This is what you get for practicing free speech.

Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?

Yep. Just like the baker thinks gay weddings are asinine and doesn't want to play along.
PA laws in his state....should have simply had his business license pulled.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

Liberals promote a pretense of tolerance and defending the rights of others. But more often they are intolerant (of any opinion they disagree with) and completely oblivious to the rights that their social engineering efforts trample.
So...give a liberal opinion that could get someone fired. Give an example.
Freedom and liberty and the right to free speech means the right to act as you see fit with no government interference and accept the consequences of those actions...doesn't it?

"Corporations are people too my friend."
If that's true then the company has the same rights as the employee.
If they think you're a prick then they have the freedom to act as they see any person would.

Isn't that what made the US the Greatest Country On Earth(TM)...self-reliance?
Thank goodness the Nanny State hasn't passed laws or stepped in to protect you so that you have to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps...and don't become a Taker by accepting any welfare...that would destroy America and you'd have to vote Democratic...cos the Democrats want everyone on welfare so they'll get the votes...or something.
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?
Are political positions listed in state PA laws?

PA? Political Association?
It's a comic book convention. Help me out here because I am not sure where you're taking this. Maybe I'm dense this morning, wouldn't be the first time.
Public Accommodation laws.

Oh I don't know, I would imagine that they are not, but a comic con isn't required to invite someone under PA laws, I wouldn't think.
I lost my job yesterday.
I posted on a news site that even the Muslims who don't promote violence do want a world wide caliphate and their means to get it is by out breeding non-muslims.
Facebook banned me for 24 hours.
My boss fired me.
I sell car parts for a living, or I did.
Now I have to get another job that pays a living wage and explain why I was fired.
Free speech is only for the rich.

oh, and I hit up an online lawyer brokerage center with my wrongful termination suit. Not a single one has called my number or emailed me 24 hours later.

that's because you have no case.

have a nice day
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?

Yep. Just like the baker thinks gay weddings are asinine and doesn't want to play along.

I am actually sort of conflicted over that one, believe it or not.
If it's one bakery, and the gay couple winds up getting it done at the one down the street, then "OH WELL, guess that bakery down the street gets more business, right?"

But what if it's a small town and the one bakery refuses the couple, then tells all the other bakeries about it and THEY ALL decide to join in and refuse? Now the couple faces a WALL.
That ain't good, is it?
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.

And why is your conception of "dickhead" better than anyone else's?

Oh believe me, I don't think I am superior or anything.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

Liberals promote a pretense of tolerance and defending the rights of others. But more often they are intolerant (of any opinion they disagree with) and completely oblivious to the rights that their social engineering efforts trample.

Sometimes WE FAIL at being liberals, it happens.
Have you ever heard me say that liberals need conservatives, and conservatives need liberals?
That is my position...also "country over party".
I identify as a liberal, because for the most part I find that a lot of liberal viewpoints speak to me, but I am aware that liberals fail at being good liberals.
See "campus social justice warrior censorship demands" for an example.
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

Liberals promote a pretense of tolerance and defending the rights of others. But more often they are intolerant (of any opinion they disagree with) and completely oblivious to the rights that their social engineering efforts trample.
So...give a liberal opinion that could get someone fired. Give an example.

It's quicker if I point to the recent rash of postings from businesses who said that they "refuse to hire" Obama voters.
refuse to hire liberals - Google Search
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?

Yep. Just like the baker thinks gay weddings are asinine and doesn't want to play along.
PA laws in his state....should have simply had his business license pulled.
What do you mean? Are you saying political views should be added to the protected classes list?
What is it about a liberal opinion that could get someone fired? Can you give an example?

You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.

And why is your conception of "dickhead" better than anyone else's?

Oh believe me, I don't think I am superior or anything.

Why should you be able to fire someone just because you think they're 'dickheads'? How is that any different than the bakers refusing to service a gay wedding - something the bakers apparently found very 'dickheadish'? You might not agree with their views, I certainly don't. But I'm asking, what makes your prejudices better than someone else's?
You kidding? That happens ALL the time. The only reason we're hearing all the outrage now is because suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.

people don't get fired for being tolerant and defending the rights of others.

I'm wondering why the o/p thinks that free speech means that there are no repercussions for stupid and bigoted.

Well, that IS why I sorta lit into him so hard early on.
I keep hearing people screeching about their "free speach" [sp] but it's always about how they got fired, or otherwise penalized in a private manner by private citizens.
When I used to have camera crews, I had a kind of "no dickheads" rule.
If you weren't a dickhead and you knew how to make pretty motion pictures I didn't care what your political views were. If you were a dickhead about it, you were gone, sometimes before the end of the day if I could find a replacement.

And why is your conception of "dickhead" better than anyone else's?

Oh believe me, I don't think I am superior or anything.

Why should you be able to fire someone just because you think they're 'dickheads'? How is that any different than the bakers refusing to service a gay wedding - something the bakers apparently found very 'dickheadish'? You might not agree with their views, I certainly don't. But I'm asking, what makes your prejudices better than someone else's?

Either I am not making this clear or you're deliberately trying to construct a straw man.
My crew is like any other work crew...when people get along, they do better work.
When there's one dickhead in the midst, the performance suffers, so it's a PERFORMANCE issue.
Believe it or not, getting along with fellow employees IS actually a valid concept in the work world.
And why is your conception of "dickhead" better than anyone else's?
Oh believe me, I don't think I am superior or anything.[/QUOTE]
Why should you be able to fire someone just because you think they're 'dickheads'? How is that any different than the bakers refusing to service a gay wedding - something the bakers apparently found very 'dickheadish'? You might not agree with their views, I certainly don't. But I'm asking, what makes your prejudices better than someone else's?[/QUOTE]

Could be proximity to Bal'mer & Maryland's bigoted DH's from back in Mencken's days; which seems to be about the same as that equal justice for all the Christian Crusade which drugged the USA so they & Islam could form a more perfect union with a second coming thru 9/11; where any mention gets that better than anyone else super ego for banned & fired lynching enforcement.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Oh believe me, I don't think I am superior or anything.
Why should you be able to fire someone just because you think they're 'dickheads'? How is that any different than the bakers refusing to service a gay wedding - something the bakers apparently found very 'dickheadish'? You might not agree with their views, I certainly don't. But I'm asking, what makes your prejudices better than someone else's?

Could be proximity to Bal'mer & Maryland's bigoted DH's from back in Mencken's days; which seems to be about the same as that equal justice for all the Christian Crusade which drugged the USA so they & Islam could form a more perfect union with a second coming thru 9/11; where any mention gets that better than anyone else super ego for banned & fired lynching enforcement.
Not a very informative retort...
Why should you be able to fire someone just because you think they're 'dickheads'? How is that any different than the bakers refusing to service a gay wedding - something the bakers apparently found very 'dickheadish'? You might not agree with their views, I certainly don't. But I'm asking, what makes your prejudices better than someone else's?

Could be proximity to Bal'mer & Maryland's bigoted DH's from back in Mencken's days; which seems to be about the same as that equal justice for all the Christian Crusade which drugged the USA so they & Islam could form a more perfect union with a second coming thru 9/11; where any mention gets that better than anyone else super ego for banned & fired lynching enforcement.
Not a very informative retort...

i admire his brevity
Further proof that posting on FB against the left is not a good idea, no?

FB is leftist, to tha max. I may soon, from a cloaked IP. Zuckerberg can suck my balls!
Comic book convention bans Kevin Sorbo over friendship with Sean Hannity
Kevin Sorbo not allowed to be part of comic con convention, he foundered, because he's a friend of a Republican.
If you can keep someone out for being a Republican why can you force a Baker to bake a cake he doesn't want to?

It's going to be entertaining to watch you morons try to tie comic book conventions and Kevin Sorbo to the Constitution. Could it possibly be that the folks who run the convention think Sorbo and Hannity are assholes, and their convention doesn't allow assholes?

Yep. Just like the baker thinks gay weddings are asinine and doesn't want to play along.

I am actually sort of conflicted over that one, believe it or not.
If it's one bakery, and the gay couple winds up getting it done at the one down the street, then "OH WELL, guess that bakery down the street gets more business, right?"

But what if it's a small town and the one bakery refuses the couple, then tells all the other bakeries about it and THEY ALL decide to join in and refuse? Now the couple faces a WALL.
That ain't good, is it?

I'm not sure. If there really is such a wall, what good would laws do? If an overwhelming majority of the population chose to shun a given group of people, who is going to vote for a law stopping them? The fact is that it's not a wall, it's not an overwhelming majority. It's a vanishing minority. If they were still in the majority, we wouldn't even have gay weddings.

My point is, most people are now accepting of gays, and that's great! Hunting down the stragglers and forcing them to "play nice" just seems unnecessary.
Further proof that posting on FB against the left is not a good idea, no?

FB is leftist, to tha max. I may soon, from a cloaked IP. Zuckerberg can suck my balls!

wow, your bravery is inspiring

will you type with great ferocity?

Further proof that posting on FB against the left is not a good idea, no?

FB is leftist, to tha max. I may soon, from a cloaked IP. Zuckerberg can suck my balls!

wow, your bravery is inspiring

will you type with great ferocity?


Indeed! Also with anonymity and no fear of repercussions, as OP has had.

Now GFY, derp faggot. I say what I want ****.

Obama should swing from a rope for being a traitor.

What's your opinion of that, del?
Further proof that posting on FB against the left is not a good idea, no?

FB is leftist, to tha max. I may soon, from a cloaked IP. Zuckerberg can suck my balls!

wow, your bravery is inspiring

will you type with great ferocity?


Indeed! Also with anonymity and no fear of repercussions, as OP has had.

Now GFY, derp faggot. I say what I want ****.

Obama should swing from a rope for being a traitor.

What's your opinion of that, del?

i already knew you were a moron, and i don't think i've been shy about expressing it.

would you like me to tell you again, moron?


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