This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

It would be okay if he operated a backhoe rather than leaning on a shovel.

Would YOU hire the construction crew that hired this idiot to work a backhoe?

Apparently you are happy with this surfer-dude remaining a mooching surfer-dude rather than making a positive contribution to society.

There are millions of people who aren't "making a positive contribution to society". I've got a family to raise, I don't have time to concern myself with every single one of them. If its such a big deal to you, you should go to wherever this beach bum sleeps and start protesting. Make a "positive contribution to society" by whining as loud as you can that this beach bum is lazy.

Yes, I would hire the construction crew. If he can drive a truck and control a surfboard, he should be able to learn how to run a backhoe.

Sure you would. He'd be a great backhoe operator. Someone who doesn't care to rip you and me off for our hard earned dollars can certainly be trusted to operate dangerous piece of machinery.

This guy may be a f'ing genus for all we know. He certainly has figured out how to work the system.

If you're eligible it isn't THAT hard.
According to the Democrats, he's just an outlier.

That nearly 90% ( 87% is the number that some have used) only use Food Stamps for one or two years.

Honestly, I don't believe them.

I don't believe that most are like this guy, but this guy should never be allowed on Foodstamps in the first place as long as there is a single job in the Help Wanted section that doesn't reguire a degree or special training.

Let's suppose that the Democrats are right, and that 90% of the people on Food Stamps are legit. They are not anywhere near like this guy..

In 2012, Food assistance programs spent a total of $106 Billion.

If only 10% of that is money going to people like this surfer Ratt Life guy, that is $10.6 Billion dollars of Fraud. Hardly small change.

So find a way to stop this type of fraud. You see, the vast majority of moderates and liberals don't like people taking advantage of the system either. What they object to is the idea of cutting funding for these programs and kicking people off just because they are upset about cases like this. You don't cut funding to those who need it because there are some bad apples in the yard. You try to remove the bad apples from the yard.
According to the Democrats, he's just an outlier.

That nearly 90% ( 87% is the number that some have used) only use Food Stamps for one or two years.

Honestly, I don't believe them.

I don't believe that most are like this guy, but this guy should never be allowed on Foodstamps in the first place as long as there is a single job in the Help Wanted section that doesn't reguire a degree or special training.

Let's suppose that the Democrats are right, and that 90% of the people on Food Stamps are legit. They are not anywhere near like this guy..

In 2012, Food assistance programs spent a total of $106 Billion.

If only 10% of that is money going to people like this surfer Ratt Life guy, that is $10.6 Billion dollars of Fraud. Hardly small change.

So find a way to stop this type of fraud. You see, the vast majority of moderates and liberals don't like people taking advantage of the system either. What they object to is the idea of cutting funding for these programs and kicking people off just because they are upset about cases like this. You don't cut funding to those who need it because there are some bad apples in the yard. You try to remove the bad apples from the yard.

I never quite got that logic myself. Why blow up the program because some people are cheating? You find a way to catch the cheats not starve out the people actually eligible and in need of assistance.
If hes got it so good, why not join him?

And if you don't........stop bitching and be thankful your life is better than his. You don't live forever ya know. Enjoy it rather than being worried about what everyone else is doing!!!
Lots of rich people cheat capitalism to get rich through immoral or illegal ways.

I don't hear Republicans bitching about ending capitalism.
What do you figure your share of that loser's fraud is?

Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.
All that matters is what wing-nuts feel emotionally. They never even think of checking the facts.

What is SNAP Fraud

The Bush Administration reports, "Due to increased oversight and improvements to program management by USDA, the trafficking rate has fallen significantly over the last two decades, from about 4 cents on the dollar in 1993 to about 1 cent in 2006-08 (most recent data available)."
What do you figure your share of that loser's fraud is?

Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.

What if its really on 0.001%? Or it could be 99.9%? Perhaps you should just make up whatever number you like?

I am sure you have way more people on assistance then my family does by far.. just saying
I know at least 15 people in my family and friends who are doing the same things and others who claim they are sick but go to the beach all day and surf as well.. Just like roaches if you see one you know there are many more in hiding!!
Now you have no excuse for SNAP fraud, you either report them or stop whining. Did the FOX Rumor Mill report their paid surf bum?

How Can I Report SNAP Fraud

How Can I Report SNAP Fraud?

If you see or hear about SNAP fraud, tell us. Help us protect your tax dollars.

FNS takes aggressive measures to fight all fraud. We appreciate the help of concerned citizens.

Fraud reports of any kind may be filed with the USDA Office of Inspector General.

(800) 424-9121
(202) 690-1622
(202) 690-1202 (TDD)
United States Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General PO Box 23399 Washington, DC 20026-3399
Electronic Mail ([email protected])

You can also report fraud to your State. This is especially important if you think that someone lied about their income or assets, or is misusing their benefits.

Your report is confidential.

Help us Fight SNAP Fraud.
That's because she was speaking TRUTH...TRUTH, seems to escape YOU.

Huh? No, its because her title moans about there being so many people on food stamps, then the content of her post moans about one individual idiot.

AND an individual IDIOT that is a microcosm of what's going on, and how INEPT the program is and that of BIG GUBMINT...and wealth redistribution.

Now I know I used some BIG WORDS...are YOU able to keep up with me dumbass?
And wouldn't that make an individual idiot like you a microcosm of the Right?

Here is some interesting SNAP data:
47% of beneficiaries were children under age 18.
8% were age 60 or older.
41% lived in a household with earnings from a job — the so-called "working poor."
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

Here's a book you can and others on this site can benefit from: ''Don't sweat the Small Stuff''

Got a stress case in your life? Of course you do: "Without question, many of us have mastered the neurotic art of spending much of our lives worrying about a variety of things all at once." Carlson's cheerful book aims to make us stop and smell--if not roses--whatever is sitting in front of our noses. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... offers 100 meditations designed to make you appreciate being alive, keep your emotions (especially anger and dissatisfaction) in proper perspective, and cherish other people as the unique miracles they are. It's an owner's manual of the heart, and if you follow the directions, you will be a happier, more harmonious person.
This guy and Mr EBT should colab and make the best of both worlds album lol

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So because someone might be cheating the program needs to end?

That's just silly.

People are speeding on the public highways.

Clearly we ought to tear up all roads.
What do you figure your share of that loser's fraud is?

Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.
All that matters is what wing-nuts feel emotionally. They never even think of checking the facts.

What is SNAP Fraud

The Bush Administration reports, "Due to increased oversight and improvements to program management by USDA, the trafficking rate has fallen significantly over the last two decades, from about 4 cents on the dollar in 1993 to about 1 cent in 2006-08 (most recent data available)."

Just because the Government doesn't consider it Fraud, doesn't mean that it isn't.

Remember, Under President Bush, this guy would have only been eligible for SNAP for 3 months every couple of years. Obama changed that to where he can stay on it as long as he doesn't have a job.
So because someone might be cheating the program needs to end?

That's just silly.

People are speeding on the public highways.

Clearly we ought to tear up all roads.

So if this is your feeling about this type of welfare then I guess we will never hear another word from the liberal left about the so called corporate welfare.
Lots of rich people cheat capitalism to get rich through immoral or illegal ways.

I don't hear Republicans bitching about ending capitalism.

And no one said a word about ending welfare either except through putting people back to work who don't deserve to be on the government dole, like this person. Why libs have to take everything to the extreme to justify paying some unappreciative dude to surf is pitiful.
Lots of rich people cheat capitalism to get rich through immoral or illegal ways.

I don't hear Republicans bitching about ending capitalism.

Really?? You hear republican championing illegal acts?? Link that or shut the fuck up

And funny that it is the DEMs that seem to whine about moral movements in government
So because someone might be cheating the program needs to end?

That's just silly.

People are speeding on the public highways.

Clearly we ought to tear up all roads.

That is not the ONLY reason, but YES IT SHOULD END

1) It is not government's responsibility to feed you
2) It is not anyone else's responsibility to feed you
3) If children are going hungry because mommy or babydaddy won't work what they have to when they are able bodied, there are plenty of families looking for kids who cannot have them..
4) Charity is voluntary and if you wish to prop up the lazy, feel free to give til it hurts
5) If you are one who MUST receive sustenance from the government without being an employee actually doing a job, you should be a ward of the state with ALL the little things that go with that..
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