This is what turns a libtard on

$4 million would turn just about anyone on. What's your point? You just don't get art? I suppose you consider it degenerate! :rolleyes:
You can shave their body hair and dress them up but you still cant make some people appreciate anything other than scratching their ass. The OP must be a far right conservative.
When I met my wife she had a little Art Gallery in Laguna Beach. We would tour the local establishments every once in a while and I got this impression: That the VAST majority of so called "art galleries" there were run by rich, kept wives who, after their children were all grown and gone, had nothing better to do. Hubby was probably MORE than happy to set wifey up with ANYTHING that would get her out of the house and nagging him all day. Most of the "art" looked like it was made by crazy people who were in dire need of a prescription drug regimen. My wife gave up her gallery after a year and a half (she's a painter) and said it was the biggest money pit ever and she still regrets it to this day.

What I noticed in talking with these people is how much they like to talk about how brilliant someone is and how much they paid for something. Just like those fuckers who drive Mercedes.

So it's not just that an artist sold a certain piece for an x amount, it's ALSO about the guy who bought that art for an x amount. The more outrageous amount the better. See it gives him something to brag about. Not because he thinks it's worth it. No, he wants to show everyone how much money he has to spend on frivolous shit like 4 million dollar messed up beds.

I have never met that artist but I can tell you one thing for sure: She's a loon.
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