This Is Why Colored People Aren't Taken Seriously

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If somebody wants to call me a cracker then call me a cracker. That's no skin off my back. I just let it go in one ear and out the other because I'm not a crybaby. Oh yeah, and obviously I'm not racist, if I was,.. I would be calling them ******* and not want to associate with them and stuff.

Because of their skin? Like somebody else already mentioned probably not.

This woman is a racist. Racism is more complex than calling somebody the n word. It involves a lack of respect for a race of people as in creating threads whereby you want to have the right to call somebody a racially offensive name. And lets not lie about this, because this woman and a whole bunch of others who claim they won't get up in arms about being called something have gotten up in arms at ANY mention of continuing white racism and are the first to whine about somebody hating all white people.

"In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism."

Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a 'Kinder, Gentler' Anti-Black Ideology

Rising out of the ashes of Jim Crow racism was an attitude of Lasseiz-Faire racism. Lasseiz-Faire racism is sometimes described as the kinder form of racism as if there is such a thing. It is based on the Group Position Theory of racial prejudice. Of course that is at odds with the current claim by the American right of individualism, but that claim in my view is fake news. According to Group Position Theory, “There are four basic types of feeling that seem to be always present in race prejudice in the dominant group. They are (1) a feeling of superiority, (2) a feeling that the subordinate race is intrinsically different and alien, (3) a feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantage, and (4) a fear and suspicion that the subordinate race harbors designs on the prerogatives of the dominant race.”

Lasseiz-Faire racism focuses on 2 of the feelings described, the feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantages, and fear or suspicion that the “subordinate” race has designs on the perogatives of the “dominant race”.

Jim Crow ended, but whites still control most of the things necessary to survive and thrive in a capitalist system. Instead of looking at the demands blacks made and continue to make as efforts towards true democratic equality there are whites today who look upon these efforts as “as threatening incursions on their interests and prerogatives” or infringements on their rights. As a response, we get Lasseiz ‘Faire racism. “ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”

This describes the majority of members at USMB and most definitely fits the OP.
Back before YOU were born.
And you still have that same attitude now, so don't try that before you were born bullshit. Because sure enough in due time you'll be trying to tell us how the democratic party was the party of slavery.
This woman is a racist. Racism is more complex than calling somebody the n word. It involves a lack of respect for a race of people as in creating threads whereby you want to have the right to call somebody a racially offensive name. And lets not lie about this, because this woman and a whole bunch of others who claim they won't get up in arms about being called something have gotten up in arms at ANY mention of continuing white racism and are the first to whine about somebody hating all white people.

"In short, a large number of white Americans have become comfortable with as much racial inequality and segregation as a putatively nondiscriminatory polity and free market economy can produce. Hence, the reproduction and, on some dimensions, the worsening of racial inequalities. These circumstances are rendered culturally palatable by the new ideology of Laissez Faire Racism."

Lawrence Bobo, James R. Kluegel, Ryan A. Smith - LAISSEZ FAIRE RACISM: The Crystallization of a 'Kinder, Gentler' Anti-Black Ideology

Rising out of the ashes of Jim Crow racism was an attitude of Lasseiz-Faire racism. Lasseiz-Faire racism is sometimes described as the kinder form of racism as if there is such a thing. It is based on the Group Position Theory of racial prejudice. Of course that is at odds with the current claim by the American right of individualism, but that claim in my view is fake news. According to Group Position Theory, “There are four basic types of feeling that seem to be always present in race prejudice in the dominant group. They are (1) a feeling of superiority, (2) a feeling that the subordinate race is intrinsically different and alien, (3) a feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantage, and (4) a fear and suspicion that the subordinate race harbors designs on the prerogatives of the dominant race.”

Lasseiz-Faire racism focuses on 2 of the feelings described, the feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantages, and fear or suspicion that the “subordinate” race has designs on the perogatives of the “dominant race”.

Jim Crow ended, but whites still control most of the things necessary to survive and thrive in a capitalist system. Instead of looking at the demands blacks made and continue to make as efforts towards true democratic equality there are whites today who look upon these efforts as “as threatening incursions on their interests and prerogatives” or infringements on their rights. As a response, we get Lasseiz ‘Faire racism. “ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”

This describes the majority of members at USMB and most definitely fits the OP.
IM2, you still can't grasp basics. YOu call people names all the time. ALL THE TIME----most adults just ignore your ignorant disrespect and move on with their lives. They don't need others to like them----while you are just incapable of understanding all sorts of basics-- likehow to be civil, that even you have the right to not like who you don't like which is all whites, and that YOU are the biggest racist in the room fool. You are obsessed with people's skin color and what you can try to extort from others. YOUR behavior makes a lot of people not just not like you, anyone associated with your loud mouth all about special treatment for blacks while you single out whites and sometimes others for attacks behavior. No one likes Hypocrites.

Respect is earned -----something that you are incapable of earning or showing to others.

Oh fyi, your four groups nonsense is hilarious. People in all groups IMPRINT on those who raise them and unless they are abused assume that their group is the best. It's a technique to aid in babies survival as they grow. People are drawn to familiar as it reminds them of SAFE. If there is abuse---this imprinting can go either way---hate of ones familiar or a more complex un realized self loathing that lashes out. These victims claim to love their familiar but in reality hate their familiar and themselves so they attack unfamiliar trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. You are no different than a self loathing KKK members that victimizes others for giggles in their blind hatred.
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I find the debate about whether to call someone colored, black, negro, people of color, etc. kind of a distraction. Let me be clear, I feel these descriptions are just adjectives that are used to identify people and in most cases are irrelevant. People are people. However I fail to see the difference between using the word "colored" or "people of color." It reminds me of something I saw in Canada years ago. Canadian law demands that federal signs be printed in English and French. I saw a sign that said, "Lake Louise" and immediately below it was "Louise Lake." In both cases it seems political correctness gone crazy.
The most important thing, imo, is to use words that will be easily understood by your listener or reader. Isn't that what communication is all about?.

The terms being discussed - colored, people of color, negro - are pretty harmless when one considers the many truly derogatory terms that could be used.

Blacks can choose to be called whatever they want. But it seems a bit unfair to expect all other people to keep up with, or even to care about, black preferences. Especially when they seem to change almost daily.

Add to that the fact that so many blacks seem to go through every single day looking and waiting for something, anything, to be offended about, and it quickly becomes obvious that no matter what word choices are made, some people will choose to be offended.
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The most important thing, imo, is to use words that will be easily understood by your listener or reader. Isn't that what communication is all about?.

The terms being discussed - colored, people of color, negro - are pretty harmless when one considers the many truly derogatory terms that could be used.

Blacks can choose to be called whatever they want. But it seems a bit unfair to expect all other people to keep up with, or even to care about, black preferences. Especially when they seem to change almost daily.

Add to that the fact that so many blacks seem to go through their every day looking and waiting for something, anything, to be offended about, and it quickly becomes obvious that no matter what word choices are made, some people will choose to be offended.
Another moronic post.
I find the term "people of color" offensive and really annoying. I grew up as you did learning that the term "colored people" was wrong. I never used it as a result. But then elitest whites started using the term people of color about a decade ago. WTF?

So I ask logically: How is "people of color" different than "colored people?"

Did you see this article.......they defined me out of the group.

"University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’​

...a chart comparing freshman admissions rates at the University of Maryland between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

The photo has the University of Maryland’s logo attached at the bottom. The chart compared admissions and enrollment rates among freshmen in the fall of 2017 to admissions rates in the fall of 2021. The data showed that general admissions have gone up as have average weighted GPAs, according to the chart posted by journalist Christopher Rufo.

The chart classifies students by race, though the university opted to create a new racial category called “Students of Color minus Asian.” Asian students aged 18-24 have the highest nationwide college enrollment rates, averaging approximately 60 percent, according to a 2020 study by the National Center for Education Statistics.

The university’s Diversity and Inclusion Dashboard similarly creates a separate category for Asian students. The university boasts of its “underrepresented minority” category, which includes students who are “African-American/Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian.”

University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’

A photo emerged of a chart comparing freshman admissions rates between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

Looks like I ain't one no mo'.....
Did you see this article.......they defined me out of the group.

"University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’​

...a chart comparing freshman admissions rates at the University of Maryland between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

The photo has the University of Maryland’s logo attached at the bottom. The chart compared admissions and enrollment rates among freshmen in the fall of 2017 to admissions rates in the fall of 2021. The data showed that general admissions have gone up as have average weighted GPAs, according to the chart posted by journalist Christopher Rufo.

The chart classifies students by race, though the university opted to create a new racial category called “Students of Color minus Asian.” Asian students aged 18-24 have the highest nationwide college enrollment rates, averaging approximately 60 percent, according to a 2020 study by the National Center for Education Statistics.

The university’s Diversity and Inclusion Dashboard similarly creates a separate category for Asian students. The university boasts of its “underrepresented minority” category, which includes students who are “African-American/Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian.”

University Of Maryland Creates New Racial Category: ‘Students Of Color Minus Asian’

A photo emerged of a chart comparing freshman admissions rates between two categories, “White or Asian students” and “Students of Color minus Asian.”

Looks like I ain't one no mo'.....
Maybe you should look at the primary source. Asians have their own niche.

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Officer Tatum is obviously black

you are not engaged in reality if you cant admit that
I am black and one black person talking crazy does not represent the opinion of the majority of black people. So, nobody black thinks that way a and finding one black who is as loony as you are doesn't make what you say true.
And you know that how? Segregation is in living memory. People like Condaleeza Rice grew up in it. I was five when segregation ended.
And you remember it well, eh? Rice was 10 years old when segregation ended. She may have experienced it. The person you are defending was not born before segregation ended.
And you remember it well, eh? Rice was 10 years old when segregation ended. She may have experienced it. The person you are defending was not born before segregation ended.
No. I’m pointing out this is not some “distant past”, it is living memory. I have no idea when she was born but I’m suspect her parents would have experienced it If she is younger rhan I.
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Th NAACP spelled out for you
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
And the mebers of the NAACP do not call themselves colored.

So just stop being white looking for excuses so you can use racially derogatory language.
And you remember it well, eh? Rice was 10 years old when segregation ended. She may have experienced it. The person you are defending was not born before segregation ended.
Legal Segregation ended on paper, but in reality it segregation still exists. Stop pretending that a signature on paper automatically made things stop. .
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