even before the Nazis, as in the Philippines, stealing part of Colombia for its Canal Zone, conquering Hawaii, overthrowing its government and reducing its people to an oppressed minority in their own land, back to the phony "Remember the Maine" incident, and beyond.

One would have to be crazy to trust anything that comes from the American government and the Power Structure that lies behind it -- not unless it was checked once, twice, thrice and fice !!
BS, you've questioned every pic that doesn't fit what you want to be true.....And every pic that you think helps your case is OK...

I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night........
Yup, Ollie, you have to get real close to the walls of the building before you start seeing the fragments of cement, stone facing, window shards and corrugated iron shed shattered by the penetrating missile which hit the Pentagon.

Funny, what I see is evidence of a plane crash.
Why are you telling me? I'm not your oculist.

ask him to explain where the luggage,the bodies and the tail section are then if he sees the wreakage of an airliner that you see from a normal airliner then if he is so sure he sees it.:lmao::lmao: and aks him why the spokepeople for that airliner have said thats not a wreckage of a boeing 757. let him know saying they are wrong about that is like saying a mechanic is wrong about a car being low on gasoline and the lady of the household is an expert.:cuckoo: I would be he has me on ignore.

He got frustrated with me years ago when i cornered him with facts about 9/11 he could nopt refute.he got frustrated he could not counter them and called me names and ran off and has had me on ignore ever since.:D

No one runs from you, Princess. They quickly learn you are a mindless chimp and move on to more adult conversation ... that which is way over your pinhead.
Even your CT comrades have astoundingly little respect for the adolescent silliness that oozes from your keyboard.
And i forgot all the pictures of those pieces and parts of a 757 were ether not taken at the Pentagon or were planted....Because nuwman has said so............
Oh, you just lie.

I've never said any such thing. I have insisted that I will not accept or believe claims by untrustworthy government, lying media, official spokesmen on the make, talking heads or especially those Mafia goons in the Nazoid American "security" apparatus -- not just on their say-so or demands to "trust them", but only backed by solid proof from multiple worthy sources.

A government is not to be trusted that already is damned for its actions in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iran-Contra, Panama, Nicaragua, Chile, Gulf of Tonkin lies, Kennedy Assassination, Iran, Guatemala, Hiroshima and Nagasaki lies, Pearl Harbor tricks, occupying countries like Nazis even before the Nazis, as in the Philippines, stealing part of Colombia for its Canal Zone, conquering Hawaii, overthrowing its government and reducing its people to an oppressed minority in their own land, back to the phony "Remember the Maine" incident, and beyond.

One would have to be crazy to trust anything that comes from the American government and the Power Structure that lies behind it -- not unless it was checked once, twice, thrice and fice !!


your post here is full of way too much logic and common sense for them to understand or are going to overload and fry their brains with all this logic and common sense you have spewed on them.they aree going to have a mental breakdown being overloaded with all this truth you posted here.:lmao::lmao::happy-1::clap2::clap2:

Thier logic is disregard the fact out lamesteam media and corrupt government insitutions have had a LONNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG history of lying to the american people,that we should automatically accept that they are telling the truth about 9/11 even though they cant produce the seats,the luggage,the tail section or nose section that you see in a plane wreackage like this,and ignore the fact that the FBI illegally destroyed and removed evidence at a crime scene illegally removing and confiscating the cameras at a gas station a block away from tjhe pentagon,none of that stuff matters in their warped minds,they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are and then come on here and deny they have been defeated.:D:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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And i forgot all the pictures of those pieces and parts of a 757 were ether not taken at the Pentagon or were planted....Because nuwman has said so............
Oh, you just lie.

I've never said any such thing. I have insisted that I will not accept or believe claims by untrustworthy government, lying media, official spokesmen on the make, talking heads or especially those Mafia goons in the Nazoid American "security" apparatus -- not just on their say-so or demands to "trust them", but only backed by solid proof from multiple worthy sources.

A government is not to be trusted that already is damned for its actions in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Iran-Contra, Panama, Nicaragua, Chile, Gulf of Tonkin lies, Kennedy Assassination, Iran, Guatemala, Hiroshima and Nagasaki lies, Pearl Harbor tricks, occupying countries like Nazis even before the Nazis, as in the Philippines, stealing part of Colombia for its Canal Zone, conquering Hawaii, overthrowing its government and reducing its people to an oppressed minority in their own land, back to the phony "Remember the Maine" incident, and beyond.

One would have to be crazy to trust anything that comes from the American government and the Power Structure that lies behind it -- not unless it was checked once, twice, thrice and fice !!


your post here is full of too much logic and common sense form them to understand or are going to overload and fry their brains with all this logic and common sense you have spewed on them.theya re going to have a mental breakdown being overloaded with all this truth you posted here.:lmao::lmao::happy-1::clap2::clap2:

Thier logic is disregard the fact out lamesteam media and corrupt government insitutions have had a LONNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG history of lying to the american people,that we should acutomatically accept that they are telling the truth about 9/11 even though they cant produce the seats,the luggage,the tail section or nose section that you see in a plane wreackage like this,and ignore the fact that the FBI illegally destroyed and removed evidence at a crime scene illegally removing confiscating the cameras at a gas station a block away from tjhe pentagon,none of that stuff matters in their wapred minds,they can onlyslinf shit in defeat like the moneky trolls they are and then come on here and deny they have been defeated.:D:lol::lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:

You can always identify 9/11 scammers by the fact that they invariably show photos taken AFTER the Pentagon walls had collapsed, rather than the situation immediately after the penetrating missile hit the building:





Oh, by the way, more pristine lawn !!

And notice the reels of cable. The force of the supposed airliner explosion hasn't even knocked them over !!

Isn't it interesting that, over and over, only this ONE piece of supposed debris (and a small piece placed right by it) is ever shown in photographs of the Pentagon lawn that day. Just one of what might be imagined to be a piece of the AA 77 plane -- just one!! -- artistically arranged on the pristine lawn to show up clearly with no other distracting bits and pieces of metal near it !!


Closer to the building, you can see what are clearly fragments of concrete and stone from the building (no recognizable metal pieces), and then -- nothing!! -- just clean lawn all the way to the modern art objet trouvé so tastefully and photogenically displayed.
No smaller bits of metal, which a naughty sceptic might think should be much more common and widely spread than one large, apparently unsinged, hunk.
And this in all directions!! Looking back in the opposite direction -- behold!! pristine lawn as far as the eye can see!!


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I wonder -- are these the anonymous artistes responsible for this art installation, hurrying and bustling about to get it ready in time for its opening?


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