This is why we support Trump, he fights: Trump to begin massive outreach to Black Voters.

She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

If Trump tried that with me, he'd get a knee to his mushroom shaped pecker. He's gross and disgusting no amount of money or fame can change that.

This is the heart of it all, Trump does not even wait for any sort of "signal" or such, he just starts kissing and grabbing the pussy.

But according to our resident Trump worshiper, that is the way it is supposed to be done.
If trump can swing the black vote to 20% republican, it will be game over.
Good luck with that

Trump will get pounded by the minority vote....he is despised

Funny, you don't claim any negative policies or results....
You should ask black and brown people why they don't like Trump. Go straight to the source.

I've talked to various minorities about politics in depth many times over several decades.

Your assumption that I have not, is very, very odd.
We can reach out. IF the hand is ignored, there is nothing more we can do.
You're not reaching out unless and until you hold your own accountable.

Unless and until you do, this is a lie and a farce. And Black Americans know it.

What you are asking for, is for us to spend all of our time, eating our own, and making sure that you can destroy any of us that become a problem for you, with a false accusation, any time you want.

That is not a path forward, but a path downward. For the nation as a whole.

Trump has reached out, as you said he should do, with symbolic gestures.
I've never said that symbolic gestures are needed, since I know that they're an insult.

Well, your way sure is working great, so good luck with that. When it doesn't work, you can blame someone else.

How are they an insult?
God damn. Are symbolic gestures on abortion enough for you, or do you want substance?

I told you what has to happen. You have made it clear you're not going to do it, and I believe you.

My guess is that you know this won't work, but you're just trying to hold off what's coming as long as you can.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

If Trump tried that with me, he'd get a knee to his mushroom shaped pecker. He's gross and disgusting no amount of money or fame can change that.

I made two points. You hit the reply button to my post, but failed to address either of my points.

They stand.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

If Trump tried that with me, he'd get a knee to his mushroom shaped pecker. He's gross and disgusting no amount of money or fame can change that.

This is the heart of it all, Trump does not even wait for any sort of "signal" or such, he just starts kissing and grabbing the pussy.

But according to our resident Trump worshiper, that is the way it is supposed to be done.

Yet the one woman he mentioned hitting on, when questioned about it, did not even realize he was hitting on her.

It is almost like he is exaggerating his history of sexual conquests when talking to much younger and less successful men....

Hard to imagine.
We can reach out. IF the hand is ignored, there is nothing more we can do.
You're not reaching out unless and until you hold your own accountable.

Unless and until you do, this is a lie and a farce. And Black Americans know it.

What you are asking for, is for us to spend all of our time, eating our own, and making sure that you can destroy any of us that become a problem for you, with a false accusation, any time you want.

That is not a path forward, but a path downward. For the nation as a whole.

Trump has reached out, as you said he should do, with symbolic gestures.
I've never said that symbolic gestures are needed, since I know that they're an insult.

Well, your way sure is working great, so good luck with that. When it doesn't work, you can blame someone else.

How are they an insult?
God damn. Are symbolic gestures on abortion enough for you, or do you want substance?

I told you what has to happen. You have made it clear you're not going to do it, and I believe you.

My guess is that you know this won't work, but you're just trying to hold off what's coming as long as you can.

1. Big difference between "not enough" and "an insult".

2. And there are policies of real substance that should appeal to large percentages of black voters, from economic policies to, yes, abortion.

3. What you want, is for us to join in the witch hunt, against false accused people. That is not a path forward, but a path down.

4. I doubt it will work. But we have to try. Mostly, I expect, reactions like yours. We can reach out. It is all we can do.
You're not reaching out unless and until you hold your own accountable.

Unless and until you do, this is a lie and a farce. And Black Americans know it.

What you are asking for, is for us to spend all of our time, eating our own, and making sure that you can destroy any of us that become a problem for you, with a false accusation, any time you want.

That is not a path forward, but a path downward. For the nation as a whole.

Trump has reached out, as you said he should do, with symbolic gestures.
I've never said that symbolic gestures are needed, since I know that they're an insult.

Well, your way sure is working great, so good luck with that. When it doesn't work, you can blame someone else.

How are they an insult?
God damn. Are symbolic gestures on abortion enough for you, or do you want substance?

I told you what has to happen. You have made it clear you're not going to do it, and I believe you.

My guess is that you know this won't work, but you're just trying to hold off what's coming as long as you can.

1. Big difference between "not enough" and "an insult".

2. And there are policies of real substance that should appeal to large percentages of black voters, from economic policies to, yes, abortion.

3. What you want, is for us to join in the witch hunt, against false accused people. That is not a path forward, but a path down.

4. I doubt it will work. But we have to try. Mostly, I expect, reactions like yours. We can reach out. It is all we can do.
I want you to "join in the witch hunt, against falsely accused people"? That's a blatant lie.

And if you really think you're reaching out, great.

You win. Good luck. I know you have your excuses and boogeymen all lined up.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

If Trump tried that with me, he'd get a knee to his mushroom shaped pecker. He's gross and disgusting no amount of money or fame can change that.

I made two points. You hit the reply button to my post, but failed to address either of my points.

They stand.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

1. Trump said 'I don't even wait'. That is NOT normal male behavior. That is never okay. NEVER.

2. Unless you are a woman, I speak with more authority than you on this issue. The majority of women are not like you have described us. We are not hypnotized by wealth and fame.
Never with someone that I was not relationship with, even if that relationship was only for one night.

That is not what your god was talking about, and you full well know it.

So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Again, that's Trump saying the women let him. You're literally quoting the assailant as evidence it's not assault. Meanwhile, the line of women claiming they didn't let him goes out the door. According to your nonsense, a celebrity can't be guilty of rape when all the celebrity has to do is assert, when you're a celebrity, women let you have sex with them.


Your Trump Defense Syndrome is truly a remarkable thing to observe.

The one woman he claimed to have made an aggressive move on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been hitting on her.

Trump, imo, is much like an attractive woman. What they interpret as "making an aggressive pass" at someone, is really just making themselves available, to let the other person do all the work.

He is too rich, too famous, and too tall, to have any idea how hard it is, for the rest of us, to successfully hit on women.
He was clear, he thought any woman he met wanted to have sex with him. "When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything." That's part and parcel with being a narcissist.

And again, the line of women complaining they didn't let him grope them is yuge.

He was clear. Women generally treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat men who are not rich and famous.

It is mass hysteria, that any significant number of people, can find that opinion to be upsetting.

It is good that you lefties brought that up. The belief you have that pointing that out, is "evidence" of sexism, or even sexual assault,

is very similar to the nonsense about the GOP , or Trump being racist.

THus, we can see, why it is hopeful for Trump, to make some headway with the black vote.
"Generally" is not always a d even one occurrence where such groping is not welcome is sexual aasault.

And there are about 20 women making such a complaint.

But as always, your unbreakable and undying man love for trump is noted.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Making a pass is completely normal male behavior. Making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is not normal male behavior. In fact, one can end up being charged with criminal assault for such behavior.

You've never touched a woman's pussy?

Oh?. So, you are an incel? That is fine. Listen, trust me. It is normal male behavior. I have a lot of experience in this, and you can listen to me as a valid Authority on the subject.

Anyhow. The hysteria revealed by you people on this subject, ie Trump's opinion that women treat rich and famous men differently than average guys,

is very relevant to this thread. It is very similar to the delusional belief that the GOP is the party of racism, and

plays very well into showing why Trump is well set up to make serious inroads into the black vote.

Which is why the hysteria on the left is INCREASING.
"You've never touched a woman's pussy?

Sure I have -- while engaged in mutual fooling around and/or sex. I've never sexually assaulted any women.

"Listen, trust me. It is normal male behavior."

Why would I trust you when you defend sexual assault? :dunno:

And yes, grabbing pussy is normal male behavior; but of course, that's not what you said. What you actually said was making a pass by grabbing pussy is normal male behavior. That's assault if unwelcomed, not normal male behavior.
1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

1. Nobody but you and Trump think that grabbing a woman's pussy is "making a pass at her". This speaks volumes about you.

2. Is this the excuse you use to console yourself for never getting any pussy?

This is interesting.

Baseball metaphors for sex - Wikipedia

"Among American adolescents, baseball metaphors for sex are often used as euphemisms for the degree of physical intimacy achieved in sexual encounters or relationships.[1] In the metaphor, first prevalent in the aftermath of World War II, sexual activities are described as if they are actions in a game of baseball"

Dating from the freaking 1940s.

Among the most commonly used metaphors are the bases describing levels of physical intimacy (generally from a heterosexual perspective). Definitions vary, but the following are typical usages of the terms:[4]

  • First base – mouth-to-mouth kissing, especially French kissing;
  • Second base – skin-to-skin touching/kissing of the breasts; in some contexts, it may instead refer to touching any erogenous zones through the clothes (i.e., not actually touching the skin);
  • Third base – touching below the waist (without sexual intercourse) or manual stimulation of the genitals; in some contexts, it may instead refer to oral stimulation of the genitals;
  • Home run (home base or scoring) – "full" (penetrative) sexual intercourse.


So, you pretending to have never heard of this?

Seriously. Gator, you are in the grip of mass hysteria. Wake up.

You are in a make out session. You don't stop and verbally ask permission to move to the next "base", you just "make a move" and the woman either "lets" you, or stops you.

Everyone knows this.

BUT, your hysteria on this issue, is very relevant, as it shows how little faith should be placed in the similar hysterical belief that the gop or Trump is racist.

Trump has a great chance to move on the votes of any blacks, who might be snapped out of this hysteria, by the impact of Trump's economic policies, bringing benefits to them personally.

We only need to lose the black vote by less, to win big. Lord knows the Dems can't win the White Vote. Hell, they can't even try to win it, without offending their base.
Where does it say those baseball terms equate to making a pass? One if those terms is "home run," meaning sexual intercourse. How rightarded are you to think fucking is making a pass? :cuckoo:
1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

1. Nobody but you and Trump think that grabbing a woman's pussy is "making a pass at her". This speaks volumes about you.

2. Is this the excuse you use to console yourself for never getting any pussy?

This is interesting.

Baseball metaphors for sex - Wikipedia

"Among American adolescents, baseball metaphors for sex are often used as euphemisms for the degree of physical intimacy achieved in sexual encounters or relationships.[1] In the metaphor, first prevalent in the aftermath of World War II, sexual activities are described as if they are actions in a game of baseball"

Dating from the freaking 1940s.

Among the most commonly used metaphors are the bases describing levels of physical intimacy (generally from a heterosexual perspective). Definitions vary, but the following are typical usages of the terms:[4]

  • First base – mouth-to-mouth kissing, especially French kissing;
  • Second base – skin-to-skin touching/kissing of the breasts; in some contexts, it may instead refer to touching any erogenous zones through the clothes (i.e., not actually touching the skin);
  • Third base – touching below the waist (without sexual intercourse) or manual stimulation of the genitals; in some contexts, it may instead refer to oral stimulation of the genitals;
  • Home run (home base or scoring) – "full" (penetrative) sexual intercourse.


So, you pretending to have never heard of this?

Seriously. Gator, you are in the grip of mass hysteria. Wake up.

You are in a make out session. You don't stop and verbally ask permission to move to the next "base", you just "make a move" and the woman either "lets" you, or stops you.

Everyone knows this.
You left out Trump was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple
^^^ Brilliant.
Funny how there are lots of stories about Blacks moving to Trump's column in droves, but each and every one of them have a picture of those same 9 people. Sorry, but those same 9 people don't make a movement, no matter how many times you write stories about them and take their picture.
What you are asking for, is for us to spend all of our time, eating our own, and making sure that you can destroy any of us that become a problem for you, with a false accusation, any time you want.

That is not a path forward, but a path downward. For the nation as a whole.

Trump has reached out, as you said he should do, with symbolic gestures.
I've never said that symbolic gestures are needed, since I know that they're an insult.

Well, your way sure is working great, so good luck with that. When it doesn't work, you can blame someone else.

How are they an insult?
God damn. Are symbolic gestures on abortion enough for you, or do you want substance?

I told you what has to happen. You have made it clear you're not going to do it, and I believe you.

My guess is that you know this won't work, but you're just trying to hold off what's coming as long as you can.

1. Big difference between "not enough" and "an insult".

2. And there are policies of real substance that should appeal to large percentages of black voters, from economic policies to, yes, abortion.

3. What you want, is for us to join in the witch hunt, against false accused people. That is not a path forward, but a path down.

4. I doubt it will work. But we have to try. Mostly, I expect, reactions like yours. We can reach out. It is all we can do.
I want you to "join in the witch hunt, against falsely accused people"? That's a blatant lie.

We've discussed the lie that Trump said that nazis are "very fine people".

You basically support that lie.

Thus, you are not limiting your desire to see us police our own, to real actual racists, but to include false accusations too.

We cannot function as a party or a movement, in that scenario, where some one from your side, can destroy any of us, with a false accusation, with the full expectation, that we on the right would join in the witch hunt to destroy them.

We would lose every election, and ever debate.

That is not a reasonable position for you to hold out for, for any racial healing to occur.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

If Trump tried that with me, he'd get a knee to his mushroom shaped pecker. He's gross and disgusting no amount of money or fame can change that.

I made two points. You hit the reply button to my post, but failed to address either of my points.

They stand.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.

1. Trump said 'I don't even wait'. That is NOT normal male behavior. That is never okay. NEVER.

2. Unless you are a woman, I speak with more authority than you on this issue. The majority of women are not like you have described us. We are not hypnotized by wealth and fame.

1. I agree. Although it is telling that the woman he claimed to have hit on, aggressively, when questioned on it, did not realize that he was even hitting on her. It is almost as though Trump is exaggerating his sexual conquests. Shocking, I know.

2. So, you and Trump have different opinions on general woman behavior? Ok. IMO, Trump's personal experiences are probably heavily colored by gold diggers who moved on him aggressively.
So, back in college, once I was at a party. This one woman who was a friend of mine, her boyfriend left to drive someone home.

I took her into the pantry,and we made out. I moved to second base and "grabbed" her tits, and fondled them as we made out. They were magnificent.

After a few minutes, I made a move to "grab" her pussy. She stopped me, we made out for a few more minutes, and then returned to the Party before her boyfriend got back.

Trump's point, was that, if you are famous, that women "let" you do that.

ONly a dishonest person would pretend that this is shocking, or god forbid, sexual assault.

Again, that's Trump saying the women let him. You're literally quoting the assailant as evidence it's not assault. Meanwhile, the line of women claiming they didn't let him goes out the door. According to your nonsense, a celebrity can't be guilty of rape when all the celebrity has to do is assert, when you're a celebrity, women let you have sex with them.


Your Trump Defense Syndrome is truly a remarkable thing to observe.

The one woman he claimed to have made an aggressive move on, when questioned, did not even realize that he had been hitting on her.

Trump, imo, is much like an attractive woman. What they interpret as "making an aggressive pass" at someone, is really just making themselves available, to let the other person do all the work.

He is too rich, too famous, and too tall, to have any idea how hard it is, for the rest of us, to successfully hit on women.
He was clear, he thought any woman he met wanted to have sex with him. "When you're a celebrity, they let you do anything." That's part and parcel with being a narcissist.

And again, the line of women complaining they didn't let him grope them is yuge.

He was clear. Women generally treat rich and famous men, differently than they treat men who are not rich and famous.

It is mass hysteria, that any significant number of people, can find that opinion to be upsetting.

It is good that you lefties brought that up. The belief you have that pointing that out, is "evidence" of sexism, or even sexual assault,

is very similar to the nonsense about the GOP , or Trump being racist.

THus, we can see, why it is hopeful for Trump, to make some headway with the black vote.
"Generally" is not always a d even one occurrence where such groping is not welcome is sexual aasault.

And there are about 20 women making such a complaint.

But as always, your unbreakable and undying man love for trump is noted.

Your desire to go through a tape of locker room talk, and hold the person to his words, as though it is a formal policy position,

is noted and denied. Try to be less of an non human troll.

The ability of liberals to gin up, and pretend to believe obviously false accusations of sexual misconduct has been made clear. Sorry, such accusations have no weight what so ever.
She did not stop me because it was not "ok" but because she did not want to actually have sex in the pantry.

She demonstrated that she did not consider it, not "ok", by continuing to make out with me, and then remaining my friend afterwards for decades to the present day.

So, it as ok with her..she just didn't let you do it...damn do you get dizzy when you spin that much? Perhaps she stayed friends with you because when you tried and she stopped you, you actually stopped. Do you think had you kept doing it she would have still be ok with it?

Trump's point was, that if I was rich and famous, instead of a nearly penniless college student, that she might have "let" me.

That you find that opinion to be a scandal, is literally hysterical. You are in the grip of a mass hysteria.

Seriously dude, people in the future will read of this, and laugh at you.

I think you are the one that is already being laughed at, you obsession with the wealthy and your acceptance that the same rules do not apply to them is the sort of thing that you should be ridiculed for.

1. Making a pass and taking a no, is normal male behavior in this country. Nothing Trump said, implied in anyway that he believes anything else.

2. Women treat men differently, ie are more open to sexual advances from them, if the man has attributes that they find attractive, such as, in this case, wealth and fame. That you have managed to convince yourself otherwise, is literally hysterical of you. You are in the grip of mass hysteria.
Making a pass is completely normal male behavior. Making a pass by grabbing a woman's pussy is not normal male behavior. In fact, one can end up being charged with criminal assault for such behavior.

You've never touched a woman's pussy?

Oh?. So, you are an incel? That is fine. Listen, trust me. It is normal male behavior. I have a lot of experience in this, and you can listen to me as a valid Authority on the subject.

Anyhow. The hysteria revealed by you people on this subject, ie Trump's opinion that women treat rich and famous men differently than average guys,

is very relevant to this thread. It is very similar to the delusional belief that the GOP is the party of racism, and

plays very well into showing why Trump is well set up to make serious inroads into the black vote.

Which is why the hysteria on the left is INCREASING.
"You've never touched a woman's pussy?

Sure I have -- while engaged in mutual fooling around and/or sex. I've never sexually assaulted any women.

"Listen, trust me. It is normal male behavior."

Why would I trust you when you defend sexual assault? :dunno:

And yes, grabbing pussy is normal male behavior; but of course, that's not what you said. What you actually said was making a pass by grabbing pussy is normal male behavior. That's assault if unwelcomed, not normal male behavior.

Your desire to play word games in noted and denied.

I made a number of points. If you wish to address the actual points, instead of playing sophism, please do so.

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