This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

No one is backing up your beliefs any more. Not even the people who told you the lies in the first place.

If the fraud was so obvious, why can’t anyone find any evidence of it?
Because of the organized cover up. Not one swing state cooperated with people contesting the election. Trump was thrown off social media and networks were threatened. Any news of fraud was censored. They are still in court in GA. And Fulton county still refuses any kind of transparency.

People who fought in courts lost their jobs and were canceled or threatened and intimidated. The obvious guilt remains obvious.
Poster Kaz.....don't skip over the above query. It was a serious question, sincerely sent,
and with a real sense of curiosity.

I presume you believe it to be true because you were informed by a credible source about it.
So, help the rest of the forum be as well informed.

You link? You citation?

I realize as a Democrat they tell you that you question everything you are told while you agree with every Democrat on every position, but anyone with a brain is just laughing at you for believing that and can't take you seriously
You like to lose?

Whether you win or lose is not the goal.
You vote based on who is less likely to cause harm.
Biden already caused irreparable harm by staging this war in the Ukraine, causing high prices with illegal economic sanctions on Russia, forging these illegal indictments against a political opponent, laundering billions through LLCs like Burisma Holdings.
Then what's up with all those elections we've been having every 4 years?
Every two years for congress.
State elections?
County elections?
City elections?

LAWS being passed?
BY a MAJORITY of people.

Yeah, you should.

The same thing as a democracy.

A constitutional republic is a type of government in which there is democratic voting, but individual power is limited by the existence of a constitution that protects certain rights. In a constitutional republic, people elect representatives, and those people generally vote to make decisions or laws.

SO...................HOW did people decide on this?
The majority voted FOR it.

In a democracy, all the people vote directly, and there are no indirect representatives.
When you vote for representatives, that is NOT at all a democracy.
That is a representative republic, and when you want to add blind justice, you make it constitutional as well.
Good for you...

You would vote for a person who looks very much like a criminal who was incompetent at the job the last time. Trump handling of the COVID pandemic made US having one of the worst responses of a first world country in the world...

And you are doing all this because a fear that the center-right party (Democrats) are too left for you...

Don't question why US is one of two countries in the world with no Maternity Care, crippling healthcare costs, education costs that creates a youth class in debt (only first world country that does that to their kids),....
But answer this, How did Germany run a surplus for the 9 years running up to COVID? Germany has universal Healthcare and free third level college Their polices are very much to the left of Democrats policies?

I agree that socialism like Germany is vastly superior.

However, I disagree about Trump's covid response.
The CORRECT response to covid would have been to accelerate infection among the least vulnerable.
That achieves herd immunity to end it, the most quickly.
It was Fauci who got it wrong, by "flattening the curve".
He incorrectly estimated a lethality of 1% when it was actually about 0.02%.

I also disagree with Trump vs Biden on competence.
Trump started no wars, and Biden risks a nuclear holocaust over the Ukraine.
It's not just the war, it's beyond that. Trump wants what's best for America as a whole. Everything he has done was for the good of America and Americans.

They called him a xenophobic for wanting the border wall, well we see what happens when the opposite happens. He wanted to break our dependence on china and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of other countries wars and see what happens with the opposite. He wanted out of the climate change crisis fad with over bearing rules and laws. He wanted more American energy dependence. And everything else he did, even when his bombastic personality and ego were involved was still for America.

Even desantis who I like a lot is too focused on some stuff and little proxy fights. Trump looked at the bigger picture. If we have a stronger nation, more independent, and focus on American values, pride, morals and standards we can be better.

Trump was literally keeping America America. That's why the instant he was gone our country began such a rapid change unlike any we had seen since ww2 and it's done nothing but gotten steadily worse the past 2 years since he has been gone

All facts. The only reply the useful idiots have is the laugh emoji. It helps them lie to themselves and each other.
In a democracy, all the people vote directly, and there are no indirect representatives.
When you vote for representatives, that is NOT at all a democracy.
That is a representative republic, and when you want to add blind justice, you make it constitutional as well.

You are absolutely correct but the leftists will never accept it.
Whether you win or lose is not the goal.
You vote based on who is less likely to cause harm.
Biden already caused irreparable harm by staging this war in the Ukraine, causing high prices with illegal economic sanctions on Russia, forging these illegal indictments against a political opponent, laundering billions through LLCs like Burisma Holdings.
He did not stage this war you dumbass

Putin started it

The sanctions are legal.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Liberals, not the left.

This has nothing to do with the left, many of whom will be voting for Trump as well.
I ain’t sayin it’s reason enough, but if them Biden turds and those Romney/Christie/Pence shits keep it up, I might rethink things just out of spite.
Whether you win or lose is not the goal.
You vote based on who is less likely to cause harm.
Biden already caused irreparable harm by staging this war in the Ukraine, causing high prices with illegal economic sanctions on Russia, forging these illegal indictments against a political opponent, laundering billions through LLCs like Burisma Holdings.
^ Gets it.
That’s because you never read the polling. For the first time in history more people against a candidate. 44% of those who voted for Biden were motivated to vote against Trump.

You bleet on about how adored Trump is by his mindless minions. You forget that just as many people, more in fact hated Trump. Even now the minions can’t stop talking about how great Trump is. But his approval rating is crap. If you gave most people a choice between Trump and Herpes they might choose Trump, but they would have to think about it for a long time.

But those facts about how people voted and why don’t matter. The only thing that matters is your insane belief. Almost religious belief, that most people loved Trump.

They didn’t. They still don’t.

The idea behind your argument is people who hated Trump would vote for him anyway. Because he’s. Well he is. Trump is awesome. Or something.

Trump was a catastrophic failure as President. The idea that most people want him back is laughable.

People who aren’t delusional see the next election as a route if Trump is the nominee.

So how does Trump win if his unfavorable numbers are even higher than during his abysmal performance as President?

NC stands out to me as um ... don't see it. But other than that, this looks pretty accurate assuming Biden can steal all the States he stole in 2020
I realize as a Democrat they tell you that you question everything you are told....

Well, I cannot speak for democrats. I ain't one.
However, I was taught by smart parents, and good teachers, and life, that I need question assertions that if true would be important. So, I ask again poster Kaz, do you have credible vetted sources or links to the allegation you made that Democrats, or anybody for that matter, stuffed boxes with with ballots near 100% for Joe Biden?

I honestly believe you sincerely believe that.
And I believe you are smart enough to source such a charge before you put your reputation on line by making a important allegation.

So, to repeat myself.....I ask again:
'What or who are your sources for this ballot-box 100%?'


Democrats....... sent stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots,

Well, poster 'kaz' that is new news to my avatar. "stuffed boxes with virtually hundred percent for Biden"?? And no down ballot votes? I had not heard that, or read about it.
Where did you? If you could credibly explain yourself 'kaz' and offer a citation or would be helpful to this thread's discussion.

Poster Kaz.....don't skip over the above query. It was a serious question, sincerely sent,
and with a real sense of curiosity.
I presume you believe it to be true because you were informed by a credible source about it. Your link? Your citation?
Well, I cannot speak for democrats. I ain't one.
However, I was taught by smart parents, and good teachers, and life, that I need question assertions that if true would be important. So, I ask again poster Kaz, do you have credible vetted sources or links to the allegation you made that Democrats, or anybody for that matter, stuffed boxes with with ballots near 100% for Joe Biden?

I honestly believe you sincerely believe that.
And I believe you are smart enough to source such a charge before you put your reputation on line by making a important allegation.

So, to repeat myself.....I ask again:
'What or who are your sources for this ballot-box 100%?'


You're not a Democrat, that was a good one, I'm still laughing, LOL
I'm still laughing

When you are able ........ please show us your sources, gives us credible citations.
Don't be a 'big hat no cows cowboy'.
This is the Adult Swim section.

We wish you well,
Or go. ;)
Biden got more illegitimate votes, yes.

When you have millions of votes being counted by mail in ballot with NO proof that they are legit and no way to ensure they are legit and no attempt to ensure they are legit, then the number of votes becomes irrelevant. Trump was ahead in ALL 6 SWING STATES at midnight. By the time America woke up the next morning, he lost all 6. NO WAY MY FRIEND. No fucking way on God's green Earth is that legitimately possible.

There is no way Biden, who was hated by the left under Obama, got 81 million legit votes. Not a chance in hell. He couldn't fill a high school music room with supporters for his rallys and Trump would fill football stadiums for his. Not after the left said Trump was hated by everyone and ADDED 10 MILLION VOTES over his 2016 total.

Sorry, but dem numberz juz don't add up.

When you are able ........ please show us your sources, gives us credible citations.
Don't be a 'big hat no cows cowboy'.
This is the Adult Swim section.

We wish you well,
Or go. ;)

"Us?" Who are you speaking for exactly? A throng of imaginary people? What is lacking in your manhood that you aren't enough speaking for yourself and you need to be propped up by others exactly?

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