This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

Then why is he still on food stamps , He should only be able to be on them for 3 months at a time and be off or working for the stamps
You make my point for me. FOX never gave the reason he is collecting, but it has to be for some other reason than the waiver started by Bush and continued by Obama that has expired. As I said, if I had to guess I would pick mental problems, but only FOX knows and for some reason they don't want us to know.
Then why is he still on food stamps , He should only be able to be on them for 3 months at a time and be off or working for the stamps
You make my point for me. FOX never gave the reason he is collecting, but it has to be for some other reason than the waiver started by Bush and continued by Obama that has expired. As I said, if I had to guess I would pick mental problems, but only FOX knows and for some reason they don't want us to know.

So the other benefit that has increased since Obama .. Bullshit SS disabilty for Alot of those people on benefits.. They worked fine up until the down hill then oops I am mentally ill. YEP , I believe you. Not
Then why is he still on food stamps , He should only be able to be on them for 3 months at a time and be off or working for the stamps
You make my point for me. FOX never gave the reason he is collecting, but it has to be for some other reason than the waiver started by Bush and continued by Obama that has expired. As I said, if I had to guess I would pick mental problems, but only FOX knows and for some reason they don't want us to know.

So the other benefit that has increased since Obama .. Bullshit SS disabilty for Alot of those people on benefits.. They worked fine up until the down hill then oops I am mentally ill. YEP , I believe you. Not
And there you have it, the Right attacking the disabled. The disabled are nothing but useless eaters. Stoke up the ovens!

May 25, 2012
RUSH: And I know that 88 million Americans are not working but they're eating, and it's a statistic that worries me.
It's quite telling that 88 million are not working but they're eating.
Most people on food stamps who aren't actually eligible for food stamps get them by not claiming some of (or all of) their income on their tax forms. It isn't SNAP's job to police whether or not people lie to the IRS - that's the IRS's job. So are you suggesting the IRS needs to be beefed up or are you suggesting that SNAP do the IRS's job?

EDIT: I'd bet the idiot beach bum actually owes more to the IRS in unpaid taxes than he's spent in food stamps - yet no one is bitching about that.

You didn't answer the question. The IRS doesn't need to be "beefed up," it needs to be more effective.


What makes you think the beach bum owes unpaid taxes?

Because of what I just said. Most people ripping off SNAP do so by not claiming income on their tax forms, like drug income. Its kind hard to do it otherwise. Unless you lie about the number of dependents you have - but you'd have to lie to the IRS as well about it.

Basically anyone who is NOT eligible for food stamps but who receives them is almost certainly ripping off the IRS.

And if this guy is actually eligible then who gives a fuck? There's no law saying that people who receive food stamps have to be likeable.
If you are a person who can work labor or something picking up trash.. Those people , like this guy should work for his food stamps for the government if has to and get paid with food stamps as soon as he figures he has to work either way he will get a job he likes much better to get that 200 dollar a month.
You make my point for me. FOX never gave the reason he is collecting, but it has to be for some other reason than the waiver started by Bush and continued by Obama that has expired. As I said, if I had to guess I would pick mental problems, but only FOX knows and for some reason they don't want us to know.

So the other benefit that has increased since Obama .. Bullshit SS disabilty for Alot of those people on benefits.. They worked fine up until the down hill then oops I am mentally ill. YEP , I believe you. Not
And there you have it, the Right attacking the disabled. The disabled are nothing but useless eaters. Stoke up the ovens!

May 25, 2012
RUSH: And I know that 88 million Americans are not working but they're eating, and it's a statistic that worries me.
It's quite telling that 88 million are not working but they're eating.

"Disabled" is a very arbitrary term when it comes to SSI and Medicaid. A great many able-bodied people are on disability while working jobs for under the table and/or having the checks go to their spouses. There's actually a racket in Florida for pool cleaning service people that sell their accounts when they get on disability. They then get more cash-only accounts and sell them (well their spouses sell them) to another company.

Two of the busboys at the bar I used for a reunion were on disability. They work for cash and are tipped out by the bartenders. The last guy I used to clean my lakefront was on disability. He told me when he said I can't send him a check, he needed cash. He did really good back-breaking work but I couldn't be a party to fraud.

A friend that owns a valet parking service got rid of one of his vendors because it was paying people not to work. Someone with a legitimate driver's license and ability to be W-2 would be hired and paid with company checks. Someone else would show up with his ID badge and park the cars for tips (which are much more than the minimum wage checks). He was initially concerned because he thought the valets were illegal immigrants but it turned out to be people on disability.

The food vendor at the area little league game was just caught because he was using food bought at Sam's club (using EBT too) to sell. He wasn't fined, wasn't reported, still gets disability and EBT. He was just replaced as a vendor for that one organization. He mows lawns too.

Central Florida is a magnet for people gaming the system because the quality of life here is high and the cost of living is low. I don't blame people for moving here, but it does provide a wide exposure to the different scams out there. I never would have thought about valet parking attendants being paid not to park cars to give the impression of a legitimate company.
Ed just touched on something needs to be mentioned. He's one of those republicans hate the poor, if that were true why if it is true that bush made it easier to get food stamps, did he make it easier? Can't hate the poor and minorities and try to give them food stamps. He's bashing bush, I'm not even going to ask why he's doing it.
Then why is he still on food stamps , He should only be able to be on them for 3 months at a time and be off or working for the stamps

because obama in 2009 changed it to as full year.
I already posted the CRS report commissioned by Eric Cantor that gives the expiration date of the 2009 waiver. Learn to read. If he is still collecting it has nothing to do with Obama, and you know it.
Then why is he still on food stamps , He should only be able to be on them for 3 months at a time and be off or working for the stamps

because obama in 2009 changed it to as full year.
I already posted the CRS report commissioned by Eric Cantor that gives the expiration date of the 2009 waiver. Learn to read. If he is still collecting it has nothing to do with Obama, and you know it.

I'll ask AND? You said obama did nothing more than what bush did.
Obama extended the SNAPS program for a year Bush did not. Move along troll.
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

Anecdotal evidence can be very useful for a propaganda machine like Fox News.

Tell me, have they ever done a story about family whose father lost his job as a result of cooperate restructuring or the shutting down of a plant? -- Have they every shown you the parents who are grateful they can just feed their kids.

Or the airline pilot who was payed so little (even though she was a Captain in the air force) and given so few shifts that she must rely temporarily on food stamps.

Or the full-time Walmart employee who uses food stamps because the entirety of her income goes to treat her son's asthma? (and Walmart owned by the riches people in the country -- cuts her hours so they don't have to provide health care)
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

Anecdotal evidence can be very useful for a propaganda machine like Fox News.

Tell me, have they ever done a story about family whose father lost his job as a result of cooperate restructuring or the shutting down of a plant? -- Have they every shown you the parents who are grateful they can just feed their kids.

Or the airline pilot who was payed so little (even though she was a Captain in the air force) and given so few shifts that she must rely temporarily on food stamps.

Or the full-time Walmart employee who uses food stamps because the entirety of her income goes to treat her son's asthma? (and Walmart owned by the riches people in the country -- cuts her hours so they don't have to provide health care)

Wal-Mart Heir Donates To Obama PAC, Defying Rest Of Billionaire Family - Forbes
There will always be bad players in every aspect of life.

Yeah, you're certainly proof of that!

I love how libtards support waste, fraud, and abuse by decrying "but....but....but there will always be bad players in life".

Yeah stupid, there will be, which is exactly why the U.S. government should not support people.. :cuckoo:
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

Anecdotal evidence can be very useful for a propaganda machine like Fox News.

And tear-jerking, pretend stories can be very powerful for a brainwashed libtard like you...

Tell me, have they ever done a story about family whose father lost his job as a result of cooperate restructuring or the shutting down of a plant? -- Have they every shown you the parents who are grateful they can just feed their kids.

And feeding someone else's children is my!? I'm sorry, do these pretend "grateful" people who lost their job but were too irresponsible to keep a savings account not have any family? Do they not have any friends? Or maybe you just keep swallowing the bullshit tear-jerking jizz that your Dumbocrat masters keep feeding you! :bang3:

Or the airline pilot who was payed so little (even though she was a Captain in the air force) and given so few shifts that she must rely temporarily on food stamps.

And that is my!? I'm sorry, the pilot agreed to the job for the wage stated. Poor planning on her ignorant part does not constitute responsibility for her on my part. Does she not have any family? Does she not have any friends? Or maybe you just keep swallowing the bullshit tear-jerking jizz that your Dumbocrat masters keep feeding you! :bang3:

Or the full-time Walmart employee who uses food stamps because the entirety of her income goes to treat her son's asthma? (and Walmart owned by the riches people in the country -- cuts her hours so they don't have to provide health care)

Watching Hazlnut fellate his masters and swallow their tear-jerkers like the stories are the fountain of life is just painful....
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

A $15 min wage would mean fewer people need food stamps.

But instead, we insist on cheap labor costs, which just means we pay twice, once when buy cheap-o labor and goods, and again when we pay taxes for all the social programs needs to assist the families of the underpaid.

Says the fat-bastard who names himself velvtacheeze and spends most of his day shopping at Wal*Mart.... :eusa_whistle:
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

A $15 min wage would mean fewer people need food stamps.

But instead, we insist on cheap labor costs, which just means we pay twice, once when buy cheap-o labor and goods, and again when we pay taxes for all the social programs needs to assist the families of the underpaid.

Do you have any concept of paying someone what the job is worth versus what you think your worth?Raise wages prices go up people cannot buy things people lose jobs.,
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

A $15 min wage would mean fewer people need food stamps.

But instead, we insist on cheap labor costs, which just means we pay twice, once when buy cheap-o labor and goods, and again when we pay taxes for all the social programs needs to assist the families of the underpaid.

Says the fat-bastard who names himself velvtacheeze and spends most of his day shopping at Wal*Mart.... :eusa_whistle:

The avatar is not of me, you buffoon.

The avatar is intended to make fun of conservative Americans, who are Mao Mart loving tubbies who need an electric wheel chair to shop for more cheap carbs that their body is already not burning off fast enough.
A $15 min wage would mean fewer people need food stamps.

But instead, we insist on cheap labor costs, which just means we pay twice, once when buy cheap-o labor and goods, and again when we pay taxes for all the social programs needs to assist the families of the underpaid.

Says the fat-bastard who names himself velvtacheeze and spends most of his day shopping at Wal*Mart.... :eusa_whistle:

The avatar is not of me, you buffoon.

The avatar is intended to make fun of conservative Americans, who are Mao Mart loving tubbies who need an electric wheel chair to shop for more cheap carbs that their body is already not burning off fast enough.

plenty of fat obama supporters do you really want to go there?
A $15 min wage would mean fewer people need food stamps.

But instead, we insist on cheap labor costs, which just means we pay twice, once when buy cheap-o labor and goods, and again when we pay taxes for all the social programs needs to assist the families of the underpaid.

Says the fat-bastard who names himself velvtacheeze and spends most of his day shopping at Wal*Mart.... :eusa_whistle:

The avatar is not of me, you buffoon.

The avatar is intended to make fun of conservative Americans, who are Mao Mart loving tubbies who need an electric wheel chair to shop for more cheap carbs that their body is already not burning off fast enough.

Well aren't we just a leer-jet limousine liberal? I'm sorry, not all conservatives can afford lobster and filet-mignon mister big-shot. Haven't you seen Hazlenuts posts? Some people can't even live!!! Some people can only afford "cheap carbs"...:eek:
Says the fat-bastard who names himself velvtacheeze and spends most of his day shopping at Wal*Mart.... :eusa_whistle:

The avatar is not of me, you buffoon.

The avatar is intended to make fun of conservative Americans, who are Mao Mart loving tubbies who need an electric wheel chair to shop for more cheap carbs that their body is already not burning off fast enough.

Well aren't we just a leer-jet limousine liberal? I'm sorry, not all conservatives can afford lobster and filet-mignon mister big-shot. Haven't you seen Hazlenuts posts? Some people can't even live!!! Some people can only afford "cheap carbs"...:eek:

Hey, it's not my fault that conservatives and tea partiers are moon-shaped bumpkins. I just point it out. I't s their fault their fat, what with their down-market , sugar-laden disgusting dietary habits.

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