This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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Why would you argue with a black person on whether or not we see being called "colored" is marginally offensive and indicative to us of a racist bent of the speaker? Is it because you believe that a black person could not be more knowledgeable on a particular subject than you are being a white person?

I mean what other reason could you have for not accepting a black person telling you that use of that term is offensive? k

And at no point did I have a hissy fit because I don't let people who are at a lower level than myself upset me over triffles like this. I know how I am even if you don't.

And lastly, if you had used the term black instead of colored and I objected, it would not be the use of the adjective, it would be because you're singling out black people are wrongly accusing us as a group of behavior that is attributable to all criminals. Black criminals are not unique in this behavior.

Honestly, if you could take a deep breath, and reread what I wrote without assuming ill intent on my part, you may actually understand what I was intending to convey. I am pretty even tempered and I am careful with the feelings of others, except all of that kind of goes out the window when it comes to white racists.

And I am aware of the difference between people who simply have no idea of the historical significance of some of this and those whose sole intent is to inflict psychological/emotional harm by their acts and words. And just for the record when I use the word ignorance, I'm using the dictionary definition of the word, meaning not having knowledge of.


Oh for the love of Pete!!! First of all, calling somebody a colored person isn't racist. It's simply just stating the facts. If I would have used black in the title you would have been having a much bigger hissy fit. Second of all, once again I never said that I believe only black people feel that way, it's like Mac-7 already stated, it's the way you libs change the subject. :rolleyes:
Why would you argue with a black person on whether or not we see being called "colored" is marginally offensive and indicative to us of a racist bent of the speaker? Is it because you believe that a black person could not be more knowledgeable on a particular subject than you are being a white person?

I mean what other reason could you have for not accepting a black person telling you that use of that term is offensive? k

And at no point did I have a hissy fit because I don't let people who are at a lower level than myself upset me over triffles like this. I know how I am even if you don't.

And lastly, if you had used the term black instead of colored and I objected, it would not be the use of the adjective, it would be because you're singling out black people are wrongly accusing us as a group of behavior that is attributable to all criminals. Black criminals are not unique in this behavior.

Honestly, if you could take a deep breath, and reread what I wrote without assuming ill intent on my part, you may actually understand what I was intending to convey. I am pretty even tempered and I am careful with the feelings of others, except all of that kind of goes out the window when it comes to white racists.

And I am aware of the difference between people who simply have no idea of the historical significance of some of this and those whose sole intent is to inflict psychological/emotional harm by their acts and words. And just for the record when I use the word ignorance, I'm using the dictionary definition of the word, meaning not having knowledge of.
And this........
This is exactly WHY you consider yourself to be "Not racist" but this is exactly why you are an entitled Racist Bitch.
She is offering an opinion for discussion, automatically labeling Her an “entitled racist bitch” isn’t going to change any minds and effectively turns this into a bashathon. Offer arguments instead? We leftists keep getting accused of calling everyone racist…sometimes they are, sometimes not.
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Oh for the love of Pete!!! First of all, calling somebody a colored person isn't racist. It's simply just stating the facts.
Actually it kinda is…colored and negro used to be the acceptable terms in my grandfather’s generation, now they no longer are. Words and meanings change over time (cracker wasn’t always a slur either). so when you choose an archaic word to describe a people, that begs the question of why are you choosing that word over the far more common (an acceptable) word “black”? It isn’t “stating the facts” it’s choosing words for a reason and whether it is racist depends on the intent behind them. Words matter…

If I would have used black in the title you would have been having a much bigger hissy fit. Second of all, once again I never said that I believe only black people feel that way, it's like Mac-7 already stated, it's the way you libs change the subject. :rolleyes:
You weren’t explicit but you kinda did. You tied equality to an expectation of behavior and applied it only to stereotyping one group.
Actually it kinda is…colored and negro used to be the acceptable terms in my grandfather’s generation, now they no longer are. Words and meanings change over time (cracker wasn’t always a slur either). so when you choose an archaic word to describe a people, that begs the question of why are you choosing that word over the far more common (an acceptable) word “black”? It isn’t “stating the facts” it’s choosing words for a reason and whether it is racist depends on the intent behind them. Words matter…

You weren’t explicit but you kinda did. You tied equality to an expectation of behavior and applied it only to stereotyping one group.

I find the term "people of color" offensive and really annoying. I grew up as you did learning that the term "colored people" was wrong. I never used it as a result. But then elitest whites started using the term people of color about a decade ago. WTF?

So I ask logically: How is "people of color" different than "colored people?"
I find the term "people of color" offensive and really annoying. I grew up as you did learning that the term "colored people" was wrong. I never used it as a result. But then elitest whites started using the term people of color about a decade ago. WTF?

So I ask logically: How is "people of color" different than "colored people?"
Plus the term "colored people" seems more inclusive than "Black"
Actually it kinda is…colored and negro used to be the acceptable terms in my grandfather’s generation, now they no longer are. Words and meanings change over time (cracker wasn’t always a slur either). so when you choose an archaic word to describe a people, that begs the question of why are you choosing that word over the far more common (an acceptable) word “black”? It isn’t “stating the facts” it’s choosing words for a reason and whether it is racist depends on the intent behind them. Words matter…

You weren’t explicit but you kinda did. You tied equality to an expectation of behavior and applied it only to stereotyping one group.
I find the debate about whether to call someone colored, black, negro, people of color, etc. kind of a distraction. Let me be clear, I feel these descriptions are just adjectives that are used to identify people and in most cases are irrelevant. People are people. However I fail to see the difference between using the word "colored" or "people of color." It reminds me of something I saw in Canada years ago. Canadian law demands that federal signs be printed in English and French. I saw a sign that said, "Lake Louise" and immediately below it was "Louise Lake." In both cases it seems political correctness gone crazy.
She is offering an opinion for discussion, automatically labeling Her an “entitled racist bitch” isn’t going to change any minds and effectively turns this into a bashathon. Offer arguments instead? We leftists keep getting accused of calling everyone racist…sometimes they are, sometimes not.
Doctor's wife isn't a racist. She's just an apex dumbass.
She is offering an opinion for discussion, automatically labeling Her an “entitled racist bitch” isn’t going to change any minds and effectively turns this into a bashathon. Offer arguments instead? We leftists keep getting accused of calling everyone racist…sometimes they are, sometimes not.

It's alright, everything turns into a bashathon with this loser and I'm used to it. Thanks though I appreciate it. :)

Actually it kinda is…colored and negro used to be the acceptable terms in my grandfather’s generation, now they no longer are. Words and meanings change over time (cracker wasn’t always a slur either). so when you choose an archaic word to describe a people, that begs the question of why are you choosing that word over the far more common (an acceptable) word “black”? It isn’t “stating the facts” it’s choosing words for a reason and whether it is racist depends on the intent behind them. Words matter…

You weren’t explicit but you kinda did. You tied equality to an expectation of behavior and applied it only to stereotyping one group.

For the record I would never call anybody a negro or ****** (I find it to be the equivalent of cracker) and like I said before, if I had used the word black I think there would be a lot more whining and crying. If somebody is black then they are colored, plain and simple. That's not racist, that's simply the same as calling a transgender male to female a male because that's what God made them to be born as. As for stereotyping, I'm sorry but the blacks bring it on themselves by the way they act. So when all is said and done I don't think that I've said or done anything that I should apologize for. If people get offended then that's their problem not mine. :rolleyes:
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Plus the term "colored people" seems more inclusive than "Black"
People of color definitely is more inclusive because, technically, it includes all humans. The accepted eight primary colors do not accurately describe any ethnic group and all groups have many shades, so those adjectives, except in cases where descriptions are necessary, are irrelevant to anything.
I find the term "people of color" offensive and really annoying. I grew up as you did learning that the term "colored people" was wrong. I never used it as a result. But then elitest whites started using the term people of color about a decade ago. WTF?

So I ask logically: How is "people of color" different than "colored people?"
I use black or African-American. Black is what I grew up with as appropriate. IMO, colored is strongly associated with Jim Crowe and segregation, perhaps “people of color” is not. It also encompasses all non-white minorities I think, whereas colored is only black. To be honest, imo “people of color” sounds like an affectation that excludes whites … anyway, we all have some color….
whereas colored is only black.

Maybe because they have colored skin? What's so wrong with that anyways? Being colored isn't a bad thing as long as you don't make it to be that way. The problem is too many black people (like the one being talked about in my OP) do and that's why they tend to get the reputation that they do. Not all of them, but enough of them.
Plus the term "colored people" seems more inclusive than "Black"
Colored is associated with…


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