This is why universal background checks for gun purchases is just stupid....

Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

I have stated repeatedly that current background checks at licensed gun dealers are fine...but useless......and they need to be made quicker, more accurate and leave no permanent record.....and they should simply use your current drivers license or other form of government I.D....on a pass/fail test.....

so you are wrong again........

universal background checks are only wanted by gun grabbers...because they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals from getting guns, or mass shooters from getting guns.......

Then....they will order to make them work..we need to register guns......that is the next step....

Then....when gun registration also fails.....they will say...we tried...but now we need to do like Germany, Britain and Australia....and confiscate and ban guns....
We have more guns than people in this country. That will never work.

If you believe people want background checks because they want to increase mass shootings and arm criminals, then you're out of your damned mind.

It's always been about making it more difficult for someone to commit a gun crime.

That's why it is illegal for a felon to buy or be found with a gun - a form of gun control - and that piece of gun control is why this felon and his idiot grandmother are going to jail.

If you believe people want background checks because they want to increase mass shootings and arm criminals, then you're out of your damned mind.

I get can't answer my question and have reached the point where you are going to lash out in frustration...

No...they don't want universal background checks to increase mass shootings or arm criminals.....they simply know that background checks do not stop criminals or mass shooters from getting this story shows....

I noticed you did not answer the questions....

No one argues against the laws making it illegal for convicted felons to buy, own or carry I don't know why you bring that fact...I make that point over and over and over again...that it is already against the law for felons to buy, own or carry guns and that right now......currently, they can already be arrested for it without licensing gun owners, registering guns or creating universal background checks.....

Obviously it did not make it any harder for this felon to get his guns...did it.......and he got caught...without universal background checks...right?

Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

I have stated repeatedly that current background checks at licensed gun dealers are fine...but useless......and they need to be made quicker, more accurate and leave no permanent record.....and they should simply use your current drivers license or other form of government I.D....on a pass/fail test.....

so you are wrong again........

universal background checks are only wanted by gun grabbers...because they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals from getting guns, or mass shooters from getting guns.......

Then....they will order to make them work..we need to register guns......that is the next step....

Then....when gun registration also fails.....they will say...we tried...but now we need to do like Germany, Britain and Australia....and confiscate and ban guns....
You think that any law that doesn't have 100% effectiveness is a failure, you invent the argument that Australia, Britain etc have just as bad a gun crime problem as the US and...anyway...their criminals are nicer than yours.

You're a very poor representative for the pro-gun lobby.

Wrong....wrong and yes...

You think that any law that doesn't have 100% effectiveness is a failure,

1)-----I do not think that laws that are not 100% effective are stupid...since laws against murder do not stop murder, they allow us to punish those who commit murder...without stopping murders.....

The same for current gun laws...our current gun laws allow us to arrest any criminal or convicted felon who uses a gun to commit a crime, or any felon caught buying, owning or carrying a gun...

So right there you are wrong....

you invent the argument that Australia, Britain etc have just as bad a gun crime problem

2)-----I never said Britain and Australia have as bad a gun problem as we guys keep saying I say that and I never have....What I have actually said is that their gun problem was not as bad as ours before they banned their guns and confiscated them.....but their gun crime rates in Britain stayed the same...and that they are going up in Australia.....

I have said that there gun problem is getting worse...even after their gun confication......and it will continue to get worse as their social welfare system and culture fail to turn young males into adult men....and they keep importing angry immigrants from foreign countries.....

So are need to take a reading comprehension class....

.anyway...their criminals are nicer than yours.

3)---Yes...the criminals in Britain and Australia have access to I have pointed out over and over again....but they do not commit murder against each other or against their victims as often as our criminals do....that doesn't make them nicer than our criminals...since they can beat and torture all they want.....they just don't commit gun murder as often....

So you are still half wrong on that one... more carefully, think twice before you post...and try to understand the topic.
Last edited:
Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

I have stated repeatedly that current background checks at licensed gun dealers are fine...but useless......and they need to be made quicker, more accurate and leave no permanent record.....and they should simply use your current drivers license or other form of government I.D....on a pass/fail test.....

so you are wrong again........

universal background checks are only wanted by gun grabbers...because they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals from getting guns, or mass shooters from getting guns.......

Then....they will order to make them work..we need to register guns......that is the next step....

Then....when gun registration also fails.....they will say...we tried...but now we need to do like Germany, Britain and Australia....and confiscate and ban guns....
You think that any law that doesn't have 100% effectiveness is a failure, you invent the argument that Australia, Britain etc have just as bad a gun crime problem as the US and...anyway...their criminals are nicer than yours.

You're a very poor representative for the pro-gun lobby.

Would you like to explain this one....

Okay...a more pointed question....say we had universal background checks.....and this woman goes to an individual to buy a gun....for the felon. She goes and the seller takes her to the same gun store, they fill out the same federal background check paperwork, she passes...since she has a clean record...he sells her the gun/guns......

How did a universal background check make any difference to the outcome of this story?

Please, explain in detail.....
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

I have stated repeatedly that current background checks at licensed gun dealers are fine...but useless......and they need to be made quicker, more accurate and leave no permanent record.....and they should simply use your current drivers license or other form of government I.D....on a pass/fail test.....

so you are wrong again........

universal background checks are only wanted by gun grabbers...because they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals from getting guns, or mass shooters from getting guns.......

Then....they will order to make them work..we need to register guns......that is the next step....

Then....when gun registration also fails.....they will say...we tried...but now we need to do like Germany, Britain and Australia....and confiscate and ban guns....
You think that any law that doesn't have 100% effectiveness is a failure, you invent the argument that Australia, Britain etc have just as bad a gun crime problem as the US and...anyway...their criminals are nicer than yours.

You're a very poor representative for the pro-gun lobby.

Would you like to explain this one....

Okay...a more pointed question....say we had universal background checks.....and this woman goes to an individual to buy a gun....for the felon. She goes and the seller takes her to the same gun store, they fill out the same federal background check paperwork, she passes...since she has a clean record...he sells her the gun/guns......

How did a universal background check make any difference to the outcome of this story?

Please, explain in detail.....
I refer you to your previous answer to me;
"-----I do not think that laws that are not 100% effective are stupid...since laws against murder do not stop murder, they allow us to punish those who commit murder...without stopping murders...."

Are you walking that back now? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

I have stated repeatedly that current background checks at licensed gun dealers are fine...but useless......and they need to be made quicker, more accurate and leave no permanent record.....and they should simply use your current drivers license or other form of government I.D....on a pass/fail test.....

so you are wrong again........

universal background checks are only wanted by gun grabbers...because they know that universal background checks will not stop criminals from getting guns, or mass shooters from getting guns.......

Then....they will order to make them work..we need to register guns......that is the next step....

Then....when gun registration also fails.....they will say...we tried...but now we need to do like Germany, Britain and Australia....and confiscate and ban guns....
You think that any law that doesn't have 100% effectiveness is a failure, you invent the argument that Australia, Britain etc have just as bad a gun crime problem as the US and...anyway...their criminals are nicer than yours.

You're a very poor representative for the pro-gun lobby.

Would you like to explain this one....

Okay...a more pointed question....say we had universal background checks.....and this woman goes to an individual to buy a gun....for the felon. She goes and the seller takes her to the same gun store, they fill out the same federal background check paperwork, she passes...since she has a clean record...he sells her the gun/guns......

How did a universal background check make any difference to the outcome of this story?

Please, explain in detail.....
I refer you to your previous answer to me;
"-----I do not think that laws that are not 100% effective are stupid...since laws against murder do not stop murder, they allow us to punish those who commit murder...without stopping murders...."

Are you walking that back now?

No.....I have never said that, ever. I keep addressing that stupid statement you guys post.....

you nuts say...

I guess if it doesn't stop all crime than we shouldn't have any laws at all....

That is what you guys keep saying...

What I always say is that just like murder, just like speeding, we have laws that create punishment for behaviors when the laws are actually is against the law to commit murder......when you commit murder you are arrested.

It is agains the law to speed....if you go 45 in a 30 you get a ticket.

If you commit a crime with a get arrested. If you are a convicted criminal and are caught buying, owning or carrying a get arrested.

That is what I have posted every time you guys have made that dumb statement......

Then I point are the guys who want laws to prevent criminal behavior......for want to pass a law that somehow will prevent criminal behavior with a gun...which is not what laws do for those who don't care about the law....

Laws allow us to punish people who break them...and we can already do that for any crime committed with a gun...

Licensing gun owners, registering guns and universal background checks do nothing to change that fact...and in fact do nothing to stop criminals..

what each of those things actually does is allow you to punish normal gun owners, who commit no crime with a gun, who simply make a mistake in bureaucratic paperwork......again, having not commited one crime with their gun....

But you don't care about know when they are caught you get their guns...

You hate the normal gun owners...because you can't get their guns because they don't commit crimes with you need to put them in legal jeapordy so you can arrest them for failure to fill out forms or failure to submit permit paperwork on time...then you can charge them as felons, take their gun, take their money, make sure they can't get real jobs anymore, put them in jail.....and then you will be happy...

there are 357,000,000 guns in private hands...

less than 8,124 were used to commit gun murder in 2014....

You don't care about the 8,124, you already have those

You hate that normal gun owners still own 356,991,876 million guns...that drives you batshit crazy just thinking about it...
I'm glad there are gun laws that put people in jail for buying guns for criminals. Thank you gun laws.

Of course this woman could have gotten off scott free if she had argued she had no idea the guy was a felon. Making the need for background checks during private sales to be as urgent as ever.

If you sell a gun to a felon, and you never ran a background check, you should be held accountable for any crimes commited by the person you sold that gun to.

Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

You never answered this question either........

More Americans are carrying guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate kept going down......if allowing Americans to carry guns does not increase the gun murder rate...why do we need more laws...since the current laws are already working like a charm.....?
The murder rate is going down because the rate of gun ownership is down. Simple as that. The nut job that was happy with 10 has been told he needs to own 20 because Clinton, Obama, etc. are coming to get them. The gun makers and their shameless pimps (Nation`s Real Assholes) are laughing at these gullible teabagging simpletons whose gun collection is worth more than the trailer that they`re hidden under. Just how many guns does a gun pussy need to feel secure?
Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

You never answered this question either........

More Americans are carrying guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate kept going down......if allowing Americans to carry guns does not increase the gun murder rate...why do we need more laws...since the current laws are already working like a charm.....?
The murder rate is going down because the rate of gun ownership is down. Simple as that. The nut job that was happy with 10 has been told he needs to own 20 because Clinton, Obama, etc. are coming to get them. The gun makers and their shameless pimps (Nation`s Real Assholes) are laughing at these gullible teabagging simpletons whose gun collection is worth more than the trailer that they`re hidden under. Just how many guns does a gun pussy need to feel secure?
Your pussy obviously hurts... Now go hide. Lol
Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

You never answered this question either........

More Americans are carrying guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate kept going down......if allowing Americans to carry guns does not increase the gun murder rate...why do we need more laws...since the current laws are already working like a charm.....?
The murder rate is going down because the rate of gun ownership is down. Simple as that. The nut job that was happy with 10 has been told he needs to own 20 because Clinton, Obama, etc. are coming to get them. The gun makers and their shameless pimps (Nation`s Real Assholes) are laughing at these gullible teabagging simpletons whose gun collection is worth more than the trailer that they`re hidden under. Just how many guns does a gun pussy need to feel secure?

Nice survey that is over 3 years old!
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
Please......she lied on her forms by stating she was the intended recipient...she was already owned by the feds with that lie......then of course it didn't matter if she bought those guns for that guy....once he was caught with them they could already lock him up.....then he gives up the grandmother.......using current police interrogation techniques....

There is nothing here that universal background checks would have stopped..... made the explain how universal background checks would have worked if this grandmother had gone in to a private sale and done the same thing.....can you explain that?

Please, give detail........
She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

You never answered this question either........

More Americans are carrying guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate kept going down......if allowing Americans to carry guns does not increase the gun murder rate...why do we need more laws...since the current laws are already working like a charm.....?
The murder rate is going down because the rate of gun ownership is down. Simple as that. The nut job that was happy with 10 has been told he needs to own 20 because Clinton, Obama, etc. are coming to get them. The gun makers and their shameless pimps (Nation`s Real Assholes) are laughing at these gullible teabagging simpletons whose gun collection is worth more than the trailer that they`re hidden under. Just how many guns does a gun pussy need to feel secure?

Do you guys ever get tired of posting that has been shown over and over to be a dream of the anti gunners with no basis in reality....

I know, I nuts think one guy in Idaho is buying the 37,000,000 million new guns in private hands bought since 2013 when there were over 320,000,000 guns in private is 2016 and there are now 357,000,000 guns in private hands..........and you guys think all those guns are in the closets of a few people....

Women and minorities are the biggest growth sectors of new gun purchases......

.and the biggest point....people are not reporting gun ownership to strangers who call them on the phone.....

So please...get real....and here are some oft repeated links that show you are wrong....

Gun-Homicide Rate Decreased as Gun Ownership Increased

Based on data from a 2012 Congressional Research Service (CRS) report(and additional data from another Wonkblog article “There are now more guns than people in the United States”), the number of privately owned firearms in U.S. increased from about 185 million in 1993 to 357 million in 2013.

Is gun ownership really down in America? | Fox News

Surely, gun control advocates such as GSS director Tom Smith view this decline as a good thing. In a 2003 book of mine, I quoted Smith as saying that the large drop in gun ownership would “make it easier for politicians to do the right thing on guns” and pass more restrictive regulations.

Other gun control advocates have mentioned to me that they hope that if people believe fewer people own guns, that may cause others to rethink their decision to own one themselves. It is part of the reason they dramatically exaggerate the risks of having guns in the home.

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post.

These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.

A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll shows an even more stable pattern, with household gun ownership between 44 and 46 percent in 1999. In 2013, the ownership rate was 43 percent.

There are other measures that suggest that we should be very careful of relying too heavily on polling to gauge the level of gun ownership. For example, the nationally number of concealed handgun permits has soared over the last decade: rising from about 2.7 million in 1999 to 4.6 million in 2007 to 11.1 million in 2014.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that the number of gun purchases has grown dramatically over time –doubling from 2006 to 2014.


Gun industry, Bloomberg media square off over female gun owner data

Putting a pin in the balloon of rising female gun ownership, the Trace, a journalism start up funded by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, consulted the General Social Survey. A project of the University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center, the GSS has conducted a sociological survey since 1972 to collect historical data on everything from government spending to race relations.

When it comes to gun ownership by women, the pollsters noted the number has averaged about 11 percent over the past three decades with slight dips, to as low as 9.1 percent in 1989, and slight increases, to as high as 13.7 percent in 1982.

“There’s been no meaningful directional change in the percent of women owning guns,” said Tom Smith, the director of the GSS.

However, the National Shooting Sports Foundation on Thursday posted a rebuttal to the article, citing the GSS itself was flawed when it came to gun data– much as they did last yearwhen the survey noted a decline in gun ownership numbers despite eight straight years of increasing firearms sales that set all-time records.

The NSSF contends GSS isn’t actually counting the number of firearms in each household. Rather it is enumerating the number of individuals willing to talk to a stranger at their front door about how many firearms they own. The two concepts, holds the trade group, are vastly different.

“It is a staple of gun control politics to work to diminish both the size and the ever increasing diversity of the firearm-owning American citizenry,” noted Larry Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel. “The Trace provides just the latest example.”

Besides noting the trade group’s own studies in female gun ownership rates, the NSSF also bemoaned the outlet for discounting previous articles in the mainstream media.

“The Trace also asks its readers to discount CBS News, Fox News, Ad Age and dozens of local reporters nationwide (collectively, a ‘credulous press’) who have actually gone to firearms retailers and ranges to report that they see evidence of more and more women buying guns and taking up target shooting as a recreational activity,” wrote Keane.

She is going to jail thanks to gun laws. Remember a while back you posted a story about a guy who sold 40 guns to a felon, and then went to police when he found out the guy was a felon? You used that to make this same assinine argument. Whatever happened to that guy, since he didn't commit any crimes? avoided answering the question...which I expected....

This woman went to a gun store and lied on her paperwork...she was not the intended recipient of those guns...and that statement is a felony......

Now.....if she goes to an individual, and that guy does a background check through a gun store or the police, and she does the same did universal background checks stop it?

Please...explain in detail........

These two were caught with current police techniques and will be punished with existing gun laws....universal background checks do nothing but lead to gun registration.......
That woman is going to jail now because of gun laws. Do you realize that it would have been easier for the criminal to get guns if he could just walk into any store to buy guns without a background check? He could have bought 100 guns instead of 14. Background checks work. And it drives you nuts that it does.

All you have are arguments like "other countries have friendly, harmless criminals."

Now what happened to that guy who sold 40 guns to a felon that you were bragging about a while back? Since he committed no crime?

You never answered this question either........

More Americans are carrying guns for self defense...and the gun murder rate kept going down......if allowing Americans to carry guns does not increase the gun murder rate...why do we need more laws...since the current laws are already working like a charm.....?
The murder rate is going down because the rate of gun ownership is down. Simple as that. The nut job that was happy with 10 has been told he needs to own 20 because Clinton, Obama, etc. are coming to get them. The gun makers and their shameless pimps (Nation`s Real Assholes) are laughing at these gullible teabagging simpletons whose gun collection is worth more than the trailer that they`re hidden under. Just how many guns does a gun pussy need to feel secure?

Nice survey that is over 3 years old!

It is a survey from the General Social Survey.....the guy who runs it is an anti gunner who hopes his research will encourage politicians to make more gun control laws.......

I posted links showing how it is complete anti gunners dream.....
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

No...they do not believe universal background checks are stop criminals from getting guns....since they know they will not do that.

the democrats in the house, senate and White HOuse want universal background checks because they need them to get gun registration...which they need first so that years from now.....they can ban and confiscate guns like the British and the Australians did.........

Please.....can you explain how universal background checks actually work to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mass shooters...

simply parroting the statement..."background checks keep guns out of the hands of criminals..." is not explaining how they mechanically work to achieve that end......

So please...explain how they work......
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

A few of the hard core gun nuts still care,but that's because they just can't admit they lost. Not because they really oppose background checks.
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

A few of the hard core gun nuts still care,but that's because they just can't admit they lost. Not because they really oppose background checks.
lost? gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the usa. democrats couldn't even exploit the deaths of schoolkids to pass their watered down version of their gun law. gun sales are at record highs. most new gun owners are women, college age youth an minorities. once staples of the democratic party. Bloomberg is wasting his money and losing at every turn.
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

A few of the hard core gun nuts still care,but that's because they just can't admit they lost. Not because they really oppose background checks.
lost? gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the usa. democrats couldn't even exploit the deaths of schoolkids to pass their watered down version of their gun law. gun sales are at record highs. most new gun owners are women, college age youth an minorities. once staples of the democratic party. Bloomberg is wasting his money and losing at every turn.

You silly thing. You think that owning a gun means you don't want background checks. That's a dumb thing to think.
background checks are history. so is forced gun registry. they tried it in new York, less that 5% complied. they banned assault style weapons and online ammo sales. within 6 months the black market was starting to fill the void. within a year, most people had adopted a new way of doing business. not only can you get what was recently banned, you can get stuff that was never even legal before. government again showed how clueless it is. just like with drugs. just like attempts at prohibition. no one cares.

A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

A few of the hard core gun nuts still care,but that's because they just can't admit they lost. Not because they really oppose background checks.
lost? gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the usa. democrats couldn't even exploit the deaths of schoolkids to pass their watered down version of their gun law. gun sales are at record highs. most new gun owners are women, college age youth an minorities. once staples of the democratic party. Bloomberg is wasting his money and losing at every turn.

You silly thing. You think that owning a gun means you don't want background checks. That's a dumb thing to think.
If you owned a gun because you thought it was necessary for self-protection...why wouldn't you want background checks on everyone else?
You've got your gun...surely you'd want as few crazies and villains to get them as possible so you don't have to use it?
A new Democratic President, a new Democratic Senate, and most likely, a new Democratic house, and they all believe universal background checks are needed. You really think they won't happen?
sure they will. but it won't matter. people no longer care. but I seriously doubt we are going to see a new democrat anything.

A few of the hard core gun nuts still care,but that's because they just can't admit they lost. Not because they really oppose background checks.
lost? gun owners are the fastest growing demographic in the usa. democrats couldn't even exploit the deaths of schoolkids to pass their watered down version of their gun law. gun sales are at record highs. most new gun owners are women, college age youth an minorities. once staples of the democratic party. Bloomberg is wasting his money and losing at every turn.

You silly thing. You think that owning a gun means you don't want background checks. That's a dumb thing to think.
If you owned a gun because you thought it was necessary for self-protection...why wouldn't you want background checks on everyone else?
You've got your gun...surely you'd want as few crazies and villains to get them as possible so you don't have to use it?

I agree. That's why I and so most other gun owners are in favor of universal background checks.

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