This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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Maybe because they have colored skin? What's so wrong with that anyways? Being colored isn't a bad thing as long as you don't make it to be that way. The problem is too many black people (like the one being talked about in my OP) do and that's why they tend to get the reputation that they do. Not all of them, but enough of them.
The problem is “colored” is full of bad historical connotations.
Colored is associated with…

View attachment 564577

Just found this interesting article:

Well, I guess it just matters how you're using the word.

One thing….the people who comprise a group, it is up to them, not us, to decide what is or isn’t offensive.

And it's up to us to say whatever we want since we have freedom of speech. (Unless it becomes a forum rule not to say something that is.) I don't appease to snowflakes. If I find something truly offensive, then I won't say it. However, most (rational) people don't find the word offensive as I started a poll on here today that proves it.
She is offering an opinion for discussion, automatically labeling Her an “entitled racist bitch” isn’t going to change any minds and effectively turns this into a bashathon. Offer arguments instead? We leftists keep getting accused of calling everyone racist…sometimes they are, sometimes not.
Thank you Coyote for being a voice of reason and btw, thank you also for being a moderator here.

(I had to say this when I wasn't involved in the "discussion".)
Well, I guess it just matters how you're using the word.

And it's up to us to say whatever we want since we have freedom of speech. (Unless it becomes a forum rule not to say something that is.) I don't appease to snowflakes. If I find something truly offensive, then I won't say it. However, most (rational) people don't find the word offensive as I started a poll on here today that proves it.
That is true, you can say whatever want…so why would you choose to use a term that the people to whom you are referring find offensive?
The problem is “colored” is full of bad historical connotations.

don't think i'm happy being 'gub'mit cheese'......
:( ~S~
That is true, you can say whatever want…so why would you choose to use a term that the people to whom you are referring find offensive?

Because I'm sick and tired of people getting offended by every little thing! Colored people, The Cleveland Indians, Conservative views,.. the list goes on and on and on! If what I say offends you then don't listen or ignore me or something. Unless you're a friend of mine or something and you ask me nicely,.. I'm not going to stop say something because people in general are offended though. I know that's what liberals want, but it's not going to happen.
I apologize ahead of time if this topic offends any black people because I'm not saying all blacks are guilty of this,.. but WAY too many of them are and even this guy agrees with me. Too many of them think because they're black they shouldn't be accountable for anything. At least, that's the way it seems.

Nobody black thinks that way a and finding one black who is as loony as you are doesn't make what you say true.
Because I'm sick and tired of people getting offended by every little thing! Colored people, The Cleveland Indians, Conservative views,.. the list goes on and on and on! If what I say offends you then don't listen or ignore me or something. Unless you're a friend of mine or something and you ask me nicely,.. I'm not going to stop say something because people in general are offended though. I know that's what liberals want, but it's not going to happen.
So you don't mind being called the c word.

People tend to get offended by offensive things. You talk crazy online because you are protected. Go on up to a black woman and call her colored and see what you get. It's easy to talk your shit online.
Because I'm sick and tired of people getting offended by every little thing! Colored people, The Cleveland Indians, Conservative views,.. the list goes on and on and on! If what I say offends you then don't listen or ignore me or something. Unless you're a friend of mine or something and you ask me nicely,.. I'm not going to stop say something because people in general are offended though. I know that's what liberals want, but it's not going to happen.
The disuse of “colored” is not some new thing. It has long been somewhat offensive.

You are lumping a lot of different things into this, and for the record, I agree the left tends to take this too far while the right seems to go out of it’s to be offensive simply because it views it as a “right”.

In the middle you have real people whom you are targeting with this. We used to have a way of dealing with this, it was called “manners”…if you know a term is offensive, you don’t use it.

Unless the person is a complete asshat and deserves it of course.
So you don't mind being called the c word.

People tend to get offended by offensive things. You talk crazy online because you are protected. Go on up to a black woman and call her colored and see what you get. It's easy to talk your shit online.
Good example … only place I’ve been called that is here.
Unless the person is a complete asshat and deserves it of course.

Who in particular am I targeting in this thread who isn't an assist. Not who in this thread isn't an asshat, who am I targeting who isn't one?
Why are white people digging up old terms like this?

Does doctors wife get offended whe she's called a white girl?

And I know these white men have nothing to say because they all go crying to admin when they are called white boys.

And its funny how this "woman" talks about people getting offended about such things when she, like the rest of the right wingers here gives birth whenever white racism is pointed out. So if you want to use such terms don't cry when you get it back. For if it's not illegal to call somebody colored, it's not illegal to call DW a white girl and the other right wing men in here white boys.
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You weren‘t targeting an individual, but an entire group…

Umm yeah,..not too many people in this thread agree with you on that one. You're basically outnumbered on this one. No offense or anything, but unless you make it a rule we can't used "colored" for black people you can't really do anything to change it and you're really overreacting and derailing my topic now.
When will you be posting a thread about something stupid white people do, like being Karens, with the caveat that you're not saying all whites are guilty of this...but WAY too many of them are?
She can't. That's the nature of racists. This thread is another white crated face bait thread that is not about anything relevant. It's an excuse for the racists in this forum to sound off with their opinions of blacks.
Thank you Coyote for being a voice of reason and btw, thank you also for being a moderator here.

(I had to say this when I wasn't involved in the "discussion".)

I still think she's a good moderator and a sweetheart, she's just blowing this way out of proportion. If she doesn't like it she can always leave the topic as she's made her point now and obviously no minds are being changed, so I would really like to get it back on topic.
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