This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

I'm going to post a thread about how too many people like you post nonsense crap threads that have no basis in reality and are just like "I don't mean to offend, but you're rubbish, I know you're rubbish because I just made it up right here, right now"
They don't like being called colored. Or Negro. Yer a wacist! ;)
It doesn't matter what they are called---they will whine about being called black next....Trying to outlaw words is about CONTROL. They and the other fascists are playing games with the words as psychological tool to gain control.
If you're going to say 'some' blacks and not all 'blacks' then you are at least barely onside to make the point. I'll leave aside getting into any details on why I suspect that your intention is less than honourable, and instead get right to the point.

You're in fact quite correct to discuss the failings of 'some' black people. But you have to also accept that white America created the problems. It didn't have to be that way and it wouldn't be if blacks were treated as equals after the attempts of racial equality reform in the 60's.

The less than desirable 'race' issues were guaranteed to become 'racism' issues.

Were your intentions honourable when you started this topic?
Don't you ever get tired of meddling in other countries' affairs? Piss off Donald Duck.
If you pay attention, at least on this site, those words are used as slurs, presumably because if they use the actual n-word, they know they will be slammed flat on their back and then there is no denying their racism.

Those words are what white people use to distinguish black people from everyone else back during the times of slavery, Jim Crow, separate but equal, etc.

You all choosing to use words that are relics of the legal racism perpetrated against black people in the United State's white supremacist's society paints you as the same type of people as they were.

If that's okay with you all, being seen as taking up the torch of the most racist beings in the country's history, carry on then. But don't act surprised or bitch about it when black people call you out on as if you don't know or understand why what you're saying is offensive.

This is addressed to the OP as well.

So, let me get this straight,.. you're saying that it's racist to say that black people should also be held accountable for their crimes?
Sow, let me get this straight,.. you're saying that it's racist to say that black people should also be held accountable for their crimes?
This comment has nothing to do with what I stated above. I was simply explaining to you all why referring to black people as "colored" or "negro" makes you suspect of being racist. Now that it's been explained to you that it's a relic term from when the U.S. LEGALLY segregated black people from whites, continuing to use it categorizes the user as racist because you know better and are intentionally choosing to use a word that is antagonistic in many cases.

As far as you claiming I said or was implying the following, striking that one word fixes it for you:
"So, let me get this straight,.. you're saying that it's racist to say that black people should also be held accountable for their crimes?"

I don't know why you think only black people lie and try to escape punishment for the things they do, all criminals do that, have you not been paying attention to the proceedings from the January 6th 2021 storming of the Capital defendants, just as one, highly visible example?

And while we're here I would also like to point out that the reason I stated that you were being demeaning as well as preachy is because you started a sentence with "IF black people want equality" as if you are the arbiter of whether or not we receive it. Equality is the law of the land since 1964 in the United States and it's only because of people who think as you do and withhold it or make it conditional upon what some whites believe to be how we should be;have or respond to being granted things that should have been ours all along ("don't appreciate") that we're still fighting for what is rightly ours.

It is because we fight and won't just lay down and take whatever it is you all dish out, that WE get labeled as "racist" which does nothing more than prove just how deep the ignorance goes.
This comment has nothing to do with what I stated above. I was simply explaining to you all why referring to black people as "colored" or "negro" makes you suspect of being racist. Now that it's been explained to you that it's a relic term from when the U.S. LEGALLY segregated black people from whites, continuing to use it categorizes the user as racist because you know better and are intentionally choosing to use a word that is antagonistic in many cases.

As far as you claiming I said or was implying the following, striking that one word fixes it for you:
"So, let me get this straight,.. you're saying that it's racist to say that black people should also be held accountable for their crimes?"

I don't know why you think only black people lie and try to escape punishment for the things they do, all criminals do that, have you not been paying attention to the proceedings from the January 6th 2021 storming of the Capital defendants, just as one, highly visible example?

And while we're here I would also like to point out that the reason I stated that you were being demeaning as well as preachy is because you started a sentence with "IF black people want equality" as if you are the arbiter of whether or not we receive it. Equality is the law of the land since 1964 in the United States and it's only because of people who think as you do and withhold it or make it conditional upon what some whites believe to be how we should be;have or respond to being granted things that should have been ours all along ("don't appreciate") that we're still fighting for what is rightly ours.

It is because we fight and won't just lay down and take whatever it is you all dish out, that WE get labeled as "racist" which does nothing more than prove just how deep the ignorance goes.
Far as I know all criminals feel they shouldn’t have consequences…black, white, green, orange. So why would black people be uniquely singled out and why is their equality, unlike that of any other…contingent upon this? Good post.
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

And this........
This is exactly WHY you consider yourself to be "Not racist" but this is exactly why you are an entitled Racist Bitch.
This comment has nothing to do with what I stated above. I was simply explaining to you all why referring to black people as "colored" or "negro" makes you suspect of being racist. Now that it's been explained to you that it's a relic term from when the U.S. LEGALLY segregated black people from whites, continuing to use it categorizes the user as racist because you know better and are intentionally choosing to use a word that is antagonistic in many cases.

As far as you claiming I said or was implying the following, striking that one word fixes it for you:
"So, let me get this straight,.. you're saying that it's racist to say that black people should also be held accountable for their crimes?"

I don't know why you think only black people lie and try to escape punishment for the things they do, all criminals do that, have you not been paying attention to the proceedings from the January 6th 2021 storming of the Capital defendants, just as one, highly visible example?

And while we're here I would also like to point out that the reason I stated that you were being demeaning as well as preachy is because you started a sentence with "IF black people want equality" as if you are the arbiter of whether or not we receive it. Equality is the law of the land since 1964 in the United States and it's only because of people who think as you do and withhold it or make it conditional upon what some whites believe to be how we should be;have or respond to being granted things that should have been ours all along ("don't appreciate") that we're still fighting for what is rightly ours.

It is because we fight and won't just lay down and take whatever it is you all dish out, that WE get labeled as "racist" which does nothing more than prove just how deep the ignorance goes.

Oh for the love of Pete!!! First of all, calling somebody a colored person isn't racist. It's simply just stating the facts. If I would have used black in the title you would have been having a much bigger hissy fit. Second of all, once again I never said that I believe only black people feel that way, it's like Mac-7 already stated, it's the way you libs change the subject. :rolleyes:
Oh for the love of Pete!!! First of all, calling somebody a colored person isn't racist. It's simply just stating the facts. If I would have used black in the title you would have been having a much bigger hissy fit. Second of all, once again I never said that I believe only black people feel that way, it's like Mac-7 already stated, it's the way you libs change the subject. :rolleyes:
Nice coverup, you fucking racist Bitch.
I was talking to my daughter about an hour ago and she told me my grandson got into an incident at his high school on the way to the bus on Friday. He was running late because he stayed behind to talk to his engineering teacher and this other kid was constantly blocking his way. My grandson inappropriately called this kid a "monkey". Of course the other kid was black and took offense, and replied that my grandson was an "n-word".

What my grandson did was wrong, but here is the ironic part. My grandson's father is black.

Genetics gave him the skin tone that is whiter than I am. He could have been just as black as the other kid, but wasn't. My great-great-grandfather on my mother's side was also black. Thanks to genetics, my grandson looks just like me as a boy, with the exception that he has curly hair which may have resulted from the chemo for the leukemia which has has beaten.

My other grandson has much darker skin, but takes back after his other grandfather's Hispanic side of the family. Picture Pancho Villa as a 13 year old. These kids look nothing alike and the average person finds it hard to believe they are brothers.
Had a white dude said what the black leader of BLM new york said he would be labeled a domestic terrorist, placed on a terror watch list, he wouldn't be able to get on a plane, etc. But since he's black, he's got black privilege and can say what he wants with impunity.
Oh for the love of Pete!!! First of all, calling somebody a colored person isn't racist. It's simply just stating the facts. If I would have used black in the title you would have been having a much bigger hissy fit. Second of all, once again I never said that I believe only black people feel that way, it's like Mac-7 already stated, it's the way you libs change the subject. :rolleyes:
Why would you argue with a black person on whether or not we see being called "colored" is marginally offensive and indicative to us of a racist bent of the speaker? Is it because you believe that a black person could not be more knowledgeable on a particular subject than you are being a white person?

I mean what other reason could you have for not accepting a black person telling you that use of that term is offensive? k

And at no point did I have a hissy fit because I don't let people who are at a lower level than myself upset me over triffles like this. I know who I am even if you don't.

And lastly, if you had used the term black instead of colored and I objected, it would not be the use of the adjective, it would be because you're singling out black people are wrongly accusing us as a group of behavior that is attributable to all criminals. Black criminals are not unique in this behavior.

Honestly, if you could take a deep breath, and reread what I wrote without assuming ill intent on my part, you may actually understand what I was intending to convey. I am pretty even tempered and I am careful with the feelings of others, except all of that kind of goes out the window when it comes to white racists.

And I am aware of the difference between people who simply have no idea of the historical significance of some of this and those whose sole intent is to inflict psychological/emotional harm by their acts and words. And just for the record when I use the word ignorance, I'm using the dictionary definition of the word, meaning not having knowledge of.
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