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This Is What Happened On 9/11

☭proletarian☭;1919687 said:
How many threads do you plan on making?

Go back to your cave- don't you know we're still under Martial law?
Run, Terral! The helicopters are coming!
When you have no evidence to support 'your' Official Cover Story LIES, then wave your arms around, act like an idiot, and attack Terral. :0)



if i had no evidence it would be exactly the same amount of evidence that you have.....

only problem with that is i do have evidence.

I WIN !!!!!!!:lol:

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia
i'm still wondering why terral isnt in a FEMA detention camp yet


And why are we not ALL in FEMA camps dieing of the recombined 1918 Spanish flu? He said all that would happen last year as early as last summer. YET here we all are. STILL waiting for that mandatory vaccination. His whole plot fails with that one since the military got the vaccine, and the cops, exactly who was gonna put us all under guard if they were all dead or dying?
☭proletarian☭;1919687 said:
How many threads do you plan on making?

Go back to your cave- don't you know we're still under Martial law?

thats my question as well terral.This is a great thread no doubt, an exceelnt one the disinformation agents liek candy corn and fizz cant debunk,but why not just post it on your other thread with the same title instead of creating a new one that has the same title?
☭proletarian☭;1919687 said:
How many threads do you plan on making?

Go back to your cave- don't you know we're still under Martial law?

thats my question as well terral.This is a great thread no doubt, an exceelnt one the disinformation agents liek candy corn and fizz cant debunk,but why not just post it on your other thread with the same title instead of creating a new one that has the same title?
you're another fucking moron that already decided what the outcome of any "truther" investigation would be before even looking at all the information without any bias.

just look at your user name for fucks sake....

facts are facts.
there are no facts that a missile was fired at the pentagon.
there are no facts that an A-3 was flown into the pentagon.

your moronic statements show what a complete fucking lunatic you really are.:lol:

you arent interested in the truth. you are interested on making excuses for the muslim terrorists that actually committed 9/11.
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Including you and Mr. Fizz and Gam and Ollie and Trojan running diversion for Official Cover Story

That's pretty funny coming from you. According to this link posted by you in your above post...

You are STILL using a photo that you admitted you were wrong about...

Here is your post admitting you were wrong and that you were going to correct it...
Greetings to Gamolon and All:

My congratulations to Gamolon for pointing out an inconsistency in my testimony on the WTC-7 Case. Rarely does anyone come along and point out blatant errors in my work, so I want to take the time and show everyone my mistake. My original photograph here has an error:


The circled area atop the photograph appears to be a 45-degree thermate cut, when in reality this red-iron I-beam is a disconnected segment. Gamolon used this picture (here) to show me the light. Note what appears to be a box column with a 45-degree angle cut like this (pic) is actually a red-iron I-beam like this:


Gamolon is 'right' on this point and I was definitely 'WRONG.' Again, I applaud him for taking the time to point out my error. I am going to return to my illustration today and make the required changes.

So why haven't you corrected your admitted mistake liar?

Also, why do you continue to say that the beams were cut with thermite yet in that same photo above you ADMIT in your annotations that there are no burn marks from fire on the column ends.
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☭proletarian☭;1919687 said:
How many threads do you plan on making?

Go back to your cave- don't you know we're still under Martial law?

thats my question as well terral.This is a great thread no doubt, an exceelnt one the disinformation agents liek candy corn and fizz cant debunk,but why not just post it on your other thread with the same title instead of creating a new one that has the same title?

So, you actually believe every word of what Terral wrote? If you support him and think it was really "exceelnt" (some people spell it like this: excellent dumbfuck), stand by it and say that you buy all of that bull shit.

I don't think you're man enough to do it.

Be prepared to answer what in the fuck happened to the planes that disappeared.

Be preapred to answer why anybody would fire a missile at the Pentagon when they didn't do it in New York dumbfuck.

Be prepared to answer why Bush would let such a cockamamie plan hatch 9 months into office when his positives were very good already

Be prepared to answer how a missile was not seen by anybody.

Thats just for starters.

We all know you don't have the sack to come out and say anything so definative. Must suck to not have any 'nads.
Hi Inside:

thats my question as well terral.This is a great thread no doubt, an exceelnt one the disinformation agents liek candy corn and fizz cant debunk, but why not just post it on your other thread with the same title instead of creating a new one that has the same title?

First of all: My OP 911Truth Explanation has been 'quoted >> and debunked' by nobody. There is no other Topic (from me) explaining "What Happened On 9/11" until now. I do have a "What Happened At the Pentagon" Topic (here among others) and a Flight 93 Topic (here) and a WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion Topic (here); but up to now I have never posted a "What Happened On 9/11" Explanation that incorporates the components of these three related 9/11 Cases. I have never made the A-3 Skywarrior Retrofit/Peter Peterson/FED/Blackstone/Hughs-Raytheon/WTC-7 Mortgage Connection (link) with Larry Silverstein/Twin Towers Acquisition and Mayor Giuliani and Dan Rather with the Global Guardian/Tripod2 Wargames in any Opening Post, and those connections are required to grasp "What Really Happened On 9/11."

Perhaps you are confusing my "What Really Happened At the Pentagon" Topic with this new "What Happened On 9/11" Topic. Either way, the only USMB registered member writing on 'this' Topic is Terral ...


Hi Corn:

So, you actually believe every word of what Terral wrote? If you support him and think it was really "exceelnt" (some people spell it like this: excellent dumbfuck), stand by it and say that you buy all of that bull shit.

Listen up, Ms. Corn: You Official Cover Story LIARS come to my Topics and swear like sailors and add NOTHING to the discussion at all. ZERO. All you can do is bring out a new reply box and add insult to your ignorant injury. This 'is' the USMB Conspiracy Theories Forum. Okay. So what is Corn's Conspiracy Theory????

Look at all the work and third-party support in the Opening Post, then compare that to your stupidity ...

The only person impressed by your nonsense is Corn ...

Now. Go back to the Opening Post and start debunking like a good Official Cover Story LIAR ...



A serious question for you. I am not here to debate your "facts" since that would not really get anything accomplished, however...

If all of these claims you make as being "fact" why is it you have not sued the Federal government for this huge conspiracy? I would think that you would be able to find a judge you could trust to have them review your "facts" and see the truth and give you a favorable conclusion to your suit.

Posting things in a blog with one follower really doesn't seem like a good way to get the word out to the public. A win in the court system certainly would get at minimum an investigation started into looking directly at your "facts" as you have provided.

Hi Gam:

This point has been addressed already, but Gam has NOTHING to correct in the Opening Post of 'this' Topic; so he is trying to beat a dead horse. :0)

Here is your post admitting you were wrong and that you were going to correct it... So why haven't you corrected your admitted mistake liar?

I admitted my mistake before everyone here, but your very minor point changed N.O.T.H.I.N.G. about my Thesis (WTC-7 Collapsed From Controlled Demolition) Claims (Compartmentalization eliminates 'death by fire,' Building Fires have NEVER caused the implosion of any steel-framed skyscraper, etc..) and Conclusions:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]Both Buildings Are Imploding From Controlled Demolition[/ame]

The difference between me and this Official Govt Cover Story LIAR is that I 'do' admit mistakes (even minor ones) and congratulate 'anyone' removing the splinter from my eye. However, Mr. Gam here continues to push Official Bush/Obama Cover Story "Building Fires Did It" LIES, even though his entire Case has been debunked time and time and time again. Gam is pretending that his correction in my work changes EVERYTHING about my Controlled Demolition Implosion Explanation, when NOTHING could be farther from 'the' 911Truth. The guy just showed you where I fessed up to an error, so 'he' is the LIAR here; not me ...

Mr. Gam can 'now' admit that 'he was wrong' and WTC-7 Collapsed From Controlled Demoltion, OR he can continue to be a Loyal Bushie/Obama Cover Story Stooge ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm73wOuPL60]Mr. Gam Stands With This Guy ...[/ame]


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At 8:46 on the morning of September 11, 2001, the United States became a
nation transformed.
An airliner traveling at hundreds of miles per hour and carrying some 10,000
gallons of jet fuel plowed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in
Lower Manhattan. At 9:03, a second airliner hit the South Tower. Fire and
smoke billowed upward. Steel, glass, ash, and bodies fell below.The Twin Towers,
where up to 50,000 people worked each day, both collapsed less than 90 minutes
At 9:37 that same morning, a third airliner slammed into the western face of
the Pentagon. At 10:03, a fourth airliner crashed in a field in southern
Pennsylvania. It had been aimed at the United States Capitol or the White
House, and was forced down by heroic passengers armed with the knowledge
that America was under attack.
More than 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center; 125 died at the
Pentagon; 256 died on the four planes. The death toll surpassed that at Pearl
Harbor in December 1941.
This immeasurable pain was inflicted by 19 young Arabs acting at the behest
of Islamist extremists headquartered in distant Afghanistan. Some had been in
the United States for more than a year, mixing with the rest of the population.
Though four had training as pilots, most were not well-educated. Most spoke
English poorly, some hardly at all. In groups of four or five, carrying with them
only small knives, box cutters, and cans of Mace or pepper spray, they had
hijacked the four planes and turned them into deadly guided missiles.

Quoted from

THE 9/11
Final Report of the
National Commission on Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States
executive summary

This is basically what happened on the morning of 9-11-01. When you can disprove the major points of this report, please let us know.
Hi Suave:


A serious question for you. I am not here to debate your "facts" since that would not really get anything accomplished ...

We agree. A great debate (like chess or tennis) requires two opponents with similar skills and knowledge. Suave is heavily outgunned in this debate ...

... however... If all of these claims you make as being "fact" why is it you have not sued the Federal government for this huge conspiracy?

Those of you helping with the DoD-run Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign are being exposed and made ready for the 'lake of fire.' We are participating in events that are taking place for the 'third' time, so enjoy your days under the sun. There is a lawsuit (CenterFor911Justice + Complaint) and 'many' are about to be 'destroyed from among the people.' If Bush and Rove and Cheney and Rumsfeld were caught red-handed on 9/11, then we would miss out on the opportunity to catch 'you' running diversion for Official Cover Story LIARS and MURDERERS of innocent Americans ...

I would think that you would be able to find a judge you could trust to have them review your "facts" and see the truth and give you a favorable conclusion to your suit.

There are 10,000 things I could tell you about 9/11 and about the coming Judgment, but 'the' 911Truth appears in all my work; so that 'you' can refuse to heed my word. You want to call this 'Empty Hole' (pic from my Topic) a crashed 100-ton Jetliner 'and' you expect others to believe that STUPIDITY! Great! You want to say this 'Empty Hole' (pic from my Topic) is a crashed 100-ton Jetliner. Great! You want to convince me (#3) and everyone here that this ...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73qK4j32iuo"]... WTC-7 Controlled Demolition ...[/ame]

... is a modern-day skyscraper collapsing CD-style from 'Building Fires/Debris/Sonic Waves,' and you are going to sit behind that computer keyboard and continue pushing that STUPIDITY no matter how many times I show you 'the' 911Truth. Right? Great! Lie your ass off Mr. Official Cover Story Liar, because the lake of fire burns HOT forever and ever for the likes of 'you' ... too.

Everything will make perfect sense at the Judgment, but by then it will be 'much' too late ...

Posting things in a blog with one follower really doesn't seem like a good way to get the word out to the public.

That 911Truth Blog was created specifically for Bill Veale and April Gallop for their Gallop/Cheney Lawsuit. That one follower works for the Department of Defense ... :0)

A win in the court system certainly would get at minimum an investigation started into looking directly at your "facts" as you have provided.

No sir. The USA 'is' definitely going to be destroyed (#1-#10) and cut directly in two. The Gulf of Mexico waters are going to rush over the land (after the massive earthquake) to meet the Great Lake waters 'and' divide the USA into two 'Coastland' parts. There is no hurry. Every single Official Cover Story LIAR will be Judged 'and' thrown into the lake of fire. You must be given this 'short time,' so the atrocities and 'abominations' (they are determined) can increase ...

My job is to tell 'the' 911Truth 'and' your job is to continue telling Loyal Bushie/Obama LIES. I am standing 'alone' because I stood alone as the voice crying from the wilderness. Keep up the good work ...


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However, Mr. Gam here continues to push Official Bush/Obama Cover Story "Building Fires Did It" LIES, even though his entire Case has been debunked time and time and time again.

However, Mr. Terral here continues to push his "thermite brought down WTC7" garbage even though he admits that the thermite signatures and slag are nowhere to be seen. Hence the "No Signs Of Burns Fire" and "Where Is Any Melting From Fire?" annotations pointing to the ends of the columns in his photo here.

Let's see. Terral says there are thermite cuts all over the place and then claims that the are no burn marks or melting on any of the columns he says were cut by thermite.


What a complete idiot. Don't you realize how stupid you look? I guess not. Keep up the "good" work.

Hi Ollie:

Oh my God, Terral isn't just a 911 conspiracy batshit crazy nut but a religious nutcase too.

My first Topic on this USMB Board was on the "Two Gospels" (link) and "Two Churches" (link), but there is not even 'one' good among you; not even one; so the 'Baptisms' (CF.com link) Topic was never posted. They said the same things about John the Baptist (link).

Terral. judge not and you shalt not be judged.

Christ (Matt. 7:1) is addressing Messianic Kingdom Jews (Israel ONLY) living in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. You do not know the difference between "Kingdom Doctrine" (for Church #1) and "Grace Doctrine" (for Church #2). Bump any of these Topics:

The Trinity Conspiracy
The Big Bang Theory Of Creation Is A MYTH
Differences Between God and My Father Who is IN HEAVEN
A True Homosexual Has Never Been Born
Rebuttal To Agnapostate's Scripture Fallibility Claims
The Mystery Of God's Hidden Wisdom
Christ Is The Man Of Heaven And Adam Is The Man Of The Earth

Ollie should be more concerned about Ollie ...


Hi Gam:

However, Mr. Terral here continues to push his "thermite brought down WTC7" garbage even though he admits that the thermite signatures and slag are nowhere to be seen ...

Thermate Shaped-Charges represent only 'one' demolition component that brought WTC-7 down into its own footprint in 6.6 seconds:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZbS5pB0N7g]About Dr. Steven Jones And Evidence Of Nano-Thermite[/ame]

If Gam wants to show us "his" Building Fires/Debris Did It Hypothesis supported by 'any' evidence whatsoever, then knock yourself out! This guy gets all worked up when someone tells 'the' 911Truth (WTC-7 CD Implosion), because he cannot in any way make a real Official Cover Story Case for WTC-7 collapsing CD-style into its own footprint:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv7BImVvEyk"]Let's Try Using The "Orange" Experiment[/ame]



However, Mr. Gam here continues to push Official Bush/Obama Cover Story "Building Fires Did It" LIES, even though his entire Case has been debunked time and time and time again.

However, Mr. Terral here continues to push his "thermite brought down WTC7" garbage even though he admits that the thermite signatures and slag are nowhere to be seen. Hence the "No Signs Of Burns Fire" and "Where Is Any Melting From Fire?" annotations pointing to the ends of the columns in his photo here.

Let's see. Terral says there are thermite cuts all over the place and then claims that the are no burn marks or melting on any of the columns he says were cut by thermite.


What a complete idiot. Don't you realize how stupid you look? I guess not. Keep up the "good" work.


One should also consider this:

If there was a conspiracy approved by the Bush White House or anybody in the hierarchy of the military infrastructure, the stakes are absolutely astronomical; are they not?

We will all answer yes to that question except for the whack jobs among us.

Okay, so they have the stakes elevated beyond belief and the whack jobs are expecting you and me to believe that they relied on thermite which, had never ever been used to fall a building before, to destroy a building. Its idiotic no matter how one looks at it.

Not only do these dumb fucks expect you to believe that; they expect you to believe that they would select two buildings 110 stories high. The tallest building ever imploded was 439 feet. Somehow, again when the stakes are astronomical, the dumb fucks expect you to believe that the planners would select two 110 story buildings to implode when there are any number of targets that would have been easier to do.

This is just the beginning of how many bizarre things they expect you to believe. Don't worry so much about the crazy assed things they are bringing up; shit the premise is so bizarre you don't have to worry about any of the procedural things being even remotely plausible.
This guy gets all worked up when someone tells 'the' 911Truth (WTC-7 CD Implosion), because he cannot in any way make a real Official Cover Story Case for WTC-7 collapsing CD-style into its own footprint:

Let's Try Using The "Orange" Experiment

This Terral guy gets worked up when someone finds mistakes in his work, then points out that he LIES by referring to the same incorrect photo he annotated even though he SAID he was going to correct it, and then debunks his own claim of thermite cuts all over the columns of WTC7 by posting a photo in which he says that there are no "BURN MARKS" or "MELDTED ENDS" due to fire.

How can he use a photo to show thermite cut ends if there are no BURN or MELT marks.


What a complete idiot.
Hi Corn:

One should also consider this:

If there was a conspiracy approved by the Bush White House or anybody in the hierarchy of the military infrastructure, the stakes are absolutely astronomical; are they not?

We will all answer yes to that question except for the whack jobs among us ...

Go back to the Opening Post and 'quote >> something' and offer your own 'conspiracy theory' using some kind of EVIDENCE!!!!!! Post 'links' to whatever Mr. Corn considers to be 'credible EVIDENCE,' because running your foolish mouth adds 'nothing' to What Really Happened On 9/11 ...


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