This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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I doubt if any lib posting here watched the entire video or info following the video

Probably not, because like I said,.. the media has them so brainwashed. It's about time that they're defunded.
Oh, doesn't it mean angry? Also, how can people call me racist when I'm watching and loving videos posted by a black person? I'm even subscribed to him. People can be pretty darn stupid I guess. :rolleyes:
He makes sense....but basically I'm a smart-ass and I like messing with people.
I was making fun of the way he was talking.

If you're going to say 'some' blacks and not all 'blacks' then you are at least barely onside to make the point. I'll leave aside getting into any details on why I suspect that your intention is less than honourable, and instead get right to the point.

You're in fact quite correct to discuss the failings of 'some' black people. But you have to also accept that white America created the problems. It didn't have to be that way and it wouldn't be if blacks were treated as equals after the attempts of racial equality reform in the 60's.

The less than desirable 'race' issues were guaranteed to become 'racism' issues.

Were your intentions honourable when you started this topic?
Blacks were never treated as equals after the “racial equality” laws were passed in the sixties. They have been treated better than whites. For over seventy years they have been given preferential treatment for jobs and education. The sad thing is that most don’t seem to appreciate it, and now just demand more. It’s not unreasonable for some whites to find that attitude objectionable.
But there are plenty of them thanks lib teachers promoting white guilt

The only white guilt that should be had is for defending people like the woman in the video that make up lies against the police. Shame on her and shame on them! :mad:
In post #11 our canadian voyeur tries to bash you for not saying “some” black people are not taken seriously

But if he had watched the video he would have heard the sensible black ex-cop say the same thing just after 11:20 mark
No, I didn't watch the video. It's much more interesting to pay attention to how she presented her views.
And now disappointingly, it's pretty obvious that she didn't have an honourable motive. Atleast so far?

Can you keep yourself together long enough to say something worthwhile on the topic?
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

Sorry, kid. I'm white, but the white fools do the same damned thing. I've have quite enough of white nitwits with dumb beards walking around in the streets with long guns and attacking our Capitol and our Congress. The race thing doesn't play anymore. Do you want to apologize to me, to all of us whites, for how the "proud boys" and the "militias" make us look to the rest of the world? The white religious cults?
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