This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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Sorry, kid. I'm white, but the white fools do the same damned thing. I've have quite enough of white nitwits with dumb beards walking around in the streets with long guns and attacking our Capitol and our Congress. The race thing doesn't play anymore. Do you want to apologize to me, to all of us whites, for how the "proud boys" and the "militias" make us look to the rest of the world? The white religious cults?

The point the OP made isn't that stupid people exist or do stupid things. The point is should your skin color absolve you of responsible for your words and actions? Understand now?
Sorry, kid. I'm white, but the white fools do the same damned thing. I've have quite enough of white nitwits with dumb beards walking around in the streets with long guns and attacking our Capitol and our Congress. The race thing doesn't play anymore. Do you want to apologize to me, to all of us whites, for how the "proud boys" and the "militias" make us look to the rest of the world? The white religious cults?
Where do the proud boys and militia come from?

Its the racial division being pushed by the left such as Black LIES Matter
The point the OP made isn't that stupid people exist or do stupid things. The point is should your skin color absolve you of responsible for your words and actions? Understand now?

And of course the answer to that should be absolutely not. If black people want equality so much why can't they grasp the fact that they aren't above the law?
And of course the answer to that should be absolutely not. If black people want equality so much why can't they grasp the fact that they aren't above the law?

As others have said, a major part of the agenda of CRT is really a power move. It is intended as a pass for potential poor behavior from blacks. All bad behavior is excused because whites and America are so racist.

You listen to the hatred, bigotry, and racism that many in the BLM movement spew out. No whites could get away with that bullshit. But it is ending, rapidly. Folks have had enough.
I'm just curious how the video being talked about in the OP would go down if that guy was white. They wouldn't be screaming police brutality then.
Many people understand that there is little to gain from getting your viewpoints from YouTube.



1. Anyone who has had wide experience with most ethnicities knows that some African Americans are wonderful people and often more tolerant and generous than the other ethnicities in this strange nation.

2. BUT here is the big "but."

a. It is a hurtful fact that African Americans have a bigger PROPORTION of not very nice people than do the other ethnicities.

b. For example, most of the robberies (which often involve also killing the clerk) and most of the sucker punchings and most of the looting and a big percentage of the rapes and murders are committed by African American young men. (That's why most African Americans WANT more cops in their neighborhoods!)

3. Many people (whether they admit it or not) fear younger African American people.

a. Although the media do an excellent job in covering up the enormous amount of violent crime and the unspeakable suffering of the victims, many people learn about it from other people and hints that appear in the media.

4. Is there a solution to this sad situation?

a. IMHO, the answer is NO.

i. Needless to say, there is no going back to separation as practiced in American society before the 1960s.
Where do the proud boys and militia come from?

Its the racial division being pushed by the left such as Black LIES Matter

them thar proud boys & white supreeeeeeeeeeeemisists just can't help themselves!
Where do the proud boys and militia come from?

Its the racial division being pushed by the left such as Black LIES Matter
The white asswipes have done such a good job of proving the BLM movement's claims that it's hilarious. The "proud boys" and the "militias" are white trash. There is a huge difference between having light skin and being descended from Northern Europeans and being that kind of trash that is represented by these groups. This is akin to sitting back and watching frankie graham and jerry falwell shit all over the Christian faith. Us Northern European folks have to retain a sense of dignity. These guys are making us look like a bunch of hoodlums.
Maybe so but I have no idea what that has to do with what I said.
Just pointing out the irony in your post.
And you're being a hypocrite because you support an ideology that refuses to hold anyone in their ranks accountable for their illegal acts.
As others have said, a major part of the agenda of CRT is really a power move. It is intended as a pass for potential poor behavior from blacks. All bad behavior is excused because whites and America are so racist.

You listen to the hatred, bigotry, and racism that many in the BLM movement spew out. No whites could get away with that bullshit. But it is ending, rapidly. Folks have had enough.
They're just causing divisions to keep us from paying attention to what they're doing in Washington.
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