This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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What do you call the blacks that do drive bys and kill children; suckerpunch asians, hispanics, whites, old people; looters and burners? Black trash?
If they are. But there is enough of white trash to go around in this country, who do all of these same things. You know, the McMichaels, the Rittenhouses, the guys who punch a two-year-old to death, beat and kill their wives, cruise the streets with long guns looking for trouble. We don't have to look at crime by the skin color of the person who commits it, which drags totally innocent people into it. We have to look at crime as it is committed. Look at the people who attacked the government on Jan. 6. Mostly white. Slovenly. Aren't the proud boys mostly white? They came to DC in December, attacked people physically, stole and destroyed flags and banners. Charlotteville: who was marching around yelling "Jews will not replace us"? The hoodlums who did these things were not black. They were white. I'm white, but I don't support thugs and hoodlums just because of the color of their skin. They belong in jail.
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

Oh boy. Another racist puke puking racism on USMB. This must be a day that ends in 'y'.
I have no idea what you are rambling about.
That's amazing.
You really don't know about our two-tiered system of justice....where the privileged people that virtue-signal what the party wants them to (whenever they're in public) get away with murder......and the people that know they're full of shit and say something about it get their homes broke into by FBI agents with search warrants.
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That's amazing.
You really don't know about our two-tiered system of justice....where the privileged people that virtue-signal what the party wants them to whenever they're in public get away with murder......and the people that know they're full of shit and say something about it get their homes broke into by FBI agents with search warrants.

I've argued for years we have a two tiered justice system. Some can go to prison for robbing a 7-11 of $76 while others get away with ripping many off of thousands of dollars but they do it in a way that they only have to give some of it back once caught.

Or generally I'm told you just have to roll over and hope somewhere in the messed up court system you get some justice.

I'm the one that noted we need to get rid of the FBI. Along with that I've argued for years that we need to reform our entire justice system. Usually I'm told I am wrong.
I've argued for years we have a two tiered justice system. Some can go to prison for robbing a 7-11 of $76 while others get away with ripping many off of thousands of dollars but they do it in a way that they only have to give some of it back once caught.

Or generally I'm told you just have to roll over and hope somewhere in the messed up court system you get some justice.

I'm the one that noted we need to get rid of the FBI. Along with that I've argued for years that we need to reform our entire justice system. Usually I'm told I am wrong.
Now it's even worse......unless you keep in line you end up getting arrested and searched and indicted because of your politics.
Then you have Democrats that spend 4 years accusing Trump of crimes they're guilty of....and nobody does a damned thing about it.
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Now it's even worse......unless you keep in line you end up getting arrested and searched and indicted because of your politics.
Then you have Democrat that spend 4 years accusing Trump of crimes they're guilty of....and nobody does a damned thing about it.

People only seem to care though when they see it affecting their politics, not when it simply affects the people.
Here's another Officer Tatum video that just goes to show how "equally" black and white people are with one another. How they're just able to let this go is beyond me. The only thing I disagree with is that although there was not a threat of life on January 6th, it seems to me that there was destruction of property.

They don't like being called colored. Or Negro. Yer a wacist! ;)
If you pay attention, at least on this site, those words are used as slurs, presumably because if they use the actual n-word, they know they will be slammed flat on their back and then there is no denying their racism.

Those words are what white people use to distinguish black people from everyone else back during the times of slavery, Jim Crow, separate but equal, etc.

You all choosing to use words that are relics of the legal racism perpetrated against black people in the United State's white supremacist's society paints you as the same type of people as they were.

If that's okay with you all, being seen as taking up the torch of the most racist beings in the country's history, carry on then. But don't act surprised or bitch about it when black people call you out on as if you don't know or understand why what you're saying is offensive.

This is addressed to the OP as well.
Blacks were never treated as equals after the “racial equality” laws were passed in the sixties. They have been treated better than whites. For over seventy years they have been given preferential treatment for jobs and education. The sad thing is that most don’t seem to appreciate it, and now just demand more. It’s not unreasonable for some whites to find that attitude objectionable.
Actually the group of people who have benefited most from the "racial equality" laws assuming you're meaning the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is comprised of white females.
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