This is why I am proud of young people

Those outfits are "distracting" to pedophiles, I guess that's why little girls wearing little girl cloths don't agitate me...
I take extreme offense to your comment.
As is your right...
Its about promoting modesty and positive values. Nothing more.
Based on whose system of modesty and positive values???
Get out of here with that sanctimonious bullshit!!!

The girls are positive and inspiring and all old pedophiles can do is leer at their cloths and then attempt to hide their sickness behind morality.
If that is what you choose to believe. Rebuilding the moral fabric of our nation starts with modesty.
And not sanctimonious pedophiles...
every day we see nothing but shit on the news about people being fucked to each other.....with so so reaction from people.... 3 little girls have something to say and they get attacked because their dresses are too short......lots of the things they said are true about the censorship and have been brought up before by "adults".....TV stations wont show nudity but they have no problems showing a movie with someone getting blow away in slow motion from 6 different angles....... there is nothing wrong with what they said or their dress.....
I am not attacking the girls, I am attacking a society whose moral fiber is deteriorated.
if you were going to do that Nutz....there are better threads than this one around here...these girls were at least trying to convey a positive message....did you comment on that?...
Indoctrinated kids, I'm impressed.

Guno is proud, would he equally be impressed with indoctrinated kids that read the Bible?

It's easy to indoctrinate kids, but how will they grow up. How many kids in the now defunct DARE program took drugs?
The vast majority of children are bleeding heart liberals, but as we all know, half of them will become republicans when they see the real world.
i would hope they would see the real world and become people who want to rid the country of both parties and get people into politics who put the Country first....fuck republicans and democrats.....neither one deserves respect anymore....
Young people are generally misguided people who have yet to grow into their brains.
Older people with the same misguided ideology have no excuse.

Keep on believing that.

If you notice young people of all races by and large get along , they also haven't been exposed to societal experiences of hate like old white people do when they were brought up in society . It's going to take the old racists to die off before it further abates.
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

i knew a lady like that.....tried to say she wasnt prejudiced but one day her daughter brought home a light colored black kid ......all of a sudden her composure changed.....she asked me ..."you dont think they are making out do you?" i said so what if they are? you claimed you aint a bigot....she says ..."well i have to draw a line somewhere".....i said she has white male friends?.....her reply "well they are nice boys" this kid isnt?....then i said you dont say anything about me and i am way darker than you?.....she says ...we are not are friendship eroded from that point on....
every day we see nothing but shit on the news about people being fucked to each other.....with so so reaction from people.... 3 little girls have something to say and they get attacked because their dresses are too short......lots of the things they said are true about the censorship and have been brought up before by "adults".....TV stations wont show nudity but they have no problems showing a movie with someone getting blow away in slow motion from 6 different angles....... there is nothing wrong with what they said or their dress.....
I am not attacking the girls, I am attacking a society whose moral fiber is deteriorated.
if you were going to do that Nutz....there are better threads than this one around here...these girls were at least trying to convey a positive message....did you comment on that?...
I didn't watch the video. I don't care what they said...and it is a personal policy that I do not clicked on links from the agenda by certain posters.
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

I can promise you I won't have a seizure. Since it's my home, them doing that won't happen, therefore, no seizure can take place for a non-existent event.
It's very sad that now kids looks much more like
Just 13 percent of high school seniors who took the 2010 National Assessment of Educational Progress — called the Nation’s Report Card — showed solid academic performance in American history.
Not like kids on your video...
Dumb As A Rock You Will Be Absolutely Amazed At The Things That U.S. High School Students Do Not Know
I wonder if the test is filled with lies about history. I know my daughters all complained about history in school. i told them to let the teacher know that they knew better but put down the "white approved" answer on the test.
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

My daughter had a black boyfriend, and I can't stand him, she has had white boyfriends and I couldn't stand any of them. Of the group I disliked her black boyfriend most. His personality is okay, his skin color is okay, I really dislike his dealing drugs, does that make me a racist?
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

My daughter had a black boyfriend, and I can't stand him, she has had white boyfriends and I couldn't stand any of them. Of the group I disliked her black boyfriend most. His personality is okay, his skin color is okay, I really dislike his dealing drugs, does that make me a racist?

Not in the context you put your statement. I would dislike any drug dealers my daughters were to bring home regardless of color.
Young people are generally misguided people who have yet to grow into their brains.
Older people with the same misguided ideology have no excuse.

Keep on believing that.

If you notice young people of all races by and large get along , they also haven't been exposed to societal experiences of hate like old white people do when they were brought up in society . It's going to take the old racists to die off before it further abates.
The old racists can't die off until after you're gone because you're the greatest racist of all.
The young blacks especially get along when they murder and loot and speak a dialect rooted in their perceived skin color and self-identify by perceived skin color and destroy communities and are enabled by democrats, etc.
every day we see nothing but shit on the news about people being fucked to each other.....with so so reaction from people.... 3 little girls have something to say and they get attacked because their dresses are too short......lots of the things they said are true about the censorship and have been brought up before by "adults".....TV stations wont show nudity but they have no problems showing a movie with someone getting blow away in slow motion from 6 different angles....... there is nothing wrong with what they said or their dress.....
I am not attacking the girls, I am attacking a society whose moral fiber is deteriorated.
if you were going to do that Nutz....there are better threads than this one around here...these girls were at least trying to convey a positive message....did you comment on that?...
I didn't watch the video. I don't care what they said...and it is a personal policy that I do not clicked on links from the agenda by certain posters.
if the thread is about whats on the can you comment about the video if you do not watch it?....the video was not about fashion.....i dont care for the racial shit guno usually puts up either,but if its a non-guno subject matter,ill give the guy the benefit of the doubt....
every day we see nothing but shit on the news about people being fucked to each other.....with so so reaction from people.... 3 little girls have something to say and they get attacked because their dresses are too short......lots of the things they said are true about the censorship and have been brought up before by "adults".....TV stations wont show nudity but they have no problems showing a movie with someone getting blow away in slow motion from 6 different angles....... there is nothing wrong with what they said or their dress.....
I am not attacking the girls, I am attacking a society whose moral fiber is deteriorated.
if you were going to do that Nutz....there are better threads than this one around here...these girls were at least trying to convey a positive message....did you comment on that?...
I didn't watch the video. I don't care what they said...and it is a personal policy that I do not clicked on links from the agenda by certain posters.
if the thread is about whats on the can you comment about the video if you do not watch it?....the video was not about fashion.....i dont care for the racial shit guno usually puts up either,but if its a non-guno subject matter,ill give the guy the benefit of the doubt....
A little girl dressing like a slut doesn't need any context.
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

My daughter had a black boyfriend, and I can't stand him, she has had white boyfriends and I couldn't stand any of them. Of the group I disliked her black boyfriend most. His personality is okay, his skin color is okay, I really dislike his dealing drugs, does that make me a racist?

Are you projecting your anger because the black guy exposed certain faults you have ignored or refuse to address? I mean, when I date, I share a lot of like interests and activities with that person.
I see a great future for America as the younger people get it

I saw that. The youth are on to older generations denial, hate, and sexism. Its pretty amazing.

Those three youth have been indoctrinated to believe what you think they should believe. What's amazing is that my two are smart enough to not buy into your crap.

Wait until they bring home someone that has the same melanin content i have. Promise me you wont have a seizure?

My daughter had a black boyfriend, and I can't stand him, she has had white boyfriends and I couldn't stand any of them. Of the group I disliked her black boyfriend most. His personality is okay, his skin color is okay, I really dislike his dealing drugs, does that make me a racist?

Are you projecting your anger because the black guy exposed certain faults you have ignored or refuse to address? I mean, when I date, I share a lot of like interests and activities with that person.

I didn't date him, he was a drug dealer, of course we found out later that he and his brothers were using their company to launder money. He was an okay guy, until I decided to do a background check. That's when we found previous criminal activity, that is when I spoke to my daughter and then him, of course he said that wasn't him. I went to the police and the knew the guy real well, within the next month they arrested him and charged him with felony alluding a peace officer, sentenced and now have added 10 counts of possession and two counts of possession with the intent to distribute add that to his previous attempted murder conviction and he won't see the outside of the prison for awhile. Other than that he was a great guy.

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