This is Why Blacks Don't Listen to Black Sellouts


The Democrat Party was the Party of Slavery

The Party of Jim Crow.

The Party of the KKK.

The Republican Party was founded on an Anti-Slavery platform.

Fvck You and your Racist history revisionist Bullshit.

The Establishment Republicans have done nothing to stop them.
(outside of whatever insignificant gesture may be applied).

This is not only an individual failure, but a failure in Government itself.
If you want a better understanding of how that occurs ... Read The Law by Frederic Bastiat.


The Establishment Republicans have done nothing to stop them.
(outside of whatever insignificant gesture may be applied).

This is not only an individual failure, but a failure in Government itself.
If you want a better understanding of how that occurs ... Read The Law by Frederic Bastiat.

I know ....

You put way too much intellect into this discussion with these sick Leftist assholes.

You are talking physics to a classroom that does not know the alphabet.
I know ....

You put way too much intellect into this discussion with these sick Leftist assholes.

You are talking physics to a classroom that does not know the alphabet.

That may be, and is most likely true ...
But I will always offer opportunities for people to understand and explore the the world around them.

The arguments we choose to have nowadays are the express product of people who don't know what they are talking about ...
Or people in government that do know what they are talking about, but aren't telling you the truth about their intentions.

It would take volumes of information to bring people online with a proper understanding.

Instead ... They grasp for the low hanging fruit, to satisfy their simple desires,
and have no concept of how that is destroying their efforts to achieve anything other than failure.

Leaders in Academia are no different and will produce some of the same sloppy mess the layman will.
However ... They will tell you that you are smart if you agree with them ... And most people believe it.

I didn't know where to look until I either found it on accident, or someone told me.

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That may be, and is most likely true ...
But I will always offer opportunities for people to understand and explore the the world around them.

The arguments we choose to have nowadays are the express product of people who don't know what they are talking about.
It would take volumes of information to bring them online with a proper understanding.

Instead ... They grasp for the low hanging fruit, to satisfy their simple desires,
and have no concept of how that is destroying their efforts to achieve anything other than failure.

Leaders in Academia are no different and will produce some of the same sloppy mess the layman will.
However ... They will tell you that you are smart if you agree with them ... And most people believe it.

I didn't know where to look until I either found it on accident, or someone told me.

First of all ....

It is true.

And, you also have to understand these Leftist are truly mentally ill.

They base all rationality on emotions and negative emotions at that, like hatred, racism, jealousy, and intolerance.

And, moreover, it is a concious decision they make to remain willfully ignorant to continue the narrative that makes them feeeeeel good.

These people are not reachable.

You are throwing pearls to swine.
First of all ....

It is true.

And, you also have to understand these Leftist are truly mentally ill.

They base all rationality on emotions and negative emotions at that, like hatred, racism, jealousy, and intolerance.

And, moreover, it is a concious decision they make to remain willfully ignorant to continue the narrative that makes them feeeeeel good.

These people are not reachable.

You are throwing pearls to swine.

I don't think is such a big difference in the left and the right, outside of tactics and the excuses they make.
I don't think it is a mental illness as much as it is them being misled for a purpose.

However ... You are correct about allowing emotion instead of principles to develop policy.
And you did a good job of identifying some of the low hanging fruit and the driving desires I was talking about.

Where you and I separate ... Is with the pearls and the swine.
I won't doom them to being the swine, and throwing the pearls won't hurt me.
Not even if they grind them in the mud, or throw them back ... :auiqs.jpg:


I don't think is such a big difference in the left and the right, outside of tactics and the excuses they make.
I don't think it is a mental illness as much as it is them being misled for a purpose.

However ... You are correct about allowing emotion instead of principles to develop policy.
And you did a good job of identifying some of the low hanging fruit and the driving desires I was talking about.

Where you and I separate ... Is with the pearls and the swine.
I won't doom them to being the swine, and throwing the pearls won't hurt me.
Not even if they grind them in the mud, or throw them back ... :auiqs.jpg:

Allowing emotion instead of principle to develop policy is a definition of a mental disorder.

If you find that term too harsh then feel free to substitute another.

Either way it does not change the truth.

And, as far as throwng pearls to swine ... by all means continue your outreach.

Be sure to let me know when you are able to herd those cats.
Allowing emotion instead of principle to develop policy is a definition of a mental disorder.

If you find that term too harsh then feel free to substitute another.

Either way it does not change the truth.

And, as far as throwng pearls to swine ... by all means continue your outreach.

Be sure to let me know when you are able to herd those cats.

You know ... I mentioned The Law by Frederick Bastiat.

It is a very short, but entirely understandable read.
Bastiat wrote it as a direct challenge and rebuttal to the Communist Manifesto.

It utterly destroys the concepts in Marxism, by identifying exactly how implementation and execution creates its failure.
It clearly indicates how a government that uses the implementation and execution of law to create a responsibility to the collective ...
Can in no way protect the individual's freedom, ambition, property or rights.
It simply creates bureaucracy that begets more bureaucracy, that does nothing more than empower despots and the Government.

I mean he does a way better job of explaining and supporting it than I do ...
Which is why I would recommend it in the first place.

It was whites who had 99 percent of the slaves. Slavery existed for 180 years before there was a democratic party.

Yes, that's probably all true. I don't know too many people who would disagree.

But you know what's never been adequately explained? Why I should be held responsible for something someone else did. No one in my family ever owned a slave.

Demanding something from me, simply because of my race, is about as pure a case of racism as I can imagine...
It was whites who had 99 percent of the slaves. Slavery existed for 180 years before there was a democratic party.

Yes, that's probably all true. I don't know too many people who would disagree.

But you know what's never been adequately explained? Why I should be held responsible for something someone else did. No one in my family ever owned a slave.

Demanding something from me, simply because of my race, is about as pure a case of racism as I can imagine...
IM2 will demand something from me because I'm white even though my great grandfather fought for the Union Army in order to free the slaves. According to his rationale (which I think is a joke!) wouldn't HE owe me reparations for that? (eye roll)
I know the facts about the filibuster rule and the FACT that escapes you is that regardless of the southern democrat fillibuster, the majority of democrats voted for the civil rights act and more democrats did than republicans. Southern republicans opposed Civil rights and the 1964 Republican presidential nominee opposed civil rights. These are FACTS that you choose to ignore in order to blame democrats for racism that has been bi-partisan.

When those like you talk about race based policy, start with the constitution. Stop pretending that race based policies began in the 1960's.

Sweetie ... You ought to know by now that I am not particularly fond of Republicans either.

If you want to beat up on me about something ... I do own a copy of Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell.
I know the works of Marx and Ingalls as well ... And own a copy of the Communist Manifesto.

Of course if you want to make the mistake that means I am a Marxist, you couldn't be more incorrect.

You really need to stop reading Sowell. He's an idiot.

I don't call people Marxists because they read Marx. I've read Marx and the manifesto too.
Interesting that an idiot would call a very intelligent person and idiot......
But you know what's never been adequately explained? Why I should be held responsible for something someone else did. No one in my family ever owned a slave.

Any failure to have that honest discussion, is a fair indication of who actually doesn't want to have an honest discussion.
Before someone flies off the handle, and thinks I am throwing rocks at the wrong people, I should add something.

How many times have you heard a white Republican disregard the opportunity to hold an honest conversation with a black person ...
And justify their disregard as not being as important as addressing what the Democrats are trying to do to divide us?

I have heard it before, and that is the whole ball of wax in two lines.

At that moment, the Democrats have successfully defeated the ability to have that honest conversation, and have divided everyone.
The Republicans have supplied a defense that has made them comfortable with ignoring the concerns of the black person.
Both parties have managed to do what is necessary to keep both of you where you are.

All because of race ... And using it as a weapon.

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You got the smell of Trump all over you.
Your attempt to claim the Democratic party in 1964 is the same as it is in 2021 proves both your dishonesty and ignorance. Key requirements to join the GOP in 2021.
You're GOP from the top of your bald head to the bottom of your athletes' feet.
Fuckin psych Leftist .....

Do you even know who is sitting in the White House ..... err ..... in the hospital bed in Delaware at the moment?

The same POS who did Robery Byrd's eulogy.

You psycho Leftist are so brainwashed .....


Byrd was no longer in the KKK at the time this picture was taken.

We are here in a furum full of republicans talking racist bullshit.


So stop trying that Robert Byrd bullshit.
You think that makes it OK you RACIST POS ...

Find your SAFE SPACE you RACIST bitch ......
Makes what OK?
Realizing that the organization was nothing but a racist political platform and deciding to leave?
THAT IS what makes it OK.

So tell us...
Why did they invite the Klan into the GOP?
Why is the GOP so accepting of Trump's racist rhetoric?
And why, oh why
If you're so offended by racism are you still supporting the GOP?
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Makes what OK?
Realizing that the organization was nothing but a racist political platform and deciding to leave?
THAT IS what makes it OK.

So tell us...
Why did they invite the Klan into the GOP?
Why is the GOP so accepting of Trump's racist rhetoric?
And why, oh why
If you're so offended by racism are you still supporting the GOP?
Stop responding to my post.

You are way to fvckin' delusional for me to give a rip about what you are posting.
I don't listen to racists telling me about being black. I have been black for 60 years and nearly 4 months, therefore I am an expert on being black.
Makes what OK?
Realizing that the organization was nothing but a racist political platform and deciding to leave?
THAT IS what makes it OK.

So tell us...
Why did they invite the Klan into the GOP?
Why is the GOP so accepting of Trump's racist rhetoric?
And why, oh why
If you're so offended by racism are you still supporting the GOP?
Stop responding to my post.

You are way to fvckin' delusional for me to give a rip about what you are posting.
Can't face the truth eh?

Thank you dadoalex.
You sound like Lindsey Graham now.
I was against Trump before I was for him.
I hate Trump but I voted for him, TWICE


Fight? not me.
But bring the stupid
Lead with insults
I'll play that game and laugh my ass off at those who TRY to play along.

Now that is funny, because anyone that knows me in the real world could tell you
that Senator Graham is the person at the very top of my shitlist.
At least Speaker Pelosi puts a little more effort into actually doing something, as wrong as it may be.

He is about a worthless bastard, and crybaby to boot ... :auiqs.jpg:
You don't know crap about me, and are incapable of understanding.

If he serves any purpose, it's as a vote that causes a logjam against more piss-poor legislation
that comes from the Assclowns on Capitol Hill.

You do a good enough job insulting yourself every time you open your mouth.

Yes, Trump hated Graham too. Till they kissed and sucked up.
You people have no ethical base from which to operate
So as log as the lie, as long as the hypocrisy, suits your current ethical view, you're for it.
Remember when the GOP WASN'T full of racists? I DO
Remember when the GOP stood for fiscal responsibility? I DO
So when it comes to "worthless bastards," to you, their "worthless" until their not.
See Mitch McConnell for reference.

As for insults?
You are the person who just admitted to being crap, no, I'm sorry, you called yourself shit.
So how can I beat that?
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But you know what's never been adequately explained? Why I should be held responsible for something someone else did. No one in my family ever owned a slave.

Any failure to have that honest discussion, is a fair indication of who actually doesn't want to have an honest discussion.
Before someone flies off the handle, and thinks I am throwing rocks at the wrong people, I should add something.

How many times have you heard a white Republican disregard the opportunity to hold an honest conversation with a black person ...
And justify their disregard as not being as important as addressing what the Democrats are trying to do to divide us?

I have heard it before, and that is the whole ball of wax in two lines.

At that moment, the Democrats have successfully defeated the ability to have that honest conversation, and have divided everyone.
The Republicans have supplied a defense that has made them comfortable with ignoring the concerns of the black person.
Both parties have managed to do what is necessary to keep both of you where you are.

All because of race ... And using it as a weapon.

BS. You guys don't want to have an honest conversation. Mainly because your side of the conversation is filled with untruths that you will want to argue. And I am not talking about political parties, because Democrats have not divided anyone, that is the republican defense for not wanting to face contiuing racism and you say you are not a republican. This is about the refusal of WHITES to listen. It is bi-partisan, but at the highest level, democrats have done a better job. But not good enough. 1 may be better than 0, but both are low numbers.

This nation has never been united and it's time to drop the pretense that it ever has been. That would be a start towards the very tough conversation that must be had.
I know the facts about the filibuster rule and the FACT that escapes you is that regardless of the southern democrat fillibuster, the majority of democrats voted for the civil rights act and more democrats did than republicans. Southern republicans opposed Civil rights and the 1964 Republican presidential nominee opposed civil rights. These are FACTS that you choose to ignore in order to blame democrats for racism that has been bi-partisan.

When those like you talk about race based policy, start with the constitution. Stop pretending that race based policies began in the 1960's.

Sweetie ... You ought to know by now that I am not particularly fond of Republicans either.

If you want to beat up on me about something ... I do own a copy of Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell.
I know the works of Marx and Ingalls as well ... And own a copy of the Communist Manifesto.

Of course if you want to make the mistake that means I am a Marxist, you couldn't be more incorrect.

You really need to stop reading Sowell. He's an idiot.

I don't call people Marxists because they read Marx. I've read Marx and the manifesto too.
Interesting that an idiot would call a very intelligent person and idiot......
Sowell is an idiot. To you he's intelligent because he tells you what you want to hrar.

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