This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

So could Pubs stop screwing up the recovery from THEIR meltdown/depression/Great World Recession? tyvm

You hater libs are just too much. First you brag, gloat, that Republicans can't win elections. Yet you talk as if the mess the democrats have created is anyone other then their own doing. Since 2006 and the disaster of the democrat take over the Republicans have had little power. Maybe some power to stop some things but all the initiatives coming out of Washington have been DEMOCRAT. The longest, weakest and the recession itself can be put no other place then at the feet of those in power the democrats. Except of course by hater libs.
So could Pubs stop screwing up the recovery from THEIR meltdown/depression/Great World Recession? tyvm

oh so in your opinion the way to recovery is allowing trash to sit on their ass getting free food stamps?

Yes, that is exactly what the libs are saying. It is OK to steal off the producers of the world so this guy and surf everyday. No matter how little, no matter how legal, and no matter how little it is this guy is steal money off of me and you and laughing at us.
Thanks for the depression and screwing up the recovery. NOBODY would turn down a good job for welfare, (50% racist) hater dupes. Pass a gd JOBS/infrastucture act and stop blowing growth with stupid "crises"...
Anyone who games the system, and is caught ( like this piece of shit ) should go to jail, and be forced to pay restitution. It should be illegal to have children if you can't afford them. All this handout shit is a cancer; it teaches people dependentcy so they will vote liberal.

What makes more since you dumb ass liberals - self reliance, or reliance on others? If you want people to be reliant on others, what you really want is redistribution, and the destruction of wealth; communism. :evil:
Thanks for the depression and screwing up the recovery. NOBODY would turn down a good job for welfare, (50% racist) hater dupes. Pass a gd JOBS/infrastucture act and stop blowing growth with stupid "crises"...

When republicans took control of a single branch of the government in 2011 they sent 27 job bills for the senates consideration
pull your pub head out of dumbos big ears asshole.
yes let's just let anyone have food stamps according to one or two here it's economical growth :eusa_whistle:

[ame=]Illegal Aliens Collecting WIC Vouchers in Georgia - YouTube[/ame]
What's the point in wasting precious moments of life being pissed off over something you have virtually no control over?

The guy's a dirtbag loser. That in itself is punishment enough.
And you see nothing wrong with what he's doing?
The FOX Gossip Channel never gave the reason for his eligibility for the program. For all you know he is in a work program, or mentally unfit for work. If he was defrauding the program, did FOX report him or are they aiding and abetting him?

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs)

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) limits the receipt of SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 3-year period for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) who are not working, participating in, and complying with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more each week, or a workfare program.

Individuals are exempt from this provision if they are:
under 18 or 50 years of age or older, responsible for the care of a child or incapacitated household member, medically certified as physically or mentally unfit for employment, pregnant, or already exempt from the work requirements of the Food Stamp Act.

States may request a waiver of this provision for people in areas with an unemployment rate above 10 percent or for those in an area with insufficient jobs. States also have authority to exempt individuals using the 15% exemption authorized by the Balanced Budget Act.

States frequently assign persons subject to the ABAWD restrictions to their Employment and Training (E&T) Program. While participating in this program, ABAWDs are exempt from the ABAWD restrictions. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training page.

You really should do some more research..

Examiner Editorial: Food stamp rolls explode after Obama loosens rules |

The original 1996 welfare reform law -- signed into law by that noted hater of the poor Bill Clinton -- had included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law. In some cases, this meant "waiving any policy that restricted the assets a family could obtain," the Journal noted.
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
The FOX Gossip Channel never gave the reason for his eligibility for the program. For all you know he is in a work program, or mentally unfit for work. If he was defrauding the program, did FOX report him or are they aiding and abetting him?

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs)

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) limits the receipt of SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 3-year period for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) who are not working, participating in, and complying with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more each week, or a workfare program.

Individuals are exempt from this provision if they are:
under 18 or 50 years of age or older, responsible for the care of a child or incapacitated household member, medically certified as physically or mentally unfit for employment, pregnant, or already exempt from the work requirements of the Food Stamp Act.

States may request a waiver of this provision for people in areas with an unemployment rate above 10 percent or for those in an area with insufficient jobs. States also have authority to exempt individuals using the 15% exemption authorized by the Balanced Budget Act.

States frequently assign persons subject to the ABAWD restrictions to their Employment and Training (E&T) Program. While participating in this program, ABAWDs are exempt from the ABAWD restrictions. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training page.

You really should do some more research..

Examiner Editorial: Food stamp rolls explode after Obama loosens rules |

The original 1996 welfare reform law -- signed into law by that noted hater of the poor Bill Clinton -- had included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law. In some cases, this meant "waiving any policy that restricted the assets a family could obtain," the Journal noted.
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

I give my sources.. Your's are lacking.

BTW, are you attempting to deny what Obama did?
The FOX Gossip Channel never gave the reason for his eligibility for the program. For all you know he is in a work program, or mentally unfit for work. If he was defrauding the program, did FOX report him or are they aiding and abetting him?

Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs)

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) limits the receipt of SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 3-year period for able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) who are not working, participating in, and complying with the requirements of a work program for 20 hours or more each week, or a workfare program.

Individuals are exempt from this provision if they are:
under 18 or 50 years of age or older, responsible for the care of a child or incapacitated household member, medically certified as physically or mentally unfit for employment, pregnant, or already exempt from the work requirements of the Food Stamp Act.

States may request a waiver of this provision for people in areas with an unemployment rate above 10 percent or for those in an area with insufficient jobs. States also have authority to exempt individuals using the 15% exemption authorized by the Balanced Budget Act.

States frequently assign persons subject to the ABAWD restrictions to their Employment and Training (E&T) Program. While participating in this program, ABAWDs are exempt from the ABAWD restrictions. For information on the E&T program, go to the Employment & Training page.

You really should do some more research..

Examiner Editorial: Food stamp rolls explode after Obama loosens rules |

The original 1996 welfare reform law -- signed into law by that noted hater of the poor Bill Clinton -- had included a separate rule encouraging able-bodied adults without dependents to work by limiting the amount of time they could receive food stamps. President Obama suspended that rule when he signed his economic stimulus legislation into law. In some cases, this meant "waiving any policy that restricted the assets a family could obtain," the Journal noted.
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
You're full of shit. Since when has dumbo big ears media ever reported anything that made dumbo big ears look bad? They don't, until they are forced to then they hardly touch it.
You really should do some more research..
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb

I give my sources.. Your's are lacking.

BTW, are you attempting to deny what Obama did?
First of all, the Washington Examiner, like all Right-wingers, are only a "source" of misinformation.
Second, even after being told the truth which exposed your "source" as lacking, you are too lazy to check for yourself, which is why your sources will never give you anything but just enough info to mislead you.

Here is the link:
Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs)
If you notice the waivers started during the Bush Regime without a single peep out of you hypocrites.

BTW, are you trying to deny what Bush did?
You really should do some more research..
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
You're full of shit. Since when has dumbo big ears media ever reported anything that made dumbo big ears look bad? They don't, until they are forced to then they hardly touch it.
Don't you whining little crybabies ever get tired of playing the perpetual VICTIM?????
Come on, you should know by now that every Right-wing source NEVER tells the whole truth. The increase in food stamps started under Bush who signed waivers in 2003, 2004, 2005 and a 2 year waiver in 2006. It has been quite common to grant states a waiver for high unemployment or areas with insufficient jobs. The waiver Obama granted has EXPIRED!!!! That's right, no longer in effect.

Why didn't a "great researcher" such as yourself catch your source's half truth?

A half-truth is a whole lie.
- Yiddish Proverb
You're full of shit. Since when has dumbo big ears media ever reported anything that made dumbo big ears look bad? They don't, until they are forced to then they hardly touch it.
Don't you whining little crybabies ever get tired of playing the perpetual VICTIM?????

I asked you earlier but you elected to post bull shit instead of answering the question

And you see nothing wrong with what he's doing?
You're full of shit. Since when has dumbo big ears media ever reported anything that made dumbo big ears look bad? They don't, until they are forced to then they hardly touch it.
Don't you whining little crybabies ever get tired of playing the perpetual VICTIM?????

I asked you earlier but you elected to post bull shit instead of answering the question

And you see nothing wrong with what he's doing?
And I answered you meaningless moronic question already. All we know is the FOX Rumor Mill never gives the whole truth, so we don't know what made him eligible for SNAP benefits. If he was doing something wrong it was up to FOX to turn him in. If they didn't then either he had a legit reason for getting the benefit of FOX is aiding and abetting criminal activity for political purposes.

Do you see nothing wrong in FOX's incomplete report?
Don't you whining little crybabies ever get tired of playing the perpetual VICTIM?????

I asked you earlier but you elected to post bull shit instead of answering the question

And you see nothing wrong with what he's doing?
And I answered you meaningless moronic question already. All we know is the FOX Rumor Mill never gives the whole truth, so we don't know what made him eligible for SNAP benefits. If he was doing something wrong it was up to FOX to turn him in. If they didn't then either he had a legit reason for getting the benefit of FOX is aiding and abetting criminal activity for political purposes.

Do you see nothing wrong in FOX's incomplete report?

I asked for your opinion not some fucking garbage The lazy ass said he did not have a job or did you not hear him say that?
I asked you earlier but you elected to post bull shit instead of answering the question

And you see nothing wrong with what he's doing?
And I answered you meaningless moronic question already. All we know is the FOX Rumor Mill never gives the whole truth, so we don't know what made him eligible for SNAP benefits. If he was doing something wrong it was up to FOX to turn him in. If they didn't then either he had a legit reason for getting the benefit of FOX is aiding and abetting criminal activity for political purposes.

Do you see nothing wrong in FOX's incomplete report?

I asked for your opinion not some fucking garbage The lazy ass said he did not have a job or did you not hear him say that?
And I gave you a list of eligibility requirements that he could have qualified for benefits. FOX never gave that info so even YOU don't know.

You never answered my question, do you have any problem with FOX either misinforming you about his eligibility or their aiding and abetting a fraud for political purposes????
And I answered you meaningless moronic question already. All we know is the FOX Rumor Mill never gives the whole truth, so we don't know what made him eligible for SNAP benefits. If he was doing something wrong it was up to FOX to turn him in. If they didn't then either he had a legit reason for getting the benefit of FOX is aiding and abetting criminal activity for political purposes.

Do you see nothing wrong in FOX's incomplete report?

I asked for your opinion not some fucking garbage The lazy ass said he did not have a job or did you not hear him say that?
And I gave you a list of eligibility requirements that he could have qualified for benefits. FOX never gave that info so even YOU don't know.

You never answered my question, do you have any problem with FOX either misinforming you about his eligibility or their aiding and abetting a fraud for political purposes????

that is not what I asked you. A non answer is the same as saying yes I think what he's doing is the right thing to do.

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