This Is What Happened At The Pentagon On 9/11

They also would have targeted the missile to hit the walls in the center open-air area. Those walls aren't blast resistant, and they would have achieved far greater damage and casualties.
What a really silly thing to write!

If the real conspirators were CIA or military, why would they want to damage their own building or kill more of their agents than was necessary to achieve the requisite brainwashing?

The fact that the missile hit a specially constructed, blast-resistant wall, rather than areas which clearly would have involved more damage, is in fact, something which tells against the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory which you have been brainwashed to believe!!
They also would have targeted the missile to hit the walls in the center open-air area. Those walls aren't blast resistant, and they would have achieved far greater damage and casualties.
What a really silly thing to write!

If the real conspirators were CIA or military, why would they want to damage their own building or kill more of their agents than was necessary to achieve the requisite brainwashing?

The fact that the missile hit a specially constructed, blast-resistant wall, rather than areas which clearly would have involved more damage, is in fact, something which tells against the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory which you have been brainwashed to believe!!

So now you think the "perps" did a CBA to figure out exactly how many of their agents needed to be killed to fulfill their goals? :cuckoo:

Also, if the "real" conspirators were CIA or military, they wouldn't have targeted the Pentagon at all. They would have struck the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, or the White House, any of which would make the population bat-shit crazy and willing to back any action the "perps" wanted to take in revenge.
They also would have targeted the missile to hit the walls in the center open-air area. Those walls aren't blast resistant, and they would have achieved far greater damage and casualties.
What a really silly thing to write!

If the real conspirators were CIA or military, why would they want to damage their own building or kill more of their agents than was necessary to achieve the requisite brainwashing?

The fact that the missile hit a specially constructed, blast-resistant wall, rather than areas which clearly would have involved more damage, is in fact, something which tells against the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory which you have been brainwashed to believe!!

So now you think the "perps" did a CBA to figure out exactly how many of their agents needed to be killed to fulfill their goals? :cuckoo:

Also, if the "real" conspirators were CIA or military, they wouldn't have targeted the Pentagon at all. They would have struck the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, or the White House, any of which would make the population bat-shit crazy and willing to back any action the "perps" wanted to take in revenge.

Come on Rat! Give the perps some credit! I mean, what better plan could they have come up with? The plan they carried out had no possible flaws in it whatsoever right?! Think about it.

I mean, flying a missile into the Pentagon, right over a highway, during morning rush hour, and then claiming it was a jet, hoping beyond all hope that not ONE SINGLE person in the general populace would get a picture or video of the missile! Dare I say... BRILLIANT?!

And then... WHOO BOY!... To have agents, immediately after the missile explosion, run to the lawn and sprinkle debris everywhere! IN BROAD DAYLIGHT! I'm salivating at the thought of such genius!!!

What about the planted lightpoles!!! Jesus H. Christ, the lightpoles!!! The level of intellect brought together to plan the distribution of "knocked over "lightpoles"... get this... in the supposed flight path of the fake jet. OH MAN!!!!

Wow. I'm in awe.

You have to admit that after ready the above, your post was, as numan put it, "silly".

Shame on you...

...if the "real" conspirators were CIA or military, they wouldn't have targeted the Pentagon at all. They would have struck the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, or the White House, any of which would make the population bat-shit crazy and willing to back any action the "perps" wanted to take in revenge.
Bat-shit craziness is indeed exemplified by your posting.

Far more damage and loss of life would have occurred if they had followed your ill-considered ideas. By hitting a strongly re-inforced, mainly deserted section of the Pentagon, they achieved their goals with the least collateral damage. The operation affected New York and Washington, the two main power centers of the USA. The fear engendered was made long-lived by the Anthrax Attacks -- do you recall them, my memory-impaired, brainwashed friend?

People like you were rendered more than adequately bat-shit crazy by the show staged in New York.
As well as being unobservant, either you supporters of the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory are illiterate, or you are just spreading misinformation.

The clip which I posted showing what an airliner hitting the Pentagon would look like was this one! :


The size and speed of the plane is not entirely accurate (the official claim is that it was moving at about the distance of two football fields per second), but it clearly indicates that the scene would have been very different from the video frames released by the government -- for, example, parts of the background would have been obscured which are not obscured in the government photos.

Two unobservant illiterates on this thread have claimed that I was referring to the officially released frames, which look nothing like an airliner hitting the Pentagon -- despite talking-heads on television trumpeting that they "clearly show the jumbo jet". I leave it to the dispassionate observer whether he or she sees anything like that in the frames below:


I would not be surprised if the government released doctored frames, but even in the frames which they did release, it looks much more like a missile coming in than the image of a jumbo jet arriving.
if a missile had been used it would never been targeted that low on the pentagon.
Why not?
What is shown in the clip seems consistent with being shot from a ground-based missile launcher.

also, if the imaginary launchers wanted maximum damage, they would have armed it with a proximity sensor that would have been set it off before it hit the pentagon.
Why do you assume they wanted "maximum damage"?

You seem to be contending that penetrating missiles are not tipped with depleted uranium.
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...if the "real" conspirators were CIA or military, they wouldn't have targeted the Pentagon at all. They would have struck the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial, or the White House, any of which would make the population bat-shit crazy and willing to back any action the "perps" wanted to take in revenge.
Bat-shit craziness is indeed exemplified by your posting.

Far more damage and loss of life would have occurred if they had followed your ill-considered ideas. By hitting a strongly re-inforced, mainly deserted section of the Pentagon, they achieved their goals with the least collateral damage. The operation affected New York and Washington, the two main power centers of the USA. The fear engendered was made long-lived by the Anthrax Attacks -- do you recall them, my memory-impaired, brainwashed friend?

People like you were rendered more than adequately bat-shit crazy by the show staged in New York.

Far greater loss of life would have given your "perps' the power to do whatever they wanted. If the "perps" would have targeted the White House instead of the Pentagon, they could have gotten Congress to turn Iraq & Afghanistan into puddles of glowing glass instead of just invading them.

Oh, by the way, the Pentagon attack didn't factor very much in the decision to go to war. It was the huge loss on life at the WTC that the people got upset about, and they demanded action against the ragheaded pieces of shit that were responsible.
As well as being unobservant, either you supporters of the Official Wacko Conspiracy Theory are illiterate, or you are just spreading misinformation.

The clip which I posted showing what an airliner hitting the Pentagon would look like was this one! :


The size and speed of the plane is not entirely accurate (the official claim is that it was moving at about the distance of two football fields per second), but it clearly indicates that the scene would have been very different from the video frames released by the government -- for, example, parts of the background would have been obscured which are not obscured in the government photos.

Two unobservant illiterates on this thread have claimed that I was referring to the officially released frames, which look nothing like an airliner hitting the Pentagon -- despite talking-heads on television trumpeting that they "clearly show the jumbo jet". I leave it to the dispassionate observer whether he or she sees anything like that in the frames below:


I would not be surprised if the government released doctored frames, but even in the frames which they did release, it looks much more like a missile coming in than the image of a jumbo jet arriving.
if a missile had been used it would never been targeted that low on the pentagon.
Why not?
What is shown in the clip seems consistent with being shot from a ground-based missile launcher.

also, if the imaginary launchers wanted maximum damage, they would have armed it with a proximity sensor that would have been set it off before it hit the pentagon.
Why do you assume they wanted "maximum damage"?

You seem to be contending that penetrating missiles are not tipped with depleted uranium.
I make no assumptions.
fact: no missile parts were found.
fact: there are no launchers in DC.
fact: the type of missile you're dreaming of would have used solid fuel, the "blast" disproves that.

How interesting that you "make no assumptions" and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions.

But then, what can one expect of the brainwashed denizens of the "Land of Debris and Home of the Crazed"?

How interesting that you "make no assumptions" and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions.

But then, what can one expect of the brainwashed denizens of the "Land of Debris and Home of the Crazed"?
nothing that I posted are assumptions, however, your non fact based statement is.
Of course, what you should have seen was something like this:


Should have seen? Answer a few questions and let's see how good your simulation of what "should have been seen" stands up.

In your above animated gif, the top of the tail of the plane is even with top of the Pentagon roof. The Pentagon roof is about 77 ft high. The tail height of a 757-223 is about 44 feet high? Why does your simulation get that so wrong? Your animated suggests that the jet is almost DOUBLE in size. This is what you're passing along for "truth"?


Next, the jet was traveling at 530 mph or 777 feet per second. That's a distance from the Pentagon wall to just the other of South Washington Blvd./Route 27 (using the jet flight path). In your animated gif simulation, how did you manage to figure out that the 757 should show up TWICE within 2 seconds? Not only that, but in perfect resolution! No blur at all.


In the 2 frames you show the jet, the tail travels about a third the length of the jet itself which is about 155 ft long. That means the tail traveled about 55.66 feet in 2 seconds or 27.83 ft per second.

That converts to about, get this, 18.98 MPH!!!!


Nice job numan!

How interesting that you "make no assumptions" and then immediately make all sorts of assumptions.


Take a look at my post above and we'll talk about who is making assumptions.

Let's see you defend your bullshit animated gif that you're passing off as "evidence".

Ball's in your court...
Of course, what you should have seen was something like this:


Should have seen? Answer a few questions and let's see how good your simulation of what "should have been seen" stands up.

In your above animated gif, the top of the tail of the plane is even with top of the Pentagon roof. The Pentagon roof is about 77 ft high. The tail height of a 757-223 is about 44 feet high? Why does your simulation get that so wrong? Your animated suggests that the jet is almost DOUBLE in size. This is what you're passing along for "truth"?


Next, the jet was traveling at 530 mph or 777 feet per second. That's a distance from the Pentagon wall to just the other of South Washington Blvd./Route 27 (using the jet flight path). In your animated gif simulation, how did you manage to figure out that the 757 should show up TWICE within 2 seconds? Not only that, but in perfect resolution! No blur at all.


In the 2 frames you show the jet, the tail travels about a third the length of the jet itself which is about 155 ft long. That means the tail traveled about 55.66 feet in 2 seconds or 27.83 ft per second.

That converts to about, get this, 18.98 MPH!!!!


Nice job numan!


Where ya at numan?

Of course, what you should have seen was something like this:


Should have seen? Answer a few questions and let's see how good your simulation of what "should have been seen" stands up.

In your above animated gif, the top of the tail of the plane is even with top of the Pentagon roof. The Pentagon roof is about 77 ft high. The tail height of a 757-223 is about 44 feet high? Why does your simulation get that so wrong? Your animated suggests that the jet is almost DOUBLE in size. This is what you're passing along for "truth"?


Next, the jet was traveling at 530 mph or 777 feet per second. That's a distance from the Pentagon wall to just the other of South Washington Blvd./Route 27 (using the jet flight path). In your animated gif simulation, how did you manage to figure out that the 757 should show up TWICE within 2 seconds? Not only that, but in perfect resolution! No blur at all.


In the 2 frames you show the jet, the tail travels about a third the length of the jet itself which is about 155 ft long. That means the tail traveled about 55.66 feet in 2 seconds or 27.83 ft per second.

That converts to about, get this, 18.98 MPH!!!!


Nice job numan!


Where ya at numan?


I'll take your sudden absence from this thread as a sign that you KNOW you're completely wrong and are too much of a coward to admit it.


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