This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

Your title doesn't even make sense given the content of your post.
That's because she was speaking TRUTH...TRUTH, seems to escape YOU.

Huh? No, its because her title moans about there being so many people on food stamps, then the content of her post moans about one individual idiot.

AND an individual IDIOT that is a microcosm of what's going on, and how INEPT the program is and that of BIG GUBMINT...and wealth redistribution.

Now I know I used some BIG WORDS...are YOU able to keep up with me dumbass?
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

He's from Georgia and thus barely literate and he talks funny. No one will hire him for no one can understand him. Too bad schools in Georgia don't teach ESL classes to native Georgians.

BTW, in California was have mechanical tools for digging ditches, safer, faster and usually dug in the correct spot.

Yeah if a road construction crew hired this guy the right would then moan about his inefficiency and how he should be replaced with a machine.
He has a nice truck.

His truck is a lot nicer than my little ol' S10. He's definitely living off more than just food stamps. Is he simply mooching off his friends or does he have some kind of under the table source of income? He seems to have plenty of money for cigarettes.

He's probably a drug dealer.

FOX News likes to give low lifes like that air time.
That's because she was speaking TRUTH...TRUTH, seems to escape YOU.

Huh? No, its because her title moans about there being so many people on food stamps, then the content of her post moans about one individual idiot.

AND an individual IDIOT that is a microcosm of what's going on, and how INEPT the program is and that of BIG GUBMINT...and wealth redistribution.

Now I know I used some BIG WORDS...are YOU able to keep up with me dumbass?

Zero evidence has been submitted that the typical food stamp recipient matches this idiot's profile. That's an assumption you're making based mostly on the emotional gut response that FOX News hoped to generate from you.
Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.

Sure it matters.

I like to know what level of anger I should be expressing.

Somewhat annoyed or livid, there's a whole range of emotion between those two.

That's up to you.

Do you like being taxed so that others can live off your tax dollars as this guy does? Do you mind people making excuse for this kind of behavior by claiming it's only 10% of the people doing it?

Does it bother you that just this one set of programs has $10.6 Billion of fraud every year and that there are other programs out there with just as much if not more? Yet any and all attempts to reduce the fraud are met with resistance by the Democrats in Congress and Liberals in the MSM?

He's not living off my tax dollars. They were spent by GWB and his neo con friends to invade and occupy Iraq.
Does SNAP really need to be doing so much marketing to get more people on the SNAP program?
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What do you figure your share of that loser's fraud is?

Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.

What if its really on 0.001%? Or it could be 99.9%? Perhaps you should just make up whatever number you like?
What is it with you Statist freaks and use of 'what if's'? "If my Granma had wheels, she'd be a wagon''...

Your argument is stupid and a DIVERSION.
Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

He's from Georgia and thus barely literate and he talks funny. No one will hire him for no one can understand him. Too bad schools in Georgia don't teach ESL classes to native Georgians.

BTW, in California was have mechanical tools for digging ditches, safer, faster and usually dug in the correct spot.

Yeah if a road construction crew hired this guy the right would then moan about his inefficiency and how he should be replaced with a machine.

It would be okay if he operated a backhoe rather than leaning on a shovel.
Does that matter?

What matters is that even at just 10%, personally I think it is higher, almost double that, that's $10.6 Billion dollars a year of fraud.

That's a bunch of money.

What if its really on 0.001%? Or it could be 99.9%? Perhaps you should just make up whatever number you like?
What is it with you Statist freaks and use of 'what if's'? "If my Granma had wheels, she'd be a wagon''...

Your argument is stupid and a DIVERSION.

Moron, OriginalShroom started making up statistics before me. I responded with sarcasm. Have you heard of it?
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Fox News Follows California Beach Bum Living Off Food Stamps For Years - YouTube

Why cant this man WORK. He looks healthy to me , if he can surf he can dig a ditch

He's from Georgia and thus barely literate and he talks funny. No one will hire him for no one can understand him. Too bad schools in Georgia don't teach ESL classes to native Georgians.

BTW, in California was have mechanical tools for digging ditches, safer, faster and usually dug in the correct spot.

You are such a fool.

USA North Who Should Call
He's from Georgia and thus barely literate and he talks funny. No one will hire him for no one can understand him. Too bad schools in Georgia don't teach ESL classes to native Georgians.

BTW, in California was have mechanical tools for digging ditches, safer, faster and usually dug in the correct spot.

Yeah if a road construction crew hired this guy the right would then moan about his inefficiency and how he should be replaced with a machine.

It would be okay if he operated a backhoe rather than leaning on a shovel.

Would YOU hire the construction crew that hired this idiot to work a backhoe?
This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

It’s because you’re an ignorant partisan hack who doesn’t know the first thing about food stamps, the people who are eligible to receive them, or the program’s eligibility requirements.

You take one anecdotal account and incorrectly condemn the entire program based on that.
This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

It’s because you’re an ignorant partisan hack who doesn’t know the first thing about food stamps, the people who are eligible to receive them, or the program’s eligibility requirements.

You take one anecdotal account and incorrectly condemn the entire program based on that.

How many scammers would be needed to be shown before you would consider that perhaps the oversight is too ineffective?
This is why I am pissed about how many people are on food stamps

It’s because you’re an ignorant partisan hack who doesn’t know the first thing about food stamps, the people who are eligible to receive them, or the program’s eligibility requirements.

You take one anecdotal account and incorrectly condemn the entire program based on that.

How many scammers would be needed to be shown before you would consider that perhaps the oversight is too ineffective?

Most people on food stamps who aren't actually eligible for food stamps get them by not claiming some of (or all of) their income on their tax forms. It isn't SNAP's job to police whether or not people lie to the IRS - that's the IRS's job. So are you suggesting the IRS needs to be beefed up or are you suggesting that SNAP do the IRS's job?

EDIT: I'd bet the idiot beach bum actually owes more to the IRS in unpaid taxes than he's spent in food stamps - yet no one is bitching about that.
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It’s because you’re an ignorant partisan hack who doesn’t know the first thing about food stamps, the people who are eligible to receive them, or the program’s eligibility requirements.

You take one anecdotal account and incorrectly condemn the entire program based on that.

How many scammers would be needed to be shown before you would consider that perhaps the oversight is too ineffective?

Most people on food stamps who aren't actually eligible for food stamps get them by not claiming some of (or all of) their income on their tax forms. It isn't SNAP's job to police whether or not people lie to the IRS - that's the IRS's job. So are you suggesting the IRS needs to be beefed up or are you suggesting that SNAP do the IRS's job?

EDIT: I'd bet the idiot beach bum actually owes more to the IRS in unpaid taxes than he's spent in food stamps - yet no one is bitching about that.

You didn't answer the question. The IRS doesn't need to be "beefed up," it needs to be more effective.

What makes you think the beach bum owes unpaid taxes?
Yeah if a road construction crew hired this guy the right would then moan about his inefficiency and how he should be replaced with a machine.

It would be okay if he operated a backhoe rather than leaning on a shovel.

Would YOU hire the construction crew that hired this idiot to work a backhoe?

Apparently you are happy with this surfer-dude remaining a mooching surfer-dude rather than making a positive contribution to society.

Yes, I would hire the construction crew. If he can drive a truck and control a surfboard, he should be able to learn how to run a backhoe.

This guy may be a f'ing genus for all we know. He certainly has figured out how to work the system.
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How many scammers would be needed to be shown before you would consider that perhaps the oversight is too ineffective?

Most people on food stamps who aren't actually eligible for food stamps get them by not claiming some of (or all of) their income on their tax forms. It isn't SNAP's job to police whether or not people lie to the IRS - that's the IRS's job. So are you suggesting the IRS needs to be beefed up or are you suggesting that SNAP do the IRS's job?

EDIT: I'd bet the idiot beach bum actually owes more to the IRS in unpaid taxes than he's spent in food stamps - yet no one is bitching about that.

You didn't answer the question. The IRS doesn't need to be "beefed up," it needs to be more effective.


What makes you think the beach bum owes unpaid taxes?

Because of what I just said. Most people ripping off SNAP do so by not claiming income on their tax forms, like drug income. Its kind hard to do it otherwise. Unless you lie about the number of dependents you have - but you'd have to lie to the IRS as well about it.

Basically anyone who is NOT eligible for food stamps but who receives them is almost certainly ripping off the IRS.

And if this guy is actually eligible then who gives a fuck? There's no law saying that people who receive food stamps have to be likeable.
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