This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

Nope, you want to Indict Biden, find the crime, bring him to Court, and Convict Him. Fine with me after he leaves Office.

If he's committed crimes, why would I object to his prosecution?
If trump committed crimes, why would you object to his prosecution?

Are you Party or Cult over Country?

How, what specifically did biden himself do to cheat?
You got nothing.
Agreed. But we all know this is going nowhere. This is all an attempt to counteract Trumps indictments and keep this shit in the news up until elections day.
See, that's why it's so hard to take you seriously. You don't need proof. Therefore any "proof" you present is questionable out of the gate. You certainly aren't looking at it critically. You already "know" that Biden cheated. You're just copying and pasting any random crap that echoes your premise.
Itis hardly my premise. It is half of the country's.
How are you going to convince the racists within the repub party to go to the polls and vote for a black man for President? I think Tim Scott might want your solution to that problem as well.
Tim Scott will get more shit from Democrats than he will from the minority of "racist" Republicans. He did win a seat in South Carolina in a majority white district.

Do you feel stupid now ? Tim Scott has already won elections.
Agreed. But we all know this is going nowhere. This is all an attempt to counteract Trumps indictments and keep this shit in the news up until elections day.
I disagree.
If trump hadn't committed Crimes, then this wouldn't be happening.

trump is a lying con man, the sooner you accept this and move forward, the better for the Nation.
You people keep screaming to .......MAGA......trump isn't the guy.
trump is the ONE DESTROYING America.

Move ON Please.
Tim Scott will get more shit from Democrats than he will from the minority of "racist" Republicans. He did win a seat in South Carolina in a majority white district.

Do you feel stupid now ? Tim Scott has already won elections.
Tim Scott's district has 364,000 blacks. It has 236,000 whites. Congressional District 6, SC | Data USA

Why are you a liar? Did you actually think I wouldnt look it up?
"...stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots..."
Well, poster 'kaz' that is new news to my avatar. "stuffed boxes with virtually hundred percent for Biden"??
And no down ballot votes? I had not heard that, or read about it......which State? Which community? Which precinct?
Who reported this development so that you learned of it?
If you could credibly explain yourself 'kaz' and offer a citation or would be helpful to this thread's discussion.

Poster Kaz.....don't skip over the above query. It was a serious question, sincerely sent,
and with a real sense of curiosity.

I presume you believe it to be true because you were informed by a credible source about it.
So, help the rest of the forum be as well informed.

You link? You citation?
Tim Scott's district has 364,000 blacks. It has 236,000 whites. Congressional District 6, SC | Data USA

Why are you a liar? Did you actually think I wouldnt look it up?
You do know that the majority of Black people vote Democrat I know that because I'm constantly reminded of it by the left ?

Didn't care if you looked it up. So now I can ask how did Tim Scott get elected ? All of those "racist" Republicans shouldn't have voted for him.

You do know that the majority of Black people vote Democrat I know that because I'm constantly reminded of it by the left ?

Didn't care if you looked it up. So now I can ask how did Tim Scott get elected ? All of those "racist" Republicans shouldn't have voted for him.

You said Tim Scott's district was mostly white, implying that whites were responsible for getting Scott elected. I called you out for your lie and you being a liar. Just admit you knowingly lied and we can move on.
You said Tim Scott's district was mostly white, implying that whites were responsible for getting Scott elected. I called you out for your lie and you being a liar. Just admit you knowingly lied and we can move on.
But Black people vote for Democrats how did the Republican Scott win a district that is majority Black ? Is the Black community waking up or White Conservatives aren't the racist you morons make them out to be.

It's almost as if I knew the racial makeup of his district but was hoping you would say shit to hang yourself pointing it out
But Black people vote for Democrats how did the Republican Scott win a district that is majority Black ? Is the Black community waking up or White Conservatives aren't the racist you morons make them out to be.

It's almost as if I knew the racial makeup of his district but was hoping you would say shit to hang yourself pointing it out
No, you just lied. How did I hang myself? I pointed out you are a liar and that whites didnt solely elect Scott. Seems to me you are the loser in all of this. But knowing your kind, you probably take being outed as a liar as a badge of honor.
No, you just lied. How did I hang myself? I pointed out you are a liar and that whites didnt solely elect Scott. Seems to me you are the loser in all of this. But knowing your kind, you probably take being outed as a liar as a badge of honor.
Sure dude, but I would like to know how Scott got elected ? As you pointed out White Republicans are racist and I showed that the majority of the Black community votes Democrat
Get a credible government to back you up. You have the word of proven liars and that is all you have. Fraud happened and it was OBVIOUS.

No one is backing up your beliefs any more. Not even the people who told you the lies in the first place.

If the fraud was so obvious, why can’t anyone find any evidence of it?
But Black people vote for Democrats how did the Republican Scott win a district that is majority Black ? Is the Black community waking up or White Conservatives aren't the racist you morons make them out to be.

It's almost as if I knew the racial makeup of his district but was hoping you would say shit to hang yourself pointing it out

Tim Scott, isn’t a Representative in a black district. He’s a senator. He has a state not a district.

It’s almost as if you don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground and you were hoping we wouldn’t notice.
Many elites in the Republican party and elsewhere know the system is corrupt, they believe the right things, yet they would rather protect their own wealth, families and comfortable lifestyle than challenge those in power. They might, I dunno, publish a book instead. Trump is very unique as a revolutionary figure. It's not who he was all his life. It's a role he's been thrust into. It's pathetic to try and disqualify a candidate instead of just trying to beat him in the election (with results announced on election night and no miracle COVID ballots).The entire situation makes Jack & co look petty and desperate. We have yet to see how this story plays out
You would vote for a person who looks very much like a criminal who was incompetent at the job the last time.
Literally ANYONE even semi legit was kicking ass on Trumps watch…especially those dark people you proclaim to cherish
Trump handling of the COVID pandemic made US having one of the worst responses of a first world country in the world...
Almost Dead Joe killed more people while being armed with a plethora of Trump vaccines and more face diapers than we knew what to do with.
And you are doing all this because a fear that the center-right party (Democrats) are too left for you...
hahaha….Using the word right and Democrats together makes you look and seem real retarded.
Don't question why US is one of two countries in the world with no Maternity Care, crippling healthcare costs, education costs that creates a youth class in debt (only first world country that does that to their kids),....
You’re asking why the greatest, richest, most powerful nation in the world functions the way it does? That’s like asking Jeff Bezos why he runs Amazon the way he does.
But answer this, How did Germany run a surplus for the 9 years running up to COVID? Germany has universal Healthcare and free third level college
Germany is home to lots of productive people. They don’t foster Mexico’s thirdworld filth nor does the government breast feed millions of able-bodied negroes running baby factories.

Their polices are very much to the left of Democrats policies?
And like us they are ruining themselves with multiculturalism, diversity and the non-sensical lunacy.
Watching us destroy our country,
political party preference over working together for betterment of our country
It's not just the war, it's beyond that. Trump wants what's best for America as a whole. Everything he has done was for the good of America and Americans.

They called him a xenophobic for wanting the border wall, well we see what happens when the opposite happens. He wanted to break our dependence on china and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of other countries wars and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of the climate change crisis fad with over bearing rules and laws. He wanted more American energy dependence. And everything else he did, even when his bombastic personality and ego were involved was still for America.

Even desantis who I like a lot is too focused on some stuff and little proxy fights. Trump looked at the bigger picture. If we have a stronger nation, more independent, and focus on American values, pride, morals and standards we can be better.

Trump was literally keeping America America. That's why the instant he was gone our country began such a rapid change unlike any we had seen since ww2 and it's done nothing but gotten steadily worse the past 2 years since he has been gone
You crammed all of that onto a sandwich-board?

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