This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

Can you tell me what Trump policies majority of black voters support??

Don't need the majority. Just those percentages that agree on policy(s).
remember when I asked what Trump policies black voters support and you didn't answer

If you are thinking the same ole same ole Republican policies are going to get you 20 to 25% of the black are as delusional as republicans have always been about minority outreach...

Trump had 8% of the black vote in 2016, up from 6% in 2012....and this is despite the fact that Romney was running -- and according to you folks, Romney is an anti-American traitor -- so you would think Trump would do far better than +2%...

Also, Trump was running against a candidate that was as unfavorable as he is -- and that still gained him +2%..

1. What percentage of blacks are pro-life?

2. What percentage of blacks are turned off by your sides insane position on transgenderism?

3. What percentage of blacks want a secure border?

4. What percentage of blacks like seeing their wages rise?

You vile liberals, need to keep up the lie that the GOP is so Evul, because you need to keep the blacks convinced that they need you, when they do not, and never have.

If Trump got 20%, it would be a landslide.
I want you to "join in the witch hunt, against falsely accused people"? That's a blatant lie.

We've discussed the lie that Trump said that nazis are "very fine people".

You basically support that lie.

Thus, you are not limiting your desire to see us police our own, to real actual racists, but to include false accusations too.

We cannot function as a party or a movement, in that scenario, where some one from your side, can destroy any of us, with a false accusation, with the full expectation, that we on the right would join in the witch hunt to destroy them.

We would lose every election, and ever debate.

That is not a reasonable position for you to hold out for, for any racial healing to occur.
I'd think honestly holding one's own side accountable for wrongdoing would be a good thing. Not worrying about how it will look or what the political calculations are. Just keeping your standards high, being honest and principled and doing what's right when you see wrong.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. I still believe in that stuff. Wow, crazy me! That's why you've seen me squabbling with the left wingers here on issues like PC and Identity Politics. Thousands of times. Wrong is wrong, and spinning for it is nothing more than enabling it.

Okay. You win. We're different. I'm sure you'll do fine.

If this outreach was accepted in the spirit it was intended, what is the worst possible outcome you can imagine?

What exactly are you pushing back against?
Worst? I don't honestly know. If it were sincere and honest, I don't see much of a downside. Especially compared to where we are now.

But "outreach" is only the SECOND thing that has to happen. The FIRST thing that has to happen is holding people accountable for their words and actions.

I'm pushing back against bigotry, dishonesty and the enabling of the worst behaviors, from both ends.

If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.
Using that logic, since some one lied about consent means that everyone lies about consent,

how many rapes have you committed, using the standard?

sorry, but that is not the logic I used at all...just pointing out that some times people see things differently. Remember that Weinstein , O'Riley and Cosby all said the women let them do what they did.

using that standard I have committed none...but I do not open up with grabbing women by the pussy like you and the Trumpster

You've done nothing to connect the lies of other people to Trump's statements, other than to show they exist.

We've discussed the lie that Trump said that nazis are "very fine people".

You basically support that lie.

Thus, you are not limiting your desire to see us police our own, to real actual racists, but to include false accusations too.

We cannot function as a party or a movement, in that scenario, where some one from your side, can destroy any of us, with a false accusation, with the full expectation, that we on the right would join in the witch hunt to destroy them.

We would lose every election, and ever debate.

That is not a reasonable position for you to hold out for, for any racial healing to occur.
I'd think honestly holding one's own side accountable for wrongdoing would be a good thing. Not worrying about how it will look or what the political calculations are. Just keeping your standards high, being honest and principled and doing what's right when you see wrong.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. I still believe in that stuff. Wow, crazy me! That's why you've seen me squabbling with the left wingers here on issues like PC and Identity Politics. Thousands of times. Wrong is wrong, and spinning for it is nothing more than enabling it.

Okay. You win. We're different. I'm sure you'll do fine.

If this outreach was accepted in the spirit it was intended, what is the worst possible outcome you can imagine?

What exactly are you pushing back against?
Worst? I don't honestly know. If it were sincere and honest, I don't see much of a downside. Especially compared to where we are now.

But "outreach" is only the SECOND thing that has to happen. The FIRST thing that has to happen is holding people accountable for their words and actions.

I'm pushing back against bigotry, dishonesty and the enabling of the worst behaviors, from both ends.

If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
I'd think honestly holding one's own side accountable for wrongdoing would be a good thing. Not worrying about how it will look or what the political calculations are. Just keeping your standards high, being honest and principled and doing what's right when you see wrong.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned. I still believe in that stuff. Wow, crazy me! That's why you've seen me squabbling with the left wingers here on issues like PC and Identity Politics. Thousands of times. Wrong is wrong, and spinning for it is nothing more than enabling it.

Okay. You win. We're different. I'm sure you'll do fine.

If this outreach was accepted in the spirit it was intended, what is the worst possible outcome you can imagine?

What exactly are you pushing back against?
Worst? I don't honestly know. If it were sincere and honest, I don't see much of a downside. Especially compared to where we are now.

But "outreach" is only the SECOND thing that has to happen. The FIRST thing that has to happen is holding people accountable for their words and actions.

I'm pushing back against bigotry, dishonesty and the enabling of the worst behaviors, from both ends.

If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.
If this outreach was accepted in the spirit it was intended, what is the worst possible outcome you can imagine?

What exactly are you pushing back against?
Worst? I don't honestly know. If it were sincere and honest, I don't see much of a downside. Especially compared to where we are now.

But "outreach" is only the SECOND thing that has to happen. The FIRST thing that has to happen is holding people accountable for their words and actions.

I'm pushing back against bigotry, dishonesty and the enabling of the worst behaviors, from both ends.

If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
Worst? I don't honestly know. If it were sincere and honest, I don't see much of a downside. Especially compared to where we are now.

But "outreach" is only the SECOND thing that has to happen. The FIRST thing that has to happen is holding people accountable for their words and actions.

I'm pushing back against bigotry, dishonesty and the enabling of the worst behaviors, from both ends.

If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.
If you refuse to distinguish between true and false accusations of racism, as you showed with your support of the "very fine people" smear,

then you are not pushing back against bigotry and dishonesty. You are supporting them.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.
Using that logic, since some one lied about consent means that everyone lies about consent,

how many rapes have you committed, using the standard?

sorry, but that is not the logic I used at all...just pointing out that some times people see things differently. Remember that Weinstein , O'Riley and Cosby all said the women let them do what they did.

using that standard I have committed none...but I do not open up with grabbing women by the pussy like you and the Trumpster

You've done nothing to connect the lies of other people to Trump's statements, other than to show they exist.


you keep missing the point, but I guess it is hard to see it with you head so far up Trump’s ass.

All I am saying is the fact Trump claims they “let” him do it does not automatically make it true.
Using that logic, since some one lied about consent means that everyone lies about consent,

how many rapes have you committed, using the standard?

sorry, but that is not the logic I used at all...just pointing out that some times people see things differently. Remember that Weinstein , O'Riley and Cosby all said the women let them do what they did.

using that standard I have committed none...but I do not open up with grabbing women by the pussy like you and the Trumpster

You've done nothing to connect the lies of other people to Trump's statements, other than to show they exist.


you keep missing the point, but I guess it is hard to see it with you head so far up Trump’s ass.

All I am saying is the fact Trump claims they “let” him do it does not automatically make it true.

All I am saying is that the fact that other people said it, does not automatically make it false. YOu are pretending it does.
Yes, that's correct.

I've never made a big deal of that "very fine people" quote that you keep bringing up. To me it was just Trump doing his usual babbling. It's irrelevant to me in this context.

We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.
All I am saying is that the fact that other people said it, does not automatically make it false. YOu are pretending it does.

not even close. you are trying to hard here and failing at every turn.
We've talked about it, and you support the lie.

You do not distinguish between true racism, and false accusations. Thus your demand that we police our own, includes destroying good people based on false accusations.

Which, means that we become utterly powerless to do anything.

And then, you might be open to listening to our side's outreach?

Wow. Thanks.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.

No, it is not. It is terrible that some one like you, that represents what passes for a moderate liberal,

supports the attack on the President, based on a complete lie about what he said.

What we actually say, does not matter, if the media can tell everyone that what we said was the exact opposite of what we said.

And they can make it stick.
So now you're just making my positions up out of thin air.

Good luck.

If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.

No, it is not. It is terrible that some one like you, that represents what passes for a moderate liberal,

supports the attack on the President, based on a complete lie about what he said.

What we actually say, does not matter, if the media can tell everyone that what we said was the exact opposite of what we said.

And they can make it stick.
Okie dokie.
All I am saying is that the fact that other people said it, does not automatically make it false. YOu are pretending it does.

not even close. you are trying to hard here and failing at every turn.

What have you offered to support your claim that he does what you claim he does?

HIs words, and the fact that other people said similar things and lied.

And you want to pretend that that is proof? or and admission of something?

He gave his opinion that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat regular guys.

That we are even talking about this, is insane. YOu are literally hysterical.
If I am remembering your position incorrectly, you could clarify, by condemning the lie and defending Trump, in this one limited example.
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.

No, it is not. It is terrible that some one like you, that represents what passes for a moderate liberal,

supports the attack on the President, based on a complete lie about what he said.

What we actually say, does not matter, if the media can tell everyone that what we said was the exact opposite of what we said.

And they can make it stick.
Okie dokie.

Want me to post the transcripts again?
This is why we support Trump.....unlike the spineless...gutless, cowardly, weak, moronic, establishment republicans...and I could go on.....Trump is taking the fight to the enemy, the left wing, socialist, democrat asshats......

On Nov. 8, Trump will make his case to Black Americans on why they should vote for him....instead of the democrats who have ignored them, abused them, and turned their communities into hell holes.......... may commence peeing your pants now....

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trump’s re-election campaign will launch its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves he’s really bad at being a racist.
“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”

The press release adds, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”



THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes — risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didn’t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a “Crazy Uncle Tom,” Trump will not be intimidated.

And he shouldn’t be… And not just because some pollsters show him making inroads with groups the cowardly, establishment GOP have ignored for decades.

To begin with, unlike our first black president, Trump actually has a record of accomplishment to run on, a record that has directly benefited black Americans: record-low unemployment, rising wages, job creation, and the long overdue criminal justice reform that Obama couldn’t get through congress.

you sound so happy!
I thought I did. He was just babbling. He knew his base wouldn't want him to put all the blame on one side, so he (as usual) ham-handedly tried to keep things even without thinking it through. As usual.

In the grand scheme of things, I don't give two shits about this whole story. He's said plenty of other stupid things that I think are worse, and I never use the story as a tool to make a point.

But since you're now making up my positions, just run with whatever you feel provides you with some perceived advantage.

He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.

No, it is not. It is terrible that some one like you, that represents what passes for a moderate liberal,

supports the attack on the President, based on a complete lie about what he said.

What we actually say, does not matter, if the media can tell everyone that what we said was the exact opposite of what we said.

And they can make it stick.
Okie dokie.

Want me to post the transcripts again?
I just don't care about that story. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

You don't need me to respond. Just go back and forth with yourself, make up my opinions, and I'll sign off on it.
What have you offered to support your claim that he does what you claim he does?

So, either he grabs random women by the pussy without waiting or he is a liar. Wow, what a choice. Personally, I do not really give a fuck because lying about doing such a thing is just about as bad as really doing it. It means you think it is ok to do.

HIs words, and the fact that other people said similar things and lied.

He gave his opinion that women treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat regular guys.

He did not give an opinion, he gave a personal story of his own actions. He was talking about himself and only himself.

The only thing hysterical here is your undying devotion to the man and you feeble attempt to make his actions (or the actions he claimed) normal.
He was clear as hell, condemning the nazis, and your support of the lie that he was not,

shows that your demand for us to police our own, includes throwing the falsely accused to the mob.

That is my point, that you oddly denied.

I am not making up your position. You just demonstrated it.

No, it is not. It is terrible that some one like you, that represents what passes for a moderate liberal,

supports the attack on the President, based on a complete lie about what he said.

What we actually say, does not matter, if the media can tell everyone that what we said was the exact opposite of what we said.

And they can make it stick.
Okie dokie.

Want me to post the transcripts again?
I just don't care about that story. It has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

You don't need me to respond. Just go back and forth with yourself, make up my opinions, and I'll sign off on it.

THat is my point.

You see the Left smear the President, based on a clear lie, and you don't care.

You make no distinction between real racism, and false accusations.

That is my point.

And you are what passes as the Voice of Reason on the Left.


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