This is Why I Could Never Be a Cop

Ok Dale. I'm off today and a bit bored. You're gonna be my target for humiliation deserve it. Since I can't sit you in a 26 week police academy to learn the law....I'm just gonna slowly take you apart one piece at a time.

Let's start with some basics.


I want a challenge. So I'll let you brush up on the above link before I send in the dogs. Let you see if you want the humiliation coming your way.

OMG!!!!!! I can't believe that I missed this post!!! You think because you went through 26 weeks of training on how to enforce admiralty "law" which is the enforcement of acts, statutes and codes that it makes you some kind of expert on Common Law and the organic united states constitution???? That is fucking hilarious.....yeah, bucwad, "school me" and send in them vicious dogs of yours.....I am shaking...because I can't stop laughing.
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

Until the
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

I respect your opinion and I would not have any problem with proving my ability to drive a vehicle and pay a one time fee in order to do so but I will never agree that I have to carry a "gubermint" ID in order to do so. It's a God given right...not a privilege IMHO.
There are exactly two things you say to the police. One is, "This interaction is being recorded and saved off-site in real time." The other is, "Am I being detained or am I free to go." That's it.
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Jim, I think what made me upset the most is that even as badly as the ones that were in the video you posted (and they handled their particular circumstance 100 percent wrong) was the disdain of people like Bucs90 for people like me that understand admiralty law and the acts, statutes and codes of this corporate entity and the remedies for it. We seem to have more patience for "Black Lives Matter" crowds that are rioting than we do for citizens that are trying to stand up for their God given rights even if they handled it wrong....that was my point. I can say that for every pre 14th amendment advocate that has screwed up, there are dozens that have handled the situation correctly and have used the remedies that are available. Bucs90 claims to be a former policeman that despised those that wanted no part of being part of the UCC system and perhaps some of these people behaved so badly that he has an agenda against them....I don't know.

What I do know is that this ever closing window to rebuff federal authority is closing to the point that America will soon resemble the former USSR. The over-reach of Federal authority has totally gotten out of hand and their agenda is obvious to me. I suspect that the video compilation that you posted was compiled by a government troll for the sole purpose of making the bad eggs represent the entire "push back" of "gubermint" over-reach and paint them in a bad light. Due to the overturn of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, it is now legal for this corporate "gubermint" to spew propaganda with no oversight....good on ya.
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Jim, I think what made me upset the most is that even as badly as the ones that were in the video you posted (and they handled their particular circumstance 100 percent wrong) was the disdain of people like Bucs90 for people like me that understand admiralty law and the acts, statutes and codes of this corporate entity and the remedies for it. We seem to have more patience for "Black Lives Matter" crowds that are rioting than we do for citizens that are trying to stand up for their God given rights even if they handled it wrong....that was my point. I can say that for every pre 14th amendment advocate that has screwed up, there are dozens that have handled the situation correctly and have used the remedies that are available. Bucs90 claims to be a former policeman that despised those that wanted no part of being part of the UCC system and perhaps some of these people behaved so badly that he has an agenda against them....I don't know.

What I do know is that this ever closing window to rebuff federal authority is closing to the point that America will soon resemble the former USSR. The over-reach of Federal authority has totally gotten out of hand and their agenda is obvious to me. I suspect that the video compilation that you posted was compiled by a government troll for the sole purpose of making the bad eggs represent the entire "push back" of "gubermint" over-reach and paint them in a bad light. Due to the overturn of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, it is now legal for this corporate "gubermint" to spew propaganda with no oversight....good on ya.
I think the democratic process in our Republic is turning the tide against the ruling Multinational corporate crony network and its oligarchy.

The revolt is strong in both parties, and successful in the GOP.

Whether we can follow through remains to be seen but I think we will be. That $4.6 trillion series of Federal Reserve gifts to Wall Street banks known as 'Quantitative Easing' was the proverbial last straw.
Ok Dale. I'm off today and a bit bored. You're gonna be my target for humiliation deserve it. Since I can't sit you in a 26 week police academy to learn the law....I'm just gonna slowly take you apart one piece at a time.

Let's start with some basics.


I want a challenge. So I'll let you brush up on the above link before I send in the dogs. Let you see if you want the humiliation coming your way.

OMG!!!!!! I can't believe that I missed this post!!! You think because you went through 26 weeks of training on how to enforce admiralty "law" which is the enforcement of acts, statutes and codes that it makes you some kind of expert on Common Law and the organic united states constitution???? That is fucking hilarious.....yeah, bucwad, "school me" and send in them vicious dogs of yours.....I am shaking...because I can't stop laughing.

No. I dont. But 26 weeks of police academy would be an improvement on what YOU know about the law.

Get it now???
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

Until the
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

I respect your opinion and I would not have any problem with proving my ability to drive a vehicle and pay a one time fee in order to do so but I will never agree that I have to carry a "gubermint" ID in order to do so. It's a God given right...not a privilege IMHO.

So should you be required to have a pilots license to fly a plane???
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.
So should you be required to have a pilots license to fly a plane???
So if I owned a large ranch, say as big as the King Ranch in Texas, should I have to have a pilots license to fly the airplane over my own ranch if that is the only place I fly it?
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

I think Dale has conceded that the idiots in the video I put up are extreme cases and in the wrong in post #125.

What the continued decibel levels are about are the nuances between observing that we as citizens are 'sovereign' in the sense that we have inalienable rights and control the nation via a set of democratic processes vrs we are also under the legal and regulatory authority of a government elected to represent the collective Will of the People, which is why court cases (as you know I'm sure) are so often entitled things like 'The People of the State of Texas vrs the Estate of William Boyle' etc. The government has its legitimacy due to the observed consent of those who vote and represents the People.

And yet the minority has rights to obstruct the majority and its representative in the form of the government also.

Where the best balance or 'sweet spot' is on that gray scale is unknown to me, but I trust our system of government to sort through it. It is so evenly and thoroughly corrupt, all the criminal syndicates sort of balance each other out.

But I have in the past found that the people who shock me and aggravate me the most are not the people on the other side of the spectrum from me, but the people closest to me who are intransigent and supremely stubborn and refuse to admit that I am right. :D
Ok Dale. I'm off today and a bit bored. You're gonna be my target for humiliation deserve it. Since I can't sit you in a 26 week police academy to learn the law....I'm just gonna slowly take you apart one piece at a time.

Let's start with some basics.


I want a challenge. So I'll let you brush up on the above link before I send in the dogs. Let you see if you want the humiliation coming your way.

OMG!!!!!! I can't believe that I missed this post!!! You think because you went through 26 weeks of training on how to enforce admiralty "law" which is the enforcement of acts, statutes and codes that it makes you some kind of expert on Common Law and the organic united states constitution???? That is fucking hilarious.....yeah, bucwad, "school me" and send in them vicious dogs of yours.....I am shaking...because I can't stop laughing.

No. I dont. But 26 weeks of police academy would be an improvement on what YOU know about the law.

Get it now???

When it comes to knowing and enforcing acts, statutes and codes all created to bring in revenue to whatever corporate entity that you were doing it for? But of course I would concede....but I know as to why they were created and to what end....that is something you have no clue about. BTW, my father was a cop for ten years and then worked at a academy teaching future police officers.
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

Until the
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

I respect your opinion and I would not have any problem with proving my ability to drive a vehicle and pay a one time fee in order to do so but I will never agree that I have to carry a "gubermint" ID in order to do so. It's a God given right...not a privilege IMHO.

So should you be required to have a pilots license to fly a plane???

No, dumb ass.. they should be proven to be competent enough to fly one because any miscalculation could have far reaching affects. I never said that one shouldn't have to prove that they can handle a motor vehicle via some test. My point of contention is that it's none of the fucking "gubermint's business to "license" me to freely travel on roads that I fucking helped to pay for.....get it now, dumb ass? A driver's license is nothing but a way for the police (not peace officers) to keep track on people as if we had a fucking brand on us....even a stupid fuck like you should be able to understand that logic.....or maybe I am giving you too much credit???
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. There is OVERWHELMING information readily available showing that you sovereign idiots and you'd little club is dead wrong.

And NONE of you....not a single a "Pre 14th Amendment Citizen". That would make you 150 years old. Which you arent. You sound as stupid as the #BLM crowd claiming they were enslaved.

Time moved on. We The People passed new laws.

Now go be a mature adult and get a driver's license. You aren't 15 anymore.
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

Until the
Do you understand what "implied consent" means? What it means is that if you don't protest or refuse that your silence implies consent. If I am walking down the street and a cop comes up to me and asks for my ID, I am not BY law obligated to do so nor can he detain me unless he claims that I have broken a law and he must state it at that time. He cannot go through your vehicle without a warrant signed by a judge but people allow it all the time because they are intimidated. If people do not stand up for what few rights they have left under this police state, even those will be gone. I would not have handled the situation the way these people did because I know the process for "refusal to contract" using a notary republic. Excepting the ticket does not mean you are contracting at the time of the ticket.

Case law is not very clear on implied consent when one obtains a DL, but my bet is that the courts would uphold it if challenged.

And there is a HUGE difference between you walking down the street vrs you driving a car on our public streets vrs driving a vehicle only on private property.

IF you buy a car and only drive it on your privately owned property, you dont have to register it, ot have a license to drive it.

You do not have to have a license to walk down the street since you have a God given right to walk around in public. Thus the state cannot restrict your right to walk around on public roads unless it is a restricted area for other reasons.

But all the things can be done if you drive a car onpublic roads because you do NOT HAVE A RIGHT to drive on public roads and you need the consent and permission of society to do so.

These are big differences that people dont normally discuss nonetheless they are real and significant.

I respect your opinion and I would not have any problem with proving my ability to drive a vehicle and pay a one time fee in order to do so but I will never agree that I have to carry a "gubermint" ID in order to do so. It's a God given right...not a privilege IMHO.

So should you be required to have a pilots license to fly a plane???

No, dumb ass.. they should be proven to be competent enough to fly one because any miscalculation could have far reaching affects. I never said that one shouldn't have to prove that they can handle a motor vehicle via some test. My point of contention is that it's none of the fucking "gubermint's business to "license" me to freely travel on roads that I fucking helped to pay for.....get it now, dumb ass? A driver's license is nothing but a way for the police (not peace officers) to keep track on people as if we had a fucking brand on us....even a stupid fuck like you should be able to understand that logic.....or maybe I am giving you too much credit???

Oh my God.

Can Dale get any sillier? So you're okay with having to prove you can operate a car. Ok. To who?? Your drunk uncle? Some dude down the street???

You pass a driving test at age 16....and NEVER have to do it again. You get a little card that says "I CAN OPERATE A VEHICLE SAFELY". We call those drivers licenses.

Sometimes....that license gets suspended.

For what? Oh....driving drunk. Not having car insurance. Reckless driving convictions.

You know....things that indicate "THIS PERSON CAN NO LONGER OPERATE HIS VEHICLE SAFELY"?????

SOOOOOOO.......drum roll please........that's why you are required to show that little card.

It PROVES you can operate the vehicle safely. just said you support.'re mad...that someone is asking you to prove...what you already said you support a person having to prove! Yay!!!

I'm having so much fun running a circle around you Dale. Please....PLEASE....keep responding..... review:

Dale supports "having to prove you can operate a car".

Driver tests are where you pass a test showing you can. They give you a little "I Passed!!!" card. We call it a DL.

That little DL card gets suspended sometimes. Like.....when you do shit that shows you CAN NO LONGER OPERATE a vehicle safely.

Like DUI. Or multiple reckless driving incident. Or not having insurance.

So.....that's why people are asked "Hey show me that little card that proves you can drive this car properly" (psss....that's the DL). Because some cant.

And Dale is mad that he has to prove he can drive his car properly.....although he said he supports having to prove he can drive his car properly.

Trust me his makes sense.
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. There is OVERWHELMING information readily available showing that you sovereign idiots and you'd little club is dead wrong.

And NONE of you....not a single a "Pre 14th Amendment Citizen". That would make you 150 years old. Which you arent. You sound as stupid as the #BLM crowd claiming they were enslaved.

Time moved on. We The People passed new laws.

Now go be a mature adult and get a driver's license. You aren't 15 anymore.

You simply exposed your stupidity...I got out from under the UCC and it was as simple as turning in my S.S card, DL and got an international DL so I am in took filling out a few forms and a few other hoops to jump through but I did it. I follow the speed limits but I have successfully avoided fines like three or 4 times over the last 4 years by doing a few simple things that involve a notary republic and a desire to not "contract" with whatever corporate entity whose mall cop with a badge stopped me for some minor bullshit. Pisses you off, doesn't it? Good.......
Dale and Bucs90, you guys agree on so many other issues, it seems bizarrrrrr that you guys are going at each other so bad on such a minor issue, relatively speaking.

Why is it that we get most upset with the folks that most agree with us on the few things we disagree about?

Because he is wrong and the nonsense he preaches has gotten cops killed because stupid morons believe it. The more people like him preach it the more likely a shithead believes it and kills a cop.

I call out #BlackLivesMatter idiots who say shit that endangers cops. Like accusing them of hunting down blacks and all that nonsense.

If i let this nonsense Dale preaches go....I'd be a hypocrite.

I'm not.

He's wrong. And I won't ignore it....regardless of who he votes for.

Listen up, fuckwad, I am 100 percent right and I wasn't "preaching" anything. I simply claimed that we have certain unalienable rights that your authority figures have turned into "privileges". Cops kill WAAAAAY more people for nothing than any pre-14th amendment citizen has ever done to a glorified mall go pound sand, home boy. I have never seen a pre-14th amendment citizen standing up for his rights join up with others to beat the shit out of cop to the point of death....but cops have done that to private citizens MANY times.I have seen cops try and trap people into being arrested because they claimed they smelled pot in the car when it later was found to be a lie. You want to live in a nazi like country? Knock yourself out....but I will stand up against it with my last breath. I know more than you...infinitely more. Do you get it now????? I already schooled you on how your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and I will be glad to school you's what I do.

Keep telling yourself that buddy. There is OVERWHELMING information readily available showing that you sovereign idiots and you'd little club is dead wrong.

And NONE of you....not a single a "Pre 14th Amendment Citizen". That would make you 150 years old. Which you arent. You sound as stupid as the #BLM crowd claiming they were enslaved.

Time moved on. We The People passed new laws.

Now go be a mature adult and get a driver's license. You aren't 15 anymore.

"WE"??? Got a mouse in your pocket, dumb ass? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! review:

Dale supports "having to prove you can operate a car".

Driver tests are where you pass a test showing you can. They give you a little "I Passed!!!" card. We call it a DL.

That little DL card gets suspended sometimes. Like.....when you do shit that shows you CAN NO LONGER OPERATE a vehicle safely.

Like DUI. Or multiple reckless driving incident. Or not having insurance.

So.....that's why people are asked "Hey show me that little card that proves you can drive this car properly" (psss....that's the DL). Because some cant.

And Dale is mad that he has to prove he can drive his car properly.....although he said he supports having to prove he can drive his car properly.

Trust me his makes sense.

Whatever you say, former glorified mall cop with a tin badge.....(snicker)

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