This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

ed the liar never fails you know that isn't true. What you wrote speaks for itself and calls you a liar.

Bush did not suspend anything obama did because of the ARRA signed in 2009 From the USDA
After all the USDA is the one that maintains the SNAPS program.
Here is the USDA saying Bush suspended the 3/36 time limit in 2004, long BEFORE the ARRA and long before Obama was president.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Waiver Criteria

Subsequent to the December 1996 waiver guidance package, we implemented final rules regarding the 3-month time limit for ABAWD participation in the Food Stamp Program. 7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults who reside in an area that:

(1) Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent; or
(2) Does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals.

You did not post the link and why would bush say in 2004 Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent. Unemployment rate was not a problem until well after 2008
I say you're lying
And again The USDA link I used has already verified what I said.
You lying POS I posted the link at least a half a dozen times already. Here it is for you to ignore again.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

And in answer to your question, there is also a #2

From the link regarding #2:

To support a claim of a lack of sufficient jobs, a State may submit evidence that an area:

Is designated as a Labor Surplus Area (LSA) by the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA).
Is determined by the DOL’s Department of Unemployment Insurance Service as qualifying for extended unemployment benefits.

o If a State is eligible for extended unemployment benefits anytime during the past 12 months, we will approve a waiver based on a State’s eligibility for extended employment benefits.

Data from a BLS or the BLS cooperating state agency that an area has a 24-month average unemployment rate 20 percent above the national average for any 24-month period.

o This 24-month period may not be any earlier than the same 24-month period DOLETA uses to designate LSAs for the current fiscal year. For FY 2004, the 24-month period is January 2001 through December 2002.

Has a low and declining employment-to-population ratio.
Has a lack of jobs in declining occupations or industries.
Is described in an academic study or other publications as an area where there is a lack of jobs.
Here is the USDA saying Bush suspended the 3/36 time limit in 2004, long BEFORE the ARRA and long before Obama was president.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Waiver Criteria

Subsequent to the December 1996 waiver guidance package, we implemented final rules regarding the 3-month time limit for ABAWD participation in the Food Stamp Program. 7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults who reside in an area that:

(1) Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent; or
(2) Does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals.

You did not post the link and why would bush say in 2004 Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent. Unemployment rate was not a problem until well after 2008
I say you're lying
And again The USDA link I used has already verified what I said.
You lying POS I posted the link at least a half a dozen times already. Here it is for you to ignore again.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

And in answer to your question, there is also a #2

From the link regarding #2:

To support a claim of a lack of sufficient jobs, a State may submit evidence that an area:

Is designated as a Labor Surplus Area (LSA) by the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA).
Is determined by the DOL’s Department of Unemployment Insurance Service as qualifying for extended unemployment benefits.

o If a State is eligible for extended unemployment benefits anytime during the past 12 months, we will approve a waiver based on a State’s eligibility for extended employment benefits.

Data from a BLS or the BLS cooperating state agency that an area has a 24-month average unemployment rate 20 percent above the national average for any 24-month period.

o This 24-month period may not be any earlier than the same 24-month period DOLETA uses to designate LSAs for the current fiscal year. For FY 2004, the 24-month period is January 2001 through December 2002.

Has a low and declining employment-to-population ratio.
Has a lack of jobs in declining occupations or industries.
Is described in an academic study or other publications as an area where there is a lack of jobs.

Once again where does i say anything about suspending the limits? Giving Waivers is not suspending.
You were the one ABUSING the USDA and I used the USDA to expose your lie. Now suddenly the USDA that was infallible when you thought it supported your lie is suddenly always wrong about Bush.

ed the liar never fails you know that isn't true. What you wrote speaks for itself and calls you a liar.

Bush did not suspend anything obama did because of the ARRA signed in 2009 From the USDA
After all the USDA is the one that maintains the SNAPS program.
Here is the USDA saying Bush suspended the 3/36 time limit in 2004, long BEFORE the ARRA and long before Obama was president.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Waiver Criteria

Subsequent to the December 1996 waiver guidance package, we implemented final rules regarding the 3-month time limit for ABAWD participation in the Food Stamp Program. 7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults who reside in an area that:

(1) Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent; or
(2) Does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals.

You did not post the link and why would bush say in 2004 Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent. Unemployment rate was not a problem until well after 2008
I say you're lying
And again The USDA link I used has already verified what I said.
You lying POS I posted the link at least a half a dozen times already. Here it is for you to ignore again.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Once again where does i say anything about suspending the limits? Giving Waivers is not suspending.
Geeez, I know you feel obligated to play dumb, but at this point you are just being ridiculous! I had already marked it in RED so even you could not play to dumb to see it, but here you are lying your ignorant ass off.

7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults
ed the liar never fails you know that isn't true. What you wrote speaks for itself and calls you a liar.

Bush did not suspend anything obama did because of the ARRA signed in 2009 From the USDA
After all the USDA is the one that maintains the SNAPS program.
Here is the USDA saying Bush suspended the 3/36 time limit in 2004, long BEFORE the ARRA and long before Obama was president.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Waiver Criteria

Subsequent to the December 1996 waiver guidance package, we implemented final rules regarding the 3-month time limit for ABAWD participation in the Food Stamp Program. 7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults who reside in an area that:

(1) Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent; or
(2) Does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals.

You lying POS I posted the link at least a half a dozen times already. Here it is for you to ignore again.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Once again where does i say anything about suspending the limits? Giving Waivers is not suspending.
Geeez, I know you feel obligated to play dumb, but at this point you are just being ridiculous! I had already marked it in RED so even you could not play to dumb to see it, but here you are lying your ignorant ass off.

7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults

Once again where does it say anything about suspending the limits?
Ding bat this came from the USDA front page very first thing in it

„ The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 increased Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) benefit levels and expanded SNAP eligibility for jobless adults without children.
„ After these enhancements, SNAP participation and inflation-adjusted food spending by low-income
households increased.
„ Food insecurity declined by 2.2 percentage points among low-income households but was unchanged
among households with incomes somewhat above SNAP-eligibility cutoffs.

This portion came from the same web site but further down
The ARRA suspension of time limits
for jobless adults without children also
may have increased participation. Prior
to ARRA, SNAP participation by many
jobless, working-age, nondisabled adults
without children was limited to 3 months
within a 3-year period.

It contradicts every argument you have used.
Here is the USDA saying Bush suspended the 3/36 time limit in 2004, long BEFORE the ARRA and long before Obama was president.

FY 2004 ABAWD Waiver Request Guidelines

Waiver Criteria

Subsequent to the December 1996 waiver guidance package, we implemented final rules regarding the 3-month time limit for ABAWD participation in the Food Stamp Program. 7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults who reside in an area that:

(1) Has an unemployment rate which exceeds 10 percent; or
(2) Does not have a sufficient number of jobs to provide employment for the individuals.

Once again where does i say anything about suspending the limits? Giving Waivers is not suspending.
Geeez, I know you feel obligated to play dumb, but at this point you are just being ridiculous! I had already marked it in RED so even you could not play to dumb to see it, but here you are lying your ignorant ass off.

7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults

Once again where does it say anything about suspending the limits?
Geeez, I know you feel obligated to play dumb, but at this point you are just being ridiculous! I had already marked it in RED so even you could not play to dumb to see it, but here you are lying your ignorant ass off.

7 CFR 273.24(f) allows FNS to waive the 3-month time limit for able-bodied adults

Once again where does it say anything about suspending the limits?

Dumb ass a WAVIER is not the same thing as SUSPENDING
Once again where does it say anything about suspending the limits?

Dumb ass a WAVIER is not the same thing as SUSPENDING
Pinhead, it is. Quite specifically, the waiver gives the states the option to suspend the time limit.

From the USDA link previously posted:

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs)

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) limits the receipt of SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 3-year period for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) who are not working, participating in, and complying with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more each week, or a workfare program.

Individuals are exempt from this provision if they are:

under 18 or 50 years of age or older,

responsible for the care of a child or incapacitated household member,

medically certified as physically or mentally unfit for employment, pregnant, or

already exempt from the work requirements of the Food Stamp Act.

States may request a waiver of this provision for people in areas with an unemployment rate above 10 percent or for those in an area with insufficient jobs. States also have authority to exempt individuals using the 15% exemption authorized by the Balanced Budget Act.

States frequently assign persons subject to the ABAWD restrictions to their Employment and Training (E&T) Program. While participating in this program, ABAWDs are exempt from the ABAWD restrictions. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training page.
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Dumb ass a WAVIER is not the same thing as SUSPENDING
SNAP Bulletin 92 - Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)

Montana is one of 46 States or geographic areas meeting this criterion. FNS approved a waiver to suspend ABAWD time limit provisions throughSeptember 30, 2013.

STATE OF MONTANA:eusa_whistle:

Where is the USDA website that says the limits were suspended before 2009??
Funny how you had no problem with a state directive from the state of Mass. when you thought it would help your case! :eusa_whistle:

And I posted the link to the USDA's list of all the stated Bush had granted waivers to by Jan 8, 2009. I know you will ignore it again after I post it again, but as you recall it listed 46 stated, DC, Guam, The Virgin Islands and Indian reservations in 10 states. If you scroll down the pages you will see the date approved. All were 2008 and 2007, 2007 because some were granted 2 year waivers by Bush, those 2 year states are listed in bold type.
SNAP Bulletin 92 - Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD)

Montana is one of 46 States or geographic areas meeting this criterion. FNS approved a waiver to suspend ABAWD time limit provisions throughSeptember 30, 2013.

STATE OF MONTANA:eusa_whistle:

Where is the USDA website that says the limits were suspended before 2009??
Funny how you had no problem with a state directive from the state of Mass. when you thought it would help your case! :eusa_whistle:

And I posted the link to the USDA's list of all the stated Bush had granted waivers to by Jan 8, 2009. I know you will ignore it again after I post it again, but as you recall it listed 46 stated, DC, Guam, The Virgin Islands and Indian reservations in 10 states. If you scroll down the pages you will see the date approved. All were 2008 and 2007, 2007 because some were granted 2 year waivers by Bush, those 2 year states are listed in bold type.

I've only used the USDA web site

one from the center of budget and policy

Two web sites and not one is from a state. So lie again.
More lies. You have yet to post what you claim the ARRA says directly from the ARRA and not some third party. Until you do you will forever be a worthless lying POS.

The ARRA included a provision to temporarily suspend Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) requirements. This memo informs TAO staff of: the termination of the ABAWD Waiver, the ARRA suspension of ABAWD rules; BEACON coding related to the rule suspension; and case manager responsibilities for processing ABAWD cases at application and recertification.

Field Ops Memo 2009-33: SNAP: The Temporary Suspension of ABAWD Rules Based on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act | Mass Legal Services

He will not accept that, but it really doesn't matter.

He will not accept that, but it really doesn't matter.

My thoughts are, you may never see him in this thread again.

This thread should have died about 75 post back. Maybe it will now.

STATE OF MONTANA:eusa_whistle:

Where is the USDA website that says the limits were suspended before 2009??
Funny how you had no problem with a state directive from the state of Mass. when you thought it would help your case! :eusa_whistle:

And I posted the link to the USDA's list of all the stated Bush had granted waivers to by Jan 8, 2009. I know you will ignore it again after I post it again, but as you recall it listed 46 stated, DC, Guam, The Virgin Islands and Indian reservations in 10 states. If you scroll down the pages you will see the date approved. All were 2008 and 2007, 2007 because some were granted 2 year waivers by Bush, those 2 year states are listed in bold type.

I've only used the USDA web site

one from the center of budget and policy

Two web sites and not one is from a state. So lie again.
Again we see how the Right lie, in this case combining playing dumb with changing what was said. :eusa_liar:

You pretend to forget giving your approval for the help you begged for, remember no one you begged help from in return for pos rep could find the ARRA changing the waiver rules to allow states to waive/suspend the 3/36 time limit. Bush changed the waiver rules and the ARRA only granted Bush's rules to the states. :cuckoo:

But freewill tried to help you anyway and posted a link to Mass Legal Services, not even the USDA, but you accepted the Mass link wholeheartedly, said I would not accept it, and also felt the Mass link was so overwhelming that it should end the thread. So, as I said, you had NO PROBLEM with a link to the state of Mass when you thought it would help you. :eusa_liar:

Now when I pointed out your hypocrisy for rejecting the fact that waiver and suspension were two peas in a pod because it came from a state, you couldn't admit your hypocrisy, so you changed my saying "NO PROBLEM WITH" to "USED" so you could play dumb and deny that you accepted evidence from a state. :eusa_liar:
If you insist on lying, you need a better memory!!!

It is not without good reason said “that he who has not a good memory should never take upon him the trade of lying.”
Michel de Montaigne
The ARRA included a provision to temporarily suspend Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) requirements. This memo informs TAO staff of: the termination of the ABAWD Waiver, the ARRA suspension of ABAWD rules; BEACON coding related to the rule suspension; and case manager responsibilities for processing ABAWD cases at application and recertification.

Field Ops Memo 2009-33: SNAP: The Temporary Suspension of ABAWD Rules Based on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act | Mass Legal Services

He will not accept that, but it really doesn't matter.

Funny how you had no problem with a state directive from the state of Mass. when you thought it would help your case! :eusa_whistle:

And I posted the link to the USDA's list of all the stated Bush had granted waivers to by Jan 8, 2009. I know you will ignore it again after I post it again, but as you recall it listed 46 stated, DC, Guam, The Virgin Islands and Indian reservations in 10 states. If you scroll down the pages you will see the date approved. All were 2008 and 2007, 2007 because some were granted 2 year waivers by Bush, those 2 year states are listed in bold type.

I've only used the USDA web site

one from the center of budget and policy

Two web sites and not one is from a state. So lie again.
Again we see how the Right lie, in this case combining playing dumb with changing what was said. :eusa_liar:

You pretend to forget giving your approval for the help you begged for, remember no one you begged help from in return for pos rep could find the ARRA changing the waiver rules to allow states to waive/suspend the 3/36 time limit. Bush changed the waiver rules and the ARRA only granted Bush's rules to the states. :cuckoo:

But freewill tried to help you anyway and posted a link to Mass Legal Services, not even the USDA, but you accepted the Mass link wholeheartedly, said I would not accept it, and also felt the Mass link was so overwhelming that it should end the thread. So, as I said, you had NO PROBLEM with a link to the state of Mass when you thought it would help you. :eusa_liar:

Now when I pointed out your hypocrisy for rejecting the fact that waiver and suspension were two peas in a pod because it came from a state, you couldn't admit your hypocrisy, so you changed my saying "NO PROBLEM WITH" to "USED" so you could play dumb and deny that you accepted evidence from a state. :eusa_liar:
If you insist on lying, you need a better memory!!!

It is not without good reason said “that he who has not a good memory should never take upon him the trade of lying.”
Michel de Montaigne

You've lied throughout this thread, why stop now?
And I posted the link to the USDA's list of all the stated Bush had granted waivers to by Jan 8, 2009. I know you will ignore it again after I post it again, but as you recall it listed 46 stated, DC, Guam, The Virgin Islands and Indian reservations in 10 states. If you scroll down the pages you will see the date approved. All were 2008 and 2007, 2007 because some were granted 2 year waivers by Bush, those 2 year states are listed in bold type.

looks like the libtard utopias a.k.a California and DC have been requesting this for ages.

and all have the provision of extremely high unemployment rate
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The crazy guy is an exception, not all of those who receive food stamps are like him.

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