This is Why I Could Never Be a Cop

Dale says "why are 90% of Americans in debt" blah blah blah and getting less and less and paying more and more???

Because Dale....those people are morons. Like you.

They live above their means. Buy homes and cars they cannot afford.

It's not some European world Bank conspiracy to enslave the sovereign citizens of the land known as America.

It's Jack and Jill owning a 2002 Honda and 800 square foot apartment....and trying to buy a 2016 BMW and 2500 square foot house....and taking on WAY TOO MUCH debt that they can't afford.

Once again....Dales idiot side shines.

Dipshit, 71 percent of everyone that even has a job makes less than 50K a year. 51 percent make less than 30K and 34 percent make less than 20K....once again you come off looking like an idiot.

That's right and they try to live above their means. That's why they're in debt.

What's your point?
Why don't you do a little research about the REAL meaning of the 14th amendment and how we went from state citizens to being under federal authority before you shoot of your big mouth? Check into what the Act of 1871 was all about. So many people run at the gums before they do any checking and they don't have a fucking clue as to how they became debt slaves. I know more than you. I live and breathe this stuff.

Are you a practicing lawyer??? If not...then don't know more than me on the law.

But I'll play along with your childish fantasy world. How am I a "debt slave"??? See...I'm debt free. Yes. Debt free. Not even a credit card payment.

Ooooh....because I have to pay taxes? Including property taxes?? Oh the horror!!! But....i have an alarm on my home. And....the cops or firemen who rush to help if that alarm goes taxes pay for that. Oh....awesome. Good deal there.

I dealt with more of you sovereign citizen morons in North Georgia than i care to remember. If you want to play the game you'll lose....because you're so incredibly wrong.

Well, I am working today and can only post sporadically but this is something I wrote awhile back. This is a good start and this is all easily validated.

We are not least not in the true sense of the word and we have never been truly free, at least not in our lifetime. What we were taught in school about our history was a complete and total lie. The 13th amendment did not free the slaves but rather it made all of us subject to VOLUNTARY servitude. The 14 amendment made us all subjects of the USA.INC that was finally incorporated with the Act of 1871 where we know longer had rights but privileges. The enslavement of the people of this country had to happen in stages because a full frontal assault would have never been allowed to happen...even as illiterate as most people were back then...... the fact is, the international bankers took control of a big piece of the American pie due to the debt created by the Civil War even in spite of Lincoln' greenback dollar.

The next stage was the insertion of Rothschild agents like the Rockefeller family, the Harrimans, DuPonts, House of Morgan, Carnegie and eventually even funded Henry Ford to set up monopolies. The game Monopoly is all about the Rothschilds giving seed money to select few in order for them to monopolize industries like steel, chemicals, oil, the railroads, banking to fund them and the horseless carriage where they worked out sweet deals between each other in order to drive out and break competition. This is what happened during the industrial age but the biggest prize was complete control of our money supply...that was the sweetest plum on the tree. They used their wealth and influence to cause the panics of 1907 and 1910 that caused a run on the banks. This made the people clamor for a cure to the very problem that they caused. So they came up with the Federal Reserve Act which was passed in 1913 when most of Congress was heading home on Christmas vacation. But as a side note (and in order to move Woodrow Wilson to sign off on this), USA.INC declared bankruptcy in 1912 and it was JP Morgan, using Rothschild silver that bailed out the banks temporarily.USA.INC was broke and had twenty years to pay of the debt. Enter the Federal Reserve Act and the international bankers that took control over the printing press. The international bankers got what they wanted....which was control over our money Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not whom makes their laws"....

So, now America is entering the roaring 20's and the bankers of the Fed affiliated banks are lending out money allowing people to buy a 100 dollars worth of stock for ten dollars down...but there was a hitch.....a margin call could be called at any time. People are making money hand over fist and life is good. At the peak of the market, the international bankers and their agents silently pull out of the market and then make the dreaded margin call. Stockholders run to the unaffiliated banks to pull out what they believe is where their money is stored only to find out that there isn't enough in the vaults to pay back their the market crashes and these thieving bastards rush in and buy up controlling shares of the corporations that they coveted and bought up unaffiliated banks assuring them that they would insure part of the deposits of the people. It was one of the biggest heists in the history of the world.

Now to explain as to how the Crash of 1929 was artificially created, From 1923 until 1929, the Fed inflated the money supply by over 60 percent and most of it was used to invest in the stock market and then suddenly reversed it's easy money policy as this was when the balloon was about to pop. The bankers pulled out of the market and made tremendous profits while it was high. The House of Rothschild did the same thing to the British market as they did to Wall Street during the war between Britain and France. Back in those days only couriers were allowed to go through enemy lines. Rothschild had a courier that made it through a full 24 hours before the others did and reported that Napoleon had been defeated. Rothschild started unloading his British bonds and others watching this figured that Rothschild had inside information and followed suit thinking that France had won.......prices plunged and Rothschild agents swooped into buy up those bonds for pennies on the dollar. In one day Nathan Rothschild ended up owning the British monetary system. They repeated the same thing with the Crash of 1929. What is so ironic and sad about this was the that Federal Reserve central bank was sold to the American people as a safe guard against the very thing that they caused. Seven million people died during the Depression due to starvation and mal-nutrition all so a bunch of greedy bankers could own what was left.

Due to USA.INC not being able to pay their debt or re-organize from the bankruptcy of 1912 after the twenty year period was up. FDR dissolved the standing Federal government with the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat.1, Public Law 89-719 as it was bankrupt and insolvent. Due to this bankruptcy, all new money has to be borrowed into existence. All states started issuing serial-numbered, certificated “warehouse receipts” for births and marriages in order to pledge us as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve’s banks. The “Full faith and Credit” of the American people is said to be that which back the nation’s debt. That simply means the American people’s ability to labor and pay back that debt. In essence, we became a surety on the debt as our birth certificates were "monetized" being that they were printed on bond paper and using actuary tables, they attach a starting value based on what you will earn, the taxes and fees you pay. The bank made themselves the trustee of that bond and will collect the balance of it when you die with the death certificate.

This is a speech given by James Traficant, a democrat rep from Ohio that dared to tell the you know why he was drummed out of politics and put in jail on trumped up charges. It's an excellent essay on what has been done to us and is something you should all read.

Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.

It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?’

Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money?’ The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, -gold and silver coin.

It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country?

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). when ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.

Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.

There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good & valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.

Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.

The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3]

The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913)

"Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.

This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.

Why don’t more people own their properties outright?

Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it.

America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."

Wow Dale. That entire novel. All debunked by a simple analysis of why the word "corporate" appears once in the law:

Is the United States a for-profit corporation?

You can find all of these "gubermint" corporations on Dun and Bradstreet and for a fee you can look up their credit rating and financial status. They have to fill out a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required of ALL corporations and some of these states like California are sitting on TRILLIONS in assets....sounds like a "for profit" venture to me, no???

Yes Dale. Some governments have private sector investments. OOOOH THE PROOF!!!! YOU CAUGHT THEM!!!!

No. You didnt.

So what are they??? mention California.

Many California government agencies offer their employees a benefit called a 401(K). It's better for them...and the taxpayer....than a set pension and defined long term benefit. These governments also know that if they invest their surplus funds from things like old equipment auctions....then they can make more money and NOT HAVE TO RAISE TAXES...... you want me to continue this post??? You see the direction it's humiliation for you.....I'm willing to show mercy....

Some? How about all of them? HOUSTON TEXAS INC. has enough cash and assets to not only fulfill their pension payments but could fund the duties of the city for the next 17 years without ever collecting another time in taxes or fines. Yeah, it is a scam of the highest order and it is a "for profit" venture.
Are you a practicing lawyer??? If not...then don't know more than me on the law.

But I'll play along with your childish fantasy world. How am I a "debt slave"??? See...I'm debt free. Yes. Debt free. Not even a credit card payment.

Ooooh....because I have to pay taxes? Including property taxes?? Oh the horror!!! But....i have an alarm on my home. And....the cops or firemen who rush to help if that alarm goes taxes pay for that. Oh....awesome. Good deal there.

I dealt with more of you sovereign citizen morons in North Georgia than i care to remember. If you want to play the game you'll lose....because you're so incredibly wrong.

Well, I am working today and can only post sporadically but this is something I wrote awhile back. This is a good start and this is all easily validated.

We are not least not in the true sense of the word and we have never been truly free, at least not in our lifetime. What we were taught in school about our history was a complete and total lie. The 13th amendment did not free the slaves but rather it made all of us subject to VOLUNTARY servitude. The 14 amendment made us all subjects of the USA.INC that was finally incorporated with the Act of 1871 where we know longer had rights but privileges. The enslavement of the people of this country had to happen in stages because a full frontal assault would have never been allowed to happen...even as illiterate as most people were back then...... the fact is, the international bankers took control of a big piece of the American pie due to the debt created by the Civil War even in spite of Lincoln' greenback dollar.

The next stage was the insertion of Rothschild agents like the Rockefeller family, the Harrimans, DuPonts, House of Morgan, Carnegie and eventually even funded Henry Ford to set up monopolies. The game Monopoly is all about the Rothschilds giving seed money to select few in order for them to monopolize industries like steel, chemicals, oil, the railroads, banking to fund them and the horseless carriage where they worked out sweet deals between each other in order to drive out and break competition. This is what happened during the industrial age but the biggest prize was complete control of our money supply...that was the sweetest plum on the tree. They used their wealth and influence to cause the panics of 1907 and 1910 that caused a run on the banks. This made the people clamor for a cure to the very problem that they caused. So they came up with the Federal Reserve Act which was passed in 1913 when most of Congress was heading home on Christmas vacation. But as a side note (and in order to move Woodrow Wilson to sign off on this), USA.INC declared bankruptcy in 1912 and it was JP Morgan, using Rothschild silver that bailed out the banks temporarily.USA.INC was broke and had twenty years to pay of the debt. Enter the Federal Reserve Act and the international bankers that took control over the printing press. The international bankers got what they wanted....which was control over our money Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Give me control of a nation's currency and I care not whom makes their laws"....

So, now America is entering the roaring 20's and the bankers of the Fed affiliated banks are lending out money allowing people to buy a 100 dollars worth of stock for ten dollars down...but there was a hitch.....a margin call could be called at any time. People are making money hand over fist and life is good. At the peak of the market, the international bankers and their agents silently pull out of the market and then make the dreaded margin call. Stockholders run to the unaffiliated banks to pull out what they believe is where their money is stored only to find out that there isn't enough in the vaults to pay back their the market crashes and these thieving bastards rush in and buy up controlling shares of the corporations that they coveted and bought up unaffiliated banks assuring them that they would insure part of the deposits of the people. It was one of the biggest heists in the history of the world.

Now to explain as to how the Crash of 1929 was artificially created, From 1923 until 1929, the Fed inflated the money supply by over 60 percent and most of it was used to invest in the stock market and then suddenly reversed it's easy money policy as this was when the balloon was about to pop. The bankers pulled out of the market and made tremendous profits while it was high. The House of Rothschild did the same thing to the British market as they did to Wall Street during the war between Britain and France. Back in those days only couriers were allowed to go through enemy lines. Rothschild had a courier that made it through a full 24 hours before the others did and reported that Napoleon had been defeated. Rothschild started unloading his British bonds and others watching this figured that Rothschild had inside information and followed suit thinking that France had won.......prices plunged and Rothschild agents swooped into buy up those bonds for pennies on the dollar. In one day Nathan Rothschild ended up owning the British monetary system. They repeated the same thing with the Crash of 1929. What is so ironic and sad about this was the that Federal Reserve central bank was sold to the American people as a safe guard against the very thing that they caused. Seven million people died during the Depression due to starvation and mal-nutrition all so a bunch of greedy bankers could own what was left.

Due to USA.INC not being able to pay their debt or re-organize from the bankruptcy of 1912 after the twenty year period was up. FDR dissolved the standing Federal government with the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat.1, Public Law 89-719 as it was bankrupt and insolvent. Due to this bankruptcy, all new money has to be borrowed into existence. All states started issuing serial-numbered, certificated “warehouse receipts” for births and marriages in order to pledge us as collateral against those loans and municipal bonds taken out with the Federal Reserve’s banks. The “Full faith and Credit” of the American people is said to be that which back the nation’s debt. That simply means the American people’s ability to labor and pay back that debt. In essence, we became a surety on the debt as our birth certificates were "monetized" being that they were printed on bond paper and using actuary tables, they attach a starting value based on what you will earn, the taxes and fees you pay. The bank made themselves the trustee of that bond and will collect the balance of it when you die with the death certificate.

This is a speech given by James Traficant, a democrat rep from Ohio that dared to tell the you know why he was drummed out of politics and put in jail on trumped up charges. It's an excellent essay on what has been done to us and is something you should all read.

Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:

"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise.

It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. 13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?’

Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the united states of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold or silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency." Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) make no such promises, and are not "money." A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money?’ The federal United States government and the U.S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the united states of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money, -gold and silver coin.

It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper into debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country?

Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). when ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.

Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRNs has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRNs, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRNs are nothing more than promissory notes for U.S. Treasury securities (T-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.

There is a fundamental difference between "paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in Common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good & valuable consideration." Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.

Their lust is for power and control. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.

The Federal Reserve System is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U.S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (to 1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. [1:9:3]

The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender or underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.

Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it.) as security by the lender or underwriter. The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principle.

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913)

"Hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, -in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title. The U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, to the Federal Reserve System.

In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn’t have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves", the U.S. citizens as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the people have exchanged one master for another.

This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed knowledge" of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt.

Why don’t more people own their properties outright?

Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?

We are reaping what has been sown, and the results of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it.

America has become completely bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Wake up America! Take back your Country."

Wow Dale. That entire novel. All debunked by a simple analysis of why the word "corporate" appears once in the law:

Is the United States a for-profit corporation?

You can find all of these "gubermint" corporations on Dun and Bradstreet and for a fee you can look up their credit rating and financial status. They have to fill out a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required of ALL corporations and some of these states like California are sitting on TRILLIONS in assets....sounds like a "for profit" venture to me, no???

Yes Dale. Some governments have private sector investments. OOOOH THE PROOF!!!! YOU CAUGHT THEM!!!!

No. You didnt.

So what are they??? mention California.

Many California government agencies offer their employees a benefit called a 401(K). It's better for them...and the taxpayer....than a set pension and defined long term benefit. These governments also know that if they invest their surplus funds from things like old equipment auctions....then they can make more money and NOT HAVE TO RAISE TAXES...... you want me to continue this post??? You see the direction it's humiliation for you.....I'm willing to show mercy....

Some? How about all of them? HOUSTON TEXAS INC. has enough cash and assets to not only fulfill their pension payments but could fund the duties of the city for the next 17 years without ever collecting another time in taxes or fines. Yeah, it is a scam of the highest order and it is a "for profit" venture.

Ah....oh Dale. You're so so ignorant to the how's and whys of government.

So you're mad Houston has a large surplus of cash on hand....just sitting there.

Why in the world would Houston, Texas want a very large surplus of money on hand???? WHY??????

Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


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I guess CALIFORNIA.INC composite "gubermints" are sitting on 14 TRILLION dollars worth of stocks, golf courses, racetracks, real estate and amusement parks because they are waiting for an earthquake?
Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


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Why are you so butthurt because some people that know the scam do not wish to remain under the Universal Commercial Code system? How does it negatively affect you?. Your "gubermint" that you seem to love so much is the biggest crime syndicate on the planet. The mafia is a mere piker compared to USA.INC....I shit you not.
Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


View attachment 76692 View attachment 76693 View attachment 76694 View attachment 76695

I guess CALIFORNIA.INC composite "gubermints" are sitting on 14 TRILLION dollars worth of stocks, golf courses, racetracks, real estate and amusement parks because they are waiting for an earthquake?

They're called "investments" Dale. Buy them then sale them. California hires experts on the topic to handle their money and invest it for better returns. Are you this dumb really??? And yes....some of those things (golf course, amusement park) are held by governments. Government have a parks & recreation department ya know. For the people to enjoy.

I'm telling ya....nothing is more fun than debunking a sovereign retard.
Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


View attachment 76692 View attachment 76693 View attachment 76694 View attachment 76695

Why are you so butthurt because some people that know the scam do not wish to remain under the Universal Commercial Code system? How does it negatively affect you?. Your "gubermint" that you seem to love so much is the biggest crime syndicate on the planet. The mafia is a mere piker compared to USA.INC....I shit you not.

Dale...the UCC is subordinate to the Constitution and national or state criminal law. It doesn't replace or outrank it. And....since the days of Old English law hundreds of years ago....the law of just need to be educated.

Real Law Basics
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.

IT IS NOT A CORPORATE ENTITY. That alone is the first element of retardation you must fix.

Where I live.....the government of the State of South not a private business like WalMart.

The SC government has existed since the original landing at Charles Town in the 1600s. The people elect those who pass the laws of this state and appoint those who enforce them....

And have for almost 400 years.

Before you can fix that retard glitch in your brain it's gonna be impossible to fix you.
Yall see it here right???

Sovereign jackass Dale is angry that cities invest in the stock market and build up large cash reserves.

He thinks it's a global banker conspiracy designed to prevent him from driving on the highways without a license and insurance.

But what is the TRUE EVIL CONSPIRACY PURPOSE of these governments having large reserve funds????


View attachment 76692 View attachment 76693 View attachment 76694 View attachment 76695

Why are you so butthurt because some people that know the scam do not wish to remain under the Universal Commercial Code system? How does it negatively affect you?. Your "gubermint" that you seem to love so much is the biggest crime syndicate on the planet. The mafia is a mere piker compared to USA.INC....I shit you not.

Dale...the UCC is subordinate to the Constitution and national or state criminal law. It doesn't replace or outrank it. And....since the days of Old English law hundreds of years ago....the law of just need to be educated.

Real Law Basics

Which constitution would that be? The organic constitution that was written in 1787 or the corporate charter constitution that was written with the passing of the Act of 1871?
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.

IT IS NOT A CORPORATE ENTITY. That alone is the first element of retardation you must fix.

Where I live.....the government of the State of South not a private business like WalMart.

The SC government has existed since the original landing at Charles Town in the 1600s. The people elect those who pass the laws of this state and appoint those who enforce them....

And have for almost 400 years.

Before you can fix that retard glitch in your brain it's gonna be impossible to fix you.

Wanna bet that South Carolina's government isn't incorporated along with their counties, cities and towns? It's very simple to prove. Dun and Bradstreet will have a listing and an address. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated. Put up or STFU.
These are troublemakers. I guess they want criminals running free and speeding down the highway evading the police just because they don't want to follow our laws. This is anarchy and an example needs to be made of these assholes.

Really? Being detained at checkpoints where "Ve must see your papers" is fine with you? You fold like a cheap chair when one of these mall cops enforcing acts, statutes and codes approaches you??? No wonder this country is nothing but a bunch of sacred sheeple.

Some sheeples welcome a police state.
Is the United States a for-profit corporation?

It simply clarifies what the government's role will be in civil debt collection resulting from civil court rulings. So.....if Dales sovereign citizen encampment fires a rogue bullet that hits someone in the leg....and they sue Dale for it.....and they win a $100,000 ruling.....and Dale says "fuck you I'm not paying"....then guess what???

Does the victim have to take a gun and make Dale pay his debt? No. The government will do it on behalf of the tax payer.

Dale....once again....made to be seen as the idiot he is.
"The United States is a sovereign state "

There is no sovereignty in the United States, and the federal government is an artificial person, created by the States. So sayeth the Supreme Court.
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.

IT IS NOT A CORPORATE ENTITY. That alone is the first element of retardation you must fix.

Where I live.....the government of the State of South not a private business like WalMart.

The SC government has existed since the original landing at Charles Town in the 1600s. The people elect those who pass the laws of this state and appoint those who enforce them....

And have for almost 400 years.

Before you can fix that retard glitch in your brain it's gonna be impossible to fix you.

Wanna bet that South Carolina's government isn't incorporated along with their counties, cities and towns? It's very simple to prove. Dun and Bradstreet will have a listing and an address. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated. Put up or STFU.

I'm quite sure all SC governments have private investments. IT'S SMART. Especially funding pensions.
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.

IT IS NOT A CORPORATE ENTITY. That alone is the first element of retardation you must fix.

Where I live.....the government of the State of South not a private business like WalMart.

The SC government has existed since the original landing at Charles Town in the 1600s. The people elect those who pass the laws of this state and appoint those who enforce them....

And have for almost 400 years.

Before you can fix that retard glitch in your brain it's gonna be impossible to fix you.

Wanna bet that South Carolina's government isn't incorporated along with their counties, cities and towns? It's very simple to prove. Dun and Bradstreet will have a listing and an address. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated. Put up or STFU.

I'm quite sure all SC governments have private investments. IT'S SMART. Especially funding pensions.

They are corporations....each and every one. Do you not see a problem with that?
Dale and the sovereign retards like to take the law and put it through a 10 hour yoga class.....stretch it and twist it and contort it into all sorts of bizarre positions and end with an insane interpretation of "SEE!!! I don't have to have insurance on my car!!! It's not a car it's a 'wagon' and this isn't a highway it's a 'dirt trail of travel' see???"

Which is easily disproved by any analysis of the actual laws of our society.[/

No, I never said one shouldn't have insurance on a vehicle and those that say otherwise are putting others at financial risk . What is not required is a driver's license if you are not using it for a commercial venture. You are entering into a contract with this corporate entity when you do so. Stop making shit up, asswipe.

IT IS NOT A CORPORATE ENTITY. That alone is the first element of retardation you must fix.

Where I live.....the government of the State of South not a private business like WalMart.

The SC government has existed since the original landing at Charles Town in the 1600s. The people elect those who pass the laws of this state and appoint those who enforce them....

And have for almost 400 years.

Before you can fix that retard glitch in your brain it's gonna be impossible to fix you.

Wanna bet that South Carolina's government isn't incorporated along with their counties, cities and towns? It's very simple to prove. Dun and Bradstreet will have a listing and an address. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated. Put up or STFU.

I'm quite sure all SC governments have private investments. IT'S SMART. Especially funding pensions.

They are corporations....each and every one. Do you not see a problem with that?

They aren't. Just because they make private investments under an incorporated office name doesn't make them a corporation. It makes them a government who made a SMART choice by making private investments and using 401K for their employees.
Sovereign Citizens are dangerous whack jobs. Not only do they play games with courts, trying to tie up issues in legal mumbo jumbo, they don't feel the laws apply to them. They have been known to shoot cops for interfering with their rights to do whatever the fuck they want. But they don't mind enjoying all the benefits society provides. Bunch of hypocrites.

In a word, they didn't "build" that!

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