This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

In a democracy, all the people vote directly, and there are no indirect representatives.
Democracy (from Ancient Greek: δημοκρατία, romanized: dēmokratía, dēmos 'people' and kratos 'rule')[1] is a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation ("direct democracy") or to choose governing officials to do so ("representative democracy"). Who is considered part of "the people" and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people has changed over time and at different rates in different countries.
When you vote for representatives, that is NOT at all a democracy.
That's the very basis of democracy.
That is a representative republic, and when you want to add blind justice, you make it constitutional as well.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

The only possible democrat I might vote for is RFK Jr. and I really don’t know enough about his political positions to say for sure.

Otherwise I have no interest in voting for a democrat at the state or national level and he would have to be a great candidate to get my vote at the local level.
"What is lacking in your manhood........"
OK, but let's not let that unusual concern of yours distract us.

So, do this: Please show us your sources, gives us credible citations to back up your claim that there were ballot boxes 100% stuffed with only Joe Biden ballots with no other candidates for other offices on the down ballot.

Thanks in advance.
I agree that socialism like Germany is vastly superior.
Germany does not practice socialism, there isn't even a socialist party in Germany
However, I disagree about Trump's covid response.
The CORRECT response to covid would have been to accelerate infection among the least vulnerable.
That achieves herd immunity to end it, the most quickly.
It was Fauci who got it wrong, by "flattening the curve".
He incorrectly estimated a lethality of 1% when it was actually about 0.02%.
At the time no one knew - everybody was just simply guessing. When I stated around July 2020, that China is somewhere around less then 0.01%, these figures were immediately refuted with "CPC figures are bull". But now according to MAGA's it's supposedly only 0.02% in the USA, despite no comparable quarantine and movement restrictions for 2 years such as in China, Taiwan and Vietnam.
Trump didn't do anything aside from making the pharmacy industry rich - aka vaccines. Which in turn MAGA's now propagate to be deadly.

The only thing that Covid proved, is that no US administration is able to impose restrictions onto it's population, not even to safeguard them.
I also disagree with Trump vs Biden on competence.
Trump started no wars, and Biden risks a nuclear holocaust over the Ukraine.
Trump didn't do anything - he could have clearly stated e.g. The USA will not acquit towards a Ukrainian NATO membership, and will refrain from extending Eastward. giving specific guarantees towards Russia and demanding Russian troops to pull out and arranging a UN peace-mission to guarantee free elections in Donbas/Luhansk and Crimea.

Trump declared the despotic leader of N-Korea to be his buddy - therefore enabling N-Korea to progress on it's nuclear and missile technology.

Trump declared falsely that the US is paying for the European NATO - simply ignoring that the E-NATO is paying around US$ 350 Billion/year by themselves. In comparison China is paying around US$ 250 billion a year and Russia a meager 70 Billion before 2021.

Trump literally chickened out towards Iran - despite the USA having destabilized the entire Middle-East and as such providing the possibility for Iran to move in.

Trump doesn't want war - because due to his nonpolitical experience and activities in the past 50 years, he doesn't have any viable $$$ connections to the US military industry. And property related business is known to be a very bad investment in view of a war.

It is Biden's - aka the US government and the EU's conviction, and most of the worlds countries, that Russia can't be allowed to attack and occupy Ukraine. An issue that the previous US administrations clearly provoked and enhanced, incl. Trump - by not stopping NATO's expansionist and warmongering policy since 1990.

That lefty&Lib policies in the USA need to be stopped, maybe even reverted - I fully agree, but certainly not via a lying human scumbag like Trump, who already had proven during his 4 year tenure that he is totally incapable - only throwing the USA and the world into turmoil and a global economic chaos, whilst only boosting his own ego.

Fact is that MAGA's and Trump were only enabled due to a certain % of Americans becoming sleepless and filled with hatred by the fact that a Black - or half-black fellow became President of the USA and even won a 2nd term - that is the real and true American problem and cause of hatred and division.
OK, but let's not let that unusual concern of yours distract us.

So, do this: Please show us your sources, gives us credible citations to back up your claim that there were ballot boxes 100% stuffed with only Joe Biden ballots with no other candidates for other offices on the down ballot.

Thanks in advance.

You haven't answered who this horde of people you claim hang on your every word are. Do they have accounts on the site or do they just monitor it surreptitiously? Do they have names or are they just faceless imaginary mutants? Why is your dick so tiny it can't even support a manhood of one and you need it to be propped up by others?
"Why is your dick so tiny it can't even support a manhood of one....."
Ah, poor poster 'Kaz'.

Look, mi amigo, I have no desire to be pejorative or disrespectful towards your avatar, but......but you are turning yourself inside out to avoid answering the legitimate query on your allegation about ballot boxes, to wit:

"...sent stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots....

It's like this, poster Kaz, you said it. You claimed it. You alleged it.
So it's you who hasta back up your word.

My Pop so many decades ago use to term people who spouted-off and couldn't or wouldn't back-up their word, well, he called 'em --'Barstool Loudmouths'.
So, poster Kaz, don't be one of those guys.
Show the forum you know what you are talking about.
That you can make good on your claims.
That your word is good.

In short, show us your vetting on your claim that ballot boxes contained only ballots 100% for Joe Biden, and only Joe votes for any down-ballot candidates for either party for any position.

Show the forum you have gravitas, Kaz. That you have some gravel in your gut.

Or go.
Don't be one of those guys.

Best wishes.
Ah, poor poster 'Kaz'.

Look, mi amigo, I have no desire to be pejorative or disrespectful towards your avatar, but......but you are turning yourself inside out to avoid answering the legitimate query on your allegation about ballot boxes, to wit:

It's like this, poster Kaz, you said it. You claimed it. You alleged it.
So it's you who hasta back up your word.

My Pop so many decades ago use to term people who spouted-off and couldn't or wouldn't back-up their word, well, he called 'em --'Barstool Loudmouths'.
So, poster Kaz, don't be one of those guys.
Show the forum you know what you are talking about.
That you can make good on your claims.
That your word is good.

In short, show us your vetting on your claim that ballot boxes contained only ballots 100% for Joe Biden, and only Joe votes for any down-ballot candidates for either party for any position.

Show the forum you have gravitas, Kaz. That you have some gravel in your gut.

Or go.
Don't be one of those guys.

Best wishes.

If turning myself inside out means I'm making no effort at all, then you're right on!

You are making totally clear to anyone smarter than you (which means everyone) you have zero interest in an actual discussion, you just want to act like a dick.

Pass, girlfriend
You are making totally clear to anyone smarter than you

Oh, I have no illusions that there are many many who are 'smarter than' me.
So stipulated.

But, I suspect even those 'smarter than me'....want to know the source of your allegation that ballot boxes were stuffed 100% for Joe Biden, and with no votes for anybody else....even down ballot for many other offices.

If you have credible information on such, poster Kaz, now would be a great time for you to demonstrate to the forum that you are a man of your word, and that you know what your are talking about.

No one here on this forum is desiring to call you a 'Barstool Loudmouth', or a fake and a phony. be direct and honest to your avatar....much of that perception does depend upon your performance in backing up your own word.

Good luck.
Oh, I have no illusions that there are many many who are 'smarter than' me.
So stipulated.

But, I suspect even those 'smarter than me'....want to know the source of your allegation that ballot boxes were stuffed 100% for Joe Biden, and with no votes for anybody else....even down ballot for many other offices.

If you have credible information on such, poster Kaz, now would be a great time for you to demonstrate to the forum that you are a man of your word, and that you know what your are talking about.

No one here on this forum is desiring to call you a 'Barstool Loudmouth', or a fake and a phony. be direct and honest to your avatar....much of that perception does depend upon your performance in backing up your own word.

Good luck.

And people smarter than you wouldn't engage me in the question by making clear they intend to just be a dick no matter how I answer, their being smarter than you and all ...
" matter how I answer ..."
It is clear, you have no credible answer.
In my opinion, you made up the allegation about the ballot boxes containing 100% Biden votes.

It may be a simple lie. May be fake. May be phony.
However, in this social media exchange it is evident that it is all three.
Alternatively, I'm willing to offer you the grace of being merely incompetent in adult discussions over topics of importance.
No disrespect intended.
"Well then why do you keep addressing me....?"
Because initially I thought you may have credible information to share with the forum. Information that we, ourselves, could then go to your offered sources to determine the context, the details, and the conclusions that your links or sources may contain. In short, it was an avenue for each forum member to do his own (her own?) due diligence in determining validity.

My queries were simply and sincerely intended to elicit more information so that appropriate conclusions for ourselves could occur.
But, unfortunately, you dodged, deflected, and deceived. You did not have sources. And you were embarrassed to reveal such to the forum. Hence, you engaged in penis references, crude vulgarity, and ad hominem attacks.

After such, it became very clear that your avatar's allegation was fake. It was phony. And it was deceitful.

I hope now that you can understand that in adult discussions if one makes a claim there must be the rightful expectation that one will be queried on the basis of such a claim. Adult conversation works that way.

You were not prepared for such. And the forum and the thread is poorer for that.
Because initially I thought you may have credible information to share with the forum. Information that we, ourselves, could then go to your offered sources to determine the context, the details, and the conclusions that your links or sources may contain. In short, it was an avenue for each forum member to do his own (her own?) due diligence in determining validity.

My queries were simply and sincerely intended to elicit more information so that appropriate conclusions for ourselves could occur.
But, unfortunately, you dodged, deflected, and deceived. You did not have sources. And you were embarrassed to reveal such to the forum. Hence, you engaged in penis references, crude vulgarity, and ad hominem attacks.

After such, it became very clear that your avatar's allegation was fake. It was phony. And it was deceitful.

I hope now that you can understand that in adult discussions if one makes a claim there must be the rightful expectation that one will be queried on the basis of such a claim. Adult conversation works that way.

You were not prepared for such. And the forum and the thread is poorer for that.

Leftists are never smart enough to think through your insults so you don't just make yourself look stupid

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