This is what you get for practicing free speech.

The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

I got a well known lawyer to take my case. He only gets paid if he wins. We shall soon see.

I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
So we can fire all the Liberals and employ only Conservatives?
The OP had the right to say what he said.

Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

I got a well known lawyer to take my case. He only gets paid if he wins. We shall soon see.

I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
That’s what Trump told Comey
Has anyone disputed that? I don't think so. Indeed he's not been disabused of that right.

Yes. Some have disputed that.

What's disputed is whether his employer has the right to fire him.

I got a well known lawyer to take my case. He only gets paid if he wins. We shall soon see.

I don't care about your personal situation. I'm interested in the principles involved. Unless an employee is under contract, an employer is under no obligation to continue employing a person, regardless of their reason for declining.
So we can fire all the Liberals and employ only Conservatives?

He should have that right, yes. I'm not sure what the current legal status is, or to what extent political views are considered a "protected class".
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I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

An employer has no obligation to honor your free speech....only the government does

You posted stuff that could potentially damage your employer or destroy the morale of the workforce

Glad you got fired.....maybe you won't publicize your hate next time

Stating a simple fact 1. Muslims want to take over the world (some peacefully some not peacefully) but they all want a world wide caliphate. and 2. The peaceful ones do it by out breeding non-muslims.

What about that is hate? What about that is a lie?

No, they don't all want a worldwide caliphate. There are many who do. That's not all.

Part of the issue here is of religions using certain tactics to avoid people talking about them.

In the past it was blasphemy. Islam still uses such tactics.

I got called an anti-Semite recently on this forum for saying that Jews getting slaughtered by the Nazis was similar to the slaughter of billions and billions of animals every year. Why was I called an anti-Semite? How is it anti-Semitic to compare two things?

It's not, is the simple answer. But people are going to try and use their religion in order to force people to accept their way of thinking. It doesn't even need to be a religious way of thinking.

Your problem was that you said "Muslims want". The wording can often be very important. Saying "There are Muslims who want to take over the world. Some of these people want to use violence and do use violence to force this" is a completely different way of speaking.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

An employer has no obligation to honor your free speech....only the government does

You posted stuff that could potentially damage your employer or destroy the morale of the workforce

Glad you got fired.....maybe you won't publicize your hate next time

Stating a simple fact 1. Muslims want to take over the world (some peacefully some not peacefully) but they all want a world wide caliphate. and 2. The peaceful ones do it by out breeding non-muslims.

What about that is hate? What about that is a lie?

No, they don't all want a worldwide caliphate. There are many who do. That's not all.

Part of the issue here is of religions using certain tactics to avoid people talking about them.

In the past it was blasphemy. Islam still uses such tactics.

I got called an anti-Semite recently on this forum for saying that Jews getting slaughtered by the Nazis was similar to the slaughter of billions and billions of animals every year. Why was I called an anti-Semite? How is it anti-Semitic to compare two things?

It's not, is the simple answer. But people are going to try and use their religion in order to force people to accept their way of thinking. It doesn't even need to be a religious way of thinking.

Your problem was that you said "Muslims want". The wording can often be very important. Saying "There are Muslims who want to take over the world. Some of these people want to use violence and do use violence to force this" is a completely different way of speaking.

I'd like to see the FB post that got him fired. My guess...he didn't fully disclose what he said.
and if societies "morals" change to make your statement "controversial" somewhere down the line, then you're fucked and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm telling you folks, you must use an alias or you are asking for trouble, period. IF you've made the mistake and already used your "real" shit on some stuff, go delete it all (FB, Twitter, etc.) delete it now /before/ the winds of societies focus changes again and catches you. IF you're going to have a "personal" "real" account, only use it for like pictures of your kids for your family and shit like that, don't talk about politics.

Wise words. Marxists change their religion and morality often and there is only the purge waiting for those who leave a record. It is no good arguing that you were acting within cultural norms with people whose only goal in life is to destroy both the culture and the norms.
For example, a person from ten years ago who wrote extensively in favor of gay rights while rejecting gay marriage would now be subject to attack unless he publicly reforms and apologizes or is politically powerful enough to have it hushed up like the Clintons.
More so for private citizens. So I agree with you. We have fallen a long way from freedom to a state of self censorship lest we transgress some unthought of future change in norms but that is the way it works now.

Ain't that the truth, I've been trying to explain that "past norms" thing to my lefties since this #metoo movement started, but they won't even consider it. The left's lack of solid foundational [yep another made up word, deal with it] "morals" and "principles" makes them volatile as shit and neigh impossible to maintain long term relationships with :/
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

How do you know that you lost your job for making that post, how did your employer discover your post? What did your employer say when he canned you?
He pulled up my facebook account and showed me the post I made.

Well hopefully you will learn that social media can be used in ways that aren’t always good.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

An employer has no obligation to honor your free speech....only the government does

You posted stuff that could potentially damage your employer or destroy the morale of the workforce

Glad you got fired.....maybe you won't publicize your hate next time

Stating a simple fact 1. Muslims want to take over the world (some peacefully some not peacefully) but they all want a world wide caliphate. and 2. The peaceful ones do it by out breeding non-muslims.

What about that is hate? What about that is a lie?

No, they don't all want a worldwide caliphate. There are many who do. That's not all.

Part of the issue here is of religions using certain tactics to avoid people talking about them.

In the past it was blasphemy. Islam still uses such tactics.

I got called an anti-Semite recently on this forum for saying that Jews getting slaughtered by the Nazis was similar to the slaughter of billions and billions of animals every year. Why was I called an anti-Semite? How is it anti-Semitic to compare two things?

It's not, is the simple answer. But people are going to try and use their religion in order to force people to accept their way of thinking. It doesn't even need to be a religious way of thinking.

Your problem was that you said "Muslims want". The wording can often be very important. Saying "There are Muslims who want to take over the world. Some of these people want to use violence and do use violence to force this" is a completely different way of speaking.

I'd like to see the FB post that got him fired. My guess...he didn't fully disclose what he said.

While not all Muslims may be violent, they all want the same thing, A world wide Caliphate. The Peaceful Muslims path to achieving their goals is to outbreed all non-Muslims like Roaches. I also said something about Muslims won't be happy until everyone is a Muslim or Kowtows to a Muslim.

And in another post I said; Muslims are Like Spemin on the game Starflight.

Deleted original post at the suggestion of my employer.
I should be free to express my actual opinions in various groups and forums, non-work related. I shouldn't be forced to stay silent while the opposition goes on un-opposed because they use such methods to shut you up. It is the Liberals who are Fascists, not the Conservatives.
I should be free to express my actual opinions in various groups and forums, non-work related. I shouldn't be forced to stay silent while the opposition goes on un-opposed because they use such methods to shut you up. It is the Liberals who are Fascists, not the Conservatives.

Your boss was a liberal fascist?
Not to state my opinion in the comment section of a News web site unless it's a liberal opinion. Is that the lesson you think I should learn?

I lost my job yesterday.
Free speech is only for the rich.
While not all Muslims may be violent, they all want the same thing, A world wide Caliphate. The Peaceful Muslims path to achieving their goals is to outbreed all non-Muslims like Roaches. I also said something about Muslims won't be happy until everyone is a Muslim or Kowtows to a Muslim.
And in another post I said; Muslims are Like Spemin on the game Starflight.
Deleted original post at the suggestion of my employer.

In that Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality pyramid scheme where if Christians don't support Islam for their immaculate conception in the fabricated misnomer of Christ & get that purged speech jihad. Not much different from the Federal Lynching state of hate sportsman which refuse any commentary on how their master plan of a more perfect union of Islam-Christian marriage "serve the Pope or die" for 9/11 to make Jews pay West Nazi Germany Virginia for the Holocaust that is a supreme swastika up Uranus court "man is God" business.
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
I bet you're quite proud of yourself having shared that.

No doubt, you feel that you're the "true American", "true liberal", "true libertarian", "true freedom lover" or whatever adjective you prefer to use.

I submit that you're wrong. You, and others, clearly have no idea what social media is. Now I haven't looked up the definitions recently, but I'd suggest you look up both the words "social" and "media" and see what you discover.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that if you don't feel comfortable saying something on national news, then doon't say/express it on social media. USMBers already know this intrinsically, this is why none of us use our real names, but monikors, nor our real pictures, but avatars. Because we want to feel safe saying/expressing the most deepest and innermost feelings and beliefs we hold near and dear to us, hence the "anonymity" we enjoy on this very sight.
There are people who will all too happily do everything they can to see you punished if they don't like what you say.

They cloak it with, "free speech has consequences", pretending that they have no choice but to see to it that you are punished. No choice. They are forced to do it. Which, of course, is the big lie. They are illiberal authoritarians. No doubt the person who "reported" you will be thrilled by this news.

That's where we are, and you should know that. Keep your mouth shut, watch what you say, when you say it, and to whom, or you will pay.

After all, this is America.
I bet you're quite proud of yourself having shared that.

No doubt, you feel that you're the "true American", "true liberal", "true libertarian", "true freedom lover" or whatever adjective you prefer to use.

I submit that you're wrong. You, and others, clearly have no idea what social media is. Now I haven't looked up the definitions recently, but I'd suggest you look up both the words "social" and "media" and see what you discover.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that if you don't feel comfortable saying something on national news, then doon't say/express it on social media. USMBers already know this intrinsically, this is why none of us use our real names, but monikors, nor our real pictures, but avatars. Because we want to feel safe saying/expressing the most deepest and innermost feelings and beliefs we hold near and dear to us, hence the "anonymity" we enjoy on this very sight.
About what I would expect, thanks.
Its been shut down sly..sorry. The left pulled their registration and google delisted them.
And gofundme will refuse you but you can try them just to make the point. Ill donate until they cancel it.
Get the hint?
I should be free to express my actual opinions in various groups and forums, non-work related. I shouldn't be forced to stay silent while the opposition goes on un-opposed because they use such methods to shut you up. It is the Liberals who are Fascists, not the Conservatives.

Your boss was a liberal fascist?
No, he's scared of liberal fascist boycotting his company.
All you liberals this dense?
I should be free to express my actual opinions in various groups and forums, non-work related. I shouldn't be forced to stay silent while the opposition goes on un-opposed because they use such methods to shut you up. It is the Liberals who are Fascists, not the Conservatives.

Your boss was a liberal fascist?
No, he's scared of liberal fascist boycotting his company.
All you liberals this dense?

One fascist? Or many fascists?

You should work for someone with bigger balls.

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