This is what passes as the "educated left" today.

And people pay big money to to have a dumb as a door knob graduate!

School kids cant count change either...its pathetic

Republicans have been cutting back on primary and secondary public education for the last 30 years. I guess colleges can't turn 12 years of damage around in four.
You idiots are "socially promoting" children with failing grades so they don't get their feelings hurt. THAT is why they can't count change or read very well.
How much money do you need to teach basic math & reading?
An American Council of Trustees and Alumni study — “No US History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major,” based on requirements and course offerings at 75 leading colleges and universities — found that “the overwhelming majority of America’s most prestigious institutions do not require even the students who major in history to take a single course on United States history or government.”

At some schools that require history majors to take at least one US history course, the requirement can be fulfilled with courses like “Mad Men and Mad Women” (Middlebury College), “Hip-Hop, Politics and Youth Culture in America” (University of Connecticut) and “Jews in American Entertainment” (University of Texas). Constitutional history is an afterthought.

ACTA-commissioned survey found that less than half of college graduates knew that George Washington was the commanding general at Yorktown; that nearly half didn’t know that Theodore Roosevelt was important to the construction of the Panama Canal; that more than one-third couldn’t place the Civil War in a correct 20-year span or identify Franklin Roosevelt as the architect of the New Deal; that 58 percent didn’t know that the Battle of the Bulge occurred in World War II; and that nearly half didn’t know the lengths of the terms of US senators and representatives.

Yes folks, that is the educated left. The left wing educated left.


I taught a couple survey courses on American History as a GTA and I was gobsmacked at how many students were clueless about our nation's history. The blame doesn't rest solely with their high-school teachers as some students are just lazy as all Hell.

Have you ever watched a Watters interview? Those liberal educated kids are dumb as dirt. They don't know the basics.

Not very many I'm afraid. I had enough first-hand experience to last me a lifetime. lol. I can't speak to the politics of the students when I was a GTA b/c I honestly didn't know. When you really know the subject matter it is quite easy to make the material fun and engaging. I tried to let my passion for history show in my teaching style.
An American Council of Trustees and Alumni study — “No US History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major,” based on requirements and course offerings at 75 leading colleges and universities — found that “the overwhelming majority of America’s most prestigious institutions do not require even the students who major in history to take a single course on United States history or government.”

At some schools that require history majors to take at least one US history course, the requirement can be fulfilled with courses like “Mad Men and Mad Women” (Middlebury College), “Hip-Hop, Politics and Youth Culture in America” (University of Connecticut) and “Jews in American Entertainment” (University of Texas). Constitutional history is an afterthought.

ACTA-commissioned survey found that less than half of college graduates knew that George Washington was the commanding general at Yorktown; that nearly half didn’t know that Theodore Roosevelt was important to the construction of the Panama Canal; that more than one-third couldn’t place the Civil War in a correct 20-year span or identify Franklin Roosevelt as the architect of the New Deal; that 58 percent didn’t know that the Battle of the Bulge occurred in World War II; and that nearly half didn’t know the lengths of the terms of US senators and representatives.

College kids are proving Trump’s point | New York Post

Yes folks, that is the educated left. The left wing educated left.

It's by design. The Left doesn't want Educated Americans. They want Programmed Americans. Universities in the U.S. have basically been turned into Secular State Religion madrasas.
And people pay big money to to have a dumb as a door knob graduate!
Says some moron who most likely never even made it through high school, LOL.
How's that on-line degree going?

You trying to make the left proud?
Unlike you, who bought your online degree from trump u, I earned my degree from an actual university that I attended, you know, in person.

Seriously though, did you even graduate high school?
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And people pay big money to to have a dumb as a door knob graduate!
Says some moron who most likely never even made it through high school, LOL.
How's that on-line degree going?

You trying to make the left proud?
Unlike you, who bought your online degree from trump u, I earned my degree from an actual university that I attended, you know, in person.

Seriously though, did even you graduate high school?
You seem so proud of you basket weaving shingle......

I really am pulling for you and your successful completion of your on-line GED and to become educated too.....
An American Council of Trustees and Alumni study — “No US History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major,” based on requirements and course offerings at 75 leading colleges and universities — found that “the overwhelming majority of America’s most prestigious institutions do not require even the students who major in history to take a single course on United States history or government.”

At some schools that require history majors to take at least one US history course, the requirement can be fulfilled with courses like “Mad Men and Mad Women” (Middlebury College), “Hip-Hop, Politics and Youth Culture in America” (University of Connecticut) and “Jews in American Entertainment” (University of Texas). Constitutional history is an afterthought.

ACTA-commissioned survey found that less than half of college graduates knew that George Washington was the commanding general at Yorktown; that nearly half didn’t know that Theodore Roosevelt was important to the construction of the Panama Canal; that more than one-third couldn’t place the Civil War in a correct 20-year span or identify Franklin Roosevelt as the architect of the New Deal; that 58 percent didn’t know that the Battle of the Bulge occurred in World War II; and that nearly half didn’t know the lengths of the terms of US senators and representatives.

Yes folks, that is the educated left. The left wing educated left.

Herein is the list of required undergraduate US History Courses for a major in American History at my Alma Mater:

HISTORY 131B Social History of the United States: Creating Modern American Society: From the End of the Civil War to the Global Age
HISTORY 138 History of Science in the U.S.
HISTORY 138T History of Science in the US CalTeach
HISTORY 7A Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Settlement to Civil War
HISTORY 7B Introduction to the History of the United States: The United States from Civil War to Present
HISTORY N131B Social History of the United States: 1914-Present

These are only the required core courses , for a full list which include courses such as the Diplomatic History of the US and Regional History, such as The West in US History, see the 2017 Catalog for CAL Berkeley.

BTW, why do right wingers always seem to lie by omission, by commission, and post half-truths and echo rumors? Owl is a known liar and partisan hack.
so your upset because college kids dont know enough about old angry racist white men?
Lefties don't know history. This one even has trouble with English usage.
Why does everyone have to learn about how great all these white people were?

It's good to know how this country became the greatest country in the world. Without some of those 'old white guys' doing things like inventing stuff like computers, you couldn't even be on this forum bitching about how terrible America is. Without some old white guy inventing the self starter, you'd have to probably get some 13 year old redneck kid to crank over your car by hand so's you could go to protests and sit ins.
so your upset because college kids dont know enough about old angry racist white men?
Lefties don't know history. This one even has trouble with English usage.
Why does everyone have to learn about how great all these white people were?

It's good to know how this country became the greatest country in the world. Without some of those 'old white guys' doing things like inventing stuff like computers, you couldn't even be on this forum bitching about how terrible America is. Without some old white guy inventing the self starter, you'd have to probably get some 13 year old redneck kid to crank over your car by hand so's you could go to protests and sit ins.
without slaves america wouldn't be anything, why can't we learn about them?
so your upset because college kids dont know enough about old angry racist white men?
Lefties don't know history. This one even has trouble with English usage.
Why does everyone have to learn about how great all these white people were?

It's good to know how this country became the greatest country in the world. Without some of those 'old white guys' doing things like inventing stuff like computers, you couldn't even be on this forum bitching about how terrible America is. Without some old white guy inventing the self starter, you'd have to probably get some 13 year old redneck kid to crank over your car by hand so's you could go to protests and sit ins.
without slaves america wouldn't be anything, why can't we learn about them?

Without slaves, the poor whites would have done the jobs slaves did. The profit margin would have been less for the big plantation owners is all. Why do you hate white folk?
so your upset because college kids dont know enough about old angry racist white men?
Lefties don't know history. This one even has trouble with English usage.
Why does everyone have to learn about how great all these white people were?

It's good to know how this country became the greatest country in the world. Without some of those 'old white guys' doing things like inventing stuff like computers, you couldn't even be on this forum bitching about how terrible America is. Without some old white guy inventing the self starter, you'd have to probably get some 13 year old redneck kid to crank over your car by hand so's you could go to protests and sit ins.
without slaves america wouldn't be anything, why can't we learn about them?

Without slaves, the poor whites would have done the jobs slaves did. The profit margin would have been less for the big plantation owners is all. Why do you hate white folk?
Poor whites Poor whites always with the poor whites.............. what do poor whites have to do with anything?
With history professors being so liberal, why do conservatives believe not teaching history is such a bad idea?

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