This is why universal background checks for gun purchases is just stupid....

You seem to think that convincing you is a prerequisite to universal background checks. It is not. The country has decided they are needed,but the NRA has been successful in using their bought and paid for right wingers to block their adoption. All that is going to change in a few months. A new President, and new senate, and probably a new house with the knowledge that most of the country wants background checks, and the renewed will to take advantage of the NRA's losses in the coming election will end the discussion. In fact, it is already ended. All there is to do now is wait for everything to proceed as as it will.

Very possible....and you still have not explained what universal background checks do to stop criminals from getting guns.

Can you tell me how universal background checks would have stopped the old woman from buying guns for the felon?

Do you realize that this woman was caught without universal background checks?

I have no truly are a drone of the anti gun regressives.......they say "universal background checks" and you march in lock step.........then....when universal background checks fail to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mass shooters.....your masters will say...see, universal background checks can't work without gun registration...and you will say Zig Heil....and keep marching.....and then, years down the road, when gun registration fails.....they will say, now we have to confiscate guns like Britain and Australia....and you will march to their tune again........

And then years from then...when the Apex Socialist gets in will stand by and watch innocent people murdered in large numbers.....

You've made it clear that you will accept no reason for background checks, so it is a waste of time to discuss them with you. You are still useful to laugh at occasionally, but otherwise, a waste of time.

No....I will not accept a reason that is essentially...."because it will keep guns out of the hands of criminals and mass shooters"...and then you expect that to be the end of the discussion...without explaining how exactly the mechanics will work...since criminals and mass shooters avoid background checks...which I have already shown with this post and probably dozens of others......

And of course you did not answer how universal background checks would have stopped this old woman from getting guns and giving them to this felon.

And you didn't answer how this woman was arrested and the felon caught without universal background checks.....

You can't answer any of those you pretend you have already answered the question......

Typical left wing regressive gun grabber...

What you will or will not accept doesn't matter.

What are you even know? Your response...."it's what plants crave...."

Wow. When it's pointed out to you that your favorite rant is no longer pertinent, you really flip out, don't you?

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