This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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I think it's okay to just call them black people.
So do I......but they made that racist.
We're not supposed to use the word black or the word negro....even though the word for black in Spanish is negro.
We can't name our teams Indian names anymore. No more Atlanta more Cleveland more Washington more Florida Seminoles.

OHHHH Just fuck off!!!!
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

When will you be posting a thread about something stupid white people do, like being Karens, with the caveat that you're not saying all whites are guilty of this...but WAY too many of them are?
So do I......but they made that racist.
We're not supposed to use the word black or the word negro....even though the word for black in Spanish is negro.
We can't name our teams Indian names anymore. No more Atlanta more Cleveland more Washington Redskins.

OH Just fuck off!!!!
I mean, maybe don't call them negros. Calling them darkies might get you in trouble too.
The guy in your video used the word inferiated.

Oh, doesn't it mean angry? Also, how can people call me racist when I'm watching and loving videos posted by a black person? I'm even subscribed to him. People can be pretty darn stupid I guess. :rolleyes:
She, but other than that you're exactly right.
In post #11 our canadian voyeur tries to bash you for not saying “some” black people are not taken seriously

But if he had watched the video he would have heard the sensible black ex-cop say the same thing just after 11:20 mark

He says (this is my summary, not his exact words. Libs will have to listen to the video for that) irresponsible black behavior is the reason blacks are not taken seriously

Those are the comments of a black man

Good luck painting him as a white racist
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I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

OK. What should black people be accountable for ?
In post #11 our canadian voyeur tries to bash you for not saying “some” black people are not taken seriously

But if he had watched the video he would have heard the sensible black ex-cop say the sam thing just after 11:20 mark

He says (this is my summary, not his exact words. Libs will have to listen to the video for that) irresponsible black behavior is the reason blacks are not taken seriously

I know, and all I was doing was agreeing with him.
Many people understand that there is little to gain from getting your viewpoints from YouTube.
Better to have them spoon fed to you by the anti white lib news media?

When a black police officer defends the cops with facts and logic I think its worth listening to
True, I just call it how it is because apparently it's racist to even say the word black now. :rolleyes:
Yep.....only racists feel they deserve special treatment because of their race.
That is the very definition of racism.
The only systemic racism I've seen since the 70s has been Democrat programs.

Affirmative action
The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988

Then there's other acts that have been carved out for natives that exclude non tribal members.

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)
The Dawes Act of 1887
When a black police officer defends the cops with facts and logic I think its worth listening to

Yeah, but they're not going to though. The same media that's after Trump is brainwashing them to scream police brutality and to defund the police even if it's the fault of the black person. Just wait though. If there's no more police then they will be screaming black brutality when there's nobody around to lock them up. How is it that I'm mentally challenged and I understand all of that better than they do?
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