THIS is what needs to be said

I’m one of the few whites with empathy.

Like conservative whites I too think the black community is messed up I just admit it’s mostly our fault.

Until blacks represent 5% of the workforce and 5% of the CEOs in America one can only assume something is still wrong. It would suggest blacks aren’t getting the same access to opportunities that whites get.

And notice I didn’t say 12%? It should be 12% but let’s just see if we can get to 5% first.

Black people became racist assholes and decided that any failure on their part is whitey’s fault.

Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.
I’m one of the few whites with empathy.

Like conservative whites I too think the black community is messed up I just admit it’s mostly our fault.

Until blacks represent 5% of the workforce and 5% of the CEOs in America one can only assume something is still wrong. It would suggest blacks aren’t getting the same access to opportunities that whites get.

And notice I didn’t say 12%? It should be 12% but let’s just see if we can get to 5% first.

Black people became racist assholes and decided that any failure on their part is whitey’s fault.

Federal mandated desegregation programs destroyed independent black communities.
That too, but if black people had adopted the attitude that they have today those businesses would be dead even with segregation.

I think their change in attitude is due to government intervention. Black americans USED to be family oriented, devout christians with a strong work ethic and little tolerance for nonsense. Now they're a trainwreck.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.
No one of any intelligence would claim blacks aren’t mistreated in this country. Our prisons are full of non-violent offenders of color. Often times these people are arrested for bull shit charges, like failing to pay fines imposed upon them unjustly. Fines designed to enrich city governments. Police departments in many cities are manned by hateful violent cops, looking for minorities to arrest. This is America today.

I ask you what is the driving force behind all this injustice, but I know your answer. You believe it is the consequence of white racism. While you are partially right, you miss the elephant in the room. The elephant is a government controlled by a criminal ruling class. Government is your enemy, but you don’t know it.
You are a moron.
Shallow thinkers tell me that.
All you are doing is empowering Antifa and BLM lunatics by saying this crap.

The “white racism” is non-existent. I am more likely to encounter black racism in my day to day life than IM2 is to encounter white racism.

Black racism is being normalized.

You don't have enough understanding to suggest that racism doesn't exist in America anymore. It's ridiculous to suggest. I'll give you two very brief examples. In the 90's I worked at a business hotel. 99.9% of the guests coming and going were white men. Fast forward to today. I go to a trade show in Chicago. Every person working at a hotel or at the convention center for minimum wage and tips is black but every manufacturer attending the show is white.

Somethings wrong and you have blinders on. Keep trying.

Comparing apples and avacodo's. Cute.
Which leads me to my second point. The media is not liberal. If it's using these wedge issues to divide us, then it is on purpose that they (the rich) push that bullshit to rile you up. And it's working perfectly on you.

If you believe that, you're more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal. EVEN Democrats acknowledge that 95% of the media are far left Progressives.

Saying the media is not liberal, renders your entire post worthless.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL
I’m one of the few whites with empathy.

Like conservative whites I too think the black community is messed up I just admit it’s mostly our fault.

Until blacks represent 5% of the workforce and 5% of the CEOs in America one can only assume something is still wrong. It would suggest blacks aren’t getting the same access to opportunities that whites get.

And notice I didn’t say 12%? It should be 12% but let’s just see if we can get to 5% first.


Isn't that happening to whites too?

THE MAJORITY OF U.S. businesses are small, relatively new and owned by white Americans, according to new data published Thursday by the Census Bureau.

The bureau estimates there were 5.4 million companies and businesses with paid employees at the end of 2014. About 9 percent of these outfits had been started within the previous two years, and nearly 53 percent had been started within the last 10. Surprisingly, the bureau estimates that only 3.1 percent of U.S. businesses in operation in 2014 had been around for at least 16 years.

But the survey, put out in conjunction with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the Minority Business Development Agency, painted an ownership picture that is still skewed largely to white males. Only 17.5 percent of businesses in operation in 2014 were minority owned, even though the bureau estimates that African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and other ethnicities account for more than 38 percent of the country's overall population.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL

You know this is how Hitler justified persecuting the Jews, right?
I’m one of the few whites with empathy.

Like conservative whites I too think the black community is messed up I just admit it’s mostly our fault.

Until blacks represent 5% of the workforce and 5% of the CEOs in America one can only assume something is still wrong. It would suggest blacks aren’t getting the same access to opportunities that whites get.

And notice I didn’t say 12%? It should be 12% but let’s just see if we can get to 5% first.

I’m one of the few whites with empathy.

Like conservative whites I too think the black community is messed up I just admit it’s mostly our fault.

Until blacks represent 5% of the workforce and 5% of the CEOs in America one can only assume something is still wrong. It would suggest blacks aren’t getting the same access to opportunities that whites get.

And notice I didn’t say 12%? It should be 12% but let’s just see if we can get to 5% first.

Entrepreneurship: The Ultimate White Privilege? - The Atlantic
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL

You know this is how Hitler justified persecuting the Jews, right?
Please explain
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

Celebrate the marginalization of your people just like a good little sheep.

My people? I'm an American. America is a melting pot. I don't feel all that close to Greek Americans. I'm not worried that my nephews marry Greek women although it would be nice. My brother married a Greek and my dad was an immigrant so it's amazing his grandkids are still 100% greek. It sure is nice but I wouldn't care if they married a stupid white American and lost our Greek culture. So fucking what?

So I certainly don't care if in 50 years white Americans control everything. I figure my nephews will do just fine in a society where everyone gets an equal opportunity. And even if I am ruining the white privilege for my nephews so what? It's the right thing to do.
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Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

What percentage of women major in engineering, architecture, business, finance, neurosurgery, etc, etc, etc.
So you are saying blacks aren’t qualified? All I asked for was 5%. You are saying they aren’t qualified because the nfl argument only applies if you are suggesting blacks aren’t qualified to be CEOs. I exposed your ignorance and racism.

Let’s shift the conversation to women. Women should at least represent 25% of the executives and workforce since they are 50% of the population. Now are you going to make the same argument that women aren’t qualified and that’s why they are so under represented in the boardrooms?

Your arguments are simple and foolish.

Here's a shock to you. Men and women are different! I know, who knew?
If that's the best comeback then it seems my arguments went over your head and you have no comeback. Nothing meaningful at least.

Bottom line is you think blacks and women aren't qualified to be VP's and CEO's. Got it.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL

You know this is how Hitler justified persecuting the Jews, right?
Please explain

In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler repeatedly makes the case that Jews enjoy an unearned place of wealth, esteem and privilege due to group favoritism and use their influence to oppress non-Jews. He even goes as far to say the coming changes in society won't be easy for pampered Jews to accept and that he understands their trepidation.

...and we all know how that worked out for them, don't we?
Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

What percentage of women major in engineering, architecture, business, finance, neurosurgery, etc, etc, etc.
A lot of women have engineering, architect and business degrees. How dare you.

In a few decades you won't have this excuse

Why Men Are the New Minority in College - The Atlantic
Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL

You know this is how Hitler justified persecuting the Jews, right?
Please explain

In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler repeatedly makes the case that Jews enjoy an unearned place of wealth, esteem and privilege due to group favoritism and use their influence to oppress non-Jews. He even goes as far to say the coming changes in society won't be easy for pampered Jews to accept and that he understands their trepidation.

...and we all know how that worked out for them, don't we?

Was he wrong?
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL

You know this is how Hitler justified persecuting the Jews, right?
Please explain

In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler repeatedly makes the case that Jews enjoy an unearned place of wealth, esteem and privilege due to group favoritism and use their influence to oppress non-Jews. He even goes as far to say the coming changes in society won't be easy for pampered Jews to accept and that he understands their trepidation.

...and we all know how that worked out for them, don't we?

Was he wrong?

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

What percentage of women major in engineering, architecture, business, finance, neurosurgery, etc, etc, etc.
The Alliance for Board Diversity just released its biannual Missing Pieces Report, which measures the representation of women and people of color on the boards of the Fortune 500. The verdict was mixed. There was definitely some good news: the representation of women and minorities reached 34 percent, an all-time high and an almost 3 percent gain from 2016. The number of companies reaching 40 percent board diversity nearly tripled from 2016, to 145.

There was also a clear message that there is still work to be done: women and minorities still remain significantly underrepresented in the boardroom. Just one example: while women account for half of the population of the U.S., they hold less than 25 percent of board seats in the Fortune 100.
I’m tired of reading, hearing or watching whites and others talking this bullshit. What is a victim folk? Does anyone know? Where did we get this idea that blacks who are protesting, complaining, or actively fighting racism are pretending to be victims of something ?

Where did this stump stupid shit come from? I say it started when the Reagan administration decided to get rid of the fairness doctrine. Suddenly you had all manner of loud mouth radio talk show idiots making fact less comments. I am going to talk about somebody here and it is not going to be complimentary. The first person I ever heard talking this way was some fat white boy from Missouri. I was in my 20’s and suddenly 30 years ago I started hearing of this fat white slob on the radio talking about blacks playing race cards, race hustling, and playing the victim. Like we are pretending there is racism just to feel persecuted. As the years have gone by, I ask who ordained this tub of lard permission to be arbiter of public opinion? I was going to start off on his lack of education, but I won't. But this slob has been allowed to influence a couple of generations of whites with his race baiting and he needs to be taken off the airwaves.

In my view this slob is worthless. All he’s good for is the big turkey leg and an extra scoop of dressing and gravy at the holiday dinner. I’m sure he knows nothing about sweet potato pie since that’s what blacks eat. This vat of fryer grease preaches his racist mumbo jumbo day in and day out. He’s done it for years now. If the stay puff marshmallow was the only one saying this, no problem. But this pork belly got millions of people to buy into his message and when you examine his message you want to tell Jabba the Hut to go find a buffet, play Mr. Creosote and eat that last wafer thin mint. The lunacy of his argument is apparent and what has been just as apparent is that we must be a nation of dunce caps to have allowed this stupid white can of crisco to become tertiary or de facto leader of one of our major political parties. Yes, I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. He hasn’t gotten any skinnier either. But look, the stupidity he birthed here in this country is so tough you got blacks repeating it to other blacks as well as other stupid nonwhite wannabes.

We have people running around telling us black folks that we are always looking for racism. Now think about this for a minute. Blacks who want to get rid of racism are spending all their days going around looking for racism so we can stay upset, mad and stressed out. How stupid is that? There are some whites who have told me that I wake up only to go looking for racism. This kind of thinking strains the definition of sanity. So I wake up every morning, drink my coffee, then leave home to begin my daily search for a reason to be miserable, unhappy and angry. It is enough to make a person commit an act of violence when some whites, or stupid nonwhites dare speak this foolishness.

I would rather pass by the amusement park just to go find that Klan rally. I would rather sell my ticket to a pro football game to go find a Richard Spencer seminar. I would rather by pass a date with a beautiful woman to go watch a Jared Taylor lecture. If I have a job, I will clock in and spend my day looking for examples of ways to be insulted by race so I can spend all day long mad and miserable.

I’m accusing the company of racism because they give me pencils with black lead, or provide black pens to write with. If I am having a conversation with someone white I just can’t wait to hear them say something racist, so I can have hurt feelings and anger that I must hold inside of me for the rest of the day until I can get home. When I watch TV, instead of being entertained, I watch TV only to look for examples of racism so I can stay angry and bitter towards all whites.

If I go to a cajun restaurant, I will order the blackened fish on purpose so I can scream how the restaurant is a racist establishment so I can leave hungry and mad. I think black ice is a racist designation for ice, so I am mad at the weather person for making racist comments. This is the incredibly stupid garbage some people came to believe by listening to the skipper on gilligans island radio talk show. This level of stupidity must be unprecedented in modern times. Or perhaps it is not but the advent of so many ways to communicate has allowed the crazy that was once hidden at home to get out into the open.

Missouri Fats is the one who invented the card. Jennifer Garner, Howie Long and Samuel Jackson do not advertise for this card. But Fatty Arbuckle, Sean Hannity, dumb blacks like Kevin Jackson, some idiots on you tube, Dinesh D’ Souza, and others advertise for this card company. The company is called race and they have a card that these people imagine provides extra rights and privileges to those holding the card. I remember this white dude telling me how I was playing a race card as I was describing polices initiated by whites that created damage in the black community that people face today. This idiot wanted to lecture me on all this free stuff we blacks get because we have this card. Now as I am black, I asked him to provide me the website and address to the free black stuff administration. I’m still waiting.

Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.
That is entirely due to the demographics.

Once the baby boomers retire and die off the experience and the masses of white workers drops off.

That means there are less white men to take the higher jobs and less experienced white men to prevent black men from getting those jobs.

In 50 years you won’t see a single white person in management anywhere and the only people who will give a fuck are the powerless white minority, exactly like it is in South Africa.

Maybe everyone will get a fair chance then. White men won't have that special privilege we have now. Do I enjoy that privilege? Sure. Does that mean it's right? No.

Yea it must have been great being white in south africa during apartide. LOL
So much for that “empathy” you claimed to have....

BTW, if white privilege actually existed there wouldn’t be people in academia or the media talking about it at all. They would be blackballed and fired and eventually arrested for trying to do so, just like “white supremacists” are in this society.

And considering that white people in South Africa are accused of having “white privilege” today, it is safe to assume that it is all just racist bullshit from the leftists.
Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

What percentage of women major in engineering, architecture, business, finance, neurosurgery, etc, etc, etc.
Today is international womens day. We have 3 women that work at my company and one black guy. Seems women are making more strides than blacks as far as representation in the corporate offices. But notice those women are administrative, office manager and accounts payable. No engineers or managers.

50 employees 1 black guy and 3 white women. 47 white guys. Us poor white men! LOL.

What percentage of women major in engineering, architecture, business, finance, neurosurgery, etc, etc, etc.
Republican women don't seem to mind

Majority Of Republican Women Say Sex Discrimination Isn't A Problem | HuffPost
But that's just Republican women Despite Common Concerns, American Women Remain Deeply Divided | HuffPost

Even though women share some of the same concerns, they’re far from a unified bloc.

Nationwide, the majority of women are concerned about pay inequality and see gender bias in politics. Most are enthusiastic about seeing more women in positions of power in the United States and think American women should play a role in reducing gender-based discrimination elsewhere in the world. About half have faced inappropriate sexual advances.

But as the survey shows, women also remain sharply divided along partisan lines in their beliefs and experiences. (Read the full survey and analysis here.)

About three-quarters of women consider the pay gap between men and women to be a problem. But there’s a huge partisan divide in terms of how women weigh that problem. Where 63 percent of Democrats say it’s a serious one, just 26 percent of Republicans believe the same.

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