This is what you get for practicing free speech.

I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

Sorry to here that. We no longer live in a free country. We live in a police state.
Free speech was a nice sentiment.

But, you fight Leftist dogs with the same kind of Iron Fist they use to you.... That's how you pound Chimps.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
You are seriously a douchebag. What he should learn is that the left has turned this country into a police state. Freedom of speech no longer exists.
Freedom of speech means open season criticizing the current white power structure. It dosen't mean allowing being real and taking a good hard look at black crime and human nature in general. Shh. Can't have THAT.
Last edited:
don't put anything in print like that...

it's where your problem comes from...

talking with friends about 'whatever" after work is one thing...putting it in print for the whole world to see, is another...and quite foolish, in this day and age....
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
You are seriously a douchebag. What he should learn is that the left has turned this country into a police state. Freedom of speech no longer exists.
Freedom of Speech, is freedom to disagree with your government, without the govt being able to come down on you and harm you with their govt power.

It has absolutely nothing to do with anything else you may say.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

What do you think freedom of speech is, exactly?

It's not the freedom to say whatever you want, whenever you want, in case you were wondering.

Yeah.....freedom of speech is freedom from government interference. Not freedom from personal consequence.

Sorry about your job, Sly. That sucks
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.

There is no such thing as FREE SPEECH and never was.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When you hear people talk about "free speech" or "freedom of speech", what they mean is, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT ALLOWED to PROSECUTE you or threaten you for speaking your mind, voicing your opinion or sharing your grievances, alone, in private, in public, or even in public in an organized peaceful group.

Everything else that people like you refer to as "free speech", all the bullshit, all the smack talking, all the smears, all the spreading of hate, that ain't free. YOU MUST PAY FOR EVERY WORD.

The very idea that you believe, or ever BELIEVED, that the Constitution allowed you to run around and talk like some ASSHOLE and not suffer consequences by society means you have never picked up a civics book or history book in your entire ignorant life.
I'm not picking on you, I want you to tell me and everyone else here how you think such a concept could ever work. How could the GOVERNMENT PREVENT SOCIETY from enforcing consequences on you, for saying shit that pisses people off?
How the FUCK could that ever work? How would the Constitution be able to help?
It can't.

And by the way, even when it comes to VALID First Amendment protections, NOTHING is absolute.
First Amendment or not, you're still not allowed to make terroristic threats or yell "FIRE!!!!" in a crowded theater.

Yeah, NO RIGHTS are ABSOLUTE and YOUR rights END where someone else's rights BEGIN.

So stop running around and whining and crying about your "FREE SPEECH", go get another job, grow up, read some books about America, and start being RESPONSIBLE for that giant paranoid hate filled PIE HOLE of yours.

Uncle Sam is under no obligation to prevent your boss from agreeing that you're an asshole whose shitty attitude is bad for his business. He has rights, too. He has the right to protect his business.
That also falls under the First Amendment and it is called "Freedom of Association", which means HE is free to associate with you if he likes, or free to NOT associate with you and disregard you, if he likes.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.

There is no such thing as FREE SPEECH and never was.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When you hear people talk about "free speech" or "freedom of speech", what they mean is, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT ALLOWED to PROSECUTE you or threaten you for speaking your mind, voicing your opinion or sharing your grievances, alone, in private, in public, or even in public in an organized peaceful group.

Everything else that people like you refer to as "free speech", all the bullshit, all the smack talking, all the smears, all the spreading of hate, that ain't free. YOU MUST PAY FOR EVERY WORD.

The very idea that you believe, or ever BELIEVED, that the Constitution allowed you to run around and talk like some ASSHOLE and not suffer consequences by society means you have never picked up a civics book or history book in your entire ignorant life.
I'm not picking on you, I want you to tell me and everyone else here how you think such a concept could ever work. How could the GOVERNMENT PREVENT SOCIETY from enforcing consequences on you, for saying shit that pisses people off?
How the FUCK could that ever work? How would the Constitution be able to help?
It can't.

And by the way, even when it comes to VALID First Amendment protections, NOTHING is absolute.
First Amendment or not, you're still not allowed to make terroristic threats or yell "FIRE!!!!" in a crowded theater.

Yeah, NO RIGHTS are ABSOLUTE and YOUR rights END where someone else's rights BEGIN.

So stop running around and whining and crying about your "FREE SPEECH", go get another job, grow up, read some books about America, and start being RESPONSIBLE for that giant paranoid hate filled PIE HOLE of yours.

Uncle Sam is under no obligation to prevent your boss from agreeing that you're an asshole whose shitty attitude is bad for his business. He has rights, too. He has the right to protect his business.
That also falls under the First Amendment and it is called "Freedom of Association", which means HE is free to associate with you if he likes, or free to NOT associate with you and disregard you, if he likes.

I disagree. Having lived in a country which doesn't protect freedom of speech, you'd notice the difference.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
I live in weird world were white males get bashed, then when Muslim males do the the same, we call that multiculturalism. yeah, right. Islam gets free pass.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
Not to state my opinion in the comment section of a News web site unless it's a liberal opinion. Is that the lesson you think I should learn?

The lesson you should learn is that freedom doesn't mean things will always go your way. Freedom doesn't mean you get to force yourself on an employer. It doesn't mean he has to give you a job, or keep you employed if he thinks you're a jackass. Just as you have the freedom to quit a job if your boss is a jerk.

Freedom means people decide for themselves who they will work with and who they'll avoid.
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
Were you working for the government? or for a private business?
Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

People are asshole and no wonder they CRY if karma kicks them down

No way should what you say on social media have any reflection on your personal life
Why not? You just say random stuff you don't believe on social media?
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.
You are dumb...seriously.

I hope you find a job so you can provide for your family, and most importantly, that you learn from this.
Not to state my opinion in the comment section of a News web site unless it's a liberal opinion. Is that the lesson you think I should learn?
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?
Why were you FB friends with your boss?
no. A Customer of our company read the comment, linked back to my FB account, found out where I was working and emailed it to him.

People are asshole and no wonder they CRY if karma kicks them down

No way should what you say on social media have any reflection on your personal life
Why not? You just say random stuff you don't believe on social media?

Why are you trying to post stuff I said 6 days ago and out of context?

So know I am going to have to read everything again to prove you are stupid?

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