This is Why I Could Never Be a Cop

Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. There is OVERWHELMING information readily available showing that you sovereign idiots and you'd little club is dead wrong.

And NONE of you....not a single a "Pre 14th Amendment Citizen". That would make you 150 years old. Which you arent. You sound as stupid as the #BLM crowd claiming they were enslaved.

Time moved on. We The People passed new laws.

Now go be a mature adult and get a driver's license. You aren't 15 anymore.

You simply exposed your stupidity...I got out from under the UCC and it was as simple as turning in my S.S card, DL and got an international DL so I am in took filling out a few forms and a few other hoops to jump through but I did it. I follow the speed limits but I have successfully avoided fines like three or 4 times over the last 4 years by doing a few simple things that involve a notary republic and a desire to not "contract" with whatever corporate entity whose mall cop with a badge stopped me for some minor bullshit. Pisses you off, doesn't it? Good.......

Oh the infamous "international drivers license". I've seen that trick tried in court many times. And any judge who isn't a ghetto idiot or backwoods trash has laughed it out of court.

Some judges aren't well informed and they mistake your sovereign retard "international drivers LICENSE" with the legal and official "International Drivers PERMIT" (International Driving Permits & Licenses |

Mad? Hardly. More....disappointed that we still have jurisdictions appointing uninformed or unqualified judges to oversee traffic court. Usually a political favor.

Your "international drivers license" is worth as much as my dogs chew toy. review:

Dale supports "having to prove you can operate a car".

Driver tests are where you pass a test showing you can. They give you a little "I Passed!!!" card. We call it a DL.

That little DL card gets suspended sometimes. Like.....when you do shit that shows you CAN NO LONGER OPERATE a vehicle safely.

Like DUI. Or multiple reckless driving incident. Or not having insurance.

So.....that's why people are asked "Hey show me that little card that proves you can drive this car properly" (psss....that's the DL). Because some cant.

And Dale is mad that he has to prove he can drive his car properly.....although he said he supports having to prove he can drive his car properly.

Trust me his makes sense.

Whatever you say, former glorified mall cop with a tin badge.....(snicker)

Awweee......that's cute. You made a funny! You still wanna be 1e years old in so many ways. Bad jokes. No drivers license. Grow up redneck.
Oh Dale....poor Dale.

He's now bragging about his "International Drivers License" as how he is sticking it to the Big Bad Government who wants to rule your life.

Little does he know.....the International Drivers License was created by the UNITED NATIONS

The International Driver's License - WORLD Law Direct

And it DOES NOT supercede the requirement for a state DL. It simply VERIFIES the authenticity of it so other nations can trust that a person can drive.

Dale things a state DL is overbearing and tyrannical.

But a GLOBAL one issued under direction of the freaking UN???? NOW THAT THAR IS REAL FREEDOM BUBBA!!!!!
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. There is OVERWHELMING information readily available showing that you sovereign idiots and you'd little club is dead wrong.

And NONE of you....not a single a "Pre 14th Amendment Citizen". That would make you 150 years old. Which you arent. You sound as stupid as the #BLM crowd claiming they were enslaved.

Time moved on. We The People passed new laws.

Now go be a mature adult and get a driver's license. You aren't 15 anymore.

You simply exposed your stupidity...I got out from under the UCC and it was as simple as turning in my S.S card, DL and got an international DL so I am in took filling out a few forms and a few other hoops to jump through but I did it. I follow the speed limits but I have successfully avoided fines like three or 4 times over the last 4 years by doing a few simple things that involve a notary republic and a desire to not "contract" with whatever corporate entity whose mall cop with a badge stopped me for some minor bullshit. Pisses you off, doesn't it? Good.......

Oh the infamous "international drivers license". I've seen that trick tried in court many times. And any judge who isn't a ghetto idiot or backwoods trash has laughed it out of court.

Some judges aren't well informed and they mistake your sovereign retard "international drivers LICENSE" with the legal and official "International Drivers PERMIT" (International Driving Permits & Licenses |

Mad? Hardly. More....disappointed that we still have jurisdictions appointing uninformed or unqualified judges to oversee traffic court. Usually a political favor.

Your "international drivers license" is worth as much as my dogs chew toy.

Holy really are stupid....even dumber than I suspected....but what else would I expect from a former alleged glorified mall cop with a badge..... SMH.......

Seriously, I bet you were one of those donut consuming lard asses whose belly hung low over that slung down holster....what a friggin' joke. I know more than you...infinitely more so come to grips with that very salient fact.
Oh Dale....poor Dale.

He's now bragging about his "International Drivers License" as how he is sticking it to the Big Bad Government who wants to rule your life.

Little does he know.....the International Drivers License was created by the UNITED NATIONS

The International Driver's License - WORLD Law Direct

So? Keeps me compliant with your acts, statutes and codes....doesn't that make ya happy? (snicker)

I have as much contempt for the U.N as I do this "federal gubermint" but it is what it is........
Watching Dale try to debate me:

Oh Dale....poor Dale.

He's now bragging about his "International Drivers License" as how he is sticking it to the Big Bad Government who wants to rule your life.

Little does he know.....the International Drivers License was created by the UNITED NATIONS

The International Driver's License - WORLD Law Direct

So? Keeps me compliant with your acts, statutes and codes....doesn't that make ya happy? (snicker)

I have as much contempt for the U.N as I do this "federal gubermint" but it is what it is........

HAAAA!!!!! His answer is "so"??? He concedes now.

Dale Dale sad. You thought you were sticking it to the government . When in bought into an EVEN BIGGER and even more Big Government style of licensing.....created by the freaking U.N. of all groups!!!

Let me couldn't get your "International Drivers License" without having a real DL already could ya?? It's ok. You don't have to answer. I already know.

God damn this was fun. I tried to warn you. I gave you a chance to back out.
Anti government sovereign citizen Dale stuck it to his local submitting to the UN regulations hahaha!!!!!!

And he didn't realize it til now when I proved it!!!!

And his answer was (long silent pause) "so".

Well... this is quite the pissing match up in here. I was looking for some fire for my latest novel. Thanks guys!

Also, for the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying doughnuts and being fat, it's part of being a free citizen Dale. Mind your claimed principles or your entire argument is for naught.
I no longer wanted to be a U.S citizen so I filled out the proper paperwork, jumped through all their little hoops and in the process forfeited all the Federal Reserve notes that me and my employees had paid in on my behalf for Social Security. The peace of mind and self-staisfaction was well worth it and if it chaps your ass that I did it? So be it...I don't give a shit either way.
What happened when you woke up? You payed taxes, not federal reserve notes and employees don't pay for your SS. You pay 100% for yourself as a business owner and 50% for each employee. You can't legally work in the US without paying taxes, many have tried, they all lost.
Well... this is quite the pissing match up in here. I was looking for some fire for my latest novel. Thanks guys!

Also, for the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying doughnuts and being fat, it's part of being a free citizen Dale. Mind your claimed principles or your entire argument is for naught.[/QUOTE

Coming from a glorified mall cop that kisses the ass of his beloved "gubermint"? That's pretty fucking funny. What ele was funny was how yo swore up and down that "da gubermint" wasn't incorporated until I bitch slapped you over it...then it was "Well, it's GOOD that da gubermint is incorprated !! dat's a goood thing!!!!".

Seriously, you are a fucking joke and now I see why people on both sides of the political aisle see you for the fool that you are.
Guys....Dale bailed out of this thread like Goose out of an F14!!!

I warned him. I knew exactly where he'd take his silly argument.

And I knew he'd end up coming to realize that he stuck it to the man....he REALLY shoved it in the face of his local government and showed them he is a TRUE sovereign citizen who isn't ruled by ANY applying for a United Nations identification card. A global "show me your papers" card haha!!!

When he realizes what has happened his answer is "So..."


Dale has called an emergency meeting of his sovereign citizens clan, the "End Times Justice for Dale Earnhardt Militia".

He's yelling to them "Did yall know!!!???? These darn international drivers license are a U.N. drivers license!!! DEY DONE GOT US AGEEEN!!!!"

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