This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

Biden in the WH is proof.
See, that's why it's so hard to take you seriously. You don't need proof. Therefore any "proof" you present is questionable out of the gate. You certainly aren't looking at it critically. You already "know" that Biden cheated. You're just copying and pasting any random crap that echoes your premise.
It probably won't matter unless they announce the winner on Election night and not 5 days later. Trump is in a good position. We are under tyrannical censorship and thought control from a cabal of elites including WEF, WHO and their traitorous allies in the illegitimate US government.
We can't really vote anymore, we've been disenfranchised, meanwhile countless lemmings will repeat what they read on their phones through curated propaganda sites like parrots incapable of independent critical thought. You will see this in subsequent replies to this thread. Low-IQ groupthink leftists gorging themselves on propaganda, none of it original or insightful in the least.
The silver lining is there's plenty of sites cropping up to fight against corporate MSM brainwashing. Tucker is doing something interesting. We should avoid wasting time & energy arguing with kool-aid drinkers and seek out these fresh alternative sources of information, because they can't be any less truthful than MSM.
Why can't they "be any less truthful than MSM"? Because you said so?
If the same two choices are it then I'm HAPPILLY sitting it out. To heck with voting for those choices. And the fallout is NOT on me.
Good for you...

You would vote for a person who looks very much like a criminal who was incompetent at the job the last time. Trump handling of the COVID pandemic made US having one of the worst responses of a first world country in the world...

And you are doing all this because a fear that the center-right party (Democrats) are too left for you...

Don't question why US is one of two countries in the world with no Maternity Care, crippling healthcare costs, education costs that creates a youth class in debt (only first world country that does that to their kids),....
But answer this, How did Germany run a surplus for the 9 years running up to COVID? Germany has universal Healthcare and free third level college Their polices are very much to the left of Democrats policies?
Trump doesnt care if he influences his cult members to commit crimes and are thrown in jail (Jan 6th) or if he kills off some of his followers (Covid). At this point it's all about him trying to avoid trials and stay out of jail. That's it and that's all he's about.
I hope Tim Scott gets some traction, but the coming shit storm from the left on a Black man running as a Republican may turn some of the weak minded on the right away.
How are you going to convince the racists within the repub party to go to the polls and vote for a black man for President? I think Tim Scott might want your solution to that problem as well.
How are you going to convince the racists within the repub party to go to the polls and vote for a black man for President? I think Tim Scott might want your solution to that problem as well.
I think you'd be surprised at how many of these "racists" will happily vote for a black man, if they believe he'll get the government off their backs. And a black man might be able to get away with things that a white could not.
I think you'll be surprised at how many of these "racists" will happily vote for a black man, if they believe he'll get the government off their backs.
How is the government on racists backs? So you're imaginary problem outweighs the racists' hate for black people? I think you underestimate how much racism consumes these racist animals. But that is just my opinion. Tim Scott is going nowhere. Trump knows his base zero chance Trump makes Scott his VP candidate. If Trump even makes it that far.
You are the one that said the government is on the backs of racists. I simply asked how.
And I'm saying your ignorance is either a pretense, or genuine. It's like all the ropey-dope shit people do around here to pretend like they're debating when they're not. I'm not interested.
And I'm saying your ignorance is either a pretense, or genuine. It's like all the ropey-dope shit people do around here to pretend like they're debating when they're not. I'm not interested.
Let's assume it's ignorance. Educate me.
Duly note whatever the fuck you want. I'm not here to "educate" your feigned ignorance. Play your little games with someone else.
I dont know what you're talking about. I'm simply asking for you to explain your statement, which you are refusing to do. Normally when in a discussion and a point of contention comes up, the party making the statement will provide an explanation if asked. Maybe you arent used to being questioned and take it as an attack. Who knows.
I dont know what you're talking about.
Of course. :rolleyes:
I'm simply asking for you to explain your statement,
No. You're signaling that you're not going to debate me on the real issue: whether the campaign to squelch racism is a justifiable policy. You're just going pretend it doesn't exists. That's not debate. It's evasion. Homey don't play that.

If you want to discuss whether government should be trying to squelch racism, or whether it should butt out, that could be interesting. But I bet you're more interested in dodging and denial, amirite?
Of course. :rolleyes:

No. You're signaling that you're not going to debate me on the real issue: whether the campaign to squelch racism is a justifiable policy. You're just going pretend it doesn't exists. That's not debate. It's evasion. Homey don't play that.

If you want to discuss whether government should be trying to squelch racism, or whether it should butt out, that could be interesting. But I bet you're more interested in dodging and denial, amirite?
So are you saying racists will overlook their racism to vote for a black guy if said black guy gets the government off their backs for being racists?
Really? You think Biden is a shoe in?

People love Trump. People hate Biden.
Nope, you want to Indict Biden, find the crime, bring him to Court, and Convict Him. Fine with me after he leaves Office.

If he's committed crimes, why would I object to his prosecution?
If trump committed crimes, why would you object to his prosecution?

Are you Party or Cult over Country?

You already "know" that Biden cheated.
How, what specifically did biden himself do to cheat?
You got nothing.

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