This is Why Donald Trump Will Get My Vote

"One can't fight a Lefty&Lib idiot with a human scumbag - and hope for the better. - it's simply illogical"
Bears repeating.
So let's do so.


sent stuffed ballot boxes with virtually a hundred percent going to Biden that had no other votes on those ballots,

Well, poster 'kaz' that is new news to my avatar. "stuffed boxes with virtually hundred percent for Biden"??
And no down ballot votes?

I had not heard that, or read about it.
Where did you?

And, importantly, which State? Which community? Which precinct?
Who reported this development so that you learned of it?

If you could credibly explain yourself 'kaz' and offer a citation or would be helpful to this thread's discussion.
I have no heroes except Christ.

Another projecting Biden cultist
You are a liar and a phony "Christian" who talks the talk but does not walk the walk.
A REAL Christian would be naturally repelled by anything even remotely associated with a politician as un Christ-like as Donald Trump....or for that matter this un-Christian doctrine called "conservatism."
Nice try, but you've already blown your cover.
Save that "no heroes but Christ" bullshit for the suckers at your church who might be fools enough to believe it....but don't try it on me ok?
I have seen a hundred or more of you phony (so called) "conservative Christians....hiding behind their faux "faith" while making excuses for policies that have nothing to do with the message of Christ.
Never very impressed.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Liberals, not the left.

The left is a tiny and almost completely powerless group.
Guiliani has now publically admitted he made it all up, about those election workers. Fox admitted they made it all up about the voting machines.

Everything about the “fraudulent election”, “the stolen election” or Trump winning the election, is a lie which you readily believe.

This is why everyone on the left mocks and makes front fun of those who believe the bullshit about the “stolen election”.

You were conned. The fact that you continue to believe the con, just makes you gullible and stupid.

You just live in your own world. I'd get more into this but you're obviously not going to process it. You don't even process what Democrats tell you, you just repeat it without question
Bears repeating.
So let's do so.


Well, poster 'kaz' that is new news to my avatar. "stuffed boxes with virtually hundred percent for Biden"??
And no down ballot votes?

I had not heard that, or read about it.
Where did you?

And, importantly, which State? Which community? Which precinct?
Who reported this development so that you learned of it?

If you could credibly explain yourself 'kaz' and offer a citation or would be helpful to this thread's discussion.
No it isn't! No they aren't! No it wasn't!!!!!!

I'm just copying your arguments, it doesn't mean anything like it didn't when you said it
You just live in your own world. I'd get more into this but you're obviously not going to process it. You don't even process what Democrats tell you, you just repeat it without question
Is this how you keep the stolen election falsehood alive in your head kaz?
As the facts close in around you proving what a lie it is you just close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and chant "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!"
Is this how you keep the stolen election falsehood alive in your head kaz?
As the facts close in around you proving what a lie it is you just close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears and chant "LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!"
It is not a fantasy. The fantasy is that it did not happen.
It is not a fantasy. The fantasy is that it did not happen.
For like the one millionth time dude!
Post your CREDIBLE PROOF of a stolen election here or STFU about it once and for all!
And no...."somebody said" is not credible PROOF.
Either is "I think," or "everybody knows."
Either are any of the numerous accusations that Trump and his circus freaks tried to make but failed to prove before over 60 federal judges!
Either are all of the long discredited conspiracy theories about "ballot harvesting, erased votes, illegals voting, late night ballot dumps," or any of that other whacko crap.
Those ships have sailed. Those conspiracy theories have all been by one.
What is YOUR credible proof that the 2020 election was stolen?
Let's hear it.
For like the one millionth time dude!
Post your CREDIBLE PROOF of a stolen election here or STFU about it once and for all!
And no...."somebody said" is not credible PROOF.
Either is "I think," or "everybody knows."
Either are any of the numerous accusations that Trump and his circus freaks tried to make but failed to prove before over 60 federal judges!
Either are all of the long discredited conspiracy theories about "ballot harvesting, erased votes, illegals voting, late night ballot dumps," or any of that other whacko crap.
Those ships have sailed. Those conspiracy theories have all been by one.
What is YOUR credible proof that the 2020 election was stolen?
Let's hear it.
Get a credible government to back you up. You have the word of proven liars and that is all you have. Fraud happened and it was OBVIOUS.
Nope. Not a "cultist." Nope. He's not "the lesser of two evils.". He is the ONLY man that stands between this country and the left's "fundamental transformation" of my country.

DeSantis 2028. But for now, Trump 2024

Sounds to me that "owning the Libs" is your only principle.

If you believe that Trump is "The only man", then yup, you are a cultist.

And if you believe that Conservatives have any principles, please chime in at:

He is the ONLY man
LOOLLOLLO ^^^ a man-child maybe.
Whines and cries EVERY day.
Poor me......say trump

Time to move on, he still has 30%, the cult, but that ain't enough sweetie.
He'll win the Primary, because the GOP is afraid of him.....hummm.

He has ZERO chance to win POTUS in 2024.
Donate more money $$$$ is what trump wants you to do.
Please donate to the so-called Billionaire.

Who does that ^^^^^^ ? Sheep, that's who.
LOOLLOLLO ^^^ a man-child maybe.
Whines and cries EVERY day.
Poor me......say trump

Time to move on, he still has 30%, the cult, but that ain't enough sweetie.
He'll win the Primary, because the GOP is afraid of him.....hummm.

He has ZERO chance to win POTUS in 2024.
Donate more money $$$$ is what trump wants you to do.
Please donate to the so-called Billionaire.

Who does that ^^^^^^ ? Sheep, that's who.

Really? You think Biden is a shoe in? He probably won't even still be alive in 2024. Kamala got 2% in the primaries, you think she's got it wrapped up?

People love Trump. People hate Biden. It's a deadly combination. In 2020 people had the Biden of 2014 to run with in their heads. Now they've seen just how much of a fuckup this guy really is. I seriously doubt Biden would win in 2024. The more Trump is indicted the higher his approval ratings go. I kinda wish we had someone else to lean on, but as much as Trump triggers you dems, I'm fine with Trump. I've had bosses like him. Jackasses to deal with, but knew what they were doing and were damn good at their jobs.
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