This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

Biden got more illegitimate votes, yes.

When you have millions of votes being counted by mail in ballot with NO proof that they are legit and no way to ensure they are legit and no attempt to ensure they are legit, then the number of votes becomes irrelevant. Trump was ahead in ALL 6 SWING STATES at midnight. By the time America woke up the next morning, he lost all 6. NO WAY MY FRIEND. No fucking way on God's green Earth is that legitimately possible.

There is no way Biden, who was hated by the left under Obama, got 81 million legit votes. Not a chance in hell. He couldn't fill a high school music room with supporters for his rallys and Trump would fill football stadiums for his. Not after the left said Trump was hated by everyone and ADDED 10 MILLION VOTES over his 2016 total.

Sorry, but dem numberz juz don't add up.
I bet you wish you could prove it.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Trump is the person who is leading the fundamental change in the United States of America from a constitutional republic, to an authoritarian dictatorship.

He’s been really clear that he wants to ditch the constitution. I don’t know how you can be so blind to his plans.
Biden got more illegitimate votes, yes.

When you have millions of votes being counted by mail in ballot with NO proof that they are legit and no way to ensure they are legit and no attempt to ensure they are legit, then the number of votes becomes irrelevant. Trump was ahead in ALL 6 SWING STATES at midnight. By the time America woke up the next morning, he lost all 6. NO WAY MY FRIEND. No fucking way on God's green Earth is that legitimately possible.

There is no way Biden, who was hated by the left under Obama, got 81 million legit votes. Not a chance in hell. He couldn't fill a high school music room with supporters for his rallys and Trump would fill football stadiums for his. Not after the left said Trump was hated by everyone and ADDED 10 MILLION VOTES over his 2016 total.

Sorry, but dem numberz juz don't add up.

The numbers add up perfectly. Nobody wanted Donald Trump to be president the first time, and after the complete and total disaster that was his Covid response and economic collapse, as well as fracturing all of your strategic alliances and trade agreements around the world, no sane reasonable person would vote for him.

His only voters were the millions of Americans have been gaslighted by right wing media, and Fox News to believe that Democrats are evil.

No Democrat has ever crashed the economy. The only Republican in the last 40 years who didn’t crash the economy was George HW Bush.
That’s because you never read the polling. For the first time in history more people against a candidate. 44% of those who voted for Biden were motivated to vote against Trump.

You bleet on about how adored Trump is by his mindless minions. You forget that just as many people, more in fact hated Trump. Even now the minions can’t stop talking about how great Trump is. But his approval rating is crap. If you gave most people a choice between Trump and Herpes they might choose Trump, but they would have to think about it for a long time.

But those facts about how people voted and why don’t matter. The only thing that matters is your insane belief. Almost religious belief, that most people loved Trump.

They didn’t. They still don’t.

The idea behind your argument is people who hated Trump would vote for him anyway. Because he’s. Well he is. Trump is awesome. Or something.

Trump was a catastrophic failure as President. The idea that most people want him back is laughable.

People who aren’t delusional see the next election as a route if Trump is the nominee.

So how does Trump win if his unfavorable numbers are even higher than during his abysmal performance as President?

Yea, Biden got 81 million votes. Sure. Hell of a lot more red on both of these maps than blue.




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Yea, Biden got 81 million votes. Sure. Hell of a lot more red on both of these maps than blue.





You’ve grasped the surface. But you need to look deeper.

The reason you don’t is the same reason that nobody on your side does. If you look deeper you’ll see a lot of things you don’t want to. Better to keep it simple, shallow. Nothing but surface.

I gave you the links. I gave you the keys to understanding. It is not my fault you won’t look and consider. Nearly half of Biden voters cast their ballot to vote against Trump. Biden doesn’t need to be popular to win. He just has to be less hated than Trump.

In the Bible, we are told that the crowd chose to pardon Barabbas instead of Jesus. Give us Barabas the crowd demanded. Barabbas wasn’t loved. He wasn’t liked. He was a known murderer. But for the crowd who hated Jesus it was simple.–%20But%20the,ask%20Barabbas%2C%20and%20destroy%20Jesus.

Believe what you will. I prefer to base my beliefs on something more than wishful thinking.
You’ve grasped the surface. But you need to look deeper.

The reason you don’t is the same reason that nobody on your side does. If you look deeper you’ll see a lot of things you don’t want to. Better to keep it simple, shallow. Nothing but surface.

I gave you the links. I gave you the keys to understanding. It is not my fault you won’t look and consider. Nearly half of Biden voters cast their ballot to vote against Trump. Biden doesn’t need to be popular to win. He just has to be less hated than Trump.

In the Bible, we are told that the crowd chose to pardon Barabbas instead of Jesus. Give us Barabas the crowd demanded. Barabbas wasn’t loved. He wasn’t liked. He was a known murderer. But for the crowd who hated Jesus it was simple.–%20But%20the,ask%20Barabbas%2C%20and%20destroy%20Jesus.

Believe what you will. I prefer to base my beliefs on something more than wishful thinking.

You gave nothing worth looking at. Trump was so unpopular and so hated he added 10 MILLION VOTES to his 2016 total when he was so said "unpopular" and "hated" by the country.

That's why saying they voted against Trump makes no sense, when 10 million more voted FOR him than did before.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.
If he were fighting against that kind of government, if he were pushing back against the power of government to do "social engineering" at all, I'd be right there with you. If he understood, respected, and applied the concept of Constitutionally limited government, he'd get my vote too. But he's not fighting against that kind of government, he just wants to be in charge of the process. DeSantis is even worse.
You gave nothing worth looking at. Trump was so unpopular and so hated he added 10 MILLION VOTES to his 2016 total when he was so said "unpopular" and "hated" by the country.

That's why saying they voted against Trump makes no sense, when 10 million more voted FOR him than did before.

And yet all the investigations turn up nothing. Two years the Republicans in Georgia investigated the very people your side swears stole the election. Two years of examining everything. And nothing was found. Two years.

Riverside California examined 1,000 claims of fraud and dead people voting. The result? One actual case of fraud. One. How the fuck did that one change the outcome?

As I said above. The more investigations there are the more is proven not to have happened. But you guys keep screaming the same thing. What is the Chorus of your song? The Earth is Flat?
Blah, blah, blah. The US has never been a Democracy. ...

If you remember: Your not existing people in your not existing democracy ended once a war which grew to become senseless. For you this is perhaps nothing special but for me this is one of the greatest victories of all times.

Here two sentences from Lao-Tse in German and English:

"Wer andere kennt, ist klug. Wer sich selber kennt, ist erleuchtet."
"He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened"

"Wer andere besiegt, hat Kraft. Wer sich selber besiegt, ist stark."
"He who conquers others has strength. He who conquers himself is strong."

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Siege heil!

Not "Siege heil" but "Sieg Heil" (verbally: "Victory" "Heal")

The expression "Sieg Heil" was used in world war 1 from some German soldiers as a greeting. Background: In hospitals was often written "Heil und Sieg" ("Heal and Victory"). And they turned it (a little ironically) into "Victory and Heal". Short form "Victory Heal" as a wish to the comrade to win and to stay heal, to stay sane. The word "Heil" was on its own also often used as a greeting - as the Romans used "Ave" for example. In later times the Nazis used "Sieg Heil" and "Heil Hitler". After world war 2 the English expression "high" was often used for a greeting. Sounds very similar to "Heil". No idea whether you are doing so in your own culture.
Yes and don't forget in Trumps so called loss he set three milestones:

1. He got the most votes of any president in history
2. He got the most votes of any incumbent president in history
3. He added 10 million votes to this total over 2016.

If people really think hiden Biden beat Trump with these confirmed record numbers of Trump voters, they really are duped dumbasses.

It's not nice that you call me a duped dumbass but are you able to explain to me - I am a German and not an US-American - what you call "duped". I see in you a victim - or producer - of a conspiracy myth which the narcissism of Donald Trump needs. He is on narcissistic reasons not able to accept to lose - and I think this narcissism disqualifies him in total to be president of the USA. A president of the USA has to have the ability to recognize when a situation is senseless and/or lost - otherwise perhaps the whole USA will go lost. Donald Trump ended his presidency in my eyes as a high traitor of the USA. Why do you like to give him a new chance to destroy the USA?
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You gave nothing worth looking at. Trump was so unpopular and so hated he added 10 MILLION VOTES to his 2016 total when he was so said "unpopular" and "hated" by the country.

That's why saying they voted against Trump makes no sense, when 10 million more voted FOR him than did before.

I find it unbelievable that 74 million people voted for Donald Trump giving his record. Did they sleep through the first four years?
Yes and don't forget in Trumps so called loss he set three milestones:

1. He got the most votes of any president in history
2. He got the most votes of any incumbent president in history
3. He added 10 million votes to this total over 2016.

If people really think hiden Biden beat Trump with these confirmed record numbers of Trump voters, they really are duped dumbasses.

Democrats closed the windows in Philadelphia, put out broken ballot boxes in Arizona, sent stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots, it was rigged and obviously so, I agree as does anyone who cares about honest elections
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Democrats closed the windows in Philadelphia, put out broken ballot boxes in Arizona, sent stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots, it was rigged and obviously so, I agree as does anyone who cares about honest elections

Guiliani has now publically admitted he made it all up, about those election workers. Fox admitted they made it all up about the voting machines.

Everything about the “fraudulent election”, “the stolen election” or Trump winning the election, is a lie which you readily believe.

This is why everyone on the left mocks and makes front fun of those who believe the bullshit about the “stolen election”.

You were conned. The fact that you continue to believe the con, just makes you gullible and stupid.
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Guiliani has now publically admitted he made it all up, about those election workers. Fox admitted they made it all up about the voting machines.

Everything about the “fraudulent election”, “the stolen election” or Trump winning the election, is a lie which you readily believe.

This is why everyone on the left mocks and makes front fun of those who believe the bullshit about the “stolen election”.

You were conned. The fact that you continue to believe the con, just makes you gullible and stupid.

It isn’t gullibility. Gullible, well there is a point you realize you were duped. For folks like Kaz and the others, it is a necessary core belief.

We humans like to think we are normal. We have a normality bias. We need to think we are normal. It is why psychiatric care has such a stigma. The people with a chemical imbalance or problem aren’t normal. It is why people stare at the handicapped. Those folks aren’t normal.

But. Normal is usually defined as something that everyone, or most people think, do, believe, or how they live. We all deal with averages all day every day. We use the normal to plan our day. We don’t find the most convoluted route to a destination, we use the biggest route that everyone uses.

The fly in the buttermilk comes when you are faced with the idea that your beliefs are in the minority. There you are faced with two choices. Option A) The people telling you the majority believe this are lying. See how they dismiss polling on Abortion, or anything else they don’t like. Sure we are told that a vast majority support it, but that’s a total lie because nobody I know thinks that way. Those few who do, who are lying to the people, are awful. They’re sinners, or support murder, or whatever.

What we are seeing happen on the RW is the worst. They have entered the Purity Purge stage of collapse. Only those who believe the right things, and who believe it strongly enough will survive to lead the group into victory. Marjorie Tyler Green is an adamant Trump supporter. But she wasn’t faithful enough to the true believers, and was removed from the Freedom Caucus in Congress. The Purity Purge is ongoing. And it’s going to get worse soon.

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