This is why they don't want to educate the Negro

An answer to that is that the John Lewis Act puts back all the provisions of the Voting Rights Act and then some. One of those things is the the practice of preclearance. That was for areas that had history of disenfranchising minority voters, those areas would need DoJ approval or a three-judge panel from the DC Court of Appeals to change its practices or procedures. Things like ... a potential voter ID law? Not up to the states anymore. Want to change a voting site? Need the Attorney General to bless off on it. The Supreme Court removed that part from the VRA back on 2013. The Supreme Court also ruled, in a separate decision, that Arizona wasn't in the wrong for banning voter collection and out-of-precinct voting. They say that it affects Blacks and other minorities because they need for them to live in fear and stay dependent on the Democrat party.
What is wrong with Voter ID? Are we to assume that minorities are not capable of obtaining one? If you buy tickets for a future event and pay with a CC you have to show PICTURE ID to prove that card is yours. Regardless of Race, if you look a certain age you have to show Photo ID to buy alcohol 🍷 or buy cigarettes. If I tried to vote out of my district I wouldn’t be able to
I just watched History Channel's season 1, episode 1, of Lincoln, after having binge watched Grant all day.

I was particularly caught up by this statement in the show's commentary from Christy Coleman, a black historian and expert in Civil War history and Executive Director of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation talking about Frederick Douglas:

"And the more he reads, it is a fire in his belly. This is why they don't want to educate the negro, because when we become aware, when we understand, we can no longer be enslaved."​

That is so powerful and describes the Democrats today as it did in Frederick Douglas' youth to which Coleman was referring when she made that remark. They must have schools that do not educate so they can tell black people they're working for their good when, in reality, they're only working to keep them enslaved.
The southern population that supported slavery and segregation now support Republican policies, not Democratic ones you historically illiterate fuck stick. 😄
Please tell us how the Republicans support slavery and segregation
Learn to read you fucking idiot, thats not what I said. I said the population that used to support slavery and segregation, i.e. the white southern conservative population, who historically supported racism and segregation, is the same population that supports Republicans policies today. Are you suggesting white southern Conservatives aren't Republican voters?
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Learn to read you fucking idiot, thats not what I said. I said the population that used to support slavery and segregation, i.e. the white southern conservative population, who historically supported racism and segregation, is the same population that supports Republicans policies today. Are you suggesting white southern Conservatives aren't Republican voters?
Learn your facts you fucking idiot, Arizona, Georgia, California, Delaware all voted for BRANDON
Learn your facts you fucking idiot, Arizona, Georgia, California, Delaware all voted for BRANDON
And yet the conservatives in those states voted against him, right? Again are conservatives Republican or Democratic voters? Why are you so afraid to answer little bitch? 😄
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And yet the conservatives in those states voted against him, right? Again are conservatives Republican or Democratic voters? Why are you so afraid to answer little bitch? 😄
Why? Look at the Border; ASSHOLE !!!! He condemned those who didn’t want the Vaccinr calling them Killers AFTER promising he would not force Vaccination!!! No consideration for National Immunity or those who shouldn’t have it due to their own health. If you don’t believe TRANSGENDER WOMEN should compete with biological women you’re a bigot ???? Look 👀 at inflation and crime, ASSHOLE
Why? Look at the Border; ASSHOLE !!!! He condemned those who didn’t want the Vaccinr calling them Killers AFTER promising he would not force Vaccination!!! No consideration for National Immunity or those who shouldn’t have it due to their own health. If you don’t believe TRANSGENDER WOMEN should compete with biological women you’re a bigot ???? Look 👀 at inflation and crime, ASSHOLE
What am I supposed to be looking at cuck? I support vaccine mandates, trans athletes and open borders. 😄
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I just watched History Channel's season 1, episode 1, of Lincoln, after having binge watched Grant all day.

I was particularly caught up by this statement in the show's commentary from Christy Coleman, a black historian and expert in Civil War history and Executive Director of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation talking about Frederick Douglas:

"And the more he reads, it is a fire in his belly. This is why they don't want to educate the negro, because when we become aware, when we understand, we can no longer be enslaved."​

That is so powerful and describes the Democrats today as it did in Frederick Douglas' youth to which Coleman was referring when she made that remark. They must have schools that do not educate so they can tell black people they're working for their good when, in reality, they're only working to keep them enslaved.
Todays republicans are the democrats of Lincolns time.
Imo, the only way black and white will get along is if they intermarry, resulting in a new racial identity that both share.
No, whites like you will just have to learn that we are equal to you.
The history of people of African ancestry in this country is a very sad chapter.

Abraham Lincoln before he became President calmly opined that Caucasians and African Americans were simply incompatible.

He suggested that the latter group consider moving to the islands in the Caribbean.

He did not say it in a malicious manner. And for all I know, he may have changed his mind when he became President.

In my opinion, some people today agree with his point of view.

There are, of course, many wonderful African Americans, as many Americans can tell you.

And there are some very evil Caucasians, Asians, and Hispanics.

Yet an unusually large percentage of African American youths are, well, really dangerous and seem to lack a conscience. They will literally kill you with no remorse. (And here in Los Angeles, that same attitude infects a lot of people of another ethnicity, too.)

Personally, I feel that the situation will never really improve.

Others are more optimistic. They are sure that African American youth will change their attitudes once Caucasians become a small minority of the American population.

I hope that they are right.
The root cause of our problem has been continuing white racism. This is a truth you are unable to handle.
On the show, they said that Frederic Douglas was sent to, I think, the country home where his owner's wife was. She wasn't aware that it was illegal to teach black children to read and write so she just did it and Frederick Douglas is what came out of that teaching. Education is a very powerful thing and that's why so many black leaders, and white leaders of blacks, want to make sure that the black community as a whole never learns to read and write.
Why do whites like you say such stupid shit? There are no white leaders of blacks and the rest of your post is mentally handicapped.
You think democrats in 2022 don't want to rile up their base with that shit?

That's like the center for their platform. Pissing off black women so they vote
Another dipshit opinion.
You white conservatives say a lot of shit about us black folks and none of it is right.

I am a college educated black democrat. You racist bastards are full of shit.
You white conservatives say a lot of shit about us black folks and none of it is right.

I am a college educated black democrat. You racist bastards are full of shit.
Jim Crow was an economic loser for the South.
The southern population that supported slavery and segregation now support Republican policies, not Democratic ones you historically illiterate fuck stick. 😄
The southern population that supported slavery and segregation were DEMOCRAPS, you historically clueless fuck stick. KKK was always a dem thing.

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