This is Why Pamela Geller is One of the Bravest Americans Around

I've followed her blog for several years now.

She provides INFORMATION about Islam here in the USA and around the world. I have NEVER, EVER once read an essay in which she or any of her associates indicated hate or any similar emotion about Islam.

Her goal is clearly an effort to stop Sharia from becoming a law of the land or to supplant the US Constitution.

Those who vilify her are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted slime-balls or Muslims who have no tolerance for anyone who disagrees.
I've followed her blog for several years now.

She provides INFORMATION about Islam here in the USA and around the world. I have NEVER, EVER once read an essay in which she or any of her associates indicated hate or any similar emotion about Islam.

Her goal is clearly an effort to stop Sharia from becoming a law of the land or to supplant the US Constitution.

Those who vilify her are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted slime-balls or Muslims who have no tolerance for anyone who disagrees.

You manage to "follow" her blog without reading it then?

She's a charlatan shit-stirrer. Her ilk makes the world more dangerous, not less.
I've followed her blog for several years now.

She provides INFORMATION about Islam here in the USA and around the world. I have NEVER, EVER once read an essay in which she or any of her associates indicated hate or any similar emotion about Islam.

Her goal is clearly an effort to stop Sharia from becoming a law of the land or to supplant the US Constitution.

Those who vilify her are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted slime-balls or Muslims who have no tolerance for anyone who disagrees.

You manage to "follow" her blog without reading it then?

She's a charlatan shit-stirrer. Her ilk makes the world more dangerous, not less.

Have YOU ever read her blog? Do you even know what it's called?
Geller is part of the American Taliban, therefore evil. When evil gets killed, I do not weep.

Then have the balls to go out and do the job yourself.
There's very little point to killing what is already dead inside, and I do not kill in the name of God. That I leave for people like Geller and those wishing her dead.

i.e. you are keyboard kommando, a gutless coward, and a fascist all in one rolled up package of filth.
Geller is part of the American Taliban, therefore evil. When evil gets killed, I do not weep.

Then have the balls to go out and do the job yourself.
There's very little point to killing what is already dead inside, and I do not kill in the name of God. That I leave for people like Geller and those wishing her dead.

i.e. you are keyboard kommando, a gutless coward, and a fascist all in one rolled up package of filth.
To you my little pissing infant, Mommy is a fascist. She has rules, like bedtime.
Geller is part of the American Taliban, therefore evil. When evil gets killed, I do not weep.

Then have the balls to go out and do the job yourself.
There's very little point to killing what is already dead inside, and I do not kill in the name of God. That I leave for people like Geller and those wishing her dead.

i.e. you are keyboard kommando, a gutless coward, and a fascist all in one rolled up package of filth.
To you my little pissing infant, Mommy is a fascist. She has rules, like bedtime.

The forum consensus about you is that you're a Nazi pig.
Then have the balls to go out and do the job yourself.
There's very little point to killing what is already dead inside, and I do not kill in the name of God. That I leave for people like Geller and those wishing her dead.

i.e. you are keyboard kommando, a gutless coward, and a fascist all in one rolled up package of filth.
To you my little pissing infant, Mommy is a fascist. She has rules, like bedtime.

The forum consensus about you is that you're a Nazi pig.
The forum is made up of total fucking morons, wet behind the ears infants like you, so that's hardly shocking now is it, Bripiss?
Yes she is. And all these people attacking her are basically selling us OUT to Islamic terrorist and their ATTACKS on our Freedoms of Speech

but when they Put Christ in a jar of piss. THEY told us: it was JUST ART

People better open your eyes AND stand up now or forever LIVE THIS WAY

You realize this woman you think is so brave and incredible justified Bievnik's slaughter of 77 children and adults in Norway?
You realize this woman you think is so brave and incredible justified Bievnik's slaughter of 77 children and adults in Norway?

Geller is outraged. "Attempts to link us to these murders on the basis of alleged postings by the murderer mentioning us are absurd and offensive," she writes. Breivik "is responsible for his actions. He and only he." She adds: "Watching CNN and BBC coverage about Norway, I found very disturbing to hear the number of times they use the word 'Christian.' They would never dare refer to religion when it is jihad, and this attack had nothing to do with Christianity."

Anders Breivik s Christian Terrorism in Norway Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible
You realize this woman you think is so brave and incredible justified Bievnik's slaughter of 77 children and adults in Norway?

Geller is outraged. "Attempts to link us to these murders on the basis of alleged postings by the murderer mentioning us are absurd and offensive," she writes. Breivik "is responsible for his actions. He and only he." She adds: "Watching CNN and BBC coverage about Norway, I found very disturbing to hear the number of times they use the word 'Christian.' They would never dare refer to religion when it is jihad, and this attack had nothing to do with Christianity."

Anders Breivik s Christian Terrorism in Norway Are Pamela Geller and other anti-Islamist bloggers responsible

Sure...a couple of sentences with the disclaimer that he was responsible for his actions (yes, he was) and then a full blog entry justifying it: Summer Camp Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
I've followed her blog for several years now.

She provides INFORMATION about Islam here in the USA and around the world. I have NEVER, EVER once read an essay in which she or any of her associates indicated hate or any similar emotion about Islam.

Her goal is clearly an effort to stop Sharia from becoming a law of the land or to supplant the US Constitution.

Those who vilify her are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted slime-balls or Muslims who have no tolerance for anyone who disagrees.

You manage to "follow" her blog without reading it then?

She's a charlatan shit-stirrer. Her ilk makes the world more dangerous, not less.

Have YOU ever read her blog? Do you even know what it's called?

It's like reading Storm Front. Something you do only after dabbing some vics menthalatum under your nose. And as brief an immersion as possible.
I've followed her blog for several years now.

She provides INFORMATION about Islam here in the USA and around the world. I have NEVER, EVER once read an essay in which she or any of her associates indicated hate or any similar emotion about Islam.

Her goal is clearly an effort to stop Sharia from becoming a law of the land or to supplant the US Constitution.

Those who vilify her are a bunch of ignorant, bigoted slime-balls or Muslims who have no tolerance for anyone who disagrees.

Do you villify Neo-Nazi's? How about the KKK? Westboro Baptists?
Sure...a couple of sentences with the disclaimer that he was responsible for his actions (yes, he was) and then a full blog entry justifying it: Summer Camp Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

From your link:

The day of the Norway shooting, I was blindsided by one of the survivor’s statements to the press immediately after the shooting (see above). It was so outside the box, I thought it was the kneejerk response of an anti-semite in shock. I didn’t blog on it because I thought it anecdotal, badly anecdotal. But the more that is revealed about that youth indoctrination center, the more grotesque the whole story becomes. Of course, the genocidal leftists will twist what I write here; I am not condoning the slaughter in Norway or anywhere. I abhor violence (except in regard to self defense). But the jihad-loving media never told us what antisemitic war games they were playing on that island. Utoya Island is a Communist/Socialist campground, and they clearly had a pro-Islamic agenda.

Only the malevolent media could use the euphemism summer camp and get away with it.

The slaughter was horrific. What these kids were being taught and instructed to do was a different kind of grotesque. There is no justification for Breivik’s actions whatsoever. There is also no justification for Norway’s antisemitism and demonization of Israel.

- See more at: Summer Camp Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West
Pamela Gellar is one of the most disgusting and vile Americans "around", and I wouldn't stop to piss on her if she was on fire.

She's this century's Joseph Goebbels.
Pamela Gellar is one of the most disgusting and vile Americans "around", and I wouldn't stop to piss on her if she was on fire.

She's this century's Joseph Goebbels.

You leftists are falling right in line with your masters on "progressive" of you to ignore her message of 1st Amendment rights.
Pamela Gellar is one of the most disgusting and vile Americans "around", and I wouldn't stop to piss on her if she was on fire.

She's this century's Joseph Goebbels.

You leftists are falling right in line with your masters on "progressive" of you to ignore her message of 1st Amendment rights.

Her "message" has nothing to do with First Amendment rights, her message is hatred for Muslims.
Her "message" has nothing to do with First Amendment rights, her message is hatred for Muslims.

Considering that muslims have declared war on western civilization only a sterile drone wouldn't have animosity toward them...but of course your ilk blames all this on the USA...why do you still live in such a terrible country.....don't have bus fare?
Pamela Geller isn't particularly brave. Those who drew the cartoons were not only incredibly brave but inspired as well. The winner was inspired and inspirational to others.
Her "message" has nothing to do with First Amendment rights, her message is hatred for Muslims.

Considering that muslims have declared war on western civilization only a sterile drone wouldn't have animosity toward them...but of course your ilk blames all this on the USA...why do you still live in such a terrible country.....don't have bus fare?


I think I'll stay. After all, the ideals of this country are a lot more in line with what I believe than what you seem to.

You know the Nazis claimed that Jews had "declared war" on them, too - right?

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